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Love Potion: Autumnal Equinox 2020 ~ Candied Apple


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APPLE ~ Love, healing, fertility, good luck , happiness, immortality, foretelling spells.
RASPBERRY ~ Love inducing, aids in pregnancy discomforts, protection. Stamina, vigor.
APRICOT ~ Love, love, love! Romance, passion, femininity.
SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
BALSAM ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
OAK LEAF ~ A wood of masculine and projective energy. It symbolizes endurance, triumph, strength, power, prosperity, and heroism.

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This smells exactly like a candied apple! It's nice and light not super heavy at all.

There is no punch in the face from the raspberry. It's just a sweet sugared apple and it's super well blended.

I've never tried Colombia because the notes scared  me but this is a great scent. I'm going to let it rest and see how it develops after a couple days.

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This is VERY fruity.  The apple is definitely the star.  After the initial strong, sweet rush of apple and raspberry I start to get more vanilla and it starts to feel more like an LP variant.  I really like this. 


The oak leaf and balsam also add a really  nice *~fall~* feeling to this.

Edited by bliss3
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I am in love with this one! I was initially a little worried about the raspberry note, but it doesn't take over the perfume, and I can only smell it strongly upon the initial application.  After about 10 minutes it blends in nicely with the apple and vanilla LP base.  I am going to wear it with OCCO White or BBM later tonight too see how it smells with some more vanilla - like ice cream on warm apples hopefully. 

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10 hours ago, Kayla said:

I am going to wear it with OCCO White or BBM later tonight too see how it smells with some more vanilla - like ice cream on warm apples hopefully. 


I was concerned regarding the raspberry because some berries go plastic on my skin, but I couldn’t really say which ones do that. I trusted my gut and went FB in my order, and I’m so glad I did! Not that I even cracked open the bottle, just the trial, but I put it on this afternoon and then again this evening. It started out, on me, as a lovely LP base with some apple/raspberry flavor Fun Dip on top! I know it needs to rest after it’s travels, and I’m looking forward to trying it again. I’m looking forward to getting more of the autumn wood vibe that I know is right behind the apple. 

Edited by Eastwood22
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I get the sugar bomb aspect of this...BUT, the balsam, I think, is reading really loud on my skin to where it adds an aspect which is odd on my skin.  Either that or maybe the Autumnal notes but it's, like, right at the center of it all.  And I am annoyed by that because I do want the candied apple part, I love candied apple scents, especially the ones Mara makes.  I have so many of them: Curiosities, Betsy's Apple, Gravenstein, Candy Apple Cutie, Alyicia's Carnival, Totem: Raccoon...it's a thing with me, lol.  Hopefully with aging this will meld and tone down and I'll be able to enjoy it more.

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First one to try out of the sampler (of course). Wow!  This is like LP Original with a fruity spin. Kind of like a candied fruit Original. This one helps bring the apricot forward on me. It’s a fruity LP Original on me. I did smell apple at first application, but mostly apricot and raspberry now.  Because of that, I wouldn’t limit it to just a fall scent. I like to catergorize my scents by season.  Makes for pleasant surprises when I bring out new scents each month. 😊

Hope it doesn’t fade away like LP Valentine did which I could never get to last.  I imagine it may be like LP Carnival which I guess didn’t work on me or I would have it and I don’t (perhaps I opted out on that one due to the phero in it). But I’m a big fan of the variants (as long as they last on me).  😉

Edited by SirenSong
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  • 3 weeks later...

I cannot wait to see how LP: Candied Apple ages! I have a feeling it is going to be divine. It starts off very bight with the apricot and raspberry. (This is the part I think will be most affected by the aging. I expect it to become both a little muted and also richer.)  The apple is a very tart one. Or maybe it's the other fruits making it seem that way, but either way tart fruitiness. It's so bright, it is almost shiny. As it dries down, the sweetness and depth start to emerge. This helps make it more well rounded. The raspberry goes a bit play doh, as it is wont to do on my skin, but only mildly, and doesn't detract from the scent. The long, long dry down is fabulous. 

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  • 10 months later...

After letting this sit for a year, I’ve started wearing it again and I think it’s a really pretty fall scent. You get the tart punch of berries, then apple and then it settles into a creamier appley vanilla spice mix.

I think if you wanted to mix it up, you could add sugared apples, pure sugar, brown sugar pecan, noco white/cinnamon brown sugar, even sugared amber to this and it would be really delicious.

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