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H2000 w/ Hedione for men


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WATER (ACCORDS) ~ Cleansing, purifying. Fertility, Goddess energy, fluid of life. Renewal.
CACTUS ~ Protection, endurance, warmth, love, inspiration, sacred gateway to the spirit world.
BIRD OF PARADISE ~ Beginnings, excitement, wonderment.
ALOE ~ Protection, luck, healing, success.
CUCUMBER ~ Healing, fertility, abundance, invigorating.
JUNIPER ~ Emotionally calming, physically energizing. Attracts lovers, deflects thieves. Cleansing, purifying, love charms, exorcism, health.
PEPPERMINT ~ Stimulates, restores and uplifts. Cleansing, purification, relaxation, sleep, healing, psychic amplifier.
COCONUT ~ Protection, purification, receptivity.
SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow this is so sexy to me, perfect for summer it's subtle but effective. It has an aquatic aloe thing going on w a hint of coconut. I'm not picking up many distinctive notes but there's a lot of depth going on, I hope it has staying power I just put it on moments ago, I had to it really stood out from the other scents.


Just went out for some errands and this mixes effortly w the ocean air, at first I wasn't getting much beachy scent but there's some kinda salt/seaweed familiarity but not exactly, I'm wondering if it's the cactus, not that familiar w cactus but there is some bite to this when worn outdoors and kicked up by the breeze. Glad it has a subtle staying power both scent and vibe wise.

Edited by Cherise
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Heh... Gin! This is just an elegant water scent. It's not really beachy to me. I get a fresh clean man musk. He's sitting outside looking at the ocean sipping a Bombay Sapphire martini. He offers me one and I say yes.

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Does this seem to get soapy? My Bride can do clean scents but she's not a fan of soapy scents on me.

Edited by Snoopyace
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Does this seem to get soapy? My Bride can do clean scents but she's not a fan of soapy scents on me.

No. I'd categorize it as a fresh, aquatic. Definitely masculine. Tho I can see that some ladies might like it. It's just a really nice fresh male scent with good carry. I love the Juniper. It makes me think of a man in a crisp white shirt drinking a martini by the sea.

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Awesome! Good to know. Thanks!

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Tried this again. It's really nice. So very ahhhhh. He who dons this will smell devine and ladies will breath him in.


I'm going to get this for my son. But, he won't have it til x-mas. ;)

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Once again, I smelled these "blind." In the vial, this was creamy coconut with a dash of something fresh and watery. I immediately decided that not only must the Marine try this on, but I should as well! Everything in this is well balanced. The cucumber adds a hint of sharpness that keeps the coconut tamed. The peppermint, along with the water accords and the coconut, lends to a cool vibe as well as offers a tiny bit of sweetness to the blend. There's something almost plumeria like in the floral notes. I think that might be the birds of paradise. I don't really detect the juniper. The sandalwood is a great base note that stays in the background but becomes a bit more prominent in the long drydown, a warm and more masculine scent. Like warm man skin. The jury's still out on the hedione. I don't smell anything that could be it, and i haven't yet seen any effects. I


The Marine thought it smelled too watery (which is the point!!! Hello, H2OOO!) but i think it's perfect for me!

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I totally get that airy pseudo-jasmine thing of the Hedione. I'm starting to understand its' fascination factor, I think, because in part it's a positive psychological trigger, a sort of this smells really good kind of thing. But it's a lighter note than in MOIST, imo.


Underneath that I get watery tropical evocations which are nice...it makes me think of Northshore a bit, but not as humid. I would say this is a masculine tropical scent, which is different from a masculine marine scent (which is what Sandy Bottom is). Both are watery, but they have different accents. This one really nails the tropical mood without coming off sweet or flowery, it's fresh and bright. There's a salty tang which develops later to give it a sea breeze kind of feel.


That said, for me there is a hint of soapyness which I think is the aloe, but aloe doesn't like my chemistry so it probably wouldn't happen for most people. As a guy scent I wouldn't wear this (and I do wear guy scents) because aquatics are not my thing, but I think it's a great summer scent for a guy especially if you do like aquatics or if you're curious about what a masculine tropical would smell like on you.

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Usually "unisex" things feel 100% masculine on me, or at least too much so for my taste. But this is the latest of A few recent "unisex" or "men's" scents that has not felt that way and if anything, in this case, especially wet, it's strongly feminine on me. It's a thick taffy-like white coconutty vanilla musk laced with floral, that made me groan loudly and incoherently. I kept thinking this is what Masked Man would be if it weren't just a shade too masculine on me.


In later dry down it does smell watery in a pale bright aquamarine way. Drastic morph!


Also this confirms I'm a hedione ho as I COULD NOT keep my nose out of the application spots. I CRAVED smelling it the way you crave a cigarette. I was at all times either smelling it or thinking about smelling it.


ETA a thing about hedione that I've noticed with both Moist and H2O is that I get this initial flush of warmth that is just barely not quite actually physical- hard to describe. Like imagine infatuation-butterflies without the fluttery part. Also I thought I was imagining it with my first trial (Moist) but it happened again with H2O: it seems to make me relaxed and confident - not in an "I can do this" way but a "general self-esteem" way. More like self-acceptance maybe. Gonna keep looking out for this effect in future trials.

