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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly


    I am going to be springing this one on my man tonight (along with a TON of Leather......hehehehehehe......will let you all how it goes.....
  2. The scent of Tail is very close to Mermaids of Atlantis, but the main difference that I note is that it doesn't have the seaweed-y tang from the bladderwrack.....I still love it, though! I think it would be very nice amped with A-nol, or maybe even Open Windows.....
  3. I have never had a problem with applying pheros to my clothes.....actually that is a really good place to spray them because they last longer (at least on me they do).....NO COPS IN HAIR THOUGH.....lol.....you'll never get it out, and you'll walk around smelling like a coochy-head.....lol
  4. Yeah, I wish this one had red hair....I chose her because she seems to have my tax season attitude.....
  5. LOLOLOLOL......that is very true though....alpha woman+PMS+Leather.....anybody within range had better "maintain a very low profile" on those days!!
  6. YES, I am! And, he is too, because I KNOW how to rock his world!!
  7. LOL @ Luna! It is true though.....that is why I have like 3 bottles in my bedroom, which will never be turned loose unless it is pried out of my cold, dead hands! Love Wanted Man in Sorcerer.....
  9. That is one reason I love Leather (and Dominance for that matter) when I am trying to get "in the zone" to deal with those clients that have proven themselves to be a handful....
  10. Dolly

    Top Five

    My most recent Top 5, in no particular order.... 1) Fade to Black--brand new OMG 2) Shadow Dance--DOUBLE OMG 3) LP Black--always OMG 4) OCCO Black Shield--screaming OMG 5) Hathor with Focus--utility OMG The first 4 all boosted with leather.....adds an extra O to OMG!
  11. They all look FAB! I am thinking a full bottle of Spontaneous Combustion just might be on my list!! Maybe Saturday Night Special, too.....
  12. Thank you! It was time for a change.....
  13. WELCOME to the world of addiction!!!! Enjoy your new smellies!!!
  14. In the past, I have had a lot of problem with skin allergies caused by NUMEROUS commercial perfumes.....most of them, I think, are due to the cheap alcohol that is being used. Really, the only way you will know is to try some of the products here. The alcohol used is as clean as it gets, and the scents are varied.....for instance, if musk gives you a problem, it may be a CERTAIN musk.....M & D have various varieties of each scent......so it may be just one particular note that is causing your allergies to flare....
  15. Yes, Invidiana.....I agree wholeheartedly....every resin lover should have a bottle of this in their stash.....I have 2 bottles (one isn't full, but that is ok, because I use it sparingly).....it was great when it was still new, but has definitely gotten better and richer with age!!!
  16. GREAT! Yes, it is sometimes best to go back to the basics!! LAM and BAM together is a fabulous combo!
  17. YES, you can TOTALLY OD on cops.....cops in public can make you need a bodyguard, but that is not the only danger......trust me, if you OD on cops, you will know it.....you can get avoidance, hostility, or other reactions from people who may view your sexual messages as totally inappropriate, depending on the situation.....
  18. Amping the perfumes is really a great deal! I have about half of mine amped with one thing or another!
  19. Dolly


    Oh, I am so sad for you.....this one is fabulous on me.....
  20. Dolly


    That's what my skin did with Carpe Noctum....it loved it so much that it couldn't get enough and wanted me to apply more!!
  21. Yes, it is sad..... I adore the darker violet scents, but this one just explodes on me and is bright bright bright screaming violets.....gave me a headache.....<pout> :tantrum20gif: :tantrum:
  22. Well, we all KNOW how much I personally love violets, but this one does not appear to be for me! SO SAD!!! In the vial, and on my skin wet, it is absolutely lovely.....after it starts drying down, the violet gets loud! After 30 min, it is loud screaming violets, and nothing but violets! And, it has a sharp note, which may be the acai berry.....my crazy skin chemistry doesn't seem to like this one!!!
  23. Dolly


    Yeah, too bad we don't live closer to each other......then we could share!! I think you'll really like this one.....and if you hurry, there just MIGHT be some left....teehee......
  24. Dolly


    You're very welcome! This one is gorgeous!
  25. I went insane.....more so than usual! I got the sampler and 2 bottles of Fade to Black unsniffed.....THEN, after I received those and sniffed everything, I had to have a bottle of Fade to Black amped with Leather, and 4 bottles of Shadow Dance (1 amped with Leather and 3 "straight up").....
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