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Everything posted by vladmyra

  1. Lol, Cinnamonmel- I always thought they were all night creatures, but we have tiny little ones here now that flutter about in the house during the day and eat holes in my delicate clothes. They like to make the holes in the form of a triangle for some strange reason. My solution: Love Potion's Veloute Lavande- lavender is a magic charm against evil clothes-gobbling moths.
  2. Now you really made me want one. I loved the look of all the notes in this, but was a bit scared of the medicinal lavender, however it sounds like that's mellowing with age. I totally agree- Mara's intent potions are powerful. I've had some great experiences with the spell potions I picked up from last year's collection.
  3. Yay LoveStruck! Good for you. I thought SWS might work. Sounds like you not only got the upper hand here, but that others can now start to see her for what she is too. Actually, she sounds like she has narcissistic personality disorder. That is not the sort of creature you want to have living in your house. Have you tried dousing her with water? With any luck she'd melt into a puddle of green goo. When she goes you should hang a horseshoe over the door to keep evil away- then hopefully she'll just start to burn or crumble next time she tries to enter, lol.
  4. Lol, C.U.R! It boggles my mind, so I am insatiably curious about it. I think for me, at 3x strength, even 1 spray of LFM would be too much. What do you get when you multiply a floating carpet swan by 3? Perhaps a swooping indoor pterodactyl?
  5. Yep Birkey, we really seem to be having the same type of effects with Lumina, which is great, because hopefully other people will be getting the same goodness from it too. I've been diligently lurking round the forum, trying not to buy the whole place up, lol. I think I just failed though, cause I too went way over budget this month, and I haven't even bought any new releases yet! My LP greed knows no bounds. Sounds like you've been having a great time playing with different blends and perfumes lately from what I've been reading! Soon your collection will be as overflowing as mine, lol. LoveStruck, I know (hope) you won't regret adding Lumina to your arsenal. Look forward to reading about how it works for you. I'm so in love with this blend I want to spread the Lumina love around, lol.
  6. I am so tempted to get this one just for the big fat Siamese kitty on the label!
  7. Great review Birkey! LoveStruck, SS4W is probably my other favourite phero besides Lumina. With SS4W I find people are extra complimentary, and I am very aware of my own attractiveness (but not in a smug arrogant way). It's more sexy than Lumina, in terms of how it makes me feel, and how others around me react. But it is also a cooler, slightly more reserved vibe. Don't get me wrong, I still like it very much as a social, but it doesn't inspire the same overwhelming desire in people around you to interact with you- it inspires them to admire you more instead, at least for me. Lumina has a natural sensuality about it, which can easily be amped to straight up sexy with more cops. But the social nature of it for me is just amazing. When I walk into work with Lumina on, people light up and automatically move toward me, wanting to interact. The enthusiasm with which I'm greeted, and the level of affection and indulgence people have for me is significantly increased. It's like I'm a better version of myself.
  8. Wow, Rose you are very courageous to be thinking of tripling the effect of LFM! I've been trying to imagine what that could possibly feel like, and all I can come up with is an image of someone trying to ride a beautiful untamed flying dragon. Mind you, your experience was so fabulous, why wouldn't you want to times it by three? I kind of hope you do now, cause I'm really curious to hear how it might turn out. :kyrii_faerie_action: "Go on, you know you want to..." says spooky LFM-eyed purple butter-dragon.
  9. I hope you love it ComingUpRoses. It's such a soft scent that at first you might dismiss it. Then its charm will creep up on you insidiously, like tendrils of sunlight curling through your hair, dancing across your face and merrily inserting themselves up your nostrils...
  10. vladmyra

