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Like A Magnet--WOW

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For the first time I wore LAM (Vanilla & Honey) scent. I must say upon first application it smells like Phero Girl on me; but as it dried down I get straight Honey which I really like and I smell no Vanilla at all. 2 hours later the Honey disappears and all I smell is pure Vanilla like that scent from Victoria's Secret; I can't detect the Honey at all. It's very light on me and I like it. I probably need to wear more to see if I get any hits with this but I like it allot.



Yes, the LAM scents are all very nice, IMO....they are also very good for layering with other perfumes for those times when you want a stronger scent.....

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest icing

I'm pretty certain this is a foolish question, but what are the significant differences you guys have experienced with this one versus Cougar and Open Windows?

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For me, ymmv: this gives me (& the target) a mildly giddy high along with the lust. Cougar is more about confidence than giddy/lusty, and it's like: me: "omg I am so awesome" / them: "omg you are so awesome". I mostly use OW with girlfriends, especially if some/all are shy.

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Guest icing

Thanks Tyvey!


Has anyone noticed anything negative with this one, or Cougar... and how well do you think one of those would work with the unscented Focus Potion?

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Thanks Tyvey!


Has anyone noticed anything negative with this one, or Cougar... and how well do you think one of those would work with the unscented Focus Potion?



The only thing with LAM is that you need to make sure you are comfortable wearing cops in public. Cops cause testosterone spikes in men, and can cause quite unpredictable reactions. Some environments may not be a good place for LAM.

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Guest icing

Thanks for the advice, Dolly, I really appreciate it!


So far I've worn Beth's Blushing Milkmaid out and about, running errands, and I don't think there was a reaction either way.

But then... my hormones are a little backwards/they're scattered between pre-teen and post-menopausal... been that way since I was 15, so I'm not sure how that affects my wearing cops.


That said, I've read enough warnings here that I will definitely think about what I'm applying/testing before heading heading out!

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But then... my hormones are a little backwards/they're scattered between pre-teen and post-menopausal... been that way since I was 15, so I'm not sure how that affects my wearing cops.


What exactly do you mean by "a little backwards" or "scattered between pre-teen & post-menopausal"?

Do you have regular periods (naturally I mean, not using birthcontrol pills).

Cops are produced naturally by women when they ovulate so if your hormones are so imbalanced that you have irregular or no periods you might have very little own cops production. Similarlily if you are on the pill you don't actually ovulate so you'll be making very little of your own cops.


IF that is the case that might be the reason you haven't noticed any responses...You might not have worn enough. But then there's also the "behavioual rules" of our society to consider; some things are socially unacceptable, so just because a man doesn't show obvious signs that the cops have affected him doesn't mean they haven't. It might just be that in the environment you were in it wouldn't have been approprate for him to respond to the signals you were sending out.

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Guest icing

I'm not on birth control, but I was in my early teens (I wasn't sexually active, but I was getting hideous migraines and fainting, and that was the doctor's best suggestion... I'm mostly into holistic health now)... I really don't have periods any more... I think, since I was fifteen, I've had maybe a total of four periods spread out over the years, I can't remember the details from my last exam, but I do remember that my estrogen is consistently really low.


I've had some major illnesses, however, so I know one thing's affecting the other.



As far as wearing Blushing Milkmaid:

Actually, it was almost as if I was invisible. I'm very outgoing and happy, and typically any stranger (male or female) will smile at me - and I can strike up a conversation with anyone. Usually I'll get checked out by a few people when I go out (it's not so much that I'm as fabulous as I'd like to believe, there are just very few people in my age bracket in this town, so I think everyone tends to notice one another).


However, it is monsoon season, so everyone might have been feeling less social/off, due to the weather extremes of yesterday. I know a few people that just flat-out felt ill and exhausted.



Could it also be due to the fact that it was fresh out of the mail when I applied it (I rolled and shook the bottle, too, but yesterday I also didn't notice the cop smell... today... well, its been a few hours and I still smell kind of icky, haha)?


I tried again today, and things were at least back to normal/strangers (men and women) smiling if I smile at them.

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Normally, if you get the "invisible" syndrome, you have probably applied too much. Some people that you encounter may avoid you or give you a wide berth if you are in OD land. Some say that only happens with other pheros, but I have seen it happen with cops as well.


