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LOL!! I can totally see it. I love when people react with surprise to something their own selves did. It's like one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a movie, in the Wedding Singer, when Steve Buscemi is drunkenly talking to Adam Sandler and they're outside the back door of a wedding reception, and the scene ends with Steve dropping a champagne glass, and when it shatters on the asphalt, it scares the crap out of him, he looks around nervously trying to figure out where the sound came from, and staggers away. :D or, once my dog happened to be lounging in a corner and when he saw me he wagged his tail really hard, so it hit the wall, and he whirled around and glared accusingly at the wall like 'WHO HIT MY TAIL'

no one can t/j like I can

Edited by tyvey
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My apologies to your poor puppy, but BWAHAHAHAHAHA(snort)! :lol:


Gotta go download that Wedding Singer movie from Amazon . . . sounds totally worth it!

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LOL @ Tyvey there are no t/j's here when they are that funny :lol:


Is it acceptable to bitch-slap a bitch-babbler at a birthday bash??


good one :rofl222: ... fortuately I have only had teh happy babblers,and teh sexy babblers with Dolce Far Niente, straight b-nol and cops :001_302:

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Ohhhh Calii...that gives me eebil thoughts. My guy's kind of amusing sometimes w/his inability to filter what he says - completely *naturally*. Would that be mean?

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Ohhhh Calii...that gives me eebil thoughts. My guy's kind of amusing sometimes w/his inability to filter what he says - completely *naturally*. Would that be mean?


Mean? Yup.**


Hilarious? Oh, yeah!!!



**Unpaid Non-Political Announcement Brought to You By Forumites for Responsible Use of Magickal PotionS (FRUMPS)

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I jest in calling myself a FRUMPS, but sometimes I seriously wonder about the social implications of deliberately using pheros to affect someone else's behavior. They are a hoot to "play" and experiment with, but what if someone tried using them for less-than-noble purposes? Could Cuddle Bunny or some other warm 'n fuzzy phero be used to throw off an opponent's concentration in a sports event? Or to gain an unfair advantage in a poker game or something?


Or, as katz just mentioned -- causing consequences you may no longer want once they are set in motion.


Huh. I think I need to go douse myself with some Jubliee and leave this to the philosophers.

Edited by Just Ducky
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I do get rather worried whenever I wear TMI but I'm crazy in love with the scent that I am willing to subject myself to any blabbing that will come my way or if I talk myself silly.


My sis LOVES this very much too. I left my sample behind and I will be digging into my vault to let her have a full bottle as she deserves it. I have been gifting her LP since I discovered LP more than 2 years ago. She uses LPs when traveling but continues using commercial perfumes on a day-to-day basis.


She is aware of this forum and the info available on the LP website but she does not have much interest to read up so I will always shortlist and experiment before sending a package to her.


Anyway, she laughed when I warned her what the pheros can do. I told her that she can share this with my BIL but beware!

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The pheros will kick in and she'll monopolize the entire meeting with 101 (count 'em) gripes she has about the new word processing software, leaving a whole five minutes for the actual birthday celebration.


You really counted them?? Bet that was fun.


They just seem to have this uncontrollable compulsion to . . . babble! They seem as surprised at what comes out of their mouths as everyone else is. The phero definitely short circuits the social filters, that's for sure!


Yep, this was so my experience with overdosing on Happy Ending with BAM! It was like I couldn't stop myself. The compulsion to talk and talk and talk and talk was just too strong to ignore! I mean, I *could* control it when I thought about it and tried not to, but I really didn't want to, and if you didn't know what hit you and weren't prepared... :666:

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Nooo! :( ....Is there no more TMI? ....I just tried my sample last night and absolutely feel in love with the scent. So right now I tried to buy some to take advantage of the sale and..............sold out! :( :( :(

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I jest in calling myself a FRUMPS, but sometimes I seriously wonder about the social implications of deliberately using pheros to affect someone else's behavior. They are a hoot to "play" and experiment with, but what if someone tried using them for less-than-noble purposes? Could Cuddle Bunny or some other warm 'n fuzzy phero be used to throw off an opponent's concentration in a sports event? Or to gain an unfair advantage in a poker game or something?

Uh...happens every day, I figure. Maybe not on such a grand scale, but people will use anything and everything to gain an advantage.

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Uh...happens every day, I figure. Maybe not on such a grand scale, but people will use anything and everything to gain an advantage.


How true. You and Mara and everyone expend so much time and love in making these awesome products for us that the thought of them being put to unintended use is just so . . . sad.


But you are 100% correct -- it's gonna happen, and not just with pheros.


And TOTALLY unrelated to that ^_^ -- here's to hoping TMI will be back in stock soon!

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I wore this to work today as i expected it to be an extremely busy day plus tempers will flare. The odd thing is that I was all hot and sticky for most of the day and I could not smell the scent at all but when I got home, settled into my armchair to read the news like 10 hours later, I can smell the wonderful caramel musk.

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Brewed up a new batch of this yesterday, just FYI.


I had to use different sources for 2 of the ingredients, and IMO, it smells a little bit milder straight from the bottle, and then practically identical on the skin after dry down. Phero mix is exactly the same.


Just wanted everyone to know, as the label remains the same. All orders placed through yesterday have the last brew. All orders from today on will have the latest brew.

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Thank you thank, Mara!!! :Emoticons0804:


A permanent loss of TMI would mean the end of the world as I know it. Whew!


Maybe I'll try layering the rebrew over the existing brew so any teeny tiny difference will disappear. . . assuming there is any. If it smells the same to YOU on dry-down, then we mere mortals certainly are not going to detect a difference!

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Oh, pooh. I already put pheros in the entire master bottle. I didn't know anyone wanted any without.



I love this for the way it smells. I have enough to last through the new rebrew. Should there be another rebrew, I'd like it without pheros, please.

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I also love this for the way it smells. The phero for me is dangerous, but I ordered some anyway, that's how much I love the smell!


Me too! I just make sure that I keep them away from my nose. I'm thinking of mixing it into my body lotion and smear this all over my legs and back when the weather gets cooler. Crazy idea but as long as It keeps me from giving out tmi and makes me smell gorgeous ....

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Hmmm, maybe I should just add Caramel Musk to the list of Musks on the PE page for next month?


Caramel musk? You mean something similar to T.M.I but without pheros? Are the musks so popular that they become permanent offerings?

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Yes, the scent of TMI without the pheros.


I don't know about permanent...maybe just a temporary fad, like most of the Sugared scents we offered and the Musky Dusky*s...very hot for a while.


They're simple to make as long as I have the ingredients.

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Yes, the scent of TMI without the pheros.


I don't know about permanent...maybe just a temporary fad, like most of the Sugared scents we offered and the Musky Dusky*s...very hot for a while.


They're simple to make as long as I have the ingredients.



Holy Moly Mara, I've hoped for this for ages. I love the scent of TMI, caramel isn't even my thing so much, but this just works for me. Can I reserve a big bottle in advance please?! It's like the waiting list for a Birkin lol



Oh and I would be soooooooo into this as a room spray. Mmmmmm, bath, clean sheets smelling of TMI, oh yeaaaah!

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Foxy? :lol: Nooo, that's me looking for corsets to make a matching label with the other musks.


DUH! I thought either it was perfumery term I didn't know about or else you dress up to brew the magic (I'd be totally tempted) :smiley-laughing024: The label thing never even crossed my mind!!

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Oooooh!! Caramel Musk to amp the scent when using TMI!


That wonderful idea can be found in Webster's under "Heaven."


Is it ready NOW?!??

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