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Everything posted by vladmyra

  1. Yep, I tend to just spray this one straight in my face with eyes closed. I have the UN in 60:40 alcohol/silicone, so it's a bit gross and oily at first, but I rub it around a bit and it sinks in. Once I had the bright idea of trying to spritz it kind of up my nose, but from a distance (so I wasn't phero-snorting or anything). That was kind of a weird mistake. No nostrils were harmed in the course of this experiment, but it was less than pleasant and- it occurs to me now- more than slightly insane. Don't phero-snort kids. Just say no.
  2. AS cooties, LOL! Yes, your first paragraph there is pretty much like reading about myself. I too have had to learn how to "act" at interacting with people in a normal way, and when I was a teen I would try to learn from watching people's social interactions in movies and tv shows, to make myself more normal and approachable. I also agree that social interactions are very draining. I am easily drained by people and find myself becoming really bad tempered if I have to be around them too long because it exhausts me so much. I have to force myself to leave the house and wander around a public place if I haven't been out for a few days. Otherwise I end up becoming too isolated- I sometimes drive to the shops and can't make myself get out and go in when I get there! I have had a few people (family and psychs) wonder if I'm Asperger's. I feel l have quite a bit in common with AS people, but because I've always been so good at reading people (emotions, motivations, personality), everyone's always come to the conclusion I must not be AS. I am particularly aware of my own and other people's emotional states- so intensely it's often painful to me. I think this might be a bit the opposite of someone with AS, but could be wrong there? Have you seen the film Lars and the Real Girl? It's a great film. Lars is a bit like me, but more intensely so (and I have never had to buy a "love doll" to learn how to be around people). Anyway, I definitely think (hope) Lumina could be as wonderfully magical for you as it is for me. I don't see how any other blend could ever top it for me. Your subtle PE idea sounds like it could be intriguing. I'm a big fan of subtle scents, as they are just so much easier to wear everywhere. And I also have a strong sense of smell, so I know what you mean about having to avoid things. When you work out the notes for the PE you could post in the Your Potion Ideas forum to get ideas from people on how the elements might blend together. I haven't been brave enough to make one yet myself, so good luck with it!
  3. Misty- your comment about being naturally quiet & b-nol helping you open up without spilling is very interesting to me. I've found the same thing- as an introvert I have worn b-nol many many times in good amounts, even right up in my face, and have never once had the experience of wanting to (or finding myself) saying more than I should. Yet so many other people here have had that experience with it. Perhaps our barriers are naturally so much further up that it offers us natural protection against that kind of thing. Suede212, I find moderate doses of Sexology (not in the sexology perfume, but in something much cleaner) to be a wonderful, strong sexy social.
  4. That looks like a great choice. Hope it works well for you!
  5. The few times I've worn SWS it has had people wanting to do things for me, offer me things, or generally behave in an actively solicitous manner towards me, so I would give it a definite go. It doesn't make you appear domineering (which I think a man of his type would really hate), it's a rather smooth-over-the-edges plus add a great big dollop of helpfulness and respect blend. It's a real pity you can't order it in the Phero-charged Money Potion that came out late last year, because that would give you a magical boost on the financial side as well. Maybe look on people's trade pages and see if anyone's trying to get rid of one. Good luck with your divorce.
  6. Ah, it is too! Thanks StacyK. I'd never even noticed that whole list of blends sitting there. I just jump straight to the ordering boxes in a rush of mad excitement, lol.
  7. TheBirkeys, this might just be the absolutely perfect social phero for you too! I am an introverted, socially inept person with avoidant personality and sometimes crippling social anxiety. While I have self-confidence in regards to my intellectual and imaginative/creative capacities, I have very little confidence in my ability to be a "proper person". I am not a practical person (so the obvious things that naturally occur to most people often elude me), and while I'm very good at reading people, I don't know how to relate to and interact with them in a normal, natural, comfortable way. Because of this, I wander around feeling a bit stupid, and very much like an outsider most of the time. I want to be able to connect with people the way everyone else does, but it doesn't work that way for me. Unlike other blends, Lumina seems to make me feel more comfortable and content within myself, and within the realms of the general social interaction taking place. It uplifts my mood (in a natural way- no ditzyness or alpha-nol headaches). It spreads a warm, affectionate, socially flirty and lightly sparkly vibe throughout the room. It makes it easier for me to be around others, and easier for them to be around me. The only way to describe it is, as I think I mentioned earlier, that it really feels like people start falling in love with the process of interacting with you. After using it at work a few times, I can see people automatically responding more positively to my presence straight away. And the whole time I'm there it's like people want to keep communicating with me, just because they want to be around me. I walked into a store the other day, looking for a facial serum, and the woman who came to help me fell under some kind of Lumina spell. She had shown me this great Clarins product that came with an extra gift set for free, which I had decided to buy. But even though I was already buying it, there she was repeatedly stroking all the other products that came in the gift pack on my hands and arms, just so I could smell and feel them. It was like she didn't want me to go away. For someone like me, who usually projects an aura of "just leave me be, don't invade my space", this woman's behaviour was decidedly outside the norm. And I've been served by her several times before- that's not what they're usually like there at all. I must stop babbling now. Sorry to go on, but I think anyone socially awkward should give this a try. Now I've discovered it I couldn't live without it. And I'm now off to buy more straight away. BTW- if you do decide to order some, you won't find it specifically listed in Mad Scientist combos. You just choose the mad scientist blends and then write in the box that you'd like to order the Lumina blend.
