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Thanks missdarlyncherie!! Beautiful chic avatar!


I'll be playing with this more and more. I enjoyed wearing even by myself. I was wiped out tired and it put me into dreamy flirty state of mind. And hours later, when I finally went to sleep for night, had awesome vivid but languid dreams. I was very very wiped out prior - usually that means cranky, lack of dreams, and some stress/ anxiety. LAM put a whammy on that and re-set me in some ways...


LAM is a complex scent/ experience. Have 2 trial vials - def FB when able. I have a few others on my GUS list so hoping my trial vials hold out until I can get a 3rd order. And I haven't placed 2nd one yet but have a feeling that'll be this weekend, I have no willpower. :)


I'm def going to start a journal on my new adventure with LP's goodies - must do for me.


So much to play, test, enjoy and then more to play, test, enjoy... what a wonderful place LP is. I thank the universe for leading me to Beccah's blog which led me here.

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Nice review!!


I love LAM, always have, always will......I always have multiple bottles on hand! I have about 4 bottles of Original Vanilla Sugar and about 3 bottles Sandalwood. It is unobtrusive, and can be layered easily, or worn alone if you want a light scent. I also like the brown sugar cinnamon, and like the Peach, but with that one, my man likes it, but the peach amps on me, so I don't use it often. When I wear it, I should be playing a part in "Jack and the Giant Peach".....seriously! So, out of the three bottles I got, I kept one and am selling two.


If you want to see how much I love Lam, Go back to page 5 of this thread, May 26 2009......my review of wearing LAM out to a bar with my man....I came walking in my grandma's house, carrying my panties in my hand!!

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That is awesome story Dolly! I love the, ""I take it that you had a good time?"....LOL!! I am certain LAM will be one of my staples, can't wait to try other flavors.


Yeah, my Mom is a total trip. We are leaving in the morning to go visit her for a week.....even at 70 yrs old, she still ROCKS IT!

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Beach Goddess...I have read you like pink scents so I think you should get a samp of the Pink Amber LAM too. It's my favorite...I'm fresh out of it right now but I have GOT to get another bottle...I miss it so.

OMG - LAM Pink Amber is soo only list - especially given your input - thank you! So just for personal sniffing and selfies - put on the LAM yesterday, later in day followed with a small dab of LP Rouge with LFM, and then later in day - just bc - added some LP Pink. :Love09751:


OH - have a good story!


So, LP is def helping me feel like I'm getting my groove back - went to grocery store late last nite (I'm wearing all of these since the am/ mid day) - and with only tinted moisturizer on, hair in top knot on head, shorts (so not styling but feeling confident). Noticed a few random cute guys checking me out - unusual given how I was dressed, looking tired from work week (eyes blearly, were drooping a bit - ugh!)


The cuuute young (early 20s, guessing) check out dude was trying to help me find my store card on my keychain - I don't have the card on my keychain - he ended up almost knocking my keys over. This is a 1st. I've been there before & he's checked my groceries out before. He is a cutie. Anyhooooooo


Then... he scrambled to keep my keys from falling, apologizing, saying, ' I didn't mean to be grabby'. Hehe. I use my own cooler bag & he was helping me pack this (not unusual) but then he was worried & seemed *actually semi-sad* that everything wouldn't fit into the bag as he knew I wanted to put all in 1 bag.

Then he turned & smiled, saying 'but if you want to be the boss that's ok too'. :Emoticons04263: He was referencing my potential re-packing of the bag. But the look he gav me... WOW!


Anyhow - so not a great sexy mind blowing story. But this guy was definitely seeming a bit smitten -- soo cute - as was he.!! :say88:


Going out tonight - may try same combo - smells divine, great selfies, and what seemed like one or 2 small hits! :say09752: I've only been using very tiny amt, so may amp it up the tiniest bit tonight - still keeping things small until I know how to 'handle' this new ' responsibility'.

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i like the buttercream peach so far! not too sweet but sweet enough :D

Hi Suki - so agree with both your reviews on this - lovin' me some LAM!



LAM pink,with LP Pink. I love it!

