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Elume w/ Perfect Match

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Artwork Courtesy of Shannon Stamey @October Illustrations.


Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
OUD (Agarwood) ~ Love, aphrodisia, spirituality, health.
SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism.
SMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration. It is also the foremost mode of communication from this world to the realm of spirits and the gods.


A variant of our enduringly popular unisex Allumette fragrance, allow your attraction to spark and catch fire with our seductive mix of vanilla and oud and Arabian wood attars twining with varieties of dark and red musk, whispers of smoke and burnt sugar, shot through with precious golden amber. To turn up the heat on this flirtatious flame we’ve added a dose of our PERFECT MATCH pheromone blend, a 'soulmate' type of blend that both sexes can wear. Promotes attraction, trust, communication, conquering of nervousness and happy, good-time mood elevation. Reminds established couples of that first blush of new love, complete with butterflies in the tummy!

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  • luna65 unlocked this topic

As this is a variant of Allumette, I wasn't going to make a direct comparison but I think this might be less woodsmoke-smoky, more incense-like than I recall from previous.  That's what I get out of it primarily - it's very heady incense with an undertone of sweetness.  If you're a fan of Allumette I think this is the same vibe that you know and love.



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I never tried the Alumette, but I think this is very close to the Indiscretion scent.   It's a little more masculine than I expected, though.  I just got it today, so I will give it some time to settle and see if it plays any differently later.  I like it, but I think I'd like it better as a home scent...like putting some drops in the oil warmer.  It would be the perfect fall scent for the home.  :D 

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I know I tried Allumette, but it was so long ago, I don't really remember it, so I won't make a comparison. On me, this is a beautiful vanilla sandalwood, with just a hint of smokiness. It's soft and understated, but has good  longevity. I've worn it to work for the last 3 days, and everybody wants to be my best friend. 

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I never tried Allumette, so I can't make a comparison, but I love the dark vanilla smokiness of this one. The smoke element is really forward on me, but (at least to my nose) that's what makes it different and more compelling.

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I had Allumette, but traded it away because my man was adverse to the smoky note. I think I might try to get him to wear Elume. I really liked it on me when I tried it earlier this week, but I might like it more on him.

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This is a really light, sheer vanilla musk on me with just a hint of smoke. It doesn't have much throw, but smells lovely.  I am going to see how it ages - maybe it will get a little bit of a stronger scent, or maybe it's just what my skin does to it (mutes it or absorbs it).

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Nope nope nope.

I love it, wanted to get my man to wear it, as he had strong adverse reaction to Allumette on me so I traded it away. I thought if he had it on himself, he would read the smoke as masculine and like it. Boy was I wrong! Two wrist swipes, and he was like "ew." I did not tell him it was a version of anything, I just told him to sample it.


Me: You don't like it? What don't you like about it?

Him: The Smell.

Me: No, but what specifically?

Him: It smells like dirty pepper. Like a pepper. That someone left in dirt. ...

    .... People like this?

Me: yes, people like it, I like it. 

Him: huh. Weird.


I don't know, I'd guess it was the oud, he didn't like Sugared Oud, but I don't think Allumette had it either? I dunno. Thankfully, there are so many yummy LP's that there are plenty that we already agree upon. He left for work in his Veridian Muse and thankfully we BOTH love it. 

Edited by Eastwood22
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44 minutes ago, Eastwood22 said:

Nope nope nope.

I love it, wanted to get my man to wear it, as he had strong adverse reaction to Allumette on me so I traded it away. I thought if he had it on himself, he would read the smoke as masculine and like it. Boy was I wrong! Two wrist swipes, and he was like "ew." I did not tell him it was a version of anything, I just told him to sample it.


Me: You don't like it? What don't you like about it?

Him: The Smell.

Me: No, but what specifically?

Him: It smells like dirty pepper. Like a pepper. That someone left in dirt. ...

    .... People like this?

Me: yes, people like it, I like it. 

Him: huh. Weird.


I don't know, I'd guess it was the oud, he didn't like Sugared Oud, but I don't think Allumette had it either? I dunno. Thankfully, there are so many yummy LP's that there are plenty that we already agree upon. He left for work in his Veridian Muse and thankfully we BOTH love it. 

I love reading his descriptions, even the scents he doesn't like :lol: All I can get out of mine is "like" or "don't like"

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3 hours ago, oceanjewel said:

I love reading his descriptions, even the scents he doesn't like :lol: All I can get out of mine is "like" or "don't like"

He's my hound dog. I once put on one of his favorite scents (he likes dairy notes like Lick of Cream and Liebchen and Dari Gold), I was in the bedroom, and he called from the sofa, "I smell butter. Is it bedtime?" Last night he said that he smelled me at the show before he saw me. I believe him. One of the scents I had on was OCCO Pineapple and I know he can pick that one out in a lineup. I wanted to go to the LP store a few weekends ago, but he was traveling and it would be super pointless without him. And way less fun, ? obviously.

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On 10/30/2018 at 3:51 PM, Potion Master said:




He is so decisive when he doesn't like a scent, it's impressive to me. When I test a new scent, I am fairly heavy handed, so I can really experience it fully. He only needs two little swipes and he knows immediately if it's not for him. 

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On 10/25/2018 at 5:03 PM, Eastwood22 said:

Him: It smells like dirty pepper. Like a pepper. That someone left in dirt. ...

    .... People like this?

?  Now I have to dig my trial vial out to sniff it again!  So interesting to see how people interpret scents. 

Edited by Eve
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  • 10 months later...

This one is smooth. (I always say that. Sandalwood always makes me go, "Smooth!") At first, I was afraid this would go too resiny, but it stayed nice. Elume is quiet, but deep. It's complex and very much a grown up fragrance. This perfume has the wisdom of experience. While it's unisex, I'd say it leans sightly more to the feminine. I get the impression of an old dusty room, but one that's somehow clean at the same time. The smoke doesn't show up until a few hours in and then hangs around mostly in the background. The vanilla is non-foody and not too sweet either.  I can pick up the musk, and I think that's partly what contributes to the adult feel of the perfume. Even the amber, which often goes sharp on me, is staying in line. This is a very sensual scent. A scent that knows things. It has quite a lot of presence, yet wears close to the skin, even in the beginning. 

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