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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Ok. I love the magick of Wheel of Fortune. If you have any sort of mental blockage...procrastination or problems getting motivated you must get a bottle. I am having a slow couple of weeks at work which means...I'm broke. I threw this on while I was still in bed this morning hoping for some money making inspiration like last time. I swear if there are ideas sniggling around in the back of your mind they will come to the surface with WOF. So...out of the blue I started getting bugged about one of my insurance bills. I was instantly inspired to take action. I did some internet research and made many phone calls but the end result is this,,,( drum roll...) I will be saving $85.00 a month with the new plan!!!!! This insurance thing is something that every once in a while will bug me but I never take action on it for some reason. This has happened several times with WOF! It doesn't pull money out of the air and throw it at you but I swear it brings inspiration that is hidden in your subconscious to the forefront which turns into opportunity. And it's as if it forces you to take action!!
  2. Nothing? HUH! Maybe BF is subconsciously scared of B-nol too!! Tell us if anything happens tonight...
  3. I wear cops anywhere anytime...but I don't have to project any kind of real "professional" image at work. It's mostly women anyway and I have never had any resentful reaction from women with cops (that I know of!). And I am never really anywhere that I care if I give off the "wrong impression"! I know other people have a different opinion. But I think a lot of people use LAM on a daily basis.
  4. I am so glad I didn't review this the first time I tried it. I did not like it at all. So heavy and...something. I guess incensey? Not peppery to me at all. ANYWAY. It has really grown on me. I am not aware of the berries at all but maybe that is what makes it wearable for me. I find this very comforting and relaxing. I don't know that I would have the nerve to wear it out and about because it really is not a "me" scent. I feel like it's too BIG for me. Not to mention that both HG and Michael will hate it. But I will at least use my sample at home for myself to make me feel good. Not sure a full bottle is necessary. It will probably be like LP Black to me...took me almost 2 years to get through a sample I used it so sparingly and only at night for myself. I will have to get a bottle of Un Bang though. I love this phero for sure. When I have worn the PYP sample of it out I am getting the same awesome results as Tyvey and everyone else in this thread. But I wonder if there is something berryish that I could mix this with to make it more wearable for me? I don't really want anymore vanilla from it. Hmmm...
  5. @Tyvey...I feel the same about Bang I forgot about the Alpha nol/TH blend in Rainbow Falls. Haven't been wearing it because the scent is more suitable to warmer weather but I reached for that one on a consistent basis last summer. THAT is a great everyday phero for me.
  6. This is hard to answer right now because since getting all my PYP samples I have been ALL OVER THE MAP with my phero usage!! So much experimenting...still trying to narrow down what works for me and when. BUT... Most consistently reaching for BANG for all social situations. Love the way it makes me feel and I seem to get just the right attention with this.
  7. Hi Pebbles!! So many sweet scents! All you can do is sample sample sample!!!!!!!!
  8. Maybe you should try Sexology next: Bnol, EST AND cops!!! The scented one wasn't for me but I love the phero. I would like to hear how your boyfriend responds to this one. It made HG quite huggy in public. (not typical).
  9. I have it in Shelly B's Bodacious Bomb because all the boys love me in melons!!!!
  10. Yay Eggers! I am so glad you are getting such positive results from all of your new perfumes/pheros! I love reading all your reports. Cuddle Bunny was the first phero that I got obvious results from and the one that turned me into a phero believer. It was with my ex and it was the first time I saw the DIHL reaction (I wasn't even aware of that phrase until I went home that night and read more on the forum and recognized the description of what I had experienced earlier that day) and it turned him into a swooning sensitive fool. I wore it so much after that I got burned out on the scent but I wore it a couple nights ago with HG and I like the scent again and again got a vurrrry positive reaction.... However I did not wear it on a WORK NIGHT!!! Good luck!!
  11. It is getting a little better because it is mellowing out right about now. Something was so peppery at first...no idea, BUT still really LOUD on me!!
  12. Definitely. Because there is no way I make enough real money to spend as much as I do on perfumes. Thank goodness for LP money.
  13. It is weird! Knot is getting better and better on me too. I don't know what the Hell I mean by buttery either. I am wearing Betrothal on my other wrist and that one is sending me into floral Hell right now.
  14. Mmmm...this was one of my sniffees in my latest order. I was so happy because it was on my "to get" sample list. I love it of course! I love fruit and I love orange blossom and I love MOST amber. I know there is no peach but that is what I smell most...nothing sharp on me here. Pretty spring scent. Something almost "butterry" to my nose...must be the amber. Makes me happy!!!
  15. Sometimes I do too! To me they are quite different. Last year I wore Occo Red all the time and liked it way more than LP Red. This year my taste flipped and it was the opposite.
  16. So...apparently Pear + Strawberries= Green granny smith apple! This is total sweet apple on me so of course I love it because I love apple scents. I am notorious for getting Pear and apple mixed up though...thought Marigold and Amaranth was pear for the longest time. But there was something strange (in a good way) lingering around the sides of this and couldn't figure it out but it gives the fruit some depth and must be the patchouli? I like this and will be going in for further testing today for final analysis...
  17. I know...I like this even more now I've worn it a few times...also wore it with LAM Pink Amber which always make everything better and it was even MOAR upbeat if that's possible. I def get the grapefruit in this but it's like...i don't know...very different than your usually grapefruit what with the berries and hint o' mint dancing about...
  18. Yikes! What a fun story KK! Now I really can"t wait to try mine!!! Luckily I've got a few things to go to in the next couple of weeks where I'll actually be out with the general public. I got it in 60/40 spray which I think is how I am getting all my pheros from now on. Well, the social ones anyway.
  19. At first I wanted only pheros in perfumes. But when you start collecting so many...and getting SO many samples and you start wanting to match your phero to your mood...and your scent to your clothese...or the scent to the weather...and the phero to your company...grrr....I find it easier in the long run to keep them separate and mix and match. Although so many choices make getting ready for any event even more drama than it was before... ...hair...makeup...outfit...shoes...cocktail...scent...phero...boy... SO.MUCH.DRAMA.
  20. I do enjoy your long posts Eggers...it's all good info to me. You could get Un Heart & Soul and then you could wear it with everything if you can't narrow down one scent!
  21. They always realize what they like about you after you're broken up. That's why I stay broken up with Michael. It assures he will always love everything about me.
  22. I got mine yesterday too! I love when I get the notice at the beginning of the week...means I have new toys for the weekend!! Should be here Thursday!
  23. I love this! I should say that when I first got my Treasure NR's I sniffed this right out of the vial and hated it!! OMG! I still don't like it right out of vial. But on my skin it turns into a sweet comforting even sexy concoction! It's weird how something can smell so ick (to me anyway) on a stick and so lovely on skin. I guess it does have a bit of the CB feel to it but it's so much more mellow and soothing. I love the silver sparklies too. I thought I smelled a dusty vanilla but I guess not. Is that oak moss? I am going to wear this a lot it is very versatile and gentle smelling.
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