HI Hinzmanal - can you describe LAM Pink - is that the pink amber? Love LP Pink - and based on other's input seems I must have LAM Pink too. Just curius as to how it smells and if what selfies/ experiences you may have had with it.

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  • 2 months later...

Ok peeps need to listen to Dolly on this one and be careful wearing in public without your man.

I just received my sample of LAM sandalwood and applied a small amount- smells great- earthy with alittle vanilla and could easily be worn under any perfume or oil.


I went to the grocery store and while in the dog food isle, a man stopped dead in his tracks and said "you are a beautiful girl". I think it was a communication problem because he was Spanish, but I am far from a girl :nope02716: . The family next to me stopped all conversation and watched. I said Thanks! and proceeded to walk away, he cornered me and invaded my personal space and wanted to know my name and the works!


I just got the creeps and escaped and did not turn around while he was talking to my back! Crap-my face turned so red, I have never been stalked in full public view before.

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Ok peeps need to listen to Dolly on this one and be careful wearing in public without your man.

I just received my sample of LAM sandalwood and applied a small amount- smells great- earthy with alittle vanilla and could easily be worn under any perfume or oil.


I went to the grocery store and while in the dog food isle, a man stopped dead in his tracks and said "you are a beautiful girl". I think it was a communication problem because he was Spanish, but I am far from a girl :nope02716: . The family next to me stopped all conversation and watched. I said Thanks! and proceeded to walk away, he cornered me and invaded my personal space and wanted to know my name and the works!


I just got the creeps and escaped and did not turn around while he was talking to my back! Crap-my face turned so red, I have never been stalked in full public view before.

Just curious - how much were you wearing and did you shake bottle prior? Just wondering if you got extra cops dosage due to non-shaking maybe?


I've worn LAM out on several occassions in (very) small amounts in public places and was lucky to not encounter a 'creeper'. Ppl will react how they want to if that's part of their nature, phero can't MAKE someone act in a certain way. Just wondering if perhaps it was a creepy guy anyway. (?)


LAM has a lot of cops, so when I say I've worn in pubic in small amounts, it is *very* small amount, gives me good selfies. I've even worn in a bar and felt ok, granted was with male friends (who became flirtier than usual) but still didn't get any "creep-age" outside what anyone would usually find in a bar setting.


Sorry that happened to you. :( And yes I always listen to Dolly - she know her pheros and def her cops.


Sorry that happened - creepy people suck.

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I know that people who are more likely to wear their passion on their sleeves are hit harder by pheros than others. Maybe pheros don't work the same for me as for others too? I brake, like - ALL - the phero rules...clubs/work/home/malls/family/parties...Maybe I have too strong of a personality that people just don't as readily approach me in an inappropriate way?? But then, when I have had odd/out of the ordinary things happen, I don't back down either :medusa: I don't really get mean, per se, but I don't back down or back away. Unless I feel I may be in immediate danger (which hasn't happened yet thank goodness) I end the encounter on MY terms and don't run away. That's probably my old baggage from having an abusive ex. I will allow NO man to intimidate me (if I'm in a dark alley - I will run, don't get me wrong - time and place for everything LOL) but home depot or a grocery store - NO way.


Still suck to be harassed that way though and I feel bad you had to deal with a miss translated, NO. :(

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This just took me by surprise, because this guy was 15 years younger than me and wearing a suit, (not typical creep material)It was the pheros talkin because he had this glazed look in his eyes. I only wore 2 swipes from the sample bottle, not much. Maybe I had a good hair day. :Emoticons04269:

I usually will break the rules alittle because since I'm no spring chicken I figure extra cops will just bring me back to a natural level-I guess not!! I have had nothing like this with OCCO or EOW mixed with some perfume

People are usually intimidated by me, thats why I don't think I will ever try Dom. I am usually more aggressive , previously had to fight off a rape (climbed a fence and ran like hell) and a touchy touchy friends husband I beat him good.

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. Maybe I had a good hair day. :Emoticons04269:


BWAHahaaaa! OH My! Those must be lovely locks indeed! But seriously - though I'm sure they ARE lovely...


Some guys don't respect boundaries, sounds like you've met a lion's share of those :( But you "totally the woman!" for being the bomb!


