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See I was gonna go with "Sugared Pussy" but, well, y'all knew I would.


:) ...yeah,like I did not know you were thinking Frosted Willy Cake... :wink2:



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With chocolate!


We had a discussion...I don't remember when...about how it would be painful, sugared pussy, that is.

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We had a discussion...I don't remember when...about how it would be painful, sugared pussy, that is.



WE DID! I remember that discussion!

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WE DID! I remember that discussion!


Me tooo :wink2: ...hmmm,maybe about the sugar scrubs...hee


I found my Phero Girl ...gosh this has aged well,mmmmmm mmmm slurp

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  • 2 months later...

Hey all...(waving) I'm new to LP products. I got PheroGirl in the mail today...VERY fast shipping. I also got a bunch of samples! How wonderful. Thank you!!


Total props on the shipping speed...I think I'd order again if for that alone.


I have to say the smell is really strong on me and not necessarily in a good way. From the description I had thought it would smell a little like BPAL's O, which is my favorite to-die-for fragrance. This smells heavily, really heavily of incense. :)


Not sure of any reactions yet. I will report back later if I note any. I have two li'l dots on my neck and one on my wrist so I can periodically smell that one (can't reach my neck to smell it :happybirthday: ) and see if the scent changes on me. Am I smelling the EoW?



Edit: Okay, I had washed this off...then decided to give it one more try. I layered it IMMEDIAELY with O. Weirdly, it seems to blend better with the O than Like a Magnet is doing (so far)...I will wait and sniff again in a while and see what happens...I'd love to have just the cops without anol so I'd love for this one to work out, since I've already purchased it.Oh, yes, and...I shook the bottle beforehand this time.

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Hey all...(waving) I'm new to LP products. I got PheroGirl in the mail today...VERY fast shipping. I also got a bunch of samples! How wonderful. Thank you!!


Total props on the shipping speed...I think I'd order again if for that alone.


I have to say the smell is really strong on me and not necessarily in a good way. From the description I had thought it would smell a little like BPAL's O, which is my favorite to-die-for fragrance. This smells heavily, really heavily of incense. :)


Not sure of any reactions yet. I will report back later if I note any. I have two li'l dots on my neck and one on my wrist so I can periodically smell that one (can't reach my neck to smell it :020105~21: ) and see if the scent changes on me. Am I smelling the EoW?



Edit: Oh, I can't. I just can't. :happybirthday: I don't regret the purchase, though. I'm sure I can use a dot here and there with a cover, something strongish. I just can't do the scent on its own and in quantity. I gave it about 45 minutes and it didn't change...it might have after that but it's just a fragrance that doesn't agree with me. Haven't given up on LP, though!


I LOVE pherogirl and soooo sorry you don't enjoy it BUT you did just get it and these oils change, seriously. Depending on your hormones or other things perfume oils can smell different depending on the time of month and skin chemistry. Also sometimes the oils them self get better with age. I didn't like a few samples I bought when I first joined here back in August and I pulled them out around the Christmas holidays and was shocked at how much I liked them.


Also know that if you ever want to set up a page on the Trading page you can trade or sell the bottles and sniffies that dont' get much love to other members.


Review: A bottle of this is in my future, on me this is foody, sexy honey, it turns scrumptious and not heavy at all like some other honey scents I have tried. Some others smell too dirty, earthy, or musky but this is more edible to me, like honey cookies. This is the best honey scent for my skin that I've tried. Sugared honeycomb and the newest Sexology work good on me too.

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I LOVE pherogirl and soooo sorry you don't enjoy it BUT you did just get it and these oils change, seriously. Depending on your hormones or other things perfume oils can smell different depending on the time of month and skin chemistry.




Aww, sweetie, that's okay! No one thing will work for everyone. That's just a fact of life. I have 100% confidence in this company so far because sniffing all my samples, testing wear time, etc., I can really feel quality here. I think I'm gonna fall in love with LP...just got to play with the scents a little. :)


It just seems like honey isn't "my" scent, which is okay!I think I will hold onto it as you advised; things may change in the future.

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@Honeybee: Great advice! I love Pherogirl too and on my skin, it turns out to be honey with a light flora in the background. I do very well with Sugared Honeycomb too. One of my many favourite combo is Sugared Honeycomb with OCCO White. I can't do Sexology II though. It turns plasticky and dirty musk on me.


@WildAutumn - I'm sorry that Pherogirl didn't turn up well for you. I'm certain you will find scents which is you in the near future!

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WA, welcome. I too implore you to keep it and try it again in a different point in your cycle...and just keep trying with honey & cops in general.


