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Essence of Woman copulins

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I recall in one of the old threads that gay may not like EoW. I have experienced hostility from a few gays at work. There's a boyish bachelor whom a colleague of mine insisted is gay but a few of us disagree. I have been working very closely with this man for the last three months. We'll meet up at least once every week and I think I have cops on most of the days we meet. Otherwise, it'll be some sexy pheros. But his reactions are different from those known gays. He seems to be attracted to me.


Anyhow,when we met up this week, he admitted that he's a gay for more than half his life and that I know his ex. OMG! I can't believe it! I didn't get the typical reactions from him because he's the alpha?

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Either that, or he's not fully "gay". Human sexuality is a spectrum. I wish that people would stop trying to make it black & white. Personally, I'm married, have two children & consider myself straight, but I've dated women/find them attractive. Back on point, he could still consider himself gay & be attracted to you ;)

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Either that, or he's not fully "gay". Human sexuality is a spectrum. I wish that people would stop trying to make it black & white. Personally, I'm married, have two children & consider myself straight, but I've dated women/find them attractive. Back on point, he could still consider himself gay & be attracted to you ;)


Well, maybe and I should feel flattered as I used to hang out with all different groups of people and never got such reactions from the boys.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This is from my journal on PheroTruth in regards to Essence of a Woman copulin smell. I have to agree with Raq On and others who say they actually like the smell, I kind of do too!



I had read a LOT about the smell of copulins before this arrived, and everyone was saying it was terrible – words like urine, butt cheese, baby poo, and cat pee were being bandied around – and I was honestly expecting something really rank and awful. I was very surprised when I smelled it in the bottle and all I really got was alcohol and a faint, not too unpleasant scent behind it. But I figured the bad smell must happen when you apply it. So when I did apply it, I was still expecting the worse. But what surprised me was that I actually – dare I say it – kind of liked the smell? I mean it didn’t smell pretty like flowers or fruit or something, but it was pleasing to me. It actually smelled really familiar... and I realised it smelled a bit like, ahem, myself?


I don’t really know how to describe this... Even though the smell was what I would consciously describe as unpleasant (I got the strong cheese smell from it personally), on an unconscious level I kind of enjoyed it and wanted to sniff in more. I think I found it pleasing because I had some good associations with the smell, which I had never registered consciously before. Smelling it brought on memories of sex, and being aroused or turned on. It even just smelled like myself after a workout or heavy sweating, particularly the smell around my crotch when I am sweaty (sorry for the imagery there). Maybe it sounds a bit gross but I think we are all somewhat programmed to like our own smell, which is sometimes why we don’t recognise when we have bad BO. Now that I know what to smell for, I can definitely recognise the smell of my own natural copulins on me, and Essence of a Woman comes pretty close to imitating it.


Application: I recognise that while I have pleasant associations with the smell, not everyone wants to smell that directly, so I will reiterate what has probably been said hundreds of times here and say that a cover smell is a must. I read around on this forum and followed the advice I found, and applied two drops, one split between my wrists and one on my cleavage, and let it dry down for 20 minutes. It did change smell as it dried, becoming weaker, although maybe that was just me getting used to it. Having ran out of my only fruity sample, I tried covering it with several perfumes – first the sample of Summoner’s Spell (citrusy and incensey to my nose), JLo Live (sweet, commercial perfume), and Moroccan Rose (gentle, rose smell) from the Body Shop. None of them covered it, in fact they all seemed to clash with the smell and actually made it smell like I was trying to cover up something foul sad.gif I would NOT recommend these smells as covers for Essence of a Woman. I did go out in them but I just *felt* like I smelled unclean.

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The OCCO line is good for going out & about in. They are covered perfectly in complementing scents with that line.

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I'd been sticking clear of the OCCO line because I figured I had EoW so why not just buy my own scents to mix with it? But I have heard such good things about them and the new Ambrosia just sounds soooo good and right up my alley, so I am going to give it a try! At least I won't have to worry about getting the ratio right :)

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Love Potion Red & OCCO Red ...you are welcome :001_302:


...don't do anything you don't want to explain to the paramedics




Calii, I put on my LP Red Lace and went out last night and when I turned around, there was a man sniffing my hair. Like IN my hair.