It doesn't seem to be culturally specific who gets the hardest hits. I work in a diverse atmosphere and have seen the gamut of responses from people with many backgrounds - Asian, European, Indian, South/North American... Sounds like you found a guy who wears his "passion on his sleeve" but not in a good way...more like a creepy, stalker way. I'm sure a communication gap didn't help. I'm glad it was in a public place and ended at that :angelhug:

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  • 4 weeks later...

LAM is good stuff. Stangely, I always put it on when I think: oh, I'll go easy on the guys today. Just a little LAM, nothing fancy. Haha... I am also an absolute rule breaker regarding where I wear pheros, which I wouldnt advise for anybody else, but I can hold my own, and, living in Europe, interacting with a lot of mediterrenean guys, you learn how to tell someone to take a hike in a charming way, so as to not cause hard feelings.

I recently went to lunch with an old coworker friend, and at one point he tells me flat out: you do know that most of the guys in the office would love to get into your pants. I laughed so hard I choked on my soup: I am older than half the people there. Some men are 15 years my junior. But he said: seriously. You're just really sexy. You should hear how they talk about you. I was a bit shocked. But he also said that, despite all the office gossip, my reputation was spotless, since everyone knows about my devotion to Mr. Maroon...

Sexy is fine, slutty not so much. I guess I'm good for now

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:D They would jump at the chance if they ever thought they had one! Working with a mainly all male crew is certainly a dance at times. Even if I were single, I think I would lead them all to believe I wasn't just to keep things professional. If any ever thought they had a chance I'd wager we'd be less like family and more like crazy college students HAAHA! Right now they will just have to HOPE to get a girl to do the things to them that the figure I must do to my husband!


LAM! is light to me, phero wise, just a boost and a bit of cops...ok, more than a "bit" :D When I get low, I have my eye on the Pink Amber next. I LOVE the BAM! in PA and would love PA to be my next LAM! replacement :)

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  • 1 month later...

For the scented LAMs, does anyone know if it's the same phero proportion - i.e. 33% of the LAM phero with scented?


I'm a huge fan of LAM Buttercream Peach - omg gorgeous yummy. Anyhow, just ordered some LAM Un pheromas - can't wait to try. That said, I realized I have no idea if my current scented LAM is the 33% phero and if so, then I'll probably want to try the un LAM very lightly.


LAM = happy sauce, pretty sauce, flirty sauce :D

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For the scented LAMs, does anyone know if it's the same phero proportion - i.e. 33% of the LAM phero with scented?


I'm a huge fan of LAM Buttercream Peach - omg gorgeous yummy. Anyhow, just ordered some LAM Un pheromas - can't wait to try. That said, I realized I have no idea if my current scented LAM is the 33% phero and if so, then I'll probably want to try the un LAM very lightly.


LAM = happy sauce, pretty sauce, flirty sauce :D


This is from the LP website in the LAM Description: This is a full-phero strength, lightly scented product that can be worn alone or layered with a complimentary perfume. So scented LAM is the same strength as an UN version

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  • 2 months later...

LAM has been and always will be my first LPMP love! I have only ever tried the Sugared Honey and Vanilla scent. I fell so deeply in love with that one that I haven't tried any of the other LAM scents because I can't imagine one smelling better than that one. When I put it on, it requires little dry-down time on me, Once dry though, it settles into this vanilla-y, sweet, powdery scent that just keeps getting better and better as the hours g by, not to mention that the scent lasts ALL DAY! Many of the reactions I get when I pass people are something to the effect of, " What is that smell?! OMG! It smells so good...like baby powder...nah, that's not it. I can't place it."


The confidence I exude from the self-effects is ridiculous! I'm a huge Jill Scott fan and the song that comes to mind by her when I wear LAM is " The Real Thing." Lyrics like(I'm skipping around the song to the parts that pop in my head): "...Sweeter than your favorite ice cream. Bask in my glory, baby...I'm the real thing in stereo....your main attraction....your phospherous, I'm your energy. When you're lost and you need some focus come see me. I'll entice your mind. I do it all the time. In the morning, in the evening, when the doves cry..." That's what pops in my head with LAM! OMG! I feel like the shiznit with it on!


