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Like A Magnet--WOW

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I tried LAM Pink Amber last night. And I can definitely say: WOW!


First off, I love the smell of this stuff. I couldn't stop huffing myself. I smelled GREAT! :D I was shocked by how light it was going on, and it dried down to a sheer veil.


Second, I actually got a compliment from my BF. :surprised: I got a, 'You look good.' This is HUGE. I get roughly one compliment on my appearance per year, so either this is that one for 2012, and I won't hold my breath for another, or this is the Magnet talking and I might expect a few more before the year is out.


He also told me I should go buy myself some jeans, 'cause I have a nice bum & I don't show it off enough! (Compliment #2!?!).


Later on in the evening, I got a *real* treat that seemed to go on for an awfully long, and lovely time. And it seemed to make him snuggly!?! WTF??? I was not expecting that. At all. He's your basic turn-over-&-go-to-sleep guy, but last night he cuddled with me after.For a long time. I'd been reading the end of a good book when all this started, & after, I kinda just wanted to finish it, (I know, what a romantic), but I had to wait until I heard the Z's until I could roll him over & get to the end of the *other* climax! Lol!


I think the name for this stuff is apt. Like A Magnet. Because he was stuck to me all freaking night.


I want a jug of this stuff. Partly for the scent, partly for the compliments & snuggling.


Two thumbs up! :D:D:D

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This stuff smells like candy to me, (I think I like the pink scents, too). Shame you can't get these in single samples... Maybe on the Trading Post? I can hardly wait to get a big bottle! Yummeh! I love how light & sheer it is. Great for summer.

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I have been curious about the pink and amber. I love pinks, but can't wear amber.


Raq On, can you wear LP Pink? If you can, I think you shouldn't worry about LAM Pink Amber.

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There are a million kinds of amber, and it's the most common basenote on the planet. There may be certain kinds of amber that people don't like, or maybe if it's too heavy in a mix, but trust me, everyone can and does wear amber whether they know it or not!

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There are a million kinds of amber, and it's the most common basenote on the planet. There may be certain kinds of amber that people don't like, or maybe if it's too heavy in a mix, but trust me, everyone can and does wear amber whether they know it or not!


Oh absolutely! I love just about every amber I have tried! Especially the dark, dry-smelling ones!

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Okay, I'm definitely getting more of this. Like, a lot more. I just got my second compliment from BF. :surprised: I can't believe it. It's a freaking miracle! Tonight I got a, 'You look really good.' Who *is* this guy who's given me two compliments in two days??? Or maybe a better question is: what is in this stuff? 'Cause I like it. A lot. :D

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So...anyone feel that different LAM flavors have a different reaction? Myself, I love(d) the orchid rose (and then...in an apparent attempt to burn down my home, put my purse on a still-hot glass-top stove. Good-bye LAMs...good-bye Kate Spade purse...good-bye Lip Ink...good-bye city-lips plumpers. To hell with everything else...these were at the top of my "DAMMIT!" list...Oh, back to LAMs...I now have the 'others' to use...but I hate the smell of sugar, which they all smell like to me. But...I'm a trooper! I have worn them out and da-a-ammmm if those sugary blends don't make men turn their heads...while the Orchid Rose gets me just a 'that's a delightful smell, is that YOU?"

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Doh! That blows about your purse and all the goodies inside!


Yeah, I don't know what it is about the sugary smells. My BF has liked almost every LP I've had him smell, but his reaction to the sweet, sugary ones is always to grab my arm for a second sniff. He almost ripped my arm off when I had him smell Spinnerett. I like the sugary smells, too, so it works out well. I'm stunned that I've gotten two compliments out of him in 3 days. He NEVER compliments me on how I look. Ever. Well, maybe once a year or so. He gets embarrassed dishing out compliments, so I was floored when the second one popped out of his mouth. I was wearing Pink Amber both times. I wonder if he'll have the same reaction to the other LAMs? Maybe I'll try another tonight...


I wish I liked the Orchid Rose - but it smells so strong on me! I put it on a few days ago expecting it to be a barely-there smell like the other LAMs, but it was really LOUD on me.

