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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Welcome back! I know I've read a lot of your posts when I was new here and read every single old post there was but I don't remember what kind of scents you like. Remind us! And tell us what you have got coming!!
  2. I've worn this several times now and I do love it. I said it was super apricotty before but now it is just all mainly beautiful juicy sexy pear. Pear is the wayyyy sexiest fruit smell on me. I love my Unwrapped. I probably need a bottle of this for a more summery pear. @Raq...I am interested to see what you think of this and if the vanilla comes out on you more... I have my Unwrapped with cops added which makes it even sexier, does anyone think this will cover cops as well? eta: I have Luv Truffle on one wrist and Ricotta on the other for these two reviews this morning and between the two smelled separately I am most certainly a fruit girl over a choco girl but together they ain't bad either if your looking for a chocolate pear truffle wrapped in a cannoli type thing. That was a vurrrry long sentence above.
  3. Not too many chocolate scents appeal to me, Velvet Kisses being a huge exception. I do like this Luv Truffle though! Probably not enough to get a bottle but I am enjoying it enough that I'll probably go through my sample. I do indeed get a lot of the mint at first which is why I like it. Believe it or not I never got any mint in Festival of Lights so was disappointed in that. I also totally get the "dirt" which I also like and dusty cocoa. Not really any coffee stands out to me. @QOS...no I would not in any way compare this to Velvet Kissses. But if you are interested in chocolate scents at all would get a sample at least of this. This will be a nice bedtime scent for me when I want a switch from VK.
  4. OK wore this to bed instead of my usual Velvet Kisses. I was still not all that impressed with this one on me. No orange at all, just a very light dusty chocolate. The description sounds so beautiful! But I don't think I get any ingredients other than a little vanilla and chocolate. Oh well! I can see why other people like it but Velvet Kisses is just too perfect to compete with when it comes to a chocolate orange bedtime concoction.
  5. Wow! I'll revisit this one tonight then. I didn't like it when I first tried it either but I know I kept the sample just in case. As I recall it wasn't as orangey as I wanted...
  6. That's a cute report Cinnamonel! I wish I had such luck with Audacious!
  7. Thanks GL! I got the 2,500mcg (are you crazy? I can't afford the other one! LOL!!) I have to say...I am REALLY glad I invested in this. I was hesitant at first too as I went over my budget but I think it was well worth the creative financing I had to do to get it! I mean, the bonding aspect alone in the DHEAS just REALLY seemed to have a strong effect!
  8. Ok...here's my Topper experiences... Wore Ambrosia with three sprays of Topper, two to neck one to chest. I was already in a pretty upbeat mood but I didn't feel any noticeable self affects at this dosage. Was counting on it mainly to lighten HG up who has been a bit cranky as of late. In fact it has been getting on my nerves. We do not live together, we are not married, I don't even really consider him boyfriend status...I consider him for "entertainment purposes" and I the same for him so I think he should be in a good mood a fair amount of the time when I drive an hour to come see him once or twice a week. Anyway...let me just say that 3 sprays of Topper is indeed his sweet spot. He was pretty normal when I got there but it only took a few minutes of hanging out in his kitchen for me to notice that he got very chipper. We had a great time and he was acting like he did when we first met (we've only known each other for 7 months but I know that is when people start getting boring)...lighthearted, giggly very huggy. This was one of the best evenings I have had with him in awhile. We had awesome sex several times and was woken up at 2:00 am for more...ALSO he was still in this cheerful frame of mind in the morning even though I had to get up early to get home. He kept holding me down and begging me to cancel my day. (Again, something that hasn't happened in awhile). All I can really say to describe his demeanor is "lighthearted" which has not been the case lately at all. I am very pleased with the outcome of this phero. I seemed to get the reaction with this that Dolly gets from Open WIndows with her man. Ok..now for me. The next day I took Halos advice and upped the dosage to 5 sprays. THIS is apparently MY sweet spot. I felt noticeably uplifted. Another thing is that I felt much NICER. I am always nice at work obviously but a lot of the time I am faking it...just like with the phero in Rainbow Falls, I did not feel like I was faking it I actually felt like enjoying the company of the people I was in contact with. I had a new client and all I can say is we REALLY bonded (and I didn't even know this was for bonding until I read about DHEAS in the other thread this morning). When the facial was over and she was preparing to leave she told me what a special time she had had with me and how she hadn't felt this good in years and she gave me a hug and...she started crying. That was a little disconcerting but wow...I felt like I really made difference to her yesterday. All in all I cannot even express how happy I have been with my experiences with this phero these last two days.