I have gotten so many hits, it's ridiculous, but perhaps one of the most outrageous hits I got was when I stopped at a gas station one evening on the way to meet a friend. I normally pay at the pump, but the pumps seemed to not be working properly. I had to buy something from inside anyway so I made my purchase and mentioned the pumps not working properly. The clerk said ok and that he would check it out. He and one of the other clerks made a sniffing gesture. Oh, did I mention the DIHL expressions? I left with the intention to go somewhere else and get gas. As I'm getting in my car, the two clerks run outside and damn-near tackle me trying to stop me. They both start fixing the pump and get it fixed. I thank them and put my card in. They start playing tug of war with the pump to be the one to pump the gas for me. I took the pump and said, "I can pump my own gas, thanks." They start practically begging me to pump my gas for me until I had to give them the, "I'm dead serious. Back off or I'm about to spaz." look and tone of voice to get them to disappear. I cracked up afterwards! It was annoying, but so much fun!


(Edited for typos)

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Missdarlyncherie, it's great fun, isn't it?! Love it! I have never desired any LAM scent but the original, but many of the ladies here seem to love the PA LAM. I'm starting to consider getting out of my comfort zone and trying that one out. Hmmm...

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Missdarlyncherie, it's great fun, isn't it?! Love it! I have never desired any LAM scent but the original, but many of the ladies here seem to love the PA LAM. I'm starting to consider getting out of my comfort zone and trying that one out. Hmmm...

It's not as pink as it sounds (on me anyway) I can't wear most pink scents at all so it must wear more Amber on me...at leat grab a sample just to try!

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I'm with MDC, the PA flavor doesn't wear as a pink scent as the amber makes it less 'pink. It's still a great scent!


If you're going for a pink LAM, if it were me I'd either get an already pink genre scent boosted with it or self-boost a pink scent using Mara's ratios per other threads. I think it's 1/3 phero to 2/3 scent. CutiePie has a thread in her journal with lots of useful mixing ratios. I haven't self-boosted anything yet though.

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I've Got the Butter Cream Peach flavor right now but when it's all gone I'm going to give the PA a try. It's the only flavor a haven't tried. I have it in the BAM! and love it, but I'm dying to know how much differently they smell due to the difference in pheromone molecules (if any).


It's so hard to believe these are lightly fragranced because they smell SO fantastic and last and last once they're on!


ETA - OMG! Lilhoney - that's hilarious! Where are the video recordings when we need them LOL :lol:.

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So here's a question. I never have thought about it but knowing all the standard LAMS are full strength, I wonder if Purple Puff,being more of a perfume and a spray it is 1/3 right? I mean given how LAM stinks I can't imagine it's 1000mg. or ?

Halo, Luna, PM?

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I've Got the Butter Cream Peach flavor right now but when it's all gone I'm going to give the PA a try. It's the only flavor a haven't tried. I have it in the BAM! and love it, but I'm dying to know how much differently they smell due to the difference in pheromone molecules (if any).


It's so hard to believe these are lightly fragranced because they smell SO fantastic and last and last once they're on!


ETA - OMG! Lilhoney - that's hilarious! Where are the video recordings when we need them LOL :lol:.

NuTrix, so glad you posted about Buttercream Peach flavor - adore it. I love this and hope if others also post their adoration it would one day be a permanent flavor for both LAM and BAM. Maybe? A girl can dream.... :say19:

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My only experience with the scented LAM is Buttercream Peach, which was nice, but on my skin, didn't project the warmth that I had hoped for. But remember, that is on *my* skin. Of the other scented LAMs, I adore the Original Honey Vanilla! It works beautifully with my skin. ( hey, I'm a "Honey Ho," and getting to be a Vanilla Vixen as well!) In the future, I would very much like to try the Pink Amber.

In terms of experiences, LAM itself, scented or UNscented, always seems to be a nice, pleasant, happy reaction from people. People seem more drawn to the wearer, wanting to interact with them. It works quite well for me on a social level, but it would not take much effort, maybe a little nudge, for this to go to the next level as a sexual Phero blend. LOVE this stuff! :)

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I wore LAM Spicy Brown Sugar today to work. A lolipo on my tummy and some on my forearms.

