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Ail's Open Windows

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Open Windows - Unisex Phero Blend

Unscented Pheromone for Women
Unscented Pheromone for Men

Unscented Pheromone Blend for both Women and Men. Created by our Phero Guru, Ail - Here's what she says about this blend: "A heavily Alpha-Androstenol based pheromone blend for people who want to lift themselves at their down times, and to lift others around them, too. An all-round social blend which is a winner in giving you the general 'feel-good, look good' magnetic factor that attractive people exude naturally, making people want to talk to and get close to you at every opportunity."


Created By: Ail for Love Potion® Magickal Perfumerie




* Ingredients: Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenol, Epi-Androsterone.


Wow People!!! Open Windows has proven to be transformative for me to say the least! I work on a site where we report to three higher-ups. One of them is an irascible fella prone to fits for no explainable reasons. My site mates commonly tiptoe around him for fear of setting him off. Well he’s no match for Open Windows hehehehe. Every time I wear this phero he turns into a pleasant purring puss :) . He’s all smiles, laughter and good times! Pretty much everyone I come in contact with wearing OW receives it well. If they’re in good spirits already, it further bolsters that mood. And if they’re not? Too bad, lol – they’re gonna be once they catch a whiff! Thank you LPMP :heart708:


By way of selfies, OW is indispensable! Personality wise I can be quiet, aloof and withdrawn when not around people I know. When I wear OW, I have more of a tendency to join the party so to speak. This phero helps me to be self assured thereby making conversation more fluid. I’m more apt to socialize! If you look upper thread you’ll notice all the great reviews from beloved LP members. Their experiences helped me to make the decision to buy OW. I’m duty bound to keep spreading the love :love:


Do you have Open Windows already? Great!!! Now if you don’t have it, you know where I’m going with this right? Get you some (GUS)! I have the roll on personally. OW also comes in spray form and phero'd fragrances so do know there are several options.



Get your social on guys and gals

Edited by ComingUpRoses
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RoseB - wonderful to know you've enjoyed using Open Windows! Do you have the UN or do you use it in a fragranced version?


I simply cannot do without OW. Its been instrumental in helping me with a medical condition. I've been supplementing homeopathic treatment with OW and its made a world of difference. I don't know enough about the 'none-s' and 'nol-s' to know why or how. I'm just happy to have found this phero :D

Edited by ComingUpRoses
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You needn;t be a molecule nerd to know that it works...you can leave that to us more geeky folk :lol: The important thing is that it works for you :heart: It's a TOTAL fav for me too ^_~

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You needn;t be a molecule nerd to know that it works...you can leave that to us more geeky folk :lol: The important thing is that it works for you :heart: It's a TOTAL fav for me too ^_~


Thank ya' dear :-) most happy to leave the science behind it in the hands of those more capable. Yes, so *happy* OW works for me!


...emoticons aren't working else I would have peppered up this note something lovely lol. Guess I exceeded my quota for today :-D

Edited by ComingUpRoses
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Thank ya' dear :-) most happy to leave the science behind it in the hands of those more capable. Yes, so *happy* OW works for me!


...emoticons aren't working else I would have peppered up this note something lovely lol. Guess I exceeded my quota for today :-D

That's fantastic!! I just got a bottle of OW roll-on myself and have started enjoying it.

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That's awesome WnG!


This one really is a fantastic little number. The same way Stone Cougar is a sure thing in a social situation for me - OW falls into that same category - only without the sex kitten vibe :lol: It's just pure fun in a bottle, a nearly instant mood boost for people who step into the OW cloud! It does draw moon eyed, DIHL stares on occasion - from men AND women :Emoticons04263: - but it's, hands down, a blend I wouldn't want to be without. Who knew 3 little molecules could be SO much fun?! :)

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:yeahthat: Wonderful analogy NuTrix! Never thought of OW giving the same vibe as SC without the 'sexy' - but you're so right :018A1D~14:


WnG, love it up girlfriend!!! Open Windows is a social staple for sure. Being you purchased it in the UN, you can pair it with so many other LPs :it-s-a-beautiful-thing:

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I have loved this in River Song and now I have ordered the Un. Just a great social blend. I love Levitation but I think the Open Windows is more effective for me. Another I have added to my " Must keep on hand" list.

