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Ail's Heart & Soul

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I got all my goodies in the mail yesterday and decided to try this one first. I'm trying this out at work and everyone seems to be more friendlier than usual and in a great mood. Can't wait to play with this a little more. People seem more chatty than usual. Great job Ail!!!

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  • 1 month later...

I had go a decant of H&S and wore 4th of July it wasgreat everybody super friendly,including me I had a great time I know it was the H7s know I have got to git a bottle of this one of my favorites.

thanks Ali for your wonderful creation

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Well i amped LpRed w/ H&S. The only time I've tested it thus far. Has been returning home from work. I took my clothes off, slathered. Then went & proceeded to cling to TTs back, shoving my arms under his nose. He awoke twenty minutes later after i was bath & washed ;) wanting some love. He was in a good mood, though. Lacking his usual crabbiness.

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Okay tested this in club too funny. Had one guy telling me he wanted me to have his baby. Must've been the touch of LAM. Est in blend kept girls friendly despite cops in LAM. Verry insteresting, lol.

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Okay tested this in club too funny. Had one guy telling me he wanted me to have his baby. Must've been the touch of LAM.


In my experience, EST is also responsible for a I want to make babies with you vibe; when men get protective and worshipful that's one of the ways the impulse manifests itself...sort of the highest compliment they can give, heh.

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  • 3 weeks later...
In my experience, EST is also responsible for a I want to make babies with you vibe; when men get protective and worshipful that's one of the ways the impulse manifests itself...sort of the highest compliment they can give, heh.



The Est. huh? No wonder it doesn't work on TT!!! He already wants more babies,lol. I think it also exudes the marriage vibe to some guys. I do like it almost better than pop. potion though

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The Est. huh? No wonder it doesn't work on TT!!! He already wants more babies,lol. I think it also exudes the marriage vibe to some guys. I do like it almost better than pop. potion though


Oh, yes.... It's all about the "let's make babies", nesting, settling down, "let me take care of & protect you" vibe :10_small16:


I'm a bit weary about my H&S... I think I'll keep that on hold for until I do meet a man and use it to add abit of intimacy etc... It makes me waaay too soft & cuddly LOL

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Oh, yes.... It's all about the "let's make babies", nesting, settling down, "let me take care of & protect you" vibe :10_small16:


I'm a bit weary about my H&S... I think I'll keep that on hold for until I do meet a man and use it to add abit of intimacy etc... It makes me waaay too soft & cuddly LOL



Ha, it takes more than mere Est. to soften my Ice Queen heart *Kidding*!

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I have LP Red amped with H&S. They are a natural combo, I think. It's one I wear to go to town on the weekend or when I am wanting a "kinder gentler" vibe.


I use the softer, cuddlier blends a lot to take the edge off myself. I really feel it allows me to relax and communicate with less...sharpness. Thank goddess they aren't completely incongruent!


Ail, forever thanks to you for bringing lovely things into our lives.

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  • 1 month later...

So I got my bottle of Rocket Chick boosted with Heart & Soul and I think it is the perfect combination: playful scent with a blend that apparently turns boys into goofy little pups. I babysit this little boy named Ethan and I was in the mood for an ice cream scent, and I figured that Heart & Soul wasn't especially sexual, so...safe. Right? Right.


I was sitting next to his father during dinner time and everything was pretty normal for a while, until the dad started getting really talkative with me. He's a nice guy and I enjoy spending time with the family, so it wasn't too abnormal. But then! His whole body language shifted. Instead of being casual but reserved, it was like he was a flower and he just bloomed. Loose gestures and stance, major eye contact, giggling. He's 32. And I made him giggle by reminding his son to eat his green beans.


I have no desire to start anything with a married man, especially one with a sweet wife and an adorable son, so I'll probably avoid using this in the future...but it was hilarious to get my first bonafide hit!

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Great review lesreveurs!! I can't wait until mine arrives. My crush seems a lot like the man you're discribing. Early 30-s, casual but reserved. Unmarried though :001_tt2:. I was wondering, did you get anything from the little boy? Since chidren are much more receptive, I mean :lol:

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Nothing from the little boy that I would attach to the Heart & Soul. He listened to me a little more, but that could have been because he was mellowing out before bedtime. Their puppy, however, huffed her nose all over me and just sort of flopped on my lap. It was adorable. B loves it when I wear perfume.