  8. Just popped in to give a special thank you to Heather for all her wonderful help recently with a slight order problem. Thanks so much for all your efforts- the results are much appreciated!
  9. I would like to add a great big bucketful of thank yous for the beautifully packaged horde that I came home to find on my doorstep (is there any better way to end the day?). Your generosity is incredible, and the care that's put into the presentation of the preciouses gets to me each time. It is such a joy to receive such lovely things. I sometimes wonder where I would be right now if I hadn't discovered LP- then I realise I don't really want to imagine that!
  10. I managed to find a post listing the ingredients for this one once, but haven't found it again. It has EST, DHEAS, Beta-nol, Alpha-nol & a small amount of copulins. I'm 95% sure I have listed these ingredients in exactly the right order. The amount of copulins is so small that it's not a worry to spray on clothes/neck/hair- I'm using the UN spray and I can't detect them at all (I can smell the sweet soft EST scent instead). I have this in AHE 2011 as well, which I converted to spray. It's great, but not a scent I'd wear to work too often, as it's quite strong. I'm guessing this one was bumped off the list of available pheros due to newer ones emerging that are supposed to be giving very similar effects. I must say though, that as much as I love all the other blends, nothing else I've tried has an effect as impressive to me as this one, so thank Mara-ness for the mad scientist option. When I discovered what this one can do for me personally in my day to day interactions it almost made me cry. I really really needed something to give me the lift and social boost that this offers me.
  11. If I had to choose just one pheromone to own this would be it. No contest. I've worn this several times in the last fortnight in UN spray form (60/40 alcohol to silicon). Mainly to work, but also while shopping. I've been pairing it with soft, sweet, subtle scents due to work wear. I've worn varying amounts- from 2 to 6 sprays. I generally spray most of it on my clothes/hair/neck/chest area. It has worked each time. Lumina seems to work a different kind of phero magic. I could not describe any specific moments that would count as a "hit" in the obvious, dramatic form. It's more like the entire experience of wearing it behaves like one ongoing, natural-feeling hit. It seems to have a way of subtly drawing people towards you, and making them fall in love with the experience of interacting with you. It's like owning a secret magic wand that, when waved in the air, will raise the level of happiness, comfort, relaxation and affection in the room, and- more specifically- towards you. It creates an ongoing "natural charm" effect. I have never had so many people seem so happy to see me, be around me, want to keep interacting with me. The light-hearted, affectionate, fun social vibes this lends to me and everyone around me is an absolute joy to experience and behold. I find it so uplifting. I relate to phero blends as creatures in their own right. Sort of sleeping liquid entities that awaken and unfold their glittery dragon wings when you put them on. And seriously people- I cannot overstate the enchantment and wonder of this magically LUMINOUS phero-beast. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this available as a mad scientist blend Mara. I've tried most of the other phero blends and really like most of them, but nothing compares to my experience with this. I can't relate it to Cougar effects, because I've only worn a small amount of Cougar a couple of times, and didn't notice much. Lumina is like a witches brew made up of a little SS4W, a little Lace, a little Levitation potion and some OW/POP potion all in one. And if you add a spritz of DHEAS it gets even better. Even with a full spray bottle in my LP cupboard, I'll be stocking up on more next time I order.
  12. I hope you have the sort of great experiences with it that I've had!
  13. Welcome! I think you'll really enjoy the Levitation and DHEAS. Have fun!
  14. Every time I have used this blend it's made other people behave in a very solicitous way towards me, but without me ever trying to encourage this behaviour in any way. It's never made me feel different at all- doesn't increase my confidence or make me feel like changing my behaviour and interactions with others. It just seems to make other people want, of their own accord, to please me. And I have to say it's always gone beyond the level of mere pleasing communications- people actually want to take action to accommodate me. I've not tried it around anyone unpleasant yet, so it's always just taken the interaction level from normal polite/pleasant to actively and extra respectfully pleasant. As to how this might effect you if he's wearing it, I couldn't say. Maybe it would make you feel like cooking a nice meal for the two of you, or initiating something like that. I wouldn't think it would turn you into a drooling mindless zombie-slave though, lol. And I'm sure it won't transform him into a manipulative sociopathic monster either. Joking of course, but hey- how interesting it would be to see what might happen if you were both wearing the same blend! You might just go around all evening doing pleasant things for each other and having a wonderful time.