I pretty much hated P G the first time I tried it, but it is now a favorite. It took me a few tries to "get" the honey scents, and I sincerely believe it's not even just a cycle thing but a SKIN thing -- especially for honey and for cops. After a few times, your skin goes "Oh ok I get it" and starts behaving differently with those things over (a short) time.


Also are you sure you're allowing plenty of dry down before putting on clothes, etc?


Specifically, the first time I tried Phero Girl it just seemed DIRTY and almost rancid. The second time I said hum this isn't so bad. The third time and ever since, it quickly turns into this crystalline, powdered-sugar, soft, even SUBTLE phenomenal unique gorgeous thing. (And that's not even taking into account its effects.)

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even SUBTLE phenomenal unique gorgeous thing.

And if that's not a testiment to chemistry I don't know what is. I love PG (and so does Q) but it is anything but subtle on me.

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I know, and even to my own CHANGE in chemistry with honey and/or cops over time, not even across cycle -- this couldn't have been more aggressive the first few times I tried it, and now, even with wearing the same amount, it is SO MUCH better behaved, like I've only been dipped gently in a thin coating of honeyed sugar instead of going around clobbering people with a club of drrty honey.

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Welcome to our home WA :blush: ... funny thing about Phero Girl,when I first tried it,I did not like it at all,I even wrote somewhere that ALL honey was a big no-no on me...now it is one of my favorites, and I don't know how it happened :Hug_emoticon: BTW,yes it is the cops you are smelling,and be sure to shake the bottle really really well as the bee pollen settles. :abfx:

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Thanks so much for the replies and the welcomes! TMI alert...well, here we've been talking about smelling like frosted beav so I guess there *isn't* any TMI. :) Anyway...I have my period right now. It's almost done. So that's what point in my cycle I'm at. (Ugh, bad grammar but am too lazy to fix.)


I'm almost 44, am hypothyroid and had a full hormone panel because of this last year, and was found to have low Estradiol and high LH (I think LH?) indicating that my eggs are starting to sputter out. : :dreadlocksnaner: So that's where I am hormonally in general. My period is still very regular, like clockwork, and I know I ovulate.


Just some added information that may make a difference...I don't know. :dreadlocksnaner:


I am inspired right now to wait and try Phero Girl again...after a few days and a decent shake. Thanks!!!

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I know, and even to my own CHANGE in chemistry with honey and/or cops over time, not even across cycle -- this couldn't have been more aggressive the first few times I tried it, and now, even with wearing the same amount, it is SO MUCH better behaved, like I've only been dipped gently in a thin coating of honeyed sugar instead of going around clobbering people with a club of drrty honey.


"Clobbering people with a club of dirty honey..." LOL!!!!!!!!

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I pretty much hated P G the first time I tried it, but it is now a favorite. It took me a few tries to "get" the honey scents, and I sincerely believe it's not even just a cycle thing but a SKIN thing -- especially for honey and for cops. After a few times, your skin goes "Oh ok I get it" and starts behaving differently with those things over (a short) time.




Specifically, the first time I tried Phero Girl it just seemed DIRTY and almost rancid. The second time I said hum this isn't so bad. The third time and ever since, it quickly turns into this crystalline, powdered-sugar, soft, even SUBTLE phenomenal unique gorgeous thing. (And that's not even taking into account its effects.)


This is such good news!!! Because that was exactly my reaction...now I have the tiniest dab on my fingers (from opening and re-smelling the bottle, actually) and...I am smelling more honey than dirt.


I feel like if I love amber, I should love honey. I do remember, now that I recall it, that O smelled SOOOO seriously strong on me the first time I tried it and now it doesn't...and my hubs recoiled the first time but I used it for a while anyway and he re-smelled without knowing what it was and said it was nice. Weird! So maybe it's just the strength of certain scents...honey...amber...vag... :)


I am going to see if my skin "gets" this dab...


So it's the pollen that settles to the bottom and the cops more on top?

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All of it seperates into layers so it needs to be blended again though this is something you have to keep in mind for artisan perfumery in general. Because there's no fixatives the components may seperate and so it's always good to shake it up before use.

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This one is so thick and gooey goodness, that at least for me, I *can't* even shake it ... I tip it slooowly from side to side, up and down, all different directions, until I see that the pollen is nice and evenly distributed...

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This one is so thick and gooey goodness, that at least for me, I *can't* even shake it ... I tip it slooowly from side to side, up and down, all different directions, until I see that the pollen is nice and evenly distributed...


It *is* very thick and therefore a little hard to shake. With that said, I've been shaking my little heart out and all of a sudden...wow, this is growing on me. I mean the scent itself. It's a little goth...a little mysterious...a little playful. And whoah. I smell the sekseh.


Is it possible that...me likey????