And yes, as Rosebud said, cops are different......there are many times when men are definitely affected by the cops, but show no outward signs. They all react differently to that testosterone spike.......if it is in a place that would be inappropriate for him to react sexually, most will suppress it....some get crazy and react anyway, so I would just be careful of what you are wearing and most of all, WHERE you are wearing it.....

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Guest icing

You're right! I over applied.


I went out again, after applying much less, and I was in a sundress, as usual, but I looked/felt like hell and had also picked up some bad news at the drs, so I know I didn't super!happy (I still smiled at everyone, as usual, it's not like I was glaring at people or anything, but I definitely looked sickly and tired).


Whiplash double-takes. All over. A few chatty-happy people approached (not all at once), too.

I was shocked.

I felt like living dead girl, and I got a ton of positive attention, and none of it was in an "are you okay?" kinda way (no pheromones being tested, I just went out on a day where I didn't feel particularly well and several people came up to me and asked if I was okay).

So needless to say, I'm pretty sold on pheromones, and the positive attention did make me feel better.


It seems I need a tiny bit and about a two hour period for noticeable reactions.

Seriously, as the day went on, the more frequent the double-takes were. My estrogen levels are through the floor, so I'm guessing a big part of it pertains to cops conveying health?

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  • 4 weeks later...
You're right! I over applied.


I went out again, after applying much less, and I was in a sundress, as usual, but I looked/felt like hell and had also picked up some bad news at the drs, so I know I didn't super!happy (I still smiled at everyone, as usual, it's not like I was glaring at people or anything, but I definitely looked sickly and tired).


Whiplash double-takes. All over. A few chatty-happy people approached (not all at once), too.

I was shocked.

I felt like living dead girl, and I got a ton of positive attention, and none of it was in an "are you okay?" kinda way (no pheromones being tested, I just went out on a day where I didn't feel particularly well and several people came up to me and asked if I was okay).

So needless to say, I'm pretty sold on pheromones, and the positive attention did make me feel better.


It seems I need a tiny bit and about a two hour period for noticeable reactions.

Seriously, as the day went on, the more frequent the double-takes were. My estrogen levels are through the floor, so I'm guessing a big part of it pertains to cops conveying health?


Yup I've od'd on them before ( I was splitting bottles & I hated to waste a drop, lol ). Anyway went to WalMart afterword, the experience was surreal...


So I had my Tangy Ylang boosted with Magnet, actually I got a beta spray & a roll on. So I split the boost between them & the grapefruit was handling the cops quite nicely till this hundred degree weather came along.. Now it seems the perfume burns off faster than the cops...leaving me with a very naughty smelling citrus hint.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The vanilla/honey (original) scent of this is mellow and sweet without being cloyingly so. It is sheer and unobtrusive - you can layer almost anything with it.



I love the LAM/BAM scents.....the Sandalwood and Resins is my fave.....it layers so well.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello ladies :Hug_emoticon:

I'm interested in the effects of LAM, especially compared to Scent of Eros (Anol & Cops) from Love Scent. Have any of you out there tried both?

The first time I wore Scent of Eros, I had an *off the charts* good day. I mean the self effects from the Anol were insane. I remember emailing my man telling him "OMG, I am having the BEST DAY! I feel SO GOOD!" but not putting 2 and 2 together that it was the pheros. The way they affected my co-workers? I have never seen them act like that. Giggly and over the top friendly. We all went out to lunch at an Italian restaurant and there must have been 4-5 waiters at our table at any given time. We were literally the center of attention at this place. You would have thought we were food critics or something, with all of the personal attention that we got. I thought it was funny that my co workers even mentioned "geez, they NEVER talk to us like this!"

The next day, I went to a house party with my man and I didn't really know anyone there- some of them just barely acquaintances, most of them strangers. I could not believe how friendly everyone was toward me, acting like they were SO happy to see me again and the strangers were coming up and starting random conversations. This NEVER happens to me. My friend's sister, who has been very cold to me in the past (for reasons unbeknownst to me) was practically glued to my side all night.

But most of all, I just felt so good about myself. I am a worrier by nature and tend to get sucked down into the abyss of things which sometimes ruins my mood. But when I was wearing this combo of pheros, it was like I was just relaxed and happy (almost how I feel after a beer or two?!) without feeling 'buzzed'.


Anyhoo... just wondering about the phero effects of LAM- and if you could compare it to anything else.