  9. I haven't even put my order in yet so everybody calm down!! Mara has GOT to have known to make A LOT of this. I almost wish I could get some dirt on Mara or Le WIz or SOMEONE in order to ensure this stays permanent. I would feel bad of course, I love Mara and team but I think this is worthy of permanent Occo status. A sexy fruit Occo is a MUST in my world.
  10. I got that somewhat strange smell in the background also...no idea what it was, black vanilla? Cocoa absolute? I don't know, but I absolutly LOVE this one. I like that it's got that strange smell for some reason, makes it different than just a fruit concoction. More personality or something... Anyway...I used a lot of it the first time I tried it but specifically saved enough for another day but when I went to open it for a sniff last night the vial was all oily and on closer inspection I realized it was shattered! I hadn't noticed because the label was covering it. DAMNIT TO HELL! I saved it to a ziploc though so I believe I can still drench myself a few more times while waiting for my big bottles to arrive. Again I will say this is THE PERFECT Occo for me!!
  11. It is REALLY fruity on me too. I mean REALLY apricotty. But that is what I like so I love it. Gonna test drive it again before I write a real review though. It does not smell anything like I thought it would! I def thought it would be more creamy vanilla-y.
  12. Girly Twirly is indeed the perfect summer date scent! Especially with a red sundress!! I'm not going to hoard mine either this summer.
  13. I haven't given this a whole day testing yet but from the dab I threw on last night IT IS PURE LOVE!!!!! I have dreamed of a fruity Occo my whole life and this is so much better than I could even have imagined. Juicy juicy summer sexy concoction. I am saving my sample to drench myself in tonight to go see HG. I KNEW I should have just got the bottle unsnifffed! I actually think this is TWO BOTTLE WORTHY. @Mademoiselle...I can't imagine this turning "old lady perfume"! It is girly fruity on me!
  14. OMG. I can't stand the wait. Could be tonight but most likely tomorrow. I just read your review on the new Occo. I hope TO HELL it turns out like that on me!!! I was worried about the cocoa note because that is what I didn't like in Glistening Buttons.
  15. I could swear that I read somewhere that Mara had an agreement with some company not to sell shampoos. Could I have dreamed such a thing because it sounds weird now.
  16. I just love these damn LAM's. I am wearing Sandalwood/Resins right now and cannot quit huffing. The effects of this phero are some of the best that I have experienced. Even though I love my Pink Amber in oil for work because it lasts ALL DAY without reapplying I am going to get one in spray form for a pick me up spritz!!
  17. OMGoodness!!!! Got my notice yesterday so I will have my goods Mon or Tues just in time for me and Michaels weekend trip!! We are going to be trippin' on Topper and reeling on new releases!!
  18. It just doesn't work for me! I don't get it. I think I liked it the first time I tried it in Far Far Away but that must have been a fluke because it hasn't worked since. I've tried it several times and it actually makes me feel the exact OPPOSITE of the description! I felt oogly and draggy and not upbeat or enthusiastic at all. I get consistently GREAT effects from Leather so it's not that it is too dominant. Hmm...oh well...saves me some cash I suppose. When I felt like it had worn off I went home and bathed in LAM Sandalwood and I feel much better. Wonder what's up with Audacious and me?
  19. Yeah that's true too I forgot about that. My Mom always thinks her LP has vanished and I can always still smell it.
  20. I think you need to slather more...also...many people who aren't into perfumes as much as we are just don't think it is important to mention how you smell even though they very well may smell it, I have noticed. As long as I can smell it I am good. Also I don't mind losing the scent by the end of the day because it is usually time for a different scent by then!
  21. Welcome Meng! Yeah, you're going to need 2 samplers I think. The scents are too unique to judge from the descriptions alone what will work on you. Besides, you will need a collection of different scents for all the different women you will be hoarding. It's not good to use the same scent on every woman! You will get them mixed up!
  22. Ah! I almost need another Pink Amber and was wondering if I should get spray this time, although I get awesome self effect from the oil. Thinking now I need one of each. Thanks!
  23. Hey Dolly...just curious...do you have your LAMs in oil or spray?
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