Let me let it continue to dry down and we shall see...if I need to cover I think I'll probably do it with something spicy and/or sugary. I do so love sweet, wet, sticky, deep and mmm. :666:

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I like this one, I really like it! It seems that my skin amps the floral aspect in this scent. Ah I see what it is:

A dizzying mixture of 5 different Honey and Honeycomb varieties, real organic Bee Pollen, Orange Blossom, Amber, Resins

It brings out the floral aspect of the honey as well, very nice.

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Surprisingly I like this one too, I don't generally like honey scents.

My skin also REALLY amps the orange blossom which I love!!! I wore Jo Malone Orange Blossom every summer for years. But that one only lasted on my skin for about five minutes...I think Phero Girl would last on my skin for five YEARS if I let it!!

I think the orange blossom makes this very bright and sunny, and mellows out the honey scent for me.

I am wearing a dab right now and it just makes me feel cheerful!! I can see flitting about town in this and a sundress and attracting all kinds of sexy trouble!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to the boards WildAutumn! I ended up trading my Phero Girl. Honey scents smell heavenly in the vial to me, but end up not smelling too good on ME. Don't worry , you'll find your favorite notes. I'm still pretty new but am finding that I like the pink notes and also the spicier ones.


OCCO black in very small amounts is my go to scent for instant sexiness. I loved Phero Girl in the vial and still do, but it no workey on me. What else have you tried?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Welcome to the boards WildAutumn! I ended up trading my Phero Girl. Honey scents smell heavenly in the vial to me, but end up not smelling too good on ME. Don't worry , you'll find your favorite notes. I'm still pretty new but am finding that I like the pink notes and also the spicier ones.


OCCO black in very small amounts is my go to scent for instant sexiness. I loved Phero Girl in the vial and still do, but it no workey on me. What else have you tried?


Oh no, I never saw this...I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be rude and not answer you. I'm finding two of the LAMs work really well for me...the pink amber and the original sugared HV (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm). I liked PG a few times, even loved it, after the original bumps in the road. Now I'm "off" of it again. I think my nose can only take the heaviness of the cops at certain times.


Re: spicy...I have a sample of Love Potion Red on order. ^_^ It sounds divine.

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  • 1 month later...

I had to add my rave reviews for this! I had so much fun tonight. If you have read my other post, you know I've been a bit down on my luck lately, and really needed this tonight. I went downtown, wearing my PG on my chest with a v-neck shirt on. There is a guy down there that has kind of acted like he likes me before, when I was with my bf, but he's never been obvious about it. Tonight he calls me over and we are talking, with him sitting there on the stool and me standing next to him (okay, so with my stiletto heels on that put him at right about cleavage level too, and I have an abundance of that!). So he's talking to me about this guy across the bar trying to pick up these girls, when he stops mid-sentence and turns to me and says, "My God, you smell good!" He goes on to try and guess the scent, talking about the notes he smells, and gets closer and takes a big sniff. Then he goes, "How close can I get? Can I smell you some more, OMG you smell SO good!" and he plants his face in my neck and just starts huffing. I was laughing so hard. Then he goes, "You wear that to soccer practice Wed (he's my daughter's soccer coach) and we'll talk some more...I guarantee that." I said I had to go, because I was just getting ready to leave, and he goes "Oh, no, you can't just leave, can I buy you a beer?" I said no, really had to go, so he pulls me in, takes another good sniff, and hugs me goodbye. Then I said have a nice night, and he goes, "I can't now, you're leaving and all I am thinking about is you and honeybees and how good you smell with the honeybee stuff..." It was HILARIOUS! I have never had someone stop mid-sentence and stammer on like that.


Put a smile on my face. I LOVE <3 this stuff!

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  • 2 months later...

I got a sample of phero girl and am now ordering a whole bottle. This stuff is liquid golden honey sexiness.


I made a male friend of mine smell it when it first arrived and his exact words were: 'it smells very primal, animalistic', that was before dry down however but perhaps his response was to the pheros and the honey muskiness. Later on drydown he said it reminded him of an oil that was at a naughty massage parlour he once went to in his youth.


I had a perfect testing ground for pherogirl.

I was out with two girlfriends at an Italian Restaurant and that evening I was pherofree, presuming we'd just have a girls night. Later that night we went to the bar next door where one of my friends spotted a man, Jean-Marc (from hereon JM), she had a major crush on and with whom things had never worked out, he just did not seem interested in her. Thus seizing the moment, I ferreted around in my hand bag and uncovered the sample of pherogirl. I slathered some on her and also myself although our 3rd friend, Marie-France (from hereon MF), refused as she said pherogirl stunk and smelled too wild for her.


However MF was impressed as after that she even noticed how men that would pass us in the bar would sniff the air as if drawn by the scent (and since two of us were slathered we created quite the odor). Men would stare at us, take double glances etc.