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Your review is what mine would be like if I were just more verbal and poetic :)


This is the one I tried first in the store and was just overcome. I didn't care if it was masculine or feminine, it was just powerful and something I needed. I floated. I still haven't had the time to introspect on what exactly it does to me, but your own experience is an interesting insight. I do feel the hedione effect is subtle...but paired with the effects of the other ingredients, it's unlike anything I have ever had the pleasure to experience. Sorry if that's so vague....but I have yet to put my finger on exactly why I love it and need it.

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I would wear this. It's very fresh and clean but aquatic as well. I can't really pick out individual notes but I can tell you it smells really good! I think I love hedione. I fell asleep with my nose glued to the scent on my wrist. And this morning I still get a faint fragrance that's soft and smells great!

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I dont get much in the way of dramatic self effects with Hedione. Maybe I need a male target. ;)

I've worn this scent twice as I have Moist.


What it feels like to me and what i notice in others responses. ..


Me- my response is a sort of ahh this is nice. Pretty, calm, I like the diffusion and I get a whiff of serenity.


Others- 3 different people who have smelled one or both of the scents on me all just seemed to breathe it in and a smile would stretch across their face (atypically of their personality). I got an " OOh that's nice.. " Really that's sort of raving from them as they are not perfumeheads. It may sound tame but it was a pretty intense reaction. I dont know about any phero like results but its a head turner at the least.


I think I read in one of the post links that Hedione has more of an effect on women. While my small round of experience may not be anywhere near enough to prove that, all these big "sighs" here make me wonder. I do like the hedione effect in the way it carries and seems to diffuse a scent.


In this scent..

Its so funny I noticed the Juniper right off. As if is tossed a fresh crisp martini in his face. I just thought hey Gin! Had to go look at the notes and there it was. Hum, well I have been tasting some artisan gin lately so that's a herb I might be attuned to.


Looks like I'II start some Xmas shopping early. Its almost Fall right?

Edited by StacyK
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Thanks StacyK,


I'm starting to find hedione as fascinating as Aja ! Jasmine was worn by Cleopatra...it's not like it hasn't been around us and on our skins for a long time ! Yet we seem to know next to nothing about what it does for us/to us. I feel like we are only scratching the surface of how airborne signals affect us. So exciting !

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Fresh! Fresh!! FRESH!!!

From the minute I applied this it was a splashy, burst of happiness. Right away, the aloe, coconut and cucumber come through as the stars. What an amazing combination! The juniper and peppermint are faint, not forward at all, but add to the breath of fresh air. The cactus..juicy, like Saguaro water. Throughout the entire drydown, which is rapid, I never get the sandlewood, unless it simply adds to the extra-light sweetness. At about twenty minutes in, the coconut is fading, and the juniper becomes a bit more pronounced, but by 35 minutes, the juniper has gone, and the coconut and cucumber return. Oh, and then the Hedione is truly detectable. The lightness is there, the floating on a summer breeze sensation. So clean and fresh, a just showered freshness. I love this! I would absolutely wear this. I think my sons would happily wear this. Fantastic!

Edited by Wanderlust
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I loved this (on a willing male participant, not me)! It lasted absolutely ages despite being very fresh. Even the coconut, of which I was wary, just worked perfectly, seeming more like coconut water than coconut milk by staying fresh and aquatic rather than heavy and creamy. It was gently tropical, I'd say, with plenty of aquatic freshness... or maybe a tropical breeze rather than being all sunscreen and daiquiris and cabana boys.


I don't yet have anything conclusive to report re: hedione but I'm looking forward to testing this more and seeing what comes of it.

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Yeah I was thinking a sample for me and and an fb for them. I'm surprised no guys reviewed this yet, this Hedione is pretty effective I mean the name alone got my atten from the get go.



Edited to add just saw your post Donsie, I can see not everyone taking to it, it's lil unusual looking forward to dif brews I feel the potential.

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Also this confirms I'm a hedione ho as I COULD NOT keep my nose out of the application spots. I CRAVED smelling it the way you crave a cigarette. I was at all times either smelling it or thinking about smelling it.


ETA a thing about hedione that I've noticed with both Moist and H2O is that I get this initial flush of warmth that is just barely not quite actually physical- hard to describe. Like imagine infatuation-butterflies without the fluttery part. Also I thought I was imagining it with my first trial (Moist) but it happened again with H2O: it seems to make me relaxed and confident - not in an "I can do this" way but a "general self-esteem" way. More like self-acceptance maybe. Gonna keep looking out for this effect in future trials.

I'm with you tyvey! re: being a "hedione ho". I had been searching for a way to describe the inner contentment that flooded my experience with hedione. "self-acceptance" is a great descriptive word for it. I'm one of those constantly working toward improvement and growth. Sometimes that drive can cause self-critical thoughts. With hedione, I still have the drive to improve, but the critical thoughts go on vacay and just positive "let's move forward and get it done" thoughts are left - though, with a more calm, relaxed, and confident vibe to accompany those thoughts.


