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Cycle Kitten

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Everything posted by Cycle Kitten

  1. Thanks Hearts, LFM/LFN is also more reserved for me, like I'm confident being in my corner of the world/room and I don't need to come out and play with you. I've also ruled those out for my needs because of the Androstadienone, my BF will be there and he is prone to manic fits of depression. Best not to try those for that reason alone.
  2. Some of the recent posts in the LFM thread has inspired me to take a poll from the ladies here. CK needs to get her groove back so to speak. I have an upcoming gig fire dancing and could use some insight. I sustained an injury 6 months ago that has prohibited me from working out and my normal practice. I've been working really hard this last month or so to get my strength and flexibility back, and lose the 20 lbs I gained. Halfway to my normal self and feeling pretty good but could use a boost. Being dormant, not socially active, and dealing with some seriously stressful family situations has also left me out of the loop in using pheros for a bit. If you wanted to dance like everyone is watching, like televised, halftime Super Bowl show, and you know you're so bad ass that not even the tabloids could criticize your actions, ( but still approachable )what would you wear and why? I'm assuming such info would be useful for any ladies out there.
  3. Thanks StacyK, I have a trial of latte, I should try that but I think it's a bit sweet for a straight up black coffee guy. Perhaps I should just roll around in some coffee grounds Every time a pot is brewed he comments how much he loves the smell of coffee
  4. I am absolutely in love with this! A nag fan for decades, it is the only incense I burn. It's very true but just a little extra hint of sweetness. Perfection!
  5. I was actually looking for a coffee scent, the BF loves the smell of fresh coffee. I'm concerned it may be too sweet but I love the idea of the blend. Could someone confirm that it is a distinct coffee smell? I'm looking for that special scent to get his attention.
  6. This smells like vanilla and earth on me. It's a very good fit as I normally wear more earthy scents. The sweetness ads a bit a feminity for me. So far I'm liking it and the hubby gives it a thumbs up too.
  7. I'm loving some bang with this today, I feel great despite some crazy life circumstances and the hubby has been really attentive, said I smell like the beach, and continues to paw at me.
  8. I don't know why I haven't tried this yet but leather+workout=awesome sauce, now to conquer the rest of my day. With a torn calf I discovered the only cardio I can do is stationary bike, which is my very least favorite form of excercise, I was hauling some serious ass today on the bike. Of course now my arse is a bit sore but at least after 4 months of little exercise I got a good burn on.
  9. This scent works for me, I love rich earthy, woodsy scents but don't want to smell too masculine. This starts out very clean and woodsy on me but with 15-30 minutes it's softens up nicely. A couple of hours and it's mostly sugar with a hint of woods underneath. I've always had a bit of forest fairy vibe and my go to fragrance is usually an amber. I'm enjoying this enough that I have no desire to layer it and my hubby loves it on me as well.
  10. I was a little hesitant to Oder this one but I have a love affair with the smell of campfire in my hair the morning after. At first it's really smokey, in a good way but it softens quickly into something smooth and beautiful, earthy but with a side of sweet. I'm really loving this for myself and haven't had the desire to layer it yet. It also smells amazing on my hubby. Every fragrance he tries smells like campfire on him, it's been this weird phenomena with his chemistry, not always in a good way, but this is different, I could eat him.
  11. Virgin compromising positions on route!!!!! Happy dance
  12. Somewhere I read that SS4w and compromising positions are a good match, though mixing phero blends isn't generally recommended. You can add cops to the softer blends to sexy them up, like SS4W, treasured hearts, and so on. I Remembered seeing that in here yesterday so I wore my LP red with SS4W by day, then applied CP when the hubby was on route home, I smelled amazing, felt amazing, and then,... This is just my personal experience with CP but if I'm wearing it and don't initiate, nothing happens, except a bit of dissappointment. A few kisses with a bit of intention behind them and he is easily on board.
  13. Dating yourself is definitly good practice.I'm a fan of compromising positions but for me I have to be careful, I'm on overdrive without it, add it and ,..well, a sign post could look like a worthy companion. My hubby loves the fragrance, reminds him of his youth and his old camero ( vanilla-Roma air freshener, I guess it's a guy thing) Super sexy and le femme noir give me a bit of personal sass and sway. I'm sure you're probably a bit nervous too, relax and enjoy, good luck
  14. Oh Me, I second the above post from Halo, i just checked on Etsy and there is still a trial of heart and soul available, they are only available once a year. H&S, treasured hearts and super sexy are my favorites, and what I get the most hits from. Most enhanced perfumes come in the $5 trial vials, that's also a great way to try many combos. H&S is a sweet girl next door vibe, happy experimenting! https://www.etsy.com/shop/LovePotionPerfumes?section_id=16172918&ref=shopsection_leftnav_8
  15. Thank you Ordered " as close to compromising positions as Mara is willing to make" fingers crossed
  16. So I'm in, I wish I could write descriptions that enticing, the hubby loves anything with ylang
  17. Welcome! Cheers to your journey into pheroland
  18. Kitties!!!!!! Oh, and perfume too. can't wait to read the descriptions
  19. Thanks Stacy, I wasn't planning on mixing the two, I probably have about 20 of the available UN's at this point. Those are just the two that seem to work the best for me. I love TH, this is my must have blend, but just want to add a little sass to it. I did just get some Bang as well but haven't tried it. So far it seems blends without cops are better for me. I'll have to test drive the TH +CB combo.
  20. Has anyone tried to sexy up treasured hearts? I'm doing well with TH and SS4W independently and would like to maybe meet in the middle. Perhaps that's just TH with a dash of cops but I was hoping for another way to sexy it up. Thoughts?
  21. Today was the first time I've worn topper, 3 sprays from the pheromas bottle. I noticed a bit of anticipation just moments after spraying, a few minutes later a bit hyper. Reminiscent of taking something with ephedrine in it but not as strong or as nervous feeling. That lasted for a bit then the happy giddiness started about a half hour or so after applying. I have had one booty shaking to the radio, super productive candle pouring day. I may have to go FB on this quickly, perhaps wear it every time I need to fill orders, clean the house or do anything else I don't really care to do. This seems like a serious motivator for me.
  22. I'm addicted to Aja, wear it on its own, I have never experienced this even though I deliberately run it through my hair. Reactions are typically that people comment on loving the way I smell and impulsive hugging, some not wanting to let go of me. I've mixed it with TH into a spray and have freely used it in my hair and on clothing with no negative smell as well. I've been trying to put my finger on the experiences I have with Aja, not overly sexual but it draws people in, I just had an epiphany catching my avi in the corner. I think Aja amps the earth mother, Poison Ivy vibe that I seem to give off on my own.
  23. I asked this question too awhile back. From what I remember the phero enhanced fragrances are 1/3 phero to 2/3 fragrance oil. So 1 ml to 2 ml. That would amount to using approx the whole bottle of trial size UN to 10ml fragrance. Mara's recommendation for sprays is 60/40, 40% phero enhanced fragrance to 60% perfumers alcohol. I'm pretty sure that's the correct info but you may want to wait and see if someone else confirms or corrects me. I make some of my UN's into 3 ml sprays by using the 60/40 ratio and they seem to work well. Hope that helps.
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