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Ail's Open Windows

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Wow! This is amazing. I do get a little heavy-headed at work as there is so much to complete within the day. The local staff do not work once they leave the office. I'll have to give this a try when the feeling is setting in.



Testing it again today.....it seems to be working on the mid-afternoon headache again....I am liking this! I see a big vat purchase in my future!

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that is SO INTERESTING... is there anything OW can't do?



Well, this result was TOTALLY UNEXPECTED for me.....I have used it a lot, but I will be using it a LOT more often now, for sure.....I have been plagued with headaches since my teenage years.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wore this to the oral surgeon. I was unclear about the procedure, and I don't feel like they explained it well to me during the consultation, so I figured this might help with communication. It did, majorly! We must have spent 30 minutes going over what was going to happen. Even the receptionist got in on it, telling me exactly how she was going to put in my insurance claim so that I had an itemized receipt by the time I left.


Then the compliments started. This reaction was a complete shock for me. They were Cougar-like compliments, only with Cougar, I'm the star and all comments are directed to me, but with this, we were all stars and it was a giant love fest! The nurse was complimenting me on how long and thick my hair is. The dental implant rep was complimenting the doctor on his technique. The doctor was complimenting my orthodontist (who wasn't even present for this love-in) on her work on my teeth. He actually said, "As soon as I finish this, I'm going to give her a call!" I definitely knew the phero was in play (not that I doubted!) when the nurse, dr, and implant rep all admired my xrays and began raving about my dense, healthy jawbone. :banana038:


I think I'll wear this again. My primary care dr isn't exactly a people person, so maybe this will make him more receptive to my questions!

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I think I'll wear this again.


Really? :lol:


seriously...that was an amazing report !!!! I need to give mine more outings,I had really nice effects the last time I wore it :)

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OK guys if you want to be the belle of the ball with everyone flitting around you and fawning on you, this is the thing to use. I wore it tonight in a large crowd and believe me I can handle lots of attention and this was almost too much. It was a very mixed crowd (age, gender, sexual orientation, you name it) and people were eating me up with a spoon.

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Great report Tyvey!

I love me some OW. I wore it this past weekend to the Star Wars Concert.. Everyone was in a love fest. Me, my sis, my bf, my brother, my nephew. It made everything so perfect and beautiful.

Everyone was on the same page.

I'm a big geek and cried when they went into the love story of Padme and Anakin. It was just so beautiful with the lights, and the night, and the orchestra.. oh yeah and the bottle of wine and champagne.

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If you tell me that that was at the Hollywood Bowl, I will be terribly jealous and upset ... sigh...


but yeah about OW, I've always liked it for its general happy uplift party vibe, but never had this crazy celebrity "everybody wants you and thinks you're amazing" thing before with it (that I recall).

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OK guys if you want to be the belle of the ball with everyone flitting around you and fawning on you, this is the thing to use. I wore it tonight in a large crowd and believe me I can handle lots of attention and this was almost too much. It was a very mixed crowd (age, gender, sexual orientation, you name it) and people were eating me up with a spoon.


Wow! Fantastic hit you've got Tyvey! Was it in oil or alcohol? BTW, what did you use with OW?

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Wow! Fantastic hit you've got Tyvey! Was it in oil or alcohol? BTW, what did you use with OW?


That is just what I was about to ask :) ...what scent ? I had it paired with your Coffeecake,when I had just wonderful uplifted vibes all around me...cannot wait to try it with your Coconut Coffee IceCream :D


ETA: ...oopsie,forgot,super report too LV !!

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Thanks, Tvyey! I'll have to get myself some perfumer's alcohol when I go home this summer! I have too many scents which I want to try to make into a beta spray.

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I put this on around mid morning in my office. I needed the boost since last week's episode at work. I applied about the same amount as I did with PP, that is ran the bottle lightly through my hair like 5-6 times (I have almost waist-length hair), a couple of dots on my chest and about 2-3 dots on my wrist.


The UN OW has a faint and unoffensive scent. I didn't notice any changes to myself nor the people around me though. I'll need to read this thread carefully and adjust my dosage accordingly.

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If you tell me that that was at the Hollywood Bowl, I will be terribly jealous and upset ... sigh...


but yeah about OW, I've always liked it for its general happy uplift party vibe, but never had this crazy celebrity "everybody wants you and thinks you're amazing" thing before with it (that I recall).



Ok I won't tell you then : ()


OW does two things for me. Sometimes it will make everyone so happy and cheerful, and sometimes it will just make everyone want to talk to me, it really does uplift everyone, I use the oil.

I really love OW.

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Oo sounds like kinda way too much, possibly, assuming the trackball really rolls and deposits as much in your hair as it would on skin ....


