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Cougar 2x in alcohol spray

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OMG. Somebody give me some oxygen. I just ordered this and I've NEVER spent that much on something like this before (well, not at one time) so I'm in a bit of shock.


I need to get my mojo back so if this can help it will be worth it. I feel like a small, mousy, depressed, less hopeful version of what I used to be, so I'm doing a lot of soul searching, journaling, invoking a goddess, trying to contact Higher Self / HGA / whatever might help me figure out what I want to do here for the next 50 years. That's a whole 'nuther thread though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I've got this now and about to start putting it in action. Is this one I can spray in my hair or is that a no-no? I know we're not supposed to put copulins in our hair, and I went to the Cougar description to see if it had any but the description doesn't say anything about what pheros are in it.

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OK, I've got this now and about to start putting it in action. Is this one I can spray in my hair or is that a no-no? I know we're not supposed to put copulins in our hair, and I went to the Cougar description to see if it had any but the description doesn't say anything about what pheros are in it.

There are cops but not as much as the original formulation - IMO- so I don't worry about some in my hair unless I did the added cop option. And for getting your groove back - I always add the cops. A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste. ;-)

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  • 2 months later...



Wore Mega Cougar last night - Scented Cougar in Beta Spray with 2X Cops/2X additional unCougar. Just went out with the kids to a really popular family place with live music, great food, and totally festive atmosphere. Anyhoo...not trying to get something started with anyone *clearly* just wanted to get my Shelly vibe back after a long week.


HOLY SMOKES. Easy to forget how effective this blend is if you have put it up for a while. Guys near me were just totally doing double takes and the hot waiter - extra long eye contact, brushed hands twice, way extra helpful, was charming with the kids, and a wink on my way out. And he was at least 15 years younger. Did I mention he was HOT? Yeah - that.


And I was wearing slacks and a shirt from when I was one size bigger. So nothing particularly cute or flattering for that matter - and I had not touched up my makeup so it was largely gone.


Taking this one to Chicago to cause blindness in the HSF. :-)

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  • 6 months later...

OK.....Cougar spray.....it rocks. Seriously.


Saturday, my man and I took 3 kids (11, 12, and almost 14) to the parish fair.....I was wearing the Unscented Cougar spray that I scented with Nasty Habits.....I wore a few swipes of Nasty Habits in oil (cops added) underneath, because we were going to be outside in 90 degree heat, and I knew the spray would burn off.....


ANYWHOOOOO......before we leave the house, my man telling me how good I smelled.....I'm feeling good....surprisingly good, considering we had a car full of pre-teen hormonal monsters in tow.....I was wearing a T shirt and jeans, flaming red hair in a braid....very little makeup.....


I had men on the fairgrounds turning around to look....standing next to me, when they would get in a downdraft, smiling, winking, acting goofy.....it just tickles me.....


There was an older man at the food stand when I was ordering an onion blossom for us to take home.....it was hilarious....they make them fresh, so you order one and then have to stand around and wait.....there was a woman in front of me, and she ordered, I ordered, and then we were hanging out waiting....the lady who ordered before me stepped a couple of feet away to talk to her friends while she was waiting......I was still just standing there......a couple of minutes later, the man turns back around, looks at me and says...."Wanna dance?" Big smile.....then he looks at me, looks over at her, winks at me and says....."I have moved you up to #1 in the orders. You get the first onion that comes up." He calls back to the girl who was frying them and says...."The first onion that comes up goes to the REALLY red-head over here." I was giggling....too funny.


I always get special treatment with Cougar......it is one of the best popularity blends there is!

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LOL@ the REALLY red head :666: ...I always love reading your reports,Dolly !


I have not tryed other than the 1x Cougar in oil, so far,but I really enjoy it every time I wear it out,always makes me feel good and that is contagious!

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LOL@ the REALLY red head :) ...I always love reading your reports,Dolly !


I have not tryed other than the 1x Cougar in oil, so far,but I really enjoy it every time I wear it out,always makes me feel good and that is contagious!





AWWWWW thank you sweetie......



Cougar is great for self-effects on me, as well.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wore Cougar spray (1X) scented with Nasty Habits yesterday to go to see my hot young dentist.....yes, he is a hottie.....the funny thing was the reaction from women.....my hygenist was a new girl, and she was falling over herself complimenting me while I was in the chair.....how I have such nice teeth, I must take fabulous care of them, what a good job my orthodontist did on them, yadda yadda yadda.....the young hot dentist was complimenting me like crazy as well.....