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I ordered Levitation because it has OW + DHEAS, can't wait to receive it :) but YES Open Windows as an individual UN is a must for the arsenal :love:


Missed out on River Song on ArtFire but I believe someone sent me a trial vile so I'll get to wear it once at least :D

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For me Levitation is a mood lifter and makes people happy but Open Windows works so much better. They become friendly and seem to remember me more. It isn't just a general happy like Levitation. It is more of a I made them happy feel. If that makes any sense. I know Lev is OW with DHEAS but for me OW works better and if I had to choose between them, I would choose OW over Lev. Not sure if anyone else has had one work better than the other but that is my experience.

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I'll leave a short review here on behalf of my friend, who has just started using OW in River Song (oil version) lately. She's more into foody scents in general, but on my advice has been wearing River Song to work, and she said it has been noticeably much more pleasant at work lately, compared to normal. She works as a pub, and has found it works great with the customers and fellow workers. Considering she sometimes hates her job, this is an excellent thing.

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I know Lev is OW with DHEAS but for me OW works better and if I had to choose between them, I would choose OW over Lev. Not sure if anyone else has had one work better than the other but that is my experience.


Me! It's happened for me.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE, I mean ADORE my Flying Potion, the scent is gorgeous! So I got the Un Levitation to try out and it just isn't spot on for me the way OW is. It seems so crazy, because I've worn OW and spritzed DHEAS on my hair or clothes and had fabulous results, so maybe it's too little or too much DHEAS? But I can wear OW solo and it's always awesome, not like Cougar - naughty minx, just happy and...VIBRANT, yes, that's the word! Levitation is a warm fuzzy happy. OW is a vibrant resonating happy to me, much more congruent with me I think.

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For me Levitation is a mood lifter and makes people happy but Open Windows works so much better. They become friendly and seem to remember me more. It isn't just a general happy like Levitation. It is more of a I made them happy feel. If that makes any sense. I know Lev is OW with DHEAS but for me OW works better and if I had to choose between them, I would choose OW over Lev. Not sure if anyone else has had one work better than the other but that is my experience.

...and a good experience it is! Glad you've taken such a great liking to OW. It's a fabulous phero for sure! Do you use just the UN or do you have other blends with it Irish Eyes?


I haven't devoted enough time to testing Open Windows and Levitation individually as I've just received Levitation. I know I'm totally in love with Open Windows tho so I hear ya'! Not only does it help me extremely well with a medical condition BUT I've also noticed it soothes many a savage beast. One of my bosses at one of my jobs...he's much more pleasant when I wear it. AND he seems to make an effort to get close to me...he likes taking deep huffs lol. I get such a kick out of that...when I notice it, I think in my head "Yeah buddy, Open Windows in the house!!!" :D:say19:



I'll leave a short review here on behalf of my friend, who has just started using OW in River Song (oil version) lately. She's more into foody scents in general, but on my advice has been wearing River Song to work, and she said it has been noticeably much more pleasant at work lately, compared to normal. She works as a pub, and has found it works great with the customers and fellow workers. Considering she sometimes hates her job, this is an excellent thing.


That's wonderful news Vlad, glad your friend has found OW in River Song to be helpful at her job. Not liking the pub makes things tough as in general we spend a lot of hours in the day at work. Keep the momentum going and see if she'd care for other blends that could help. You never know, eventually pheros could help her love her job lol. Anything's possible ^_^

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...and a good experience it is! Glad you've taken such a great liking to OW. It's a fabulous phero for sure! Do you use just the UN or do you have other blends with it Irish Eyes?

I have used it with some Occo White but mostly on its own in oil because I was using it as primarily as a social minus the sexy. I am with Nutrix...I am not sure what it is but I have tried both Lev and OW a few times after noticing OW worked better and it continues to work better for me. Nothing wrong with Lev...I have a bottle of that and an LP white boosted that I like but seem to gravitate to the Open Windows more as of late. I am not sure if it makes sense but while OW makes people happy, it is a controlled happy. Like just being in a good mood and enjoying the company...Lev tends ( for me) to have a happy effect but more of a flighty talky happy where people will talk just to talk. Even when I tried smaller amounts. They seem to get real happy and it may be because of it being a spray but, they don't seem to care if I am there or not. OW just seems to lend itself to more actual useful upbeat communication where people are happy to be around me.


I think it is hard to explain given it is OW with DHEAS. I don't use DHEAS on its own so maybe less is more for me.