Okie, will check on the roller ball tomorrow. You think I have OD'd? BTW, I just applied lightly to the ends of my hair.


I found out recently that I only need to dab the dipper stick (sample and sniffee of regular scents) on my wrist and neck and I'm good for more than half the day. I guess it's got to do with the weather as well. This simply means that my bottles will last me a lifetime, so to speak!

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I found out recently that I only need to dab the dipper stick (sample and sniffee of regular scents) on my wrist and neck and I'm good for more than half the day. I guess it's got to do with the weather as well. This simply means that my bottles will last me a lifetime, so to speak!


I remember my first few trials of the pheros here from the LP and that I only needed a DAB rather than slanter!!!! If i slanter all over my arms and neck... i will def. OD myself o.O After a few months of LP land, i've def. learnt to slanter different fragrance and enjoy the feeling of 'bathing in perfumes'!!!! :lol:

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So I wore this while my mom was over for dinner on Sunday night. Ya, she's giving me her car because she's decided to buy a new one. Flat-out giving it to me. If you knew my mother you would realize what a huge deal this is.


(Back story: I love my mother but I learned long ago never to ask her for anything because any assistance requires a lecture series and a stamp in my passport for the guilt trip. Anyways I had to give up owning a vehicle to keep my house when my ex and I split up 3 years ago. I couldn't afford both and I'd rather suffer public transportation and keep a roof over our heads.)


Squee! I can haz red sportscar.

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  • 8 months later...

I don't know why I don't wear this more. Blue Bear's comment about Stealing Heaven making people "melt" reminded me to comment that I got the EXACT same thing when I wore it last week, - besides making me smile uncontrollably, run up staircases and such, - everywhere I went, people (strangers) turned toward me, like sunflowers, smiling dreamily for no reason, and their faces and shoulders literally sagged, in a good way, in relaxation, as if tension were melting away. A melt with OW could be wonderful in a spa...

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  • 1 month later...

I wore 1 spray - ONE - 1x - to my stomach, under a heavy sweater and down coat - and after making me mellow and sleepy (?!) it made *every single person* I had to interact with today (all strangers) talk my hind leg off and clearly want to be my friend and almost excessively want to help me/give me whatever I might need, want or ever dream of wanting and, in one case, bear hug me. STRANGERS. Now I'm not the least charming person in the world when I'm trying, but I wasn't. It was all just out of hand. If you piped this into the UN or any political negotiation etc. there would never be any more war.

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I do love this one! It works wonders on my man, when he is in one of his "blue funks".


He doesn't get outwardly moody very often, but when he does, he REALLY does.....and it can last for a week or more. I nipped this latest round in the bud last week. After 3 days of him moping around and carrying on, he came home to find me wearing Shadow Dance (not one of his fave scents, but light and pretty nonetheless), topped with Unscented OW (in silicone) up and down both forearms and all around my neck (my hair was up in a bun). I could tell from our phone conversation while he was driving home that he was STILL in a pissy mood, so I was prepared. Within 5 short minutes of him being in the same room with me, he was laughing and smiling and everything was A-OK.


I usually keep an unscented in silicone, and an unscented spray on hand (I also have a lightly scented spray in Constant Craving that is FAB)......I use this stuff that much! That reminds me that I am almost out of my unscented, too.....I need to re-stock!



Actually, I think I need to go take a phero inventory today......I am not sure what I have and what I don't......

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  • 3 months later...

So I've written a few reviews in the Stealing Heaven/Open Windows thread, but I feel like I need to come here to give Open Windows a review in its own right.


Short version: this phero rocks.


Longer version: I've been wearing this to work off and on for weeks. It makes me feel vibrant and sparkly, and seems to make other people see me the same way. I notice more people meeting my eyes, and oddly, there's often a sort of charmed admiration in people's faces when they're confronted by this goofy server, (me), with a great big, huge smile. It seems to make people want to talk. A lot. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. It also seems to make people more willing to open their wallets, which in my line of work is a distinct plus. Since I've been wearing Open Windows, my gratuities have run in the 20-30 percent range pretty consistently. In fact, today I got a 90 percent tip on one table! (Small bill, but still - woohoo!).

The genius thing about this phero is that it really does spread its love. It kind of moves into the room and takes over the environment - and I don't mean it smells. I mean that the good feeling that comes from Open Windows is not limited to me. It seems to touch everyone in the vicinity, and make them happy and sparkly, too.