Thanks ladies as always!

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Our Magnet blend is also Alpha-Nol and EoW cops. Not knowing what the strength of the other product is, you should probably expect a similar feel from either product. It's just down to picking which scent you enjoy most then, I guess.


Scent of Eros is the JV Koles product, isn't it? If so, the source of the Alpha Nol and Cops would be the same in both products, we share the same mad scientist for those supplies. :Hug_emoticon: (Dr. Stone) Our balance of the ingredients might be different, the overall strength, and certainly the fragrance, but you should probably get a similar vibe.

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I love my Magnet boosted Tangy Ylang. The scent + the pheros is just pure happy for me! I loved my sandalwood & resins LAM & I loved the CE sample I got, but adding grapefruit to the blend just takes it to another level altogether :(

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While I have not tried LAM,Captivation Equation is a-nol & cops,and I love it !!!!!!!!!! ...finding the right balance is trial and error,but from the reviews here,and knowing the source,I have no doubt that LAM is amazing :( I will try the brown sugar/spice one,when I run out of CE.


ummm,to answer your question,G&L & cops is close,another Happy place for me :D


Edited to make that Garland & Lace,not unscented Lace

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While I have not tried LAM,Captivation Equation is a-nol & cops,and I love it !!!!!!!!!! ...finding the right balance is trial and error,but from the reviews here,and knowing the source,I have no doubt that LAM is amazing :( I will try the brown sugar/spice one,when I run out of CE.


Technically you have tried the phero mix, just not the scented line.

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Technically you have tried the phero mix, just not the scented line.


This is true :D ...I am wondering how that mix will work with the oil base,the a-nol in Garland & Lace,and La Vie De Boheme seem to affect me just fine ! ooo,I need to edit my post to G&L not Lace.I am convinced that the scented option is the way to go,and some scents enchance the pheros! Still having sooo much fun experimenting...enjoying Discoveries :(

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I have used both......and prefer LAM, for two main reasons.....first of all, I don't really care for the scent of Scent of Eros.....it gives me a headache....Alter Ego did that to me as well.....


Also, LAM seems to have more of a sexual "punch" to it to me......I get the happy vibe, but it is very easy to steer into a sexual direction......

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Scent of Eros is the JV Koles product, isn't it? If so, the source of the Alpha Nol and Cops would be the same in both products, we share the same mad scientist for those supplies. :mad-scientist: (Dr. Stone) Our balance of the ingredients might be different, the overall strength, and certainly the fragrance, but you should probably get a similar vibe.

Yes! It is JV Koles, and I remembered the Stone Labs connection. It is one of the things that interested me in the Love Potion products, because I knew how well Scent of Eros worked for me....so I figured if you were using a source like that, your products must be great. And I was right! And I love your little mad scientist emoticon! :)



I have used both......and prefer LAM, for two main reasons.....first of all, I don't really care for the scent of Scent of Eros.....it gives me a headache....Alter Ego did that to me as well.....

Alter Ego did the same thing to me. Gave me a headache and turned me into an evil grumpy bitchy person. Just GRRR all the time!


Yep, that's the whole point! Smell good, feel good, it's all good! :Polar-pressie:

Luna my dear, I think with your few simple words you cut to the heart of my whole perfume addiction... smell good, feel good, ALL GOOD! I always say... I can have old grubby clothes, but if I have new yummy perfume it feels like a brand new outfit! :)

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I love my Magnet boosted Tangy Ylang. The scent + the pheros is just pure happy for me! I loved my sandalwood & resins LAM & I loved the CE sample I got, but adding grapefruit to the blend just takes it to another level altogether :Polar-pressie:

How would you describe the sandalwood & resins LAM... more sandalwood? or more resinous? That is the one I'm most interested in.

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It's a light scent, like the others in the line. It has a warm smooth quality for me, but I wouldn't say it's really more one or the other, just a nice blend of both. Very subtle.

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It's a light scent, like the others in the line. It has a warm smooth quality for me, but I wouldn't say it's really more one or the other, just a nice blend of both. Very subtle.



That is the same way it is for me....just very smooth and warm smelling....almost a "comfy" scent.....very light as well....I haven't found much of anything that it doesn't layer well with....

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It's a light scent, like the others in the line. It has a warm smooth quality for me, but I wouldn't say it's really more one or the other, just a nice blend of both. Very subtle.