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^^^ I get it, completely, makes perfect sense! As with all the pheros, we use an appropriate blend to serve needs or suit the mood. I've had similar experiences with Open Windows in that it does lend a "controlled happy" vibe like you said. With Levitation having DHEAS it's sure to illicit different reactions. I can see getting more use out of Open Windows day-to-day. Levitation may be primarily for sparkly after work or "happy hour" experiences...

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  • 3 weeks later...

This sounds like such a great phero!


Unfortunately, none of the scents I've tried that contain it were a great success on my skin.

I'm sort of considering an UN bottle of Open Windows in my next order.


I do use Flying Potion 2013 from time to time and I do like that one; how different in feel is Levitation from Open Windows?

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IMO they are both uplifting & happy.


I'd say OW is more serene than Levitation. Lev being on the "giddier" side.

Edited by StacyK
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IMO they are both uplifting & happy.


I'd say OW is more serene than Levitation. Lev being on the "giddier" side.


Thank you!


Yes, on the occasions where I've worn Levitation (in Flying Potion), I've sort of deliberately used it for the giddyness factor; going to the first dance lesson in a group of people I'd never met before, etc.

It seemed to work well on both myself and the people around me, in that setting!


A slightly more serene, less bouncy of that would be nice, though - might have to try and find some room in the budget for the 'un next month or so. :)

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Save your pennies 'til the Sept sale an then use it the purchase to advantage :)

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IMO I'd wait to see what Mara offers in the July releases first. If you go for the Un you might want to order that during the sale- to up your cart total.

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Thank you NuTrix and StacyK!


Yes, waiting is probably a better idea - especially with the sale coming up (is that in September, or in August? I'm going to be pretty broke in August, hoping it will be September...).

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it starts sometime in Aug but it runs for a good amount of time. There's usually plenty of time to get something.

Mara will post the rules well in advance, in that locked sale thread.

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Thank you!


That sounds good; I'll be returning from holiday (broke but, hopefully, rested) at the beginning of August, so at least there is some chance of a little money getting into my account again before the sale ends. :)

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  • 1 year later...

OW, and slamming doors


I wore OW for a couple days around the BF and his crew last week. There's usually a fair amount of tension and drama around. I found him to be more calm and open with communication on a level that's not normally there. I also noticed that my communication skills were much more fluid. Some light was shed on a long standing situation with one of the crew who has been cleverly manipulative for years. While this woman was making jokes and laughing at the BF's pain and suffering from a previous relationship,in front of me and others, he remained calm for far longer than I would have ever anticipated. After having a spat with me he spent the night restless and hurt thinking about the years of underhanded, knife in the back, situations this woman had a role in and resolved to fire her. It was a painful process for both of us but the end result is that the *itch is gone and he was able to handle himself in a much more calm manner than usual. He apologized profusely for me having to take the brunt of his frustration, feeling bad about it but also realizing that if I had not been there, if he had not said some harsh things to me, he would not have came to the realization that this woman has been a source for so much strife for years. Our argument had nothing to do with me but was a result of the hurt this other person was inflicting.


I spend a lot of time around these people and consider them family, I'm aware of how much tension there is between them at times. Normally my presence alone keeps things a little more upbeat so my thought was that a little OW would simply boost that vibe. I never anticipated that things would turn out the way they did. Though the story is far more complex that I could write about, my thought is that OW may have helped bring an end to a bad situation. The "everybody is happy" vibe never occurred, but it seemed everyone was much more relaxed and understanding of what transpired, the BF seemed to handle the situation without being publicly explosive, and was far more capable of direct, heartfelt communication.

Edited by Cycle Kitten
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OW, and slamming doors


I wore OW for a couple days around the BF and his crew last week. There's usually a fair amount of tension and drama around. I found him to be more calm and open with communication on a level that's not normally there. I also noticed that my communication skills were much more fluid. Some light was shed on a long standing situation with one of the crew who has been cleverly manipulative for years. While this woman was making jokes and laughing at the BF's pain and suffering from a previous relationship,in front of me and others, he remained calm for far longer than I would have ever anticipated. After having a spat with me he spent the night restless and hurt thinking about the years of underhanded, knife in the back, situations this woman had a role in and resolved to fire her. It was a painful process for both of us but the end result is that the *itch is gone and he was able to handle himself in a much more calm manner than usual. He apologized profusely for me having to take the brunt of his frustration, feeling bad about it but also realizing that if I had not been there, if he had not said some harsh things to me, he would not have came to the realization that this woman has been a source for so much strife for years. Our argument had nothing to do with me but was a result of the hurt this other person was inflicting.