I'd love to have this stuff piped into the restaurant. Or my home. I think this is one of my favourite pheromone blends so far. It's far more awesome than I can say. Thank you for the feel-good! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went for an interview and I decided to wear OW this time, instead of my beloved PP which I usually wear for those occasions. It went really well: I had such a good conversation with my interviewer, everything was so easy in a very friendly and open atmosphere. I'm sure I'll stick more with OW in future. It's so easy to handle, not much risk of OD. I can spray it on hair & skin and even on cloths as it's almost odorless. I've put on some dabs of Pillow Patter as perfume and it was perfect.


BTW: It's an unscented OW alcohol spray x1, and I used 2 sprays on wrists/behind ears and 1 on my hair.

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So I've written a few reviews in the Stealing Heaven/Open Windows thread, but I feel like I need to come here to give Open Windows a review in its own right.


Short version: this phero rocks.


Longer version: I've been wearing this to work off and on for weeks. It makes me feel vibrant and sparkly, and seems to make other people see me the same way. I notice more people meeting my eyes, and oddly, there's often a sort of charmed admiration in people's faces when they're confronted by this goofy server, (me), with a great big, huge smile. It seems to make people want to talk. A lot. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. It also seems to make people more willing to open their wallets, which in my line of work is a distinct plus. Since I've been wearing Open Windows, my gratuities have run in the 20-30 percent range pretty consistently. In fact, today I got a 90 percent tip on one table! (Small bill, but still - woohoo!).

The genius thing about this phero is that it really does spread its love. It kind of moves into the room and takes over the environment - and I don't mean it smells. I mean that the good feeling that comes from Open Windows is not limited to me. It seems to touch everyone in the vicinity, and make them happy and sparkly, too.

I'd love to have this stuff piped into the restaurant. Or my home. I think this is one of my favourite pheromone blends so far. It's far more awesome than I can say. Thank you for the feel-good! :D

You should try it with LP O, that is a lethal combo ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the weirdest reaction to Open Windows yesterday. I was kind of in a desperate mood when I put it on, anyway. Been trying to get a hold of b.f. to take my oldest for the weekend, no one's been calling me or returning my calls, etc. So I had to go scope out Pandora beads for my husband's gift to his mom last night. I was in a total crab ass mood because he was ceaselessly texting me about stupid b.s.. Went to my perfume cabinet & selected some LP O & the Open Windows boosted spray of LP O I have. I didn't want to be hateful to the associate. First mistake, I should have picked a more deferential blend with the mood I was in. So I get to store & sales lady is very very helpful, annoyingly chattering me ear off. I set aside 3 beads for my spouse to pick up in the morning & she will just NOT let me leave. I was getting seriously annoyed at this point, but still trying to nice because I know it' s OW. I finally get out of there & then I'm more annoyed, because I can't get a hold of the person I need a response from, etc. Anyway, I just ended up with the opposite of the effect I intended last night. I can't see that I OD'd as I only used a couple dabs from my bottle, so maybe I should just take a break from using any pheromones for a while.

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LOL I'm sorry to laugh, I know you were frustrated, but your description is very funny, as is the WIDE discrepancy between your growing annoyance and the sales person's growing giddiness to be talking with you :D

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  • 5 months later...

Open Windows never, never, never fails to amaze me!! I had a variety of errands to run today that I don't typically get to do during the week, so I slathered it on via Stealing Heaven and set off. I've said it before. This has a Cougar-ish affect, but it spreads the love around to everyone. I was standing in this long line, and I think the people around me got phero happy. They started complimenting each other--and it was clear they were strangers--and then they both teamed up and started complimenting me, saying how adorable i was (I'm not sure why. I was in a full length down coat, scarf and gloves!) and how good I smelled.(That part was true!). I stopped at Caribou. It was warm, so I unzipped my coat a little way and loosened my scarf, and I guess pretty much Open Windowed the man in front of me. He turned around slowly and struck up a conversation, then paid for coffee for me and the lady behind me! And at the dentist, my regular was out sick, so the other doctor did the check up. She could not stop complimenting me on how I had the best looking wisdom teeth she'd ever seen and how wonderfully the gums were attaching to the implants and how dense my jaw bone was. Believe it or not, this is not the first time I've had that particular compliment. My surgeon said the exact same thing under the influence of Open Windows!! So while my day was busy, at least it was entertaining!!! :lol:

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  • 2 months later...

I really have created a monster! I told BF that I used this to put one of his buddies in a good mood a little while ago, (dude tends toward grumpiness, and has a hard time letting it go, even when he's supposed to be having a good time), and then I suggested that BF try wearing it to one of their jam sessions, to keep the mood light. And he was ALL OVER that idea! :lol: So apparently in my next order I'm getting a bottle of UN Open Windows, and showing BF how to use it effectively. :o


I also told him Topper was good for wearing to shows, and he was all over that, too. I sprayed a little on him, 'cause he was curious, and after a while he said, "I feel like I want to have a beer!". :lol:


Yes, slowly but surely the phero introductions are being made. Open Windows seems like a fairly tame one to start with, and one that kind of suits what he's trying to accomplish with all of his band stuff right now. Between Open Windows & the Road Opener he has coming in my/our next LP package, maybe he'll finally see some movement in that part of his life! He'll be punk rock'n'rollin' down the Open Road with his Windows Open! LOL!