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Doh! That blows about your purse and all the goodies inside!


Yeah, I don't know what it is about the sugary smells. My BF has liked almost every LP I've had him smell, but his reaction to the sweet, sugary ones is always to grab my arm for a second sniff. He almost ripped my arm off when I had him smell Spinnerett. I like the sugary smells, too, so it works out well. I'm stunned that I've gotten two compliments out of him in 3 days. He NEVER compliments me on how I look. Ever. Well, maybe once a year or so. He gets embarrassed dishing out compliments, so I was floored when the second one popped out of his mouth. I was wearing Pink Amber both times. I wonder if he'll have the same reaction to the other LAMs? Maybe I'll try another tonight...




My man is much the opposite......he has liked a FEW of the sweet smells, but he prefers the spicy, kind of dark, or sweet-but-not-too-sweet (like Cougar or OCCO SLF (more dirty than sweet on me)).....the only really sweet ones that he really likes are Brown Sugared Black Amber, OCCO White (which he calls my "vanilla ass"....LOL), or the LP Original (actually it is the LP Original LE from a few yrs ago, which was boosted with BI).....

Edited by Dolly
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Double Post....SRY!

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Doh! That blows about your purse and all the goodies inside!


Yeah, I don't know what it is about the sugary smells. My BF has liked almost every LP I've had him smell, but his reaction to the sweet, sugary ones is always to grab my arm for a second sniff.


Speaking of the sugary smells, my colleague with "D" sensitive nose dislikes the sugary/powdery notes in some of my scents, e.g. Egg 2011, Pure Sugar, etc. Maybe I tend to amp the sugar notes as she finds such scents similar, like "you're wearing the same scent..".

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I think that it would be great to have several scent options, as long as the scents are kept light enough to be a layering option. You know, not quite as strong as one of the regular LP oils.....but strong enough to add just a hint of scent and cover the cops smell on drydown....there are times when a truly light scent is appropriate.....



OK, my full LAM report.....OH MY GOODNESS....


My sweetie arrived, and I was still sweaty from my workout, so I told him I was gonna go take a shower. Afterwards, I applied some LAM. Application points were all of the usual suspects (neck, wrists, cleavage), and a little roll on the belly and the inner thighs (for later). I really didn't apply that much, because I wanted a good comparison.....I used about the amount that I would use for a normal LP oil application.


He was standing outside drinking a beer, and when I walked out and stood beside him making small talk, he looks over and says....."You're wearing something, but I don't recognize it." I told him that it was "Like A Magnet", and let him sniff my neck. He smelled the cops (but I didn't tell him it was pheros), as it was still wet....he said...."It has some of that "ass musk" in it...but I think I like it." I told him to just let it dry down and smell it when it dried. When it dried down, he was all over my neck, sniffing almost like a little puppy.....sniff sniff sniff....."Hmmmm....I LIKE THAT ONE." He said that he likes the light scent.....he describes it as "almost not there".


Phero effects....well, I counted at least three separate times when there were DIHL responses from him during the night.....we were sitting and watching tv, and I would turn to look at him, and he would be sitting there, just STARING at me. He couldn't wait until my son went to sleep.....thankfully my boy is a heavy sleeper.....it was a chase me into the bedroom and throw me down evening....LITERALLY. He had fun finding ALL of my application spots.....and I ended the evening being fully satisfied....both with my man and the LAM.


My overall opinion.....this is a WINNER ladies.....when you are going to have that special evening with your sweetie and you want to LIGHT HIM UP, this will do the job. TRUST ME. Also, those of you who are with men who are "scent-sensitive", try this product....it is light and unobtrusive.....smells almost like a good soap or scented lotion....not like you are wearing a heavy perfume.....if you want to go with a heavier scent, I think you could layer this with just about any LP or commercial perfume of your choice.....



