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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I think he is probably attracted to you, but may be seeing obstacles. If you can somehow continue to "draw him in", you may be able to show him that almost any obstacle can be overcome if both parties are willing to work at it.
  2. I started out as the biggest skeptic on the planet. Yes, pheros are real. Yes, the reactions are REAL. I have been using them for about 10 years now (I think), and I have spent lots of money on them. Some work, some don't. Some companies sell crap. This one sells 100% real, high-quality pheros. Will every blend work for every person? Absolutely NOT. Will they make a guy who is NOT at all attracted to you fall head over heels in love with you? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Will they tip the scales in your favor if someone is attracted to you. YES. Can they open the door and encourage people to speak to you who before were too shy to do so? Sometimes they will. As for the warnings, you are most likely speaking of my cautionary post in my journal. Yes, what I spoke of there was 100% true. Here is the deal. Copulins produce a VERY STRONG, VERY REAL reaction in males. Some men are very good at not acting on the impulses. Some men you come across may not be so good at it. Will it still affect them, even if you are not acting sexual? YES IT WILL. I used to wear cops in public. A LOT. I still do, but it is usually a case of testing (in an environment where I KNOW and TRUST the men) or I have my man with me. Sure, you can wear cops in public, but you need to be PREPARED for what may happen. I have been known to do some pretty crazy stuff, but I would never never never wear Sexpionage outside the house. NEVER. If I am specifically TESTING a phero, I am watching for reactions. But normally, I put on whatever I am wearing during the day and sometimes I forget what I put on until I start noticing some over the top reactions. That is when I realize.....OH I am wearing pheros! If I were you I would start with wearing the Cougar or the Super at work....maybe the LAM........not Phero Girl, not BBM, not the OCCO blends either.....those will put out the totally wrong signals. You don't have to act exactly like the blends for them to work when you are talking about copulins. An example of incongruence (is that a word?).....imagine this.....you put on a bunch of social pheros, hoping to be the "belle of the ball" at a party, but you sit in a corner. When you walk by people, you keep your head down and don't make eye contact, you scowl when people smile at you. In that case, the social pheros are never going to help. Cops are different. Cops make men have sexual reactions, whether you are acting in a sexy way or not. Will every man throw you down and rip your clothes off? Absolutely not. Will some men not be able to hold their tongue and make really inappropriate remarks or make a move on you? YES. Can you inadvertently get yourself in a very dangerous situation. YES YOU CAN. Just be careful. Copulins are not a thing to be taken lightly.....especially by a newbie. Can they spice up a relationship. OH MY YES!!!!!!! Are they appropriate for every situation? 100% NOT!!!!
  3. I have been using pheros for many MANY years....long before a friend recommended LPMP. When I came here, LPMP had only started to deal in pheros, in fact. I do LOVE my pheros. However, I have found that the scents here DO get reactions on their own. And, the scents here also do something else....at least in my experience. The scents here seem to AMPLIFY the phero effect. Turns up the volume, so to speak. Not only because they are crafted with INTENT, but also because they make people want to get closer and smell you. I want to answer something you said in another thread though. You said that you don't like Pink Sugar, yet you are going to wear it as a cover for EoW. That is all fine and good. However, if you are wearing a scent that you do not like, you will not be projecting an image of someone who is happy, approachable, or self-confident. If I wear a scent that I don't like, I become self-conscious about it, wondering if it smells bad to everybody else, and thus do not want to get to close to people because they may think I stink. Understand? You should wear a scent that speaks to you. I mean, I often choose scents that my man likes, BUT it has to be something that I like too. I would never wear something for him that I think is obnoxious just because he likes it. Love him, but won't subject myself to that. Now, about pheros.....I love them, yes. Are they fun to play with? Hell yeah! Do I enjoy the testing and the tweaking and watching and noting the responses? Yes, I really do. Do they make me feel more alive or happy? Well, I don't really think so. I would like to think that I am happy in general, and pheros just add an exciting element to everyday situations. I will agree with the other ladies that THIS COMMUNITY here has definitely improved my life.....on this board I have a group of people who accept me the way I am, let me rant, scream,or cry on a bad day or squeal with joy on a good day.....we share part of ourselves on this board that we may nt share elsewhere. It is about more than just pheros and scents. It is about life, friendship, companionship, and LOVE.
  4. I made a couple of my different LAM scents into spray.....it works when your man is sitting across the living room and you want to make him get closer.....
  5. I have been so busy with tax season that I haven't been able to post much.....but I wore this a couple of weeks ago when I was working. I had a couple come in and the woman kept inching her chair closer to me.....it was kind of funny....she saw that I noticed, and she said sheepishly....."I'm sorry! I was just trying to figure out if that wonderful scent is YOU." I offered up my wrist so she could smell it, and she went nuts! I ended up pulling out a couple of LP business cards that I have on my desk, and gave them to her. Her husband said that, from her reaction, he may as well kiss his tax refund good-bye!