As for EoW, the smell has grown on me. Where initially it smelled like the inside of a belly button, now it's more like a vinegar. If there's a "gross" smell to it, I don't notice it out of the bottle anymore. Although... if I apply it to my wrists and later in the day, wash my hands and get it wet again, it does sort of remind me of a wet dog.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Perhaps I have missed it but why is cops not a pheromone? Does it or will it not have the neurotransmitters burnout effect like regular pheromones? I'm more of a cops user than a pheromone user and I'm coming from the pheormone-free-kids-zone perspective.

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Joc, LOTS of things will evoke/provoke what is known as a pheromonal response or a pheromonal effect, without technically being pheromones. Perfect examples are vanilla and cinnamon. (Honey does too, but it very probably has bee pheromones in it anyway.) Copulins are essentially vinegar. They are as safe as vinegar, but they do inspire a pheromonal response.

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honey has bee pheros? So that explains why the friggen bees wont leave me alone,trying to land on me it seems.Im screaming and running away from them!

well,they like pouncing potion :)

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I've noticed that all kinds of insects are drawn to me when I wear pheromones, including mosquitoes :/ Usually only bees & butterflies bother me when I'm wearing phero-free LPs & I'm fine with that. Also animals & kids seem to fawn over me with starry eyed devotion when I wear cops in LPs but we've had that conversation in other threads I think.

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What would be really cool would be a phero blend that repels mosquitoes and flies! Like insect repellant but the normal stuff from the stores gives me allergies so I can't use it much, plus it usually smells pretty yuck. And somehow I feel that pheromones would be stronger - animals respond to them so strongly. Come to think of it, maybe insect repellants already do have pheromones in them? Anyone know?

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What would be really cool would be a phero blend that repels mosquitoes and flies! Like insect repellant but the normal stuff from the stores gives me allergies so I can't use it much, plus it usually smells pretty yuck. And somehow I feel that pheromones would be stronger - animals respond to them so strongly. Come to think of it, maybe insect repellants already do have pheromones in them? Anyone know?

No, insect repellents do not have pheromones in them. You can buy insect pheromones separately (to bait traps I think). Insect repellents contain either chemicals, essential oils, or a mixture of both to repel bugs. If you suffer from allergies; try citronella oil based repellents, candles, or the repellent clips on your clothes, sweety.

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I keep hearing peppermint, lemongrass and rosemary EO's to be repellents. I'm hoping so, gonna try them camping in a few weeks!


They work wonder as I purchase EO-based repellents for my kids. Sometimes, I use citronella candles too. I'm thinking of making my own repellents, body oils and massage oils. Does anyone know how to qualify the quality of EOs? There are plenty of fakes here so I don't want tot run the risk of apply such supplies on my kids.

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They work wonder as I purchase EO-based repellents for my kids. Sometimes, I use citronella candles too. I'm thinking of making my own repellents, body oils and massage oils. Does anyone know how to qualify the quality of EOs? There are plenty of fakes here so I don't want tot run the risk of apply such supplies on my kids.


Hmmm, I would only trust well-known brands, not sure what you have available there. I purchase mine at Whole Foods or on line from iHerb.

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Does anyone know how to qualify the quality of EOs? There are plenty of fakes here so I don't want tot run the risk of apply such supplies on my kids.


I would go for a solidly reputable company like Aura Cacia. They even have a kids line. JOC, if they won't ship to you, you can have your order shipped to us and we'll pack it with your LP orders.



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I've tried the dryer sheet thing. Nada. Mosquitoes are attracted to your carbon dioxide output. Citronella will repel (they don't like that) but worn on the body. Candles will keep them away from the candle not necessarily off you. It depends on how your carbon dioxide "smells" to the mosquito. My husband and daughter are magnets for those suckers. They don't really bother me much

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They work wonder as I purchase EO-based repellents for my kids. Sometimes, I use citronella candles too. I'm thinking of making my own repellents, body oils and massage oils. Does anyone know how to qualify the quality of EOs? There are plenty of fakes here so I don't want tot run the risk of apply such supplies on my kids.

I like NOW Foods organic EOs


Hmmm, I would only trust well-known brands, not sure what you have available there. I purchase mine at Whole Foods or on line from iHerb.

iHerb.com ships to China, I always see reviews from their Chinese customers (but I can't read them, lol). Plus either I have a code or I'm sure Lynne has one that can get you $5 off ;)

I think they also carry Aura Cacia...