I rarely use the same phero two days in a row, but I had to with this one. It's performing as well on day two as it did on day one - unusual for me. Hoping this will be available in an UN! Thanks Mara!

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I still haven't gotten to this one yet, but I will chime in on the hedione affect because I got it w/ Moist. It lasted until the next morning & my nose was periodically glued to the application points. I experienced a sense of well being, even during a very stressful situation. To the point that I found myself genuinely laughing at the person causing the stress.

Edited by Beccah
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Hoping this will be available in an UN! Thanks Mara!

I don't believe she has any more hedione, is the thing. She used it up making MOIST and this one.

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I do have a little bit left, but it's not meant to be used on its own. You can barely smell it, unless you use tons of it. It's really better, as far as I can deduce thus far, as an enhancer for other scent notes.


(Luna it was the Night Blooming Jasmine that I used up my entire supply of)

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  • 3 weeks later...

This smells really good to me on me, but I HAVE to convince my bride to try this scent. I think it could smell even better on her. I feel like a suntan commercial right now. Immediately after I put this on, I could smell the juniper and coconut slightly more prominently. Over the last half hour the coconut is taking the lead over everything else, but only slightly. This is a very evocative scent. It really is a scent that brings to mind being at a tropical beach, sipping a Pina Colada and not ever having to work. Very smooth, very relaxing, slightly floral but still very unisex scent. I really like Creed's Virgin Island Water but I can say that this scent has it beat by a mile for the feeling of an eternal beach vacation.


I had to run some errands a little while ago and while out, the cashier at the grocery store asked, 'Is that you?' Is what me? 'Do you smell like the beach? I can totally picture being on vacation in Negril.' Yes, that's me. She said I smelled like a vacation. I thought that was pretty accurate. I really like this but the big determination as to go full bottle or not full bottle will be what my bride thinks of it. I'm hoping she likes it because I would love her to smell like this.

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This is a very evocative scent. It really is a scent that brings to mind being at a tropical beach, sipping a Pina Colada and not ever having to work.

Yep; see didn't I tell ya?!

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What I think I love most about this scent is that it brings out the tropical summer beach vibe even in people who don't naturally go there personality-wise. It's like putting on a costume or something, using a scent for a different sort of persona. To my nose that works without feeling forced or incongruous because the scent is at the fresh and crisp end of the tropical spectrum, which helps the wearer slip into the eternal summer vibe even if they're not normally that way.

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I have been working with my sample for a while before I wrote anything, mostly because I have been trying to gauge the effects of the Hedione with the Mrs..


I think Luna and Snoopy have described this scent very well: this is a male tropical aquatic scent. Not the straight up aquatic scent like Sandy Bottom but a very tropical sense to it. And by tropical I mean that sense of tropical greenery and flowers. But don't let the "floral" worry you - it is easily masculine enough for a guy even if some of the ladies like to wear it too. Snoopy said it well when he said he felt like he was on the beach in some tropical paradise, complete with suntan lotion! I like the scent a lot. I would love it if the coconut was not quite as strong but coconut is a note that tends to amp up on my skin so a lot of that effect is me.


I am not sure about the effects of the Hedione with the Mrs. as it has been a little like a roller coaster here lately (kids off to college, etc.) so I will report back as I get more of a feel for that.

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Had to revisit this scent because there is just something so very familiar about it. I cannot put my finger on it but there is a scent memory attached to this scent. I love the scent and am going to try and get a full bottle before this sells out. My bride seems to react well to Hedione in that does seem to relax her. I might have to get a bottle of Hedione and just try that to see how she reacts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I could smell the juniper and coconut slightly more prominently. ... This is a very evocative scent. It really is a scent that brings to mind being at a tropical beach, sipping a Pina Colada and not ever having to work. Very smooth, very relaxing, slightly floral but still very unisex scent.

Finally, someone gets the Juniper too. Lol, the not ever having to work.Thats it exactly! :)

I don't get as much coconut as you do. It's all fairly well blended and sophicated to my nose.


A beachside patio, a splash of gin and vermouth and the subtle scent of the sea breeze and summer air. It's all very alluring.

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It's a great scent, isn't it?!!

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  • 3 months later...

The more I wear this, the more I fall in love with it! This makes me want to huff my wrists all day. (Luckily the scent clings and I smell strongly all day). This one is difficult for me to describe- because although I get a sexy musky coconut, I get a soapy freshness and watery florals. It's smooth and not at all sharp. It reminds me for summer. Soft breezes, warm skin and refreshing beach days.

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  • 3 months later...

Yes. It's awesome. On a man it smells like the "man of my dreams". On me its feminine- almost toward uni but not quite.

It's not the same scent. But, it's kinda like the concept of "Linas One Of The Boys". But, also like putting on a men's style crisp linen shirt with just one or 2 buttons done, girly panties and sitting on a patio with a nice sea breeze and a martini. Feet up and toes polished of course.


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