Now, if you want a comparison to the "other" LAM, there truly is none. Think of night and day. First, the competitor's product smells BAD. I bought some of the ylang ylang once and it made me have sneezing fits, so I returned it. I tried some of a friend's chocolatini version, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not get rid of the stench. And, the chocolatini clashed with EVERYTHING I tried to cover it with. Plus, you would have to use about half of a bottle of theirs to get the same effect. Plus, theirs is like double the price.....hmmmm......




YOUR fault, you gorgeous, but evil enabler!


It's NOT my lack of willpower that induced me to order a bottle!


Do we need a 12-Step Program? (crickets). ;-)

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Speaking of the sugary smells, my colleague with "D" sensitive nose dislikes the sugary/powdery notes in some of my scents, e.g. Egg 2011, Pure Sugar, etc. Maybe I tend to amp the sugar notes as she finds such scents similar, like "you're wearing the same scent..".


JOC, my BF is the same with florals - unless it's a watery type of floral, or something that has cucumber in it, (which makes it seem kind of watery anyway), he tends to think simple florals smell like old lady. He can't seem to tell the difference between rose and orchid and jasmine, so his response when I ask him is that they smell the same: like old lady.


I'm actually pretty pleased that it turns out he and I like most of the same scents. I like a few that he doesn't appreciate, but they're few & far between so far. That we're both turning out to be suckers for the sugary scents is a pleasant surprise.


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LOL! My friend who enabled me to BPAL (and thus my entire perfume addiction) says that O smells like skank. Personally I find Voodoo Punani (HAEE) way skankier. I think it's the saffron.


Ok so after much testing I have decided that I prefer OCCO Pink to LAM Pink Amber. I get more hits with the OCCO and the dry-down to yumminess is way shorter.


O DOES small like skank! I have pretty much gone off BPAL. But, not O.

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That's why you are the Resin Ho! ;-)


And, I'm RIGHT there with you!



Absolutely! I love the resins.....and my skin loves them too.....they bloom beautifully on me! I never get the "dirty hippie" smell......thank goodness!

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YOUR fault, you gorgeous, but evil enabler!


It's NOT my lack of willpower that induced me to order a bottle!


Do we need a 12-Step Program? (crickets). ;-)


Glad I could enable! No, we DON'T need a 12-step program! Just more pheros!!!!

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So...anyone feel that different LAM flavors have a different reaction?

It really all depends on what the person smelling it finds appealing.


He gets embarrassed dishing out compliments

That's interesting...I know some people are embarassed to receive compliments, but I've never encountered anyone embarassed to give one.

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@ Luna - I've always lumped it in with the difficulty he has showing affection. He grew up in a non-touchy/feely family, and to show affection they tease. I've never encountered anything like it before either, but I kinda think it has to do with his being embarrassed to expose his real emotion. Of course, this only applies to tender-hearted emotion. 'Cause if you piss him off, he's not afraid to tell you all about it! Lol!


I find the whole thing a bit aggravating, but I've become used to it. I don't expect compliments from him at all anymore. When we first got together it used to really bug me that not even once did he tell me he thought I was pretty. Or that I looked good. I got nothing. In 8 years I've gotten maybe 8 compliments from him, (10 now!), which is why I'm shocked to have received 2 in 3 short days. This stuff just worked a miracle! :) I'm saving up for a bucket of it...

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Wearing LAM original tonight.....the way my man is acting, I may have trouble walking tomorrow......

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Ah okay, well that makes sense then.


Yup. Took a long while to figure that out. Amazing how you can look past people's bugaboos when you love the crap out of them! :D


Trying out LAM Spicy Brown Sugar tonight.

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Raq On, can you wear LP Pink? If you can, I think you shouldn't worry about LAM Pink Amber.


Yes, I can wear LP pink. The pinks are amping weird on me lately. Which is sad b/c I am so in love with them. Maybe it's just the winter? But LP pink has a bit of patchouli or something in it so it's a bit "dirty" in a good way. Dang! I just put in an order! I know I like the brown sugar BAM but I'm really not into any of the other "flavors" except the Pink/amber. I shall keep my eyes open on the trade pages.


There are a million kinds of amber, and it's the most common basenote on the planet. There may be certain kinds of amber that people don't like, or maybe if it's too heavy in a mix, but trust me, everyone can and does wear amber whether they know it or not!