    Totem: Bunny

    I'm finding this one absolutely fascinating. It's pure, soft, sweet and fuzzy, like everyone says. I noticed people are describing this as a green scent. However, to me this is a pastel yellow scent, with whispers of pale blue running through it (but the yellow and blue are separate entities, they don't ever combine into green). There's something here that's very smooth and almost creamy with a yellow tinge, and I know I'm going to sound mad for saying this, but for want of a better word I want to compare it to a subtle hint of banana. It doesn't smell exactly like a banana, but it bears some similarity to it, texture-wise. I'd love to know what on earth that note is.
  11. I adore this scent! It is so light and subtle and feminine, and it really makes me feel very happy every time I catch a whiff of it. It's like the "scentual" embodiment of pale golden morning sunlight glistening and glinting off crystal or water. I need to get a spray version of this as well, so I can spritz myself with some of its sweet floral sunshiney goodness.
  12. Hey Lovestruck, sounds like you might want to get some Swimming with Sharks for future MIL encounters. Because it's got the respect vibe without the dominant edge it might be a good way to tame the wild and wicked beast!
  13. Hi Lissa! It won't be long before you're so addicted you'll have a cupboard full of LP perfumes! I've decided to think of it as a hobby- I collect LP perfumes the way people collect stamps. Makes it easier to justify the crazy greedy way I keep buying them. Just to let you know, as someone who deals with Major Depressive Disorder myself, I find that I need to give myself very regular breaks from all the pheros, or else I'm left so completely drained and low it's ridiculous. I suppose it makes sense, seeing as though pheros can overload/interfere with neurotransmitters. So just something to be aware of. Having said that they can really lifts your spirits too, so have a ton of fun trying them all out!
  14. Wow CloneClubSestra, what a great review! (And welcome by the way). Sounds like a really impressive phero experience, which is even more exciting when you're first starting to try out the blends. I love wearing Sneaking Clean with Caramel Musk (which is the unpheroed version of the same scent). They blend really nicely together for me. By the way everyone, I don't know whether this is right at all, but I've developed a bit of a theory that people who are more extroverted are going to be the ones who are more strongly affected by this blend in terms of spilling the beans with things themselves. Do you think I could be right? Because I've tried this blend and also True Confessions quite a few times now and I often wear them in my hair, round my neck and décolletage- and I have a tendency to slather or spray heavily- but I've never once felt the urge to say anything more than I normally would. Other people do become chatty and confessional, and want to connect, but I have no trouble with oversharing myself at all. I figured it's because I am naturally very introverted and tend to maintain a certain protective emotional barrier between myself and others.
  15. vladmyra


    I have tested this one a few times now, and it is very lovely, soft and whispery and quietly haunting. But I don't get any smoke from it at all, sadly. Strangely, what I get instead is a kind of soft, sweetened, pale greenish plant smell- sort of like sugared damp earthy grass. This is not the dominant scent- which is a smooth round creamy marshmallow scent like a cloudy pillow- but this pastel green ghostly thing sits in the background and gently intertwines with the marshmallow whiteness. Looking at the ingredients of this one, I think this means my nose has gone insane.
  16. I think you'll both love TH a lot. It's been one of the most surprisingly useful phero blends for me, so gentle but effective.
  17. I'm loving the look of all those white ingredients... This one and Flutterby are really calling to me.
  18. I'll leave a short review here on behalf of my friend, who has just started using OW in River Song (oil version) lately. She's more into foody scents in general, but on my advice has been wearing River Song to work, and she said it has been noticeably much more pleasant at work lately, compared to normal. She works as a pub, and has found it works great with the customers and fellow workers. Considering she sometimes hates her job, this is an excellent thing.
  19. I'm mentally comparing this one to Fairy Musk at the moment- as that was a pink and green TH scent (which I adore). But this sounds more totally green. I can't wait to read some reviews on it. Love TH to bits.
  20. I'm so excited by this one- any white scent gets my attention, and this one sounds very beautiful. As a side note, did anyone know that butterflies used to be called flutterbys? How wonderful is that?
  21. Yep, Olderbutwiser- that's the floating carpet swan effect. You become something slightly strange- wonderful, but strange- and totally out of place in the ordinary world with LFM.
  22. Yes, I love grapes! I think this is why I hate raisins- they're like the shrunken withered hag-corpses of once plump and juicy grapes. There's something dark and unnatural about them. Plus they're all brown and gross and squidgy. Sweet grapes and cinnamon rolls sounds so much more delish.
  23. So glad you love it JudyO! Tis truly my favourite blend, and you're so right, it can easily be made a bit more sensual with some cops. People really do seem to enjoy interacting with you when wearing this. It makes me feel like the whole world is feeling particularly affectionate towards me. Olderbutwiser, I have Cougar (the perfume one), and haven't used it much, as I don't know if it's doing that much for me. Whereas this one does so much I will never be without it. I know some younger women get the most fabulous results with Cougar, but I keep wondering if my younger age is one of the reasons it doesn't seem to have such pronounced effects for me. Will have to give it some more experimenting. It's interesting though that in comparison, with Lumina I noticed good effects from the first time I tried it. I even see the effects on others when I'm not feeling good physically or emotionally within myself. ETA: Lumina makes men go sparkly eyed around me.
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