I've had child hits with Elevation Potion. Generally, I don't care to use pheromones around children because there are two schools of thought of pheromones (amped ones) and children, but I needed needed NEEDED the mood boost. Alas, I am a smoker and it was eight hours since I had one (I refuse to smoke while babysitting even though one of my friends has pulled it off) and I was getting cranky and impatient; used some Elevation Potion, was back to my normal giggling self and then the kids just glomped onto me, literally. The older sister had never climbed on me before then, but I had both girls cuddling up and being goofy.

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  • 1 month later...

This stuff is hilarious! I'm a reserved person and kinda shy. I like to dress up and everything and that combination causes that I'm often mistaken for being stuck-up and arrogant. Guys that approach me have lots of self-confidence or are downright dominant (I'm not complaining though, I quite like that) and women stay somewhat distant from me.


Last week I was wearing Ail's H&S for a test run and the women we soooo nice, it really confused me. They initiated conversation, even started to gossip (which I hate, but they never do that so it must a been a trust thing), complimented me on my bathing suit (like 10 times or something, we were in the pool), I was totally invited into their "circle"


Conversations with men lasted for a much longer time too. I know most of the men at the pool better than the women so that was different from the start, but they acted more interested in talking to me. One of my male friends acted as he usually does, but kept giving me weird, worried looks, like he was wondering if everything was ok with me.


I need to play some more with this! :gasp:

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Beta Spay Report - H&S 2X with 2X cops (Bee Gasm Carrier)

Not that exciting - was just dying to test it out though since it was new and shiny and oh my!


But - the key part of the report is to remember that I'm generally a self responder - BI being a notable exception - and I was in a foul and crabby mood. The little one had the flu, I'd been cleaning up gack all day and was feeling a tad feverish myself. :angry3:


But when the soon to be ex Mr. Shelly got home from work - I said I needed a break and to get stuff from the grocery store. So I bolted.


And I looked like every other harried soccer mom yesterday. Hair in headband, sports shirt, sweat pants. Not even cute addidas sport pants but the $5.96 at Target Hanes sweat pants special. While comfy - let's be honest - no one but no one looks sexy in those. Heidi Klum would look haggish in those. I did manage a shower and makeup so I wasn't totally ick.


Immediately before grabbing my purse and fleeing the scene of frequent offspring spewage - I dosed up on 5 sprays of H&S 2X plus 2X Cops. And whew on the cops - something about two x and the spray dispersion - and yikes! It does die down in 20 minutes or so but for those 20 minutes - wowee.


20 minutes later - I try to find a parking spot at the grocery. There are none. I'm parked in outer freekin' Mongolia and have to pass a camel and the three wise men on the way to the entrance.




This is NOT a good sign. It's this busy on Christmas Eve and the day before a landfalling hurricane.


Have I mentioned crowds at the store makes me seriously BAH HUMBUG? I have the patience of a gnat at the best of times - in a grocery store with two carts wide to an aisle with some dumb a** trying to create a passing zone down a non-existent third lane? I could just scream.


That being said - H&S has great self effects in spray. Despite being there for a full hour and the place being so packed I would normally want to slice open an artery with a butter knife (and I'm not promising it would be my artery) - I only seriously considered the merits of a cart-mounted a$$ bazooka for the 3rd Lane Creating idiots - 1 time.

I can only promise you that is a major improvement on my mood - since normally I'd have contemplated murder so often I'd have exhausted my fingers and moved onto my toes. :Chasing_turkey:


I was nice, and smiled at people and everything. Truly - it's a holiday miracle. :)




Was it Pony or Liz that said H&S made it easier to put up with Tools in a different thread? I think Pony but I'm not sure - regardless - it's true. Tools did NOT bother me yesterday.


Now - effects on others - different than the oils - the dispersion is further out into the space - so as soon as I'd get within phero bomb reach I'd notice people smiling, making eye contact, saying "Hey." Weird. Completely weird. And much like Rosegirl's trip to the grocery with Cougar spray - I had one male retiree spending an abnormal amount of time following me saying "Howdy" and asking where various items might be found. (I found this funny myself.)




Two interesting hits - one really, really (did I say really? not kidding about that) cute guy - about my age so 40ish - in a mostly empty aisle. I noticed he was spending a lot of time, back to back with me - perusing the other side. I was having trouble deciding what cereal to get the kids so I was reading all the nutrition labels and taking my own sweet time doing it. I accidentally (really, it wasn't that he was cute or anything :666:) backed into him. When I went to excuse myself - he made eye contact, moved way up in my personal space- maybe 4 inches away, looked down at me and said in a very suggestive way - "Shall we dance?" as he lifted up one eyebrow and gave me a suggestive little grin... Fans self on the inside. :PolarChristmas:



And then...who's that giving us a dirty look at the end of the aisle? As he saunters slowly down to her with a backwards glance at moi - we are both blessed with a dirty look.