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Thanks GL, Beccah & PM for offering to mail the oils to me. Hub's heading to US in June so i might order something from Amazon for him to bring back.


I know that I can get Jurlique, AA and maybe another one or two foreign brands from the net here. I'm just not sure if they are real.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've tried the dryer sheet thing. Nada. Mosquitoes are attracted to your carbon dioxide output. Citronella will repel (they don't like that) but worn on the body. Candles will keep them away from the candle not necessarily off you. It depends on how your carbon dioxide "smells" to the mosquito. My husband and daughter are magnets for those suckers. They don't really bother me much

so stoked i came by this - i was just talking with one of my friends the other day about mosquitos, and how i've never noticed them ever, really. i always thought it was because i grew up in a desert so i just didn't encounter them, but she said she thought some people were inclined to be more liked by mosquitos - her and her boyfriend have always been mosquito magnets, but they always left one of her sisters alone! i guess her theory is true, i had no idea!! :)

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Some locals believe it's got to do with genes ...... I heard that a while ago and I heard it from my dinner date who said that his neighbor's wife said so.


I read somewhere that it's your blood type.

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LOL... great so I have stinky carbon dioxide :lol:

Learn to love garlic, bugs don't seem to care for people that eat a lot of it.

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Learn to love garlic, bugs don't seem to care for people that eat a lot of it.


Garlic appears regularly in Asian diet. I don't want to sound gross but it does taste great when fresh garlic is chopped finely and served with fresh cut chillies and soya sauce however, I dislike having to deal with my dragon's breath afterwards. When I was working in NE Asia (I decided to leave this out so I will not offend anyone) my colleague dislike being in the same lift as the locals as he feels that their pores ooze the garlic scent as much as in their breath. They eat lots of garlic at every meal.

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Garlic appears regularly in Asian diet. I don't want to sound gross but it does taste great when fresh garlic is chopped finely and served with fresh cut chillies and soya sauce however, I dislike having to deal with my dragon's breath afterwards. When I was working in NE Asia (I decided to leave this out so I will not offend anyone) my colleague dislike being in the same lift as the locals as he feels that their pores ooze the garlic scent as much as in their breath. They eat lots of garlic at every meal.

Oh yes, well that is what repels the bugs though. I think in the normal Western diet there usually aren't too many really strong spices & herbs too, ahem, pump up the volume on the garlic. I was eating raw sliced garlic on my eggs to do a candida cleanse & my husband would smell it as soon as he walked in the house, lol.

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I'm not sure if garlic would always do the trick. I'm one of those people who would always be attacked by mosquitos, no matter how many people would be in the room, those little vampires would attack me for sure and leave the others mostly unhurt. While I was living in Asia I always took local food with garlic and lots of spices. Still, it didn't help. But whenever I took a shower using lots of soap which contains some kind of citronella, that did repell the insects for a while. There are different kind of mosquitos existing, some of them are extremely agressive. May be, some react to garlic, some others to citronella.

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I'm not sure if garlic would always do the trick. I'm one of those people who would always be attacked by mosquitos, no matter how many people would be in the room, those little vampires would attack me for sure and leave the others mostly unhurt. While I was living in Asia I always took local food with garlic and lots of spices. Still, it didn't help. But whenever I took a shower using lots of soap which contains some kind of citronella, that did repell the insects for a while. There are different kind of mosquitos existing, some of them are extremely agressive. May be, some react to garlic, some others to citronella.


Citronella soap... now that's a good idea! All the great ideas I get from reading these forums, it's wonderful :)


Snowflake, what happened to your pretty avi?? :(

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. I was eating raw sliced garlic on my eggs to do a candida cleanse & my husband would smell it as soon as he walked in the house, lol.


I popped cloves of raw garlic a couple of times when I was desperate to heal fast (Candida & cold) but didn't seem to do so. I wonder if my body and germs/bacteria are immune to the effects.

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Snowflake, what happened to your pretty avi?? :(

I was trying to change my avi but somehow the picture disappeared. So I deleted the picture completely and will try again tonight or tomorrow after shutting down my computer completely and starting everything anew.

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Ahh, your pretty flowers are back now :)

Is the flower still visible? I'd changed to the cat when my rank name changed, but at first the new pic disappeared and the flower was visible again, :chimp83: then I managed to delete all and now the cat should be there.

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