He might even wear Stealing Heaven to work. I put a little dab on him to see if he liked the scent, and he was pleased that it seemed so citrusy. I gave him a little Pandamaniac to "man" it up a bit though, and he liked that even better. He seemed amazed that the perfumes blended so well. But he was even more amazed that I have all this magic up my sleeve, and am only now sharing it with him! :D

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Awesome. Yeah, my SO does well with Open Windows too. Turns him into a ray of sunshine..... I may have to make him buy a bottle & soon.

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I'm looking forward to it. He's been having such a tough time at work lately, and his band stuff has been a bit stressful, too. It'll be nice for him to have something to help put a little bounce in his step, and maybe bring a little optimism to his days. I'm thinking about getting a spray, and maybe a bottle of Stealing Heaven or Irresistible Forces, too.


It was kinda funny telling him about it. You should have seen his face! He was like, "pheromones can DO THAT???". His voice got all squeaky. Cute.


He's had such a rough time lately that I feel guilty for keeping all the phero goodness to myself. Especially since he seemed so excited and relieved that there's *something*, *anything* that might help him perk up at work and in the jam room - and maybe help perk up his band buddies too. I'm a bit excited to see how it works for him. :)



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Well, I don't blame you for keeping it on the hush. I gave my SO stuff & he still understand how to use it properly. He will pherobomb the f*** out of me occasionally. Headaches are not conducive to the goals of application, gentlemen. I'm pretty sure that I can avoid that if I give him some more Open Windows to wear. He really like Irresistible Forces.

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Your hub likes IF? Sweet. BF really liked Stealing Heaven, but I thought maybe IF would be a bit more masculine.

As far as application goes, I told him he could use a strip from his breast bone to his belly button, and maybe a little bit on his hands, ('cause he's a hand talker). Hopefully he'll take me at my word about that. I do not want to be phero bombed. Ever.

I just hope it helps to brighten his mood. He could really use that lately. Poor fella.

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  • 1 month later...

Based on my run-in with Levitation this week, via a sample I bought from Bruise Violet (and if you want to know what happens when you open a package and then sort through that stuff after immediately locating the Levitation and applying, go to the end of her trade page and look for the GIFs) I'm buying some Open Windows spray tonight or tomorrow with my order.


This is the first time I've bought a spray rather than acquiring from the trade pages. So I know it's such a newb question but what are the pros and cons of alcohol versus oil? Alcohol has greater diffusion, right? Oil sticks around longer. So, 60/40 alcohol/oil is probably the best middle ground, right? But what about the 60/40 alcohol/silicone? Silicone doesn't get absorbed in our skin, so that's better for sticking around in case our skin is hungry with a specific blend and "eats" it all.


Thoughts? I'll be going through this and the other OW threads, but if people can post within the next 24 hours or so that'd really help me. Thanks.

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  • 11 months later...

Mara confirmed awhile back that when the level of pheros in a container gets low & there's more empty air in there (esp, or only, alcohol sprays? don't recall), they can evaporate & lose some potency. Have been searching for the post to no avail.


Anyway, I wanted to share that once again, as on several past occasions, I found today that there has been little to no dropoff in potency even when the container is mostly air & has been that way for a long time.


I have a little trial size spritzer LP-made alcohol OW spray that I flavored with Whoopsy Daisycake. It's about the size of the LP spray samples, maybe a little bigger.


This am there was only one big fat drop left in the bottom. It has been in this state (ie, almost completely empty) for at least 3 years. I figured, potency is probably gone but I will smell nice!


I tanked it with a big wet spritz to the head before going to a meeting where the people don't know each other well & I knew it was going to be a little tense and awkward, and one of them is very very quiet.


Well, there appears to have been little if any loss in potency with this one, because everyone was all smiles, talkative, "leaning in" and very involved in the conversation, including the quiet person!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will always have Open Windows as long as LP provides it! This is as reliable to me as Stone Cougar in that if I want to guarantee things will be upbeat and social, this is the potion to wear! I love it for "girl's night" because it gets everyone chatty and in good spirits and, eventually, laughing and giggling and silly - plain fun in a bottle! I keep decanting a bit into a little 5ml spritzer with some Pure Sugar and I'll spritz 2x in my hair and then that's it - let the good times roll!

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