The last I saw of him - he was getting the riot act read to him at an end cap. I must say that gave me a giggle but I have an evil sense of humor. Sorry - but if your husband is so off the chain that he flirts with me in the cereal aisle when I look like that and you are in the store, the issues between you run far deeper than my phero bomb.

Next interesting hit...another soccer mom - looking equally harried - was in the same aisles for what seemed forever - but going the other direction. After about 10 aisles of passing each other - she stopped me and said - "I don't know what perfume you are wearing - but it smells clean and cheerful and it has made me happy every time I pass you. It's just lovely." So I don't know if it was just the Bee Gasm or the combo with H&S- but it's a completely unsolicited hit. And have I mentioned again - stuff like this does NOT happen at the grocery store? :sun_flower:


As a side note - the Bee Gasm in the spray really does create this warm clean skin musk cloud where the oil in the roll-on stayed really close to the body...it diffuses better so this soft cloud of yum followed me around everywhere.

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Well yay! And I thought we were gonna have to wait weeks for a report! I think I definitely need something that lowers my irritation factor when tools get in my way. Interesting hits also. So it was 2x H&S and 2x cops?? Might need an OCCO for that or something fruity delicious.


Thanks Shelly!

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Yeah - precisely why I reach for my LP Red with H&S when we head into town for weekend shopping. Yes, I live in the back of beyond, and I HATE crowded, rude, harried stores. I can become crazed and start making un-PC nasty comments not-quite-under-my-breath. Honestly, after about an hour, I am ready to start a bar brawl.


With H&S, I have just a titch of tolerance. I sigh and continue about my business without going nuclear. I'll smile (OK, more like a feral grin, but close enough) at the rube who engages me in a serious discussion on the worth of various types of freezer bags, or the dude who enthusiastically tells me how to use cream of mushroom soup to make a pasta dish. True stories.

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Honestly, after about an hour, I am ready to start a bar brawl.


With H&S, I have just a titch of tolerance. I sigh and continue about my business without going nuclear. I'll smile (OK, more like a feral grin, but close enough) ...


Et moi aussi...


And other than my Fringlish expression to ask to go to the restroom - that's all I remember of high school french. (And for anyone interested - "Je Fais Pee Pee?" was 100% effective every time at irritating my afflicted teacher.)

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Tu ne parle pas le mot juste, ma petite chou-chou. :love:


It's good to know H&S possesses that tangential effect. I'm usually invisible in public but in a high-stress situation like a crowded store, it's nice to have a phero buffer zone, I agree. I've worn Teddy Man while shopping and it has a lovely just relax effect on me.

Edited by luna65
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Tu ne parle pas le mot juste, ma petite chou-chou. :love:


It's good to know H&S possesses that tangential effect. I'm usually invisible in public but in a high-stress situation like a crowded store, it's nice to have a phero buffer zone, I agree. I've worn Teddy Man while shopping and it has a lovely just relax effect on me.



Duh. I know I don't speak the right word. My little cabbage? I think the french to english translation software is off.


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No, it's cabbage. C'mon now, as a frequent flyer to the EU you should know the esteem given to the cabbage.


Look - my people come from the Netherlands and the border of Austro-Hungary. We eat way more cabbage than is "esteemed" by normal US folks. Tomato Kraut. Kraut Knuckels, and a personal fave- Kraut Strudel- are comfort foods like no others - and I only get that on return trips to the upper Midwest by my first Gen great-aunts.


Nuts - no one in the fam has those three recipes. I better beg borrow or steal them out of the aunts at the Holidays.


But seriously - knowing that - I would hope I mean more to you than a flatulence inducing vegetable. Just sayin'.


I believe I have mentioned my vanity before. Farts = Shelly? As a compliment? Meh - not so much. Been said before - mais certainment.

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But seriously - knowing that - I would hope I mean more to you than a flatulence inducing vegetable. Just sayin'.


I believe I have mentioned my vanity before. Farts = Shelly? As a compliment? Meh - not so much. Been said before - mais certainment.


See, this is the beauty with working in a hospital... I don't have to worry about this stuff. Whenever I eat something I shouldn't have & get really bloated all I have to do is wander up on the gastro wards & let a few silent ones rip! :(

Noone ever suspects the innocent badge & stethoscope wearing blond :angel: ...they all assume it's a patient that's responsible for the toxic fumes :)

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Oh :)

Don't make me have to tell everyone you used the L word with me.