I spend a lot of time around these people and consider them family, I'm aware of how much tension there is between them at times. Normally my presence alone keeps things a little more upbeat so my thought was that a little OW would simply boost that vibe. I never anticipated that things would turn out the way they did. Though the story is far more complex that I could write about, my thought is that OW may have helped bring an end to a bad situation. The "everybody is happy" vibe never occurred, but it seemed everyone was much more relaxed and understanding of what transpired, the BF seemed to handle the situation without being publicly explosive, and was far more capable of direct, heartfelt communication.

What you're describing sounds like men... talking/thinking about their feelings?! It's like rewriting genetic code!!


Glad you could put an end to a negative influence and now I have to try it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When I first found the boards looking for phero recommendations (so many choices it can be overwhelming!), I kept seeing OW mentioned again and again. Like many, I was primarily focused on the sexier pheros, not the social ones, so I relegated OW to the "I'll try it later" list.


As it turned out, I'd discovered LPMP not long before Pheromas, giving me the opportunity to sample many UN pheros, including OW. And wouldn't you know, it's ended up being the one I reach for the most, even more than cops!


This is truly a great all-purpose blend. I have used it before parties to take the edge off of social anxiety. It's helped put me at ease and be more open to others (imagine that!). On others it seems to encourage a relaxed, friendly vibe.


I've also used it a few times before family gatherings. My niece, who's a great kid but appears to have her iPhone surgically attached to her body, can be difficult to have a conversation with. Every time I've used OW she's chattier, attentive and doesn't even look at her phone!


About six months ago I wore OW to work to see if it could help improve my relationship with some difficult coworkers. I used it two days in a row, and a couple more times after that. Within a couple of weeks we turned a corner. Ever since things are much more relaxed, congenial even, at the office. I haven't used it at work much beyond that, mostly because I haven't needed to. That little extra something OW provided for those few days was enough.


I don't use pheros a lot, so I usually forget when I am wearing it. I just have a good time/positive experiences, and it isn't until afterwards that I recall putting it on. I really can't recommend OW enough.

Edited by Patchjulie
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

I made a vial of Open Windows and LP White (1/3 phero + 2/3 fragrance) and it wore it out over the course of an evening with a new friend, during which we bounced around a few places and talked to people we both knew and didn't know. All night the conversation flowed like water with everyone and we were all in a great mood. Will definitely make some more vials with other scents.

Edited by Witty Kitty
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had terrible dreams so upon waking OW seemed necessary. Somehow the only OW I could find was a sample of Stealing Windows :smiley-laughing024: *feels panic, plans next order* I wore a teeny bit more than I would normally wear. I felt alert and uplifted. About 3 hours later I figured it had mostly worn off, but went to a meeting where the people are usually sort of stiff and awkward and self-conscious. Not today! People were happy, almost giddy, relaxed, chatty, and quasi-flirtatious. THANKS OW!!

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  • 9 months later...

Ok. I may need help ladies. I have been wearing the Unscented roll-on version of Open Windows for the past 4 days now. Here are my results:


Day 1- woman who I had lunch with told me so startling truths, mixed with having a competitive tone with me. Too much B-nol exposure? Anyway, it did not produce the "good time" effect that i am used to OW producing

Day 2- Nothing noticable...had some coworkers stopping in my office a couple of times, but nothing extrodinary

Day 3- I felt pumped up in the morning like I had some expresso..after that zilch all day and zero hits

Day 4- Nothing all day


Now usually when I wear my scented OW its a hit EVERY time. What is going on?

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Have you been varying the amount each day? Or is this the same amount all 4 days? Maybe try increasing or decreasing the amount you're wearing? Might be a dosage issue, going from the 1/3 strength scented OW to the full strength OW.


Also, where are you applying? With Open Windows, I always find that I get the best responses when, in addition to a basic lollipop application, I put a little in places that are going to get "out there" a bit, like in my hair, on the backs of my hands, and on the tops of my forearms. (I do the tops of my forearms because I'm a server, and my arms are always skirting past people's noses when I set drinks and plates down - it gets right in their faces).


Thirdly, it could be a format issue. Maybe you'd fare better with a 60/40 spray? I love OW in scented products, but for my UN OW, I prefer a spray. It was easier to figure out dosage, and I can apply to my clothes and my hair much more easily. There are DIY kits on Etsy that you could use to switch your UN oil into a spray if you decide to go the spray route.


