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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I think Mara is saying it is both....scent AND beyond....
  2. And, she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.....
  3. Well, as most of you know, I have been banned and have not been able to access the forum over there for a long time. But, I do still have friends, and was told that they had hired some new staff, one of who is "Michelle".....and then they told me that they heard through the grapevine that "Michelle" at APR is "Michele20" from the Love Potions forum.....
  4. Hey Michele20.....I heard a rumor, and I'm wondering if there is any truth to it. I heard that you're working for Androtics now.....I thought that there may be some truth too it, seeing as how you seem to be so interested in pheromones....
  5. That was my understanding too....PG has stuff other than just honey.....like orange blossom and bee pollen.....
  6. Dolly

    Blood Martini

    I agree....this one takes on a totally different character when you put it on....I just love it....think I'll go put on some right now!
  7. Glad you're feeling better! I am also trying to restrain myself....I am going to try out the sampler and see if there are any that I just can't live without.....
  8. Great report Geena! My man LOVES Tail....it cranks him up! Oh, and don't worry none....you're in good company.....we're all pretty much addicts here!
  9. Great report, Michele! I can't get through a work week without my Dominance!
  10. Hello, Nola....since you are young, you probably are still producing a lot of cops....LAM and PG are both cop heavy, so you may want to ease off those at work and school.....it is not that you will smell bad, but cops aren't discriminating, and they will raise men's testosterone levels.....some can deal with that, some can't.....you may get some unwanted reactions.... Beccah made some really good suggestions.....Dominance is excellent for work....you can either get a perfume boosted with it, or you can get it unscented and cover it with the scent of your choice. I love my DOM....can't get through a work week without it.....I always end up having to "whip it out"....Open Windows is great for mood elevating and conversation starting, and I LOVE Treasured Hearts too....those are some of the more "social" blends, and any of those would be fine for everyday.....NOW, blends like Blatant Invitation, LAM, BAM, and OCCO are GREAT, but they are HIGHLY sexual.....you can do them in public, but you need to be prepared because anything, AND I DO MEAN ANYTHING can happen! I do wear pheros everyday, and what I wear depends on my mood and what I want to accomplish.....we have Focus Potion, Dominance, Open Windows, Treasured Hearts, Blatant Invitation.....I love them all! Some days you may want a friendly response, and some days you may want a sexual one. Now, a word about diffusion.....if you live in a colder climate, as the LP pheros are based now, they do not diffuse quickly.....they diffuse though body heat.....the DPG (oil) based blends (which would also apply if you have one of the perfumes like LAM or PG) will diffuse slowly, and will most likely affect people who are in your personal space of about 2-3 feet. Also, people who get in your "scent trail" when you walk through a room. You can also get the unscented pheros in CPS (or D5), which is a silky, silicone base which helps keep the pheros on top of the skin....it diffuses a little faster than oil.....Mara said that soon she will be offering them in alcohol-based sprays, but I'm not sure if that is available yet. Alcohol-based blends diffuse very quickly, and will throw your pheros all over the room....very good for social blends where you want people to be happy-go-lucky....not so good for sex signals. Also good if you live in a colder climate. Now, about cops.....I wear a lot of cops, and I do it in public. I used to throw them around like high-frequency radio waves. Now, I still wear a lot, but if it is in public, it is when my man is with me. Helps ensure that things don't have as much of a chance to get ugly....men don't ALWAYS hit on me when my man is with me....some still do, but those men are the reason I am glad that he is with me. Also, the cops just do "better" in an oil or CPS base....cops are SEX signals, nothing more, nothing less. The only people who you want to smell that are people who are close to you. OH, and NEVER EVER put a cop blend in your hair....I have waist length hair, and I had a hellish time trying to get it out. OH, and as per your other question, I can only tell you my experience, which is not very scientific. I used to use bc, used it for years (now am "fixed" and in peri-menopause....ugh)....I also was using it when I first started with pheros....I never noticed any effect of mixed signals as such.....the cops just counteract any decrease in cops production from bc use. You'll be fine. OK, enough of my babbling! Welcome!!
  11. OOOOOH, a fruit salad, or a mixed berry blend.... MUSK....OMG....got me drooling....you know I am a musk girl!!
  12. I put it on the backs of my hands also....
  13. Yeah, you just keep coming out with "absolute favorites" for me too! I am LOVING OCCO Black.....exactly what I love about resinous scents, along with a ton of cops....can't be beat!
  14. Yeah, sweetie, if you are new to pheros and cops, try one of the LAMs or OCCOs.....they are very powerful, and the cops are disguised perfectly!
  15. I think the only time I would even CONSIDER an alcohol-based one here in LA is in the winter or if I am wearing a social-type phero....the alcohol ones literally FLY off of my body in this heat and humidity! My fave is the CPS....I love that silky smooth feel...... BUT, I think it is absolutely, positively GREAT that you will soon be offering all 3, so everybody can have their fave....or different ones for different situations!
  16. Dolly

    Constant Craving

    I just can't get over how much I love love LOVE this....I can't wait for my (multiple) bottles to arrive.....I am burning through my trial vial at lightning speed....I could bathe in this.....
  17. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    Get better real soon sweetie!!
  18. I agree! Very nice to see a man reviewing here!!
  19. It is really good stuff, that's for sure!
  20. I am LOVING the OCCO black.....I want to bathe in it.....for all of you resin-lovers like me, you HAVE TO have this.....
  21. I like the Black by itself, but I layered it with Constant Craving yesterday, and couldn't stop sniffing myself!
  22. You like some of the darker scents, Rosebud....you really SHOULD try the black.....it is absolutely lovely!
  23. Dolly

    Black Candy

    Been there, done that, but it was with Anisette.....thought I was going to DIE the next day....but I still love to eat black licorice....although, it did take me about 6 months before I was even able to SMELL it without running to the bathroom!
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