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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. This one sounds DREAMY! UG! I can't believe I'm stalking my email for shipping again already LOL! At least I'm not alone
  2. I'm eager to add Sexology to my collection...I want it scented though so I'm trying the scented Sexology and this one...I want to love one of them and this one sounds awesome! Can't wait!
  3. Nor sure why I thought this was GGG. Got a little sniffy and LOVED it. Then saw it while traipsing through the site for goodies BAM - FULL BOTTLE! Cannot wait to get my piddies on it and slather away...lured in but yet ANOTHER sniffy!
  4. OK...itchy fingers are now happy and relaxed Monthly sampler - there are a handful I WANT to love but just am not sure yet... Plus trials of: Sneaky Clean Bayou Musk Betrothal Potion Breakfast in Bed - thinking this will likely push me over the edge for FB though... LP Black - giving it another go... Tails of Mystery Sexology - I WANT to LOVE this one FBs: Unreasonable Pumpkin - needed a back up - just LURV this one! Pom Pom Nom Nom - done in by yet another sniffy on this one! Garland & Lace v5 - couldn't resist... OCCO Black Demimondaine - took a chance - love violet AND chocolate - hope I love this one! Thoughts anyone? I love An Act of Violets and Pithivier...
  5. Ditto to both of these! I can't believe I blinked and BOOM! Here they are! So excited to drool over the descriptions! Everything looks amazing!
  6. OH! You poor dears! You know we all love you and want everything to go smoothly and safely for you. So sorry for the added stress - but who knows what amazingness is in secret store for you! Many blessings
  7. *rustle* *rustle, rustle* *rustle*
  8. Great review...and, yes, YES! to all of It! Completely agree
  9. Welcome! I, too, am a slatherer when I adore something and not very good at restraint so I'll leave the application suggestions to others, lol! Great choices and glad you're liking them so much so far
  10. NuTrix


    I've stocked up on this one, lol, we're talking bottleS. I figured I would be a vanilla cookie foodie type fan prior to LP. I LURV marshmallow apparently and THIS one is a huge winner with my chemistry. It isn't hugely sweet first on...but 45 minutes or so and I'm a slightly smoky marshmallow BOMB of deliciousness! This is SO shmexy. PLUS my man beast loves! WIN/WIN!
  11. *rustle, rustle* I love Teddy BB! I would love another scent with that! I really love the Jubilee ME THREE!!! Ooooo! Something foodie?!
  12. NuTrix


    It similar for me in that when I first put it on, sometimes I'm not exactly sure what it is I'm smelling, but after 45 minutes - give or take - it's all smoky, marshmallow musk and amber
  13. I want this one SO much! I've been eying the option of x1 spray fully scented with Pure Sugar because it will go so nicely with lots of other LPs. I'm holding out for Nov if the NRs don't bump it out...
  14. ^^^HAHAHA! I turned a gf on to BB for JUST this reason and she too LOADS on it during PMS. She has the oil though (she used up her spray from the 10 for 10). She also uses it for work whenever she thinks the may have to deal with people she will want to kill - because killing co-workers = bad BB has never done anything for cramps but it certainly improves the mood of the wearer and the ones we come in contact with - sometimes THAT alone is what makes BB golden. Glad it worked so well for you Eggers
  15. NuTrix

    Cauldron Cake

    Hehehe! Had this on yesterday. Hubby is VERY fond of this one BONUS! When I walked into a room with a handful of others, one fella stopped what he was doing and began to interrogate for the source of the cinnamon he had gotten a whiff of. When he discovered it was me he playfully chided, how dare I come into the room and make everyone hungry. Then he pushed out his belly against his shirt and announced that I was causing it to distend with hunger! He looked hilarious! Everyone busted up! Apparently he was wound up before I got there so my delicious perfume can't take all the credit - but it certainly added fuel to the fire! This goes on a delicious cookie-cakey-vanilla-cinnamon fantasticness! It made me smile every time it wafted up from beneath my blouse yesterday
  16. NuTrix

    Wink at the Moon

    So Eggers put me in the mood for this on Thursday There's was one point when I had asked for an employee to print out a report for me and while I was there, out of the blue, he announced, "Focus. Must focus." I, of coursed, asked him if he was alright and he answered that he was distracted by the aroma of a McGriddle! This on is just SO delish! And I don't mind that people think of McGriddles fondly when I'm near by
  17. NuTrix

    Wink at the Moon

    Oooh Eggers! I saw your review and perked right up and knew what I had to wear today, lol. I loved it from the start too, but now that you're saying how it's blended and settled a bit, I know I have to break it out today I fell in love with the sweet nuttiness and the initial burst of fruitiness settles within about a half an hour to an hour and then just becomes this delicious sweet, nutty delight I have to break it out and see how it's transformed! Great review!
  18. I don't know - but if you do - I'll be watching to see....but I don't think so... I'm doing my VERY best to refrain until November...my addic...I mean ENTHUSIASM is stronger than I think I thought... But so far I'm hanging in there!
  19. NuTrix


    This s different today. I put it on and right out of the bottle it's...sweet and...smoky? But it's after the dry down that it goes all marshmallow goodness. It was weird. Shook - milky white fluffiness in the bottle - apply and it's very ...hmm...quiet smelling, not sheer, just light - soft? I think it's the ...white musk maybe? But then about 15- (maaaaybe 20). minutes - BOOM! Marshmallow gooey YUM!
  20. LFM is my version of Dominance...but like you said - NOT because it's scary/dommy. Dom is too domme for me and makes me seem aloof and unapproachable - way NOT congruent with who I am (Leather works great though!) but LFM is my femme fatale...the reactions are predictable. People respect my person and space and if I "grace" them with acknowledgement or if they do something and I show that I am pleased by it, then I seem to absolutely make their day. It's tempting to misuse it, lol, but so far I've used my phero powers for good...ok...I've been naughty here and there...but the majority has been for good
  21. YAY Eggers! What do you think is the most noticeable difference to you between BANG! and SS4W? For instance, my hubby responds REALLY well to BANG! more so than SS4W, I think because he always responds well to Est heavier blends generally - Buuut socially, while SS4W is great, BANG! just kicks everything up a notch in that I wind up getting fawned over by men AND women, like the belle of the ball I nabbed BANG! in oil after using up my 5ml spray from last year's Nov 10 for 10 sale - when I found out I LOVED it! Then I picked up ANOTHER bottle during the Sept sale thinking I would boost it with Marsha Mellow.... Does it make me a hoarder that I have many LPs or that I have back ups of my many LPs? Edited for poor spelling...lol
  22. I have MM and UP and the spices in FP are light and just barely there...even lighter to my nose than UP. I think you will find this one fantastic! I amp spice notes too on occasion and that isn't a problem with FP at all, they're there but VERY complimentary!
  23. Sounds like a GREAT day Eggers! A number of you have mentioned CB and Sneaky Clean....I have GOT to remember to order that! That's ADORABLE about the older gents giving you the DIHLs
  24. NuTrix


    So I got home and went to snatch this and no, it wasn't milky until I shook it - a first in all the LPs I've had (or a first that I've noticed because I usually blindly shake and then slather ) I got the sugary marshmallow and wood smoke first but when I get really close I get the amber & musk. Nothing pointy or sharp though....will check back as the scent progresses... EDIT to update: This is all marshmallow goodness for me! I AM SO HAPPY!!! There's just enough musk/amber and smoke peeking through to give this a perfume feel while still keeping that fluffy marshmallow goodness up front and center...I WANT TO EAT MY ARM! (I won't - but I want to!) I think hubby will like this one A LOT too! This is CRAZY good!!!
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