Okay wait, I can access my inner XY:

Awww baby, don't take it like that. If you were a cabbage you'd be the sexiest cabbage ever grown. You'd be a centerfold in Gardeners Monthly. You'd be studied for your perfection. You'd be -

*Shelly throws frying pan at my head*

Damn baby, I'm just sayin!'



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See, this is the beauty with working in a hospital... I don't have to worry about this stuff. Whenever I eat something I shouldn't have & get really bloated all I have to do is wander up on the gastro wards & let a few silent ones rip! :(

Noone ever suspects the innocent badge & stethoscope wearing blond :angel: ...they all assume it's a patient that's responsible for the toxic fumes :)



OMG Rosebud. Too funny. My mom was an RN - and made a similar comment when discussing SBD's before. (Silent but Deadly) Nice to know this is one medical factoid - that remains true- regardless of country/cultural boundaries.



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Oh :001_tt2:

Don't make me have to tell everyone you used the L word with me.


Okay wait, I can access my inner XY:

Awww baby, don't take it like that. If you were a cabbage you'd be the sexiest cabbage ever grown. You'd be a centerfold in Gardeners Monthly. You'd be studied for your perfection. You'd be -

*Shelly throws frying pan at my head*

Damn baby, I'm just sayin!'




You are a total witch. :Chasing_turkey:


I almost spit all over the screen....Off to find the windex to get the sprinkles of moisture off. After I change my panties from peeing myself laughing.


And he is so "Damn Baby" that you caught it perfectly. :toast::thumbup::lol2:


At this rate though - I'm trading in for a 6'8" European. On my next trip. Just sayin' Things could change. But odds are good... :(

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You know what they say, my darling...Climb every mountain, scale every peak! :(


Well lovie - I'm channeling my inner Sound of Music - and I have this to say:


When I'm with her I'm confused

Out of focus and bemused

And I never know exactly where I am

Unpredictable as weather

She's as flighty as a feather

She's a darling! She's a demon! She's a lamb!


She'd outpester any pest

Drive a hornet from its nest

She could throw a whirling dervish out of whirl

She is gentle! She is wild!

She's a riddle! She's a child!

She's a headache! She's an angel!

She's a girl!


How do you solve a problem like Shelly?

How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?

How do you find a word that means Shelly?

A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown!


So there - I see you and I raise you.


And check your email in a few J. Have a pic you'll like...(of the cat you perverts!)

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No wonder you love that musical! It's funny, I re-read a favorite werewolf novel - Animals by John Skipp & Craig Spector - and you remind me so much of Nora, who is sooooo bad. But irresistable to 99.9% of red-blooded male humanity.

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No wonder you love that musical! It's funny, I re-read a favorite werewolf novel - Animals by John Skipp & Craig Spector - and you remind me so much of Nora, who is sooooo bad. But irresistable to 99.9% of red-blooded male humanity.


Well thank goodness for Amazon 1-Click. I found a used copy and ordered. Crimey- it's been out of print 4EVER. You know I'm taking that on my flight to EU next time - and I'll read that on my way to deciding if the Flying Dutchmen or the Philly Cheesesteak are winning the argument?


I'd say you are a bad influence - but since everyone says that about me - I tend to find that unnecessarily perjorative.


Kisses mi amiga.

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No wonder you love that musical! It's funny, I re-read a favorite werewolf novel - Animals by John Skipp & Craig Spector - and you remind me so much of Nora, who is sooooo bad. But irresistable to 99.9% of red-blooded male humanity.



Duh - stupid web phones - thought I was responding to one note and did it to another. Multiple windows open - edited to remove my response to someone elses note in a different window.

Edited by Shelly B
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Great report Shelly.....I am getting ready to post at some point this evening (as soon as I have time) about my day out with Cougar spray scented with Nasty Habits.....good day, if I say so myself.....

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Was it Pony or Liz that said H&S made it easier to put up with Tools in a different thread? I think Pony but I'm not sure - regardless - it's true. Tools did NOT bother me yesterday.



had to have been Pony.....my choice of word wouldn't have been so kind, hee !


Great post Shelly ! I wore Groupie boosted w/H&S today and I was dripping with sweetness and oh so bubbly/perky04.gif (I think I even had THOs, Tit Hard Ons)

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had to have been Pony.....my choice of word wouldn't have been so kind, hee !


Great post Shelly ! I wore Groupie boosted w/H&S today and I was dripping with sweetness and oh so bubbly/perky04.gif (I think I even had THOs, Tit Hard Ons)



:love: ...liz

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