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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. \ Lol! Some of these guys get the strangest concepts of what they are smelling. I don't know where Michael gets half of his ideas of what I am wearing! Thankfully I get no honey from this either. AAAAARGH!!! This smells better and better every time I wear it and my robe over at HG's house REEKS of it. The robe smells even better in it because the orange comes out a little more. In fact the robe was wearing a mix of Special Delivery and Velvet Kisses yesterday when I hung it up...that was the best thing ever.
  2. Welcome! Looking forward to hearing more about the scents and pheros you like... Your just in time for Christms scents!
  3. Cant wait to try G&L again. As I was not such a Foodette last year I didn't care about it...gave my sample to my mom but I bet I appreciate it more this year. If I don't like Frosted I will be sad because I want that bottle. They're all so pretty really.
  4. HOW DID I MISS THIS DARLING C SCRUB?! SHEESH!! I hope it doesn't sell out before my Christmas order!!!
  5. I am the opposite. Tranq potion (in my Elixir of Silver) worked miracles on me. I was using it at night for emotional stress at the time. It never failed. Not once. Always calmed and relaxed me. Now Teddy Man on the other hand, did nothing for me. But it def sounds like I am the exception to this.
  6. OH NOES!!! Try it again when you are feeling better. Whoopsie didn't really work that well on me either but I love Darling C!!!
  7. I went through all of these thoughts myself.. WELCOME G-MAN! I am looking forward to your opinions on scents and pheros because I am going to get my friend some mens samples for Christmas to stick in his slippers !! I see you posted on Super and Shark...I will go read now. Thanks for your help!
  8. ANOTHER WIN!!! So glad I went full bottle without bothering with a sample first. First of all I have been hankering for a warm comforting wintery Cuddle Bunny scent. I burned myself out with the original scented CB and the one I got boosted with it was Shellys BB so it is super summery. Plus I got that one for Ex Lover who always wanted me dripping in melons or peaches. SO... VELVET KISSES WAS THE ANSWER TO MY PRAYERS!!!! Coffee...chocolate...amber...ORANGE???!!!! EEEEEK!!!!! The orange doesn't come out on me as much as it does in the bottle, unfortunately, but I still love it. It is indeed SEXY SYRUP!! I do want to dip myself in this!!!!! This would be THE BEST massage oil EVER!!!!!
  9. Very pretty indeed! The rose did not get crazy on me at all. I could smell it but this is one of the first times it did not overwhelm (Raq On...did you get a sample? If not I think you should I am curious to see if it works for you). I thought I smelled a lot of grapefruit in there. Kinda tangy. Very sugary. It reminded me of smooshed up graham crackers and rose petals. My friend Michael (who is a bit of an LP connoisseur at this point) DID NOT like it one bit. He thought it way too strong. To be fair I had A LOT on. When I told him that he said "NO WONDER YOU HAVE TO KEEP BUYING THEM!!! YOU'VE GOT HALF AN LP ON!!!" So...maybe not so much next time.
  10. Well, the scent was a little much for me. I don't think violet is for me. I will definitely try it again down the road because I know I am being influenced by the fact that I want to wear Darling C everyday. I think this is a scent I would have appreciated more in my pre LPMP life but I am being dragged to the foody side of things these days. That said, it is not unpleasant just not what I am craving at the moment. BUT THE PHERO!!!!!! LOVE IT!!! I felt AMAZING yesterday. I have a hard time describing how I feel on pheros sometimes so the best I can do is say I felt extremely POSITIVE, ENERGETIC AND...HOPEFUL? I don't know but it was great. I would say I felt sort of "breathless" but that sounds weird. I guess just EXCITED about something yet nothing exciting was really going on? Let's just sum it up with POSITIVE ENERGY. My mistake was wearing it to work. I am supposed to be helping people relax at my job...not want to take them out to party, so... WRONG ENVIRONMENT. I will be trying my spray sample of Audacious today to run around town to compare but I will probably end up getting an UN scented in oil because I like the self effects of oil. I know my scent review was not helpful at all but I couldn't wait to show off about how much I loved the phero. This is sure to be my new dance mix...
  11. Excellent story! I have yet to try Sexology because the scent didn't work for me but I am awaiting my sample of Un sexology so I can try it out. I'm glad you tried LP first and are obviously already an addict. Looking forward to more of your experiences!!
  12. I love this just as I thought I would! Fresh pound cake with light orange frosting...thankfully it did not turn play-dohey on me, It stays delicious on me, BUT...I want MOAR scent. I got it in spray so I will order one UN Phero'd in oil to layer with it because I want to SLATHER THIS UNTIL IT DRIPS OFF MY BODY. Every day this week when I have worn something else I wished I was wearing this. It just makes me so happy. I don't know if it is the PP but I know this is just the kind of scent that would make me happy even without phero. Orange just makes me SING with joy...and mixed with CAKE?! Def a Miss DC scent. Like today...I can already tell I want to wear this and I'm not even out of bed yet. But I cant because I need to start trying all my new phero samples. Grrr... Top Five!!
  13. I just got mine too and was hoping (foolishly, it is usually two days after the notice) for tomorrow. Forgot about the holiday. There is no hope. I am going away for the weekend so I won't get it until Monday.
  14. I know!! I was thinking the same thing...we don't need all those pheros at once for cryin' out loud!!
  15. Ok, lately it's been !. PHANTOMS BREATH!!! 2. Occo Red 3. Flying Potion over everything 4. Closer 5. Comp P
  16. OMG!! I get to get his out again! I had put it away because I was going through it too fast and wanted to save it for when the weather got cooler. It is SUCH a sweet comfort scent for me...
  17. I will let you know as soon as my sample gets here how the rose comes across for me because it doesn't do well on me most of the time either. I couldn't resist the H&S though and I do like most pinks...we'll see how this goes.
  18. I have been missing all this action too! DId I welcome this new boy? I am not sure...there is a couple other new ones too it seems and my head is spinnning...But I see this one brings sushi and dead bamboo so that is pretty exciting.''WELCOME QT!!"
  19. Ooo! Sounds fun Kathei! I will be trying PP out in the new Darling Clementine when it gets here!!
  20. Yeah, I forgot about Masked Man!!! That was my first fave LP boy scent. Masked Man and North Pole = favorites for me.
  21. OMG!!!! So quick on the review!!!! I CANNOT wait for this. I am so glad it's acomin'!!!
  22. Welcome!! You will have so much fun here if it doesn't help with Hubby situation you soon won't notice as you will be so distracted with your new addiction!!
  23. Mmmm...I think you picture me right!!!!!
  24. Well this is the biggest order I have put in in a super long time...EEEK! Can't wait, this is what I did... Full bottles of Darling Clementine (spray) Velvet Kisses (oil) Flying Potion Closer (didn't even know this was still available!) Samples of Extra Proc, Far Far Away and Passion Pink And....I took advantage of the 10 pheros for $100!!! I ordered every damn phero I have wanted to try!!!! This was the BEST IDEA EVER!!! Thank you Mara!! I was wondering how I would EVER try everything I wanted! Now I need to calm down and get to work. Must make money...
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