That is the same way it is for me....just very smooth and warm smelling....almost a "comfy" scent.....very light as well....I haven't found much of anything that it doesn't layer well with....


SOLD!!! :Polar-pressie:

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I wear this at work. A LOT. Recently I made a flirtacious comment to a coworker and *BOOM* off he went on a //gush// of flattery. Sex kitten? Earth Goddess? Worship little old me? You've been LAMMED.

So before anyone says 'you never warned me' - WARNING. :)

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I wear this at work. A LOT. Recently I made a flirtacious comment to a coworker and *BOOM* off he went on a //gush// of flattery. Sex kitten? Earth Goddess? Worship little old me? You've been LAMMED.

So before anyone says 'you never warned me' - WARNING. :)


Okay, I'm up for a little danger and excitement!!! Warning taken!!! haha!

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Okay, I'm up for a little danger and excitement!!! Warning taken!!! haha!






You'll love the LAM sandalwood.....you will probably find all kinds of ways to wear it.....I also like the brown sugar one as well.......

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What sandalwood would you compare the one in LAM to? I love my honey vanilla LAM and am thinking of getting another variety eventually. There are some sandalwoods that I love, unisexy, shelly's sweet bottom and carolyn's vanilla sandalwood spice (or however that goes) for instance and a few that are migraine inducing for me.



I have issues with some sandalwoods as well.....that spike between the eyes headache.....I don't get that with LAM......the overall scent is so light that you don't get that screaming "HI, I'M SANDALWOOD!".......I don't really know how else to describe it....it is very unobtrusive.....

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Yes it's very subtle...it sort of reminds me of the sandalwood in Legend, nice and smooth.


Dolly & Luna, I'm tempted to take my bottle out to try but it's weekend and my kids will be around again so it has to wait till they go to school on Monday. Breathe and control, breathe and control .......

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Dolly & Luna, I'm tempted to take my bottle out to try but it's weekend and my kids will be around again so it has to wait till they go to school on Monday. Breathe and control, breathe and control .......



HAHAHA....count to ten, take a deep cleansing breath, and step away from the pheros!

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HAHAHA....count to ten, take a deep cleansing breath, and step away from the pheros!


Ohhh,this is what I need to do!!...I am so afraid of losing my lovely self-effects :lol:

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For my part, I honestly try to save them for when I feel I need them, although I would wear LAM every day, I suppose, if I had my druthers. And Focus Potion too, but it's easy for me to overdo it with that one, so I try to limit myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"D" day is finally here! I've managed to dab my LAMs on my arms to have a feel of the scent.


Original: I think this is my favourite as it turns powdery after a couple of hours.

Spicy Brown Sugar: Reminds me of OCCO Red, just lighter.

Pink Amber: Reminds me of OCCO Pink but less cops scent. Turns a little powdery as well.

Sandalwood & resins: very light with (mainly) sandalwood in the background, totally different from how OCCO Black turned out on me.

Orchid & Rose: Some kind of 'greeness' lurks around me.


I'd be happy to use them when the kids are not around me and I hope to test drive my BAMs and do the BLAM thingy.

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  • 1 month later...

I finally tried LAM in Pink Amber. I love it! It’s sort of like Aquolina’s Pink Sugar on me after it dries down…but dirtier. And that’s just fine with me.


As for the pheros…I have a guy at work. He is interested but needs a little encouragement, and I decided that my LAM was just the tool. I knew I would be seeing him for the first time in awhile so I applied a little bit of my LAM (was already wearing a bit of Cougar Potion in my hair from earlier) and headed over. He was busy across the room when I got there, but called out hello and we engaged in our usual banter as he finished his task and i chatted with his coworkers. Then he walked over, and I could tell when he hit my scent cloud because he got a definite DIHL look on his face. He regained his composure quickly, and we chatted a bit, except his tone of voice was weird, sort of soft and gentle, for lack of a better description. And when I was talking he would just stare at me all starry eyed. Haven’t seen him in person since but he still talks to me in that new tone of voice, so we’ll see…


Oh yeah, a friend told me that one of the coworkers has been asking about me. Funny thing is, I’ve been introduced to him on three separate occasions before this one, and he didn’t remember me til I busted out the LAM. Coincidence? I think not. :lol: This stuff is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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