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Christmas Clove Cookies


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Oh, edible goodness!


Both wet and dry, this is buttery, spicy clove cookies. It's cookie heaven in a bottle. I've had in on for three hours and it's still going. It's delicious, the butter and spiciness keep it from being too sweet.


This is warm, yummy, and perfect for Winter. I am thrilled to death that I ordered a bottle of this!

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This smells alot like Gothic Xmas without the fig and roast chesnuts.


Wet: vanilla barista syrup


On skin: Well, whaddaya know- butter cookies (carmelized sugar, melted butter) hot from the oven. The clove note is right behind the butter.


The only problem with this is that I'm hungry, now, and suspect I will be whenever I wear it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I admit it: clove scents scare me. I like the scent of clove--in theory--but I put it on and all I get is CLOVE, CLOVE, CLOVEY CLOVE! Seriously, I smell like a pomander ball, and not in the good way. In the ten-years-later-oh-my-God-what-is-this-shrivelled-black-thing-in-the-closet kind of way.


So imagine my relief when Christmas Clove Cookies is so much lighter and more balanced. I too get wonderful and warm butter cookies, with just a hint of spice. It's edible, but not so "loud" that you'll overpower a room with it; you can give this one a good slather without knocking over the Christmas tree. Of all the November releases--and this is a hard choice!--I think this one is my favorite.


Thank you, Santa! :wub:

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  • 1 month later...

Cookies! I'm amazed that y'all can get it to smell exactly like cookies. You can almost taste the butter... I like this one a lot, though I don't really wear super foody scents a lot. I get lots of compliments on it. I don't get too much clove from it, but just enough that it's nicely spicy.

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  • 4 months later...
Cookies! I'm amazed that y'all can get it to smell exactly like cookies. You can almost taste the butter... I like this one a lot, though I don't really wear super foody scents a lot. I get lots of compliments on it. I don't get too much clove from it, but just enough that it's nicely spicy.
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This is one of my favorites. My son just loves that mommy smells like christmas cookies but it's still delicate enough and not so overpowering that it's lovely too. It's name implies a winter feel but I'm wearing it now ( end of May) and it's not cloying at all. I love it!

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  • 4 months later...

This one surprised me. I expected a stronger clove scent. I also expected it to turn slightly waxy on me. Butter tends to do that on my skin. Much to my pleasure, this one had more vanilla than butter on my skin. Very nice and subtle with a bit of clove to catch your nose as I walk by. Just enough to turn heads as you exit the room, but not so much as to make everyone stare when you enter.

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  • 1 year later...

I just got this one...It really confirms my foodie insticts. I love this one in the bottle, I love this one on the skin...I suspect I would love any cookies that smelled like this! I have been huffing my wrists all night and would have gnawed off my arm it if tasted as good as it smells.

Light clove and that warm buttery cookie.....YUMMMMMM!

Edited by ladybegood1
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Just got a bottle in a trade, and I love it! I love the smell of cloves, and it blends so well with the creamy vanillaness (is that a word?), it really does make me hungry! Plus, I get a lot of "mmm...what smells so good?" comments. :lol:

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  • 3 years later...

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