The scent of this is too strong on me but the phero is awesome. I think i might get the Original in my next order.


I had never used this phero alone in the pst (i know!) so today i decided to use it on its own. I guess this one trully is "happy sauce". I felt "happy" in a way even though lately i'm quite depressed. It lifted my spirit and the spirits of my clients which is good. Overall a very nice experience.

I guess siple pheros do their magic too. I'll try it more in the days to come and decide on another FB :)

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The Original is a great one to start with.

I love the Brown Sugar, probably because I feel it the most congruent scent. It is WOW! LAM in for face! I would not recommend LAM for work though (IMO) but especially not the BS because it is Loud! The Vanilla honey will be softer scent wise.

You may want to try your Brown Sugar again, on a day off when your out having fun. But be careful it's a real attention getter, lots of cops can make SOME men a bit crazy.

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The Original is a great one to start with.

I love the Brown Sugar, probably because I feel it the most congruent scent. It is WOW! LAM in for face! I would not recommend LAM for work though (IMO) but especially not the BS because it is Loud! The Vanilla honey will be softer scent wise.

You may want to try your Brown Sugar again, on a day off when your out having fun. But be careful it's a real attention getter, lots of cops can make SOME men a bit crazy.


I work at a personal training studio but i mostly train women. I guess i just needed something to pick me up, cause i've been feeling way too low lately. i hadn't given this one a try for a long time, at least not on its own. Reading others' reviews about this one being a happy sauce i thought it might be good to try it out. It definetely did help.

you are right though Brown Sugar is quite loud, lovely scent but loud. Maybe i'll give the original one a try with my next order.

I hope i'll try Brown Sugar on a day when i'm out having fun, not many days like this lately though :(

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Just a note on LAM. It gives off a nice happy lift (that's the A'nol) but it is a sexual phero blend with A LOT of cops.

It may not resonate with all of your female clients.

Also, IMO it's not one I'd choose as a work out partner.

I love Dom for workouts myself. If you ever have the chance to try it you might really like it. At the least for your job as a PT.

if it's a happy lift you want I recommend Open Windows. Just FYI. :)

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Hello. I am new and this is my first post (and not an English native speaker), so please bear with me :001_302:


My first order from LPMP was a FB Cougar Potion. It smells so good :Emoticons04235: The 3 freebies (LP Latte, Totem: Monkey and Horse), I didn't like them as much. I am planning to buy a trial size of LAM and was wondering which scent is similar to Cougar? Thanks!

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Welcome :)


There's no LAM scent that is similar to Scented Cougar.

As far as LAM goes, for a starter, I recomend the Original (honey vanilla scent). You may want to try the Pink Amber too. :)

FYI there's a "Welcome" page in this fourm for newbies to introduce themselves and get general advice ect.. I mention it because you might find it helpful.


Glad to have you onboard, enjoy :)

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I just reviewed LAM on Amazon. It does not go foodie on my skin. I think I said it is not "sugar and spice and everything nice." It is much more come closer and kiss me. I love it. Hubby loves it too..cinnamonnnnn...oh, and cops ;) .

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Just a note on LAM. It gives off a nice happy lift (that's the A'nol) but it is a sexual phero blend with A LOT of cops.

It may not resonate with all of your female clients.

Also, IMO it's not one I'd choose as a work out partner.

I love Dom for workouts myself. If you ever have the chance to try it you might really like it. At the least for your job as a PT.

if it's a happy lift you want I recommend Open Windows. Just FYI. :)


Thank you for the suggestion StacyK :)

I'll have to put OW on my "to order" list ... the list is getting longer and longer by the day!

I haven't had any negative reactions so far, but OW will definitely come in handy.


As for LAM at least around the people I'm with it reads very fun - social - let's all have a good time kind of phero, again at least so far.


As for self effects, maybe it's all in my head but it kinda makes me smile more, even though i may be sad. It definitely helps me finish the day with a smile if can say so.

i suppose that A-nol, maybe the combo with cops, cause cops on their own don't make me feel that way.


I need to re-read this thread to see if a spray might work even better (not for work obviously!), for more intimate situations...

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