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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. New Orleans would never be the same!! And there will be NO photos, if it happens.....WE DON'T WANT EVIDENCE!!!! Trinity, sweetie.....start out a little more slowly.....if you were using BI, OCCO, and LAM.....that is a combo that I will ONLY use in private.....and I am a cops lover......trust me, copulin OD DOES happen.....if you are in a public setting wearing that much, it can be almost like you are wearing repellant. Now in private with your man....totally different story (I have to pry mine off the ceiling with that mix)......because they know they can let their guard down....in public, most won't react. Now, that being said.....you CAN wear cops in public, but just don't expect men to be falling all over you.....each man reacts differently to the testosterone spike. They ARE feeling it, but they are working hard not to SHOW it.
  2. I agree....I have not personally tried the Jouir De.....even though I have a sample....but this thread is hilarious!
  3. Yeah, if they are WORTH having, they will wait for you! That doesn't mean you can't flirt and have fun though!!
  4. I love both Treasured Hearts and Ail's Open Windows! And, I boost almost all of my scents....it is the most economical, and the easiest way to apply on the fly!
  5. Yeah, when I first started using it, the neroli still wasn't true neroli, but it was actually kind of nice......easily covered if you wish, and was ok to wear by itself. Over time, it became something noxious....plastic....not a good thing. I get better results from Ail's Open Windows than I ever did with Shine for mood elevation......just wait till you can get this in alcohol!!
  6. OH YES.....that is why BI is still my number one!! Go get 'em CC!
  7. Well, I only sprayed them in my hair, with no cover scent....but yes, if you are going to layer, put the alcohol-based spray on top. Otherwise the oil will slow it down.
  8. My son hasn't reacted "negatively" to any pheros that I have work, except that A-nol in high doses makes him hyper. I can wear A-nol tempered with something else, and he is fine. Beta-nol is GREAT for calming him down, and tranquility potion is great for that, also.....I proved that in a 16 hour car trip with 4 kids, ages 10 to 19.....
  9. Make sure you shake it before you apply, also.....I find that some of the resinous scents are better when applied after a good shake....
  10. ATTA GIRL!!! It's my total absolute fave also......
  11. I'm all in for something dark!!! The darker the better!!!
  12. Well, my sweetie has smelled OCCO Black layered with Constant Craving, but never "straight up".....Friday night, when I went to his house, I had OOCO black all in my cleavage, up and down my neck, and he went wild for it! He says.....it smells like candy....a candy that is familiar but I can't place which candy it is exactly....hmmmmm...yummmmm......he told me I should wear that one more often! As far as cops, it gets results, I'll tell you that!!!
  13. OK, so I was going to be attending an outdoor tailgating bash this weekend, HOWEVER.....we have had a deluge of rain this weekend, which is still happening now! Lots of people still went to the outdoor thing, but I have been getting over being sick, so I didn't do that one......BUT we did a smaller, more personal version of our own football party. We were going to visit with some friends who had the game in HD, and we were all QUITE intoxicated to begin with.....but, it's ok, it was all adults, and I decided before we went that when I was combing my hair (which takes me a while, as it's to my waist and tangle prone), that I would douse my head with Ail's Open Windows, 2X strength, alcohol-based. I applied 3 sprays to the top of my head, all along my part, and then one to each side of my hair (I am a big-time hair flipper). As far as scent, I had taken a bottle of unscented BI and added about 2 ml of Remind Me Again concentrate.....my honey loves that scent.....I rolled that on my neck pulse points and cleavage. So close to my body, I was sexy as hell, but was giving off the "spread the love" vibes all around! Now, at that 2X strength, I could smell the pheros, but if you did not know what it was, it could have been hair spray or something of the sort. I could smell little wafts every now and then, but nothing offensive. So, we get to our friends' house, and it was quiet....people just chilling and talking a little....everybody seemed a little "down" because of the rain, and the fact that several of them had chosen NOT to attend the game because of it. We get there, and within about 5-10 min, the vibe gets going, and the mood changed DRASTICALLY. I am talking hugging, laughing, high-5s, even though our team was playing SO BAD.....the guys who usually get upset when the team plays like that were actually laughing and poking fun at the players......it was pretty funny....I had not told my honey that I applied the pheros, but I have told him that I got some for testing purposes. When he saw how funny it started getting, he came up and whispered....."Did you do what I think you did?" I just smiled.....he said "This is wild"..... OK, so diffusion range and rates.....the area of the party was two rooms, totalling maybe 400-500 square feet.....it wasn't very hot (maybe 76-78 degrees), but there were several people there, so there was a body heat WARMTH going on.....a little bit of the pheros were still hanging around when we left to go home......I could still smell them a teensy tiny bit.....we were there about 3.5 hours.....if I had stayed much longer, or if it had been a tad warmer, they PROBABLY would have completely dissipated by that time. All in all, a really cool vibe with this one.....I can't wait to test outside!!
  14. Try some Dominance, or some Blatant Invitation, or both! I love BI better than TAL.....
  15. Don't worry Shelly.....I am right there with you....don't get me wrong.....it IS lovely.....but just not my type of thing. I prefer the dirty ones too....occassionally I like to lighten it up with something like Happy Water, Tail, or LP LE, but my preference is toward the darker side.....
  16. Yes, it is womanly, and a very nice blend......and I concur....it just smells.....purple. I love it! Black is still my fave, though!
  17. Dolly

    Honey Ho

    That's truly sad.....it loves me, but honey usually does.....
  18. I would say that Open Windows is sort of comparable to Shine....it makes the wearer and those around you feel happier and uplifted.
  19. Dolly

    Honey Ho

    Decided to try this one today, and it gives me a very similar feel to Naughty Sweet and Dirty, with a light splash of fruit.....nicely done for the Honey Ho's!!
  20. Dolly


    I agree, this one is very very nice and very exotic.....depending on how my skin treats it over the next hour or so, this one may be going on my bottle list....
  21. My understanding of the permanent phero blends are Ail's creations, and the ones by Dr Stone.....that would include Open Windows, Heart and Soul, Cuddle Bunny, Sexology, Dominance, True confessions, Treasured Hearts, Stone Cougar, Focus Potion, Tranquility, Woozy Floozy, Blatant Invitation, and Essence Oil....did I miss any? Of the scented pheros, there is PheroGirl, and I think that Mara said that the LAM/BAM series and the OCCO line will probably stick around. The permanent line of perfumes (I THINK) is LP Red, Black, Original, LP #9, and two or three others that I am not sure about...... So, yeah, when you find one you like, you had better GRAB it while you can!!
  22. Welcome to all of our new members! Enjoy your stay!! Hey Jim, I see you made it!! We do have some men here, who pop in from time to time....but the ladies here don't discriminate.....jump into the discussions.....we have a lot of fun!
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