Yes, I know, you're totally right and I have noted such in my journal. I don't even know if it IS amber that amps like pee on me. I know PM has taken great pains to explain this to me. I think it may be the honeys or the civets that amp like a pee smell on me. I have it listed in my journal-the notes PM suggested I stay away from or use in blends where they are in the background.

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  • 3 weeks later...

LAM Sugared Vanilla and Honey is love on my skin. It's the softest sweet powdery scent I could wish for. It's like if Sugared Honeycomb and Sugared Pure had a very polite, lady-like daughter. It has none of the harshness of Sugared Honeycomb or PheroGirl, and has none of the sickliness of Sugared Pure. It's a light, beautiful skin scent. In fact, if I had my way I'd get this without the pheros and with a stronger scent to wear day-to-day. It wears so close to the skin that I doubt anyone else would be able to sense it unless they mashed their nose right up to me. This isn't a bad thing, because I tend to take a less-is-more approach to perfumes in general, and particularly as this is a phero blend I'm not likely to accidentally mash someone's nose into my scented bits.


The LAM adds an undercurrent of an almost wine-like scent which is very faint, and fades pretty quick. Self-effects seem to include a bit more of a warm-and-fuzzy feeling than normal, not the giddy burst of cheeky energy I can get from EoW.

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Yeah, LAM is great. I love it for when I am fresh out of an evening shower.....I roll on some of the original or sandalwood/resins, because I don't want to walk around the house, knocking my sweetie out with the strength of my perfume....and he doesn't always want to wait for an hour or so until it mellows.....LOL

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In fact, if I had my way I'd get this without the pheros and with a stronger scent to wear day-to-day.

The original is one I have not tried...yet :)


How about this:


" NoCo Sugared Vanilla & Honey- Yummmm, our original Magnet scent. Tres sexay "

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Yes, the NoCos are full strength perfumes, while the LAMs and BAMs are only lightly scented. That was the plan with those at the start...just enough scent to cover the smell of the pheros, and so they could also be layered.

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Yes, the NoCos are full strength perfumes, while the LAMs and BAMs are only lightly scented. That was the plan with those at the start...just enough scent to cover the smell of the pheros, and so they could also be layered.


Squee! I expect another purchase in my future, then :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've recruited friends and made them believers of magic thanks to LAM. A boost of carefree sexiness for any occasion. My friends and I have very different vibes and personalities but, I feel this has been a one size fits all phero for us. I cannot get over how much of a staple it is.

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I've recruited friends and made them believers of magic thanks to LAM. A boost of carefree sexiness for any occasion. My friends and I have very different vibes and personalities but, I feel this has been a one size fits all phero for us. I cannot get over how much of a staple it is.


The LAM line is definitely magic, for sure! And the fact that they are great for when you want "just enough" scent to cover the pheros, or can be layered with heavier scents when you need or want that. LOVE LOVE LOVE this line......will never be without two (or TEN) of these in my arsenal......

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I used to get all manner of reaction from my LAM...and other stuff too. Now, I feel as I've donned the cape of invisibility. Have I overloaded the foreseeable universe or am I giving off wrong vibes? I just can't tell...but trying to mellow it out and pay more attention...

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If you are getting the invisible syndrome, you have probably gone into OD land. You most likely need to go back to square one. Start slow and work your way up in dosage until you get to your own personal sweet spot.

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The LAM line is definitely magic, for sure! And the fact that they are great for when you want "just enough" scent to cover the pheros, or can be layered with heavier scents when you need or want that. LOVE LOVE LOVE this line......will never be without two (or TEN) of these in my arsenal......


Yep this is why I love LAM Pink Amber. It can be layered over everything I wear. Even if it doesn't seem like it would be a good fit for a scent...it works because it is so light, though I can smell it all day.


And for such a simple phero it is probably my favorite if I had to a choose an all purpose never fail...especially for self effects.

This is the only one I layer with other phero blends because for ME...adding more alpha-nol and cops to anything seems to make it better.

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