  6. I do love this one! It works wonders on my man, when he is in one of his "blue funks". He doesn't get outwardly moody very often, but when he does, he REALLY does.....and it can last for a week or more. I nipped this latest round in the bud last week. After 3 days of him moping around and carrying on, he came home to find me wearing Shadow Dance (not one of his fave scents, but light and pretty nonetheless), topped with Unscented OW (in silicone) up and down both forearms and all around my neck (my hair was up in a bun). I could tell from our phone conversation while he was driving home that he was STILL in a pissy mood, so I was prepared. Within 5 short minutes of him being in the same room with me, he was laughing and smiling and everything was A-OK. I usually keep an unscented in silicone, and an unscented spray on hand (I also have a lightly scented spray in Constant Craving that is FAB)......I use this stuff that much! That reminds me that I am almost out of my unscented, too.....I need to re-stock! Actually, I think I need to go take a phero inventory today......I am not sure what I have and what I don't......
  7. Hey Moon Bloom, great write up! I have used scented Cougar spray in my hair (which is some of the most porous hair on the planet, and sucks up anything), with no issues. I won't spray the ones that I have boosted with extra cops into my hair, because they are difficult to remove. But, the amount in regular scented Cougar isn't problematic.
  8. Should be......I would chat with Mara about it just to be sure....she would know all the scoop!
  9. Wearing LAM original tonight.....the way my man is acting, I may have trouble walking tomorrow......
  10. Glad I could enable! No, we DON'T need a 12-step program! Just more pheros!!!!
  11. Absolutely! I love the resins.....and my skin loves them too.....they bloom beautifully on me! I never get the "dirty hippie" smell......thank goodness!
  12. My man is much the opposite......he has liked a FEW of the sweet smells, but he prefers the spicy, kind of dark, or sweet-but-not-too-sweet (like Cougar or OCCO SLF (more dirty than sweet on me)).....the only really sweet ones that he really likes are Brown Sugared Black Amber, OCCO White (which he calls my "vanilla ass"....LOL), or the LP Original (actually it is the LP Original LE from a few yrs ago, which was boosted with BI).....
  13. Wearing this one a lot lately.....love the scent, love the self-effects and the reactions from others as well. I always boost mine with xtra cops, but that i just me.....when I wear this one, I can't help singing...."I'm sexy and I know it!" LOL I took one of the two new bottles I received and turned it into a spray, and kept the other in oil.....just love love it!
  14. I haven't used AVV, but it's not surprising that it covers the cops.....vanilla always does a bang up job at covering the stinky sauce. Before I found LP, one of my fave mixes was a sweet vanilla single-note oil with E0W.....the drier vanillas will cover it, but it takes a little work.....the sweet ones work better.
  15. Oh absolutely! I love just about every amber I have tried! Especially the dark, dry-smelling ones!
  16. Maybe I should add a disclaimer......."don't try this at home"! LOL Mara adds a good dose if you ask her to boost them for you......the reason I do them myself is that I usually have a bottle (or three) of EoW on hand (because I wear it straight up sometimes....usually with a cover....LOL), so it is not a biggie for me to boost the scents myself. But, I will say this....learning how much to add to a bottle of scent is as tricky as learning how much you should wear.....it can be a hard lesson to learn when you are dealing with scents that may sell out and you run the risk of ruining a bottle.....it is just that I HAVE been dealing with the stinky juice for MANY years, so I have had lots of practice.
  17. You're very welcome! The OCCOs are fab! I like Black and White the best.....they are killer as a combo too!
  18. Mermaids has a tangy seaweed-y note in it along with the fruit, so the cops hide really well, even though it is on the lighter side. Honey is a good cover for cops, so is vanilla.....but they don't necessarily have to be thick and foody.....I am not much into foodies as a general rule, and neither is my man.....I am a resin girl.....amber does the trick for a good cover as well....anywhoooo, even though I like mostly darker scents, I like to keep a few lighter ones on hand too.....Mermaids is good, I like LP Original as well, and another good one for summer wear is the scented Cougar....I boosted mine with extra cops (a LOT of extra cops....LOL), and it hides them perfectly..... The LAMs and OCCOs are great.....I love LAM original or sandalwood right out of the shower before snuggle time.....they are almost "not there" scent-wise, but they darn sure do the trick!!!
  19. Fruits are excellent in covering the cops.....Shelly's Bodacious Bomb was created specifically for covering Sexpionage..... Mermaids of Atlantis 2012 is a lighter fruity, watery blend, and it covers cops wonderfully.....
  20. Yes, OCCO Black and LP Black is a totally wicked, totally naughty combo! LOVE LOVE LOVE
  21. The descriptions are giving me a good giggle this morning......
  22. Yes, I AM the munchkin! 5'1"....and that is very interesting how it works.....if I were tall, though, I would be totally dangerous! LOL
  23. Uh, did I miss something? There isn't any cherry in this one....just honey, amber, musk, and cops.....
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