Anyway JM passed us by and then suddenly pretended to notice us and at first it was awkward as he was hitting on me a lot and much as he was a cutie, I am betrothed already nor would I ever nick a friend's man . JM kept on complimenting me and I had to keep on throwing him in the direction of my girl friend. He suggested we go onto a nightclub which we did. Once at the night club I topped up my girl friend with pheromones, she had a low cut top that barely covered her back so I put plenty on her bare fleshed back. MF was complaining we stunk again but once again was impressed as we kept getting hit on by various men!


My friend and I strategically decided to disappear on JM and my girl friend who liked him. We headed off to the dance floor and when we came back, the crush was kissing her back, exactly where I had placed the latest dab of pherogirl.


We left and went home leaving the two lovebirds but later I heard from my girl friend that JM was all over her and going wild, trying to get her back to his place although she desisted not wanting to rush things.


JM and my girl friend met another time after that but he seemed to go off her and she did not hear from him again apart from a message from him saying she just was not his type, poor love. I wonder whether it was the pheros that night in the heat of the party at the boîte de nuit that made him go wild and once my friend met him devoid of them, his reaction went back to the initial: I am not interested.


Bottom line: Pherogirl is strong stuff and definitely works for sexual advances.

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Impressive hits, Indigo!


I hope that your gf is handling the news positively. Imagine if she continues using PG or pheros around JM for months, fall hard for him and he tells her that she's not his type when she decided to go 'naked'?

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Bottom line: Pherogirl is strong stuff and definitely works for sexual advances.


Well said, Indigo! You are now another fearless Pherogirl...Great review!

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  • 1 month later...

I tried a touch of Phero Girl last night, more to test the scent than the cops. I really love honey, and I wanted to see if this went wonky on my skin. I'm happy to say, it didn't. I just put a couple little dabs beneath my belly button, and I was in heaven! The scent itself is quite powerful, which was a relief, because I didn't have to do any crazy contortions to smell it! It smelled awesome when I put it on, and it still smelled awesome when I woke up.


On the 'phero' front - I'm not sure if it was just the knowledge that I was wearing cops for the first time, but I definitely felt a little... stirring. I don't know. Maybe I had more on than I'd thought? I don't really know how much I'd have to use to 'get results'.


Not really any sexual reaction from the boyfriend, though he was up and down getting stuff for me last night - without my asking, which is a bit strange for him. Just little things, like coffee, an apple he cut up for me, some cheese and crackers. Stuff like that. He also let me choose what to watch on tv. And at one point, he turned and just stared at me. When I asked him what was up, he smiled and said, 'Nuthin', and went back to what he was doing.


Oh! And because I'd had a shower before bed last night, I didn't have one this morning before work, so there was still a little honey wafting around from my navel. When I got to work, I was doing all this cleaning stuff, like vacuuming and other yucky stuff like that, and my stiff-upper-lip manager - the 60 year old man who doesn't have *any* wrinkles because he never smiles - followed me around like a little boy. He was having a great time, laughing and chatting up a storm. That was most definitely out of the ordinary. Don't get me wrong, I love my manager,but most of the time it's like he has a poker up the __________.


Anyway, the skinny is that I love this scent. It seems to suit me, (WooHoo!), and it could be that I had some very minor reactions from the men in my company. Or it could be that I saw something that wasn't there, because I knew what I was wearing. Either way, this will be getting a lot more wear from me in the future, if only for myself, 'cause I loves, loves, loves smellin' like honey!

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And at one point, he turned and just stared at me. When I asked him what was up, he smiled and said, 'Nuthin', and went back to what he was doing.

Quince did that to me the first time I wore Phero Girl. We were sitting watching TV and at one point I looked at him and he was smiling at me. Not the normal sort of smile (he's self-conscious about his teeth so he doesn't smile too much), but a big happy grin...which was followed by pouncing a bit later, heh.

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Lucky! For the pouncing, that is. I admire people who keep healthy long-distance relationships. It must be so tough. Although I'd imagine there's probably a healthy amount of spice kept alive, too.


A few years ago my Dad took me to Europe wtih him for 3 weeks, and I missed my boyfriend so much, I actually called him every night. From Germany! He missed me so much, he cleaned the house. huh... maybe I should go away more often.


ETA when I got home there was pouncing aplenty! Lol!

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Can I just say, "WOW"?

He pounced. Man oh man, did he POUNCE!

Not only did he pounce, he dropped his controller in the middle of playing a BRAND NEW VIDEO GAME in order to make the pouncing!

Shocked the hell outta me.


Now *that's* power. hehe...

If my browser wasn't so crappy, there would be the BIGGEST, wiggly-browed happy face right smack where this puny one is: :-)

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