  15. Wow Fluffygirl, that is quite a lot! I suspect I'm often using way more of the pheros than I really need. I think I tend more towards being a bit of a phero-lightweight, but I have a heavy trigger finger, lol. I find myself being wiped out from pheros really easily when I wear them a lot too, so I think that's partially from overdoing it. I should probably go back to really minimal amounts to test exactly how much or little of each one will work for me, but I don't like the idea of not having them work for me in the process. I kind of want to have my cake and eat it to. Eggers, I think you're right, they are probably still going to be pretty effective even at lower amounts of usage. I just have to get used to being less of a rampaging phero-hog. I like having a good amount of scent on too, but after years of using commercial perfumes, and then switching to the much lovelier LPs, I feel like my ability to judge when enough is enough has been eroded. I get lots of compliments on my scents, but I've also realised on occasion that I've kind of hit people over the head with the level of scent I'm wearing. So I'm going for a bit of a more subtle impact now. I tried following the suggestion of spraying your scent once in front of you and walking into it. This worked well for spreading the scent further over the surface of my clothes, but I felt the need to repeat the manoeuvre twice more for extra scenting levels. I'll give your oil techniques a go though, that sounds like a good medium level.
  16. I left it almost a week after it arrived in order to give it time to settle. I don't know about the cassis or champa, but I'm really familiar with frangipani and it doesn't smell at all like the powerful smell I'm getting from this. It's almost nauseating to me. Fingers crossed the "lovely" shows up next time I test.
  17. Yes, that's it exactly Nutrix. It's like a delicious nectar drink of the gods.
  18. Hmm, this is a lot less than I use Rose. I'll give it a go with my oils. Thanks.
  19. Ah, thanks for the helpful responses everyone. It does sound like I'm overdoing it a bit and should cut back. To clarify though, it's not so much about increasing hits as trying to cut down the level of perfume scent I'm wafting. I think I'm over-scenting myself, and one reason for this is I always feel like the phero-enhanced fragrances need more sprays because they have a smaller amount of pheros in them. So I was hesitant to believe that if I try just 2 sprays of a phero-enhanced scent that the pheros would still be working. This is why I thought adding extra of the UN might help. But it sounds like some people are getting some good results with relatively little of the pheromas, so I'll cut back, not add any extra to start, and see where that leaves me. I do like the pheromas very much, and have had more hits with them than UNs, I just had this mindset that I needed to wear lots of them, lol. Sounds like it's time for an experiment in un-slathering.
  20. Goddessinjapan, if I were you I'd buy that seventh suitcase. If you're anything like me it won't be long before you need an eighth!
  21. I'm a self-confessed perfume fogger. For me, 4 sprays of any phero perfume would be the absolute smallest amount I'd ever have used at one time- 6 or 7 sprays is more typical. And I slather the pheroma oils like no body's business. Now I'm trying to cut back on the amount of perfume I wear, as I think sometimes I'm overdoing it. I know everyone requires differing amounts of various pheros to hit their magic spot, but in anyone's experience, can the lovely scented pheros that have 1/3 the strength of the UNs work effectively when you are only using a couple of sprays, or a very moderate amount of perfume oil? I have lots of UNs to reinforce smaller amounts of perfume with, but there are some blends you might want more of a scent cover for, like Teddy BB, or the ones with cops. So in this case, I'd like to find a way of wearing my perfume a bit more subtly but maintaining phero responses.
  22. This is such a happy, inspiring scent! It's probably the strongest mood-lifting scent I've come across yet- I put it on and felt like I was flying on the back of a giant, sweetly scented hummingbird. The peach blossom and mandarin lend it a nice round and juicy vibe, while the other ingredients give it just the right amount of floral sweetness. I want to take a bite out of this scent. Its juicy floral deliciousness makes me feel like I'm suddenly possessed by some joyful, child-like spirit quite unlike my normal self.
  23. I don't know why but I'm not smelling anything that resembles anyone else's reviews. Just tested this earlier, and it came out very strong and had a kind of medicinal tone to it on me. What on earth could be doing that amongst this luscious mix of flowers? I'll have to test again in a while, but this is the first floral I've come across that doesn't agree with me. So sad, because everyone else makes it sound so gorgeous!
  24. This is absolutely beautiful! I don't think I've come across much orchid or tea before, but I am completely in love with this one. It's a light, haunting floral with an elegant sweetness and a more traditional perfume-y character than many LP scents, but so beautifully balanced. I'm continually amazed that the scents I often like the most have so few notes within them, yet the somehow possess an extra dose of scent magic. I'm totally buying a spray of this one to layer it.
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