Just a few things that leapt to mind when I read your post.


One more thing I just thought of that may or may not have a bearing... have you been applying the UN over or under your perfume? I'm never sure if this really makes a difference, but just to make sure it's not one, I tend to apply my UNs in a little line wherever I'm applying it, and then draw a little circle around that line with my scent and smoosh them together. I don't know if it actually makes a difference, but in my head I imagine that it approximates the use of a pre-mixed scented phero.

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Have you been varying the amount each day? Or is this the same amount all 4 days? Maybe try increasing or decreasing the amount you're wearing? Might be a dosage issue, going from the 1/3 strength scented OW to the full strength OW.


Also, where are you applying? With Open Windows, I always find that I get the best responses when, in addition to a basic lollipop application, I put a little in places that are going to get "out there" a bit, like in my hair, on the backs of my hands, and on the tops of my forearms. (I do the tops of my forearms because I'm a server, and my arms are always skirting past people's noses when I set drinks and plates down - it gets right in their faces).


Thirdly, it could be a format issue. Maybe you'd fare better with a 60/40 spray? I love OW in scented products, but for my UN OW, I prefer a spray. It was easier to figure out dosage, and I can apply to my clothes and my hair much more easily. There are DIY kits on Etsy that you could use to switch your UN oil into a spray if you decide to go the spray route.


Just a few things that leapt to mind when I read your post.


One more thing I just thought of that may or may not have a bearing... have you been applying the UN over or under your perfume? I'm never sure if this really makes a difference, but just to make sure it's not one, I tend to apply my UNs in a little line wherever I'm applying it, and then draw a little circle around that line with my scent and smoosh them together. I don't know if it actually makes a difference, but in my head I imagine that it approximates the use of a pre-mixed scented phero.


Eggers, I have to say...YOU ROCK!! I figured it out after reading your post. This is my first UN, and I was putting the same amount, sometimes more, as the blended version. Which was TOO much. I put just 1/3 of the amount that I use with the pre-scented in my hair and BINGO. Great selfies!! I feel like going out to a party, jumping up and down, dancing to some club music, would love some "cuddle time" with my boyfriend so I can attack him (not sure why LOL) and am feeling pretty darn good about myself (like I have swagg/am hott stuff- thanks Epi!). I haven't noticed a different effect around other people yet. I kinda feel like finding a bar or club to go to...even though its a weekday. We shall see! LOL

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Eggers, I have to say...YOU ROCK!! I figured it out after reading your post. This is my first UN, and I was putting the same amount, sometimes more, as the blended version. Which was TOO much. I put just 1/3 of the amount that I use with the pre-scented in my hair and BINGO. Great selfies!! I feel like going out to a party, jumping up and down, dancing to some club music, would love some "cuddle time" with my boyfriend so I can attack him (not sure why LOL) and am feeling pretty darn good about myself (like I have swagg/am hott stuff- thanks Epi!). I haven't noticed a different effect around other people yet. I kinda feel like finding a bar or club to go to...even though its a weekday. We shall see! LOL


Yay! I'm glad you figured it out! :cat690:

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  • 1 month later...

Also it's worth rotating your pheros regularly. You can become immune to them if you wear the same ones a lot. I'm largely immune to anol which sucks cuz it's a super fun molecule. Take breaks after a few days and at least wear a different type of formula. Phero fasts are good too to reset.

This is so true. I mean really take note here. I know when you're new and you want to try every blend... and wear pheros daily.. I've found breaks are important. Helps prevent building immunity too. Reset is a good word for it.
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So I have some not so great news to report about my cherished Open Windows. I started a new job and have been using the UN Open Windows as my go-to...unfortunately, instead of people liking me, as I was hoping for, it seemed as if it made some people almost despise me or really dislike me. I was SOOO SHOCKED. I don't know if the A-nol and B-nol made them feel more unihibited??? I definitely didn't expect this reaction. I bought it so that people would feel great around me.


A couple of days I had to correct things with some LFM (to stop some of the disrespect) and Pop Potion (respect & likeability)...I'm so bummed.

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This is so true. I mean really take note here. I know when you're new and you want to try every blend... and wear pheros daily.. I've found breaks are important. Helps prevent building immunity too. Reset is a good word for it.


StacyK & halo...I used to take months off...so I get it :-) I was just trying to test drive my UN Open Windows

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