The funniest part of the day was in Walgreen's......I stopped in to pick up some non-sulfate shampoo......there was an employee there who walked by, and as she did, she asked me if she could help me......I told her no, that I was "just looking" at some shampoos......so a few minutes later, she comes by and stands next to me....."You smell good!", she says.....then she starts talking to me about.....what perfume I was wearing, the shampoo I was buying, which ingredients I thought were harmful, how did I get this hair color, how do I keep my hair so soft and silky looking, what makeup I use.....she was complimenting me on everything I said, and was hanging on every word.....OMG.....I almost never got out of the store! She rang up my purchase at the little cosmetics area, and then started following me to the door! I haven't had something like THAT happen in a long time.....it was definitely over the top......

Edited by Dolly
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Gret report Dolly. Don't you just love it when the reactions are so obvious. I'm sure everyone in the store thought you were a celebrity. I do love Cougar there's nothing like it.



Oh yeah, I always like to have some in my arsenal.....almost like a popularity type of vibe.....

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Awesome report,Dolly :jumpforjoy: ...umm,course it helps that you carry it off so well,you are not exactly a wallflower :lol: That was a really fun hit!


I get good self-effects from Cougar in oil,always lots of fun flirting,and would try a spray,so I could wear it in my hair,if I knew the ingredients <ie cops>


edited,cause my keyboard hates me :woohoonaner2gy:

Edited by Calii
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  • 4 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have found LPMP thru pherotruth forum. Now, I am not your typical Cougar, I am more of a cute "lolita" image because I am your typical tiny asian woman. So I've got a FB (oil) of Cougar Potion as my very first order from LPMP. I have spent so much money from other companies, I can't believe I haven't heard of LPMP before :nope02716: I really thought it was because I was applying it wrong or maybe it's because I'm asian :Emoticons04280: Well anyway, I was blown away with the scent :Emoticons04235: It smells so good I want to eat myself :smiley-laughing024: When I visited my hubby at work, I hugged him and he said, wow you smell good. For the 9 years of us being married, he never ever complimented my perfume :Emoticons04263: .




I am 31 years young and went back to college to get another degree. I am actually liked by a lot of people from my school. I am always the "cute" one and makes everyone have a good time. I decided to buy Cougar because of all the reviews here. I wore them to school because I really love the smell. So I applied them on my forearm, torso and cleavage. Anything more than that, I'll get a headache. Now for the effect on others, nothing too obvious but all my male friends keep on looking at me funny, like I caught them glancing at me all the time (even when caught)... that never happened before. They all know I am in love with the hubby :Emoticons0424: . The effect with women,well nothing out of the ordinary. As I said, I have a lot of friends and a real social butterfly. We love to chat a lot :)



Self effects: Vivid dreams. WOW! I didn't even want to wake up :Emoticons04263:



I am so happy I purchased a FB. I am not sure if I want to buy a spray version as well. (I just purchased a trial of OCCO Red, LP Red, Scented LAM, and SS4M for hubby).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Ashlei - great review of the Cougar. When I first found LP, I shied away from Cougar because of the name and that I haven't ever thought of myself as 'cougar'-ish or whatever. :embarrassed: I felt soo foolish after I tried it, because it's amazing stuff.

It always gives good selfies and hits. I love the scent (though I have both scented and UN), and this gives me such self confidence boost and makes me feel outgoing. This is one of the blends with cops that I think others have said you can wear in hair/ clothing due to the low amount of cops - another bonus. I also have in RB oil, but may convert a small batch to spray. I always have at least one sample on hand (it's in my mini LP kit that goes with me everywhere). I also think this gives off some sparkle. :girlWink-2:


I haven't noticed the vivid dream thing (but will be on the lookout :) ), but selfies alone make this one soo good.

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  • 1 month later...

I just ordered the 2X in the 90/10 spray over the weekend. Sooo looking forward to test driving it!


Curious how much everyone uses and if anyone's ever applied too much?

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i just received my x2 Cougar today. Mine is 60/40 though.

Haven't tried it yet, probably tomorrow.

I think that since i use about 5-6 sprays from the regular strength, i'll try 3-4 from this one.

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This is probably my second favorite phero (only bested by the trusty LFM) in enhanced perfumes, so I definitely need to get on the UN spray bandwagon.


I know this is an old question but, if you're coming from the phero-enhanced scents, approximately 1/3 the strength of the UN's, with very good results, would it make sense to go straight for 2x in alcohol? Has anyone ever OD'ed on Mega Cougar and ghosted?

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I remember reading that someone did OD on UN Cougar, but i can't remember who.

I think that if you use the phero-enhanced scents, that are 1/3 strength, you shouldn't go straight to x2, unless you use a ton of it. I'd start with the x1 strength and see how it goes.

For me, i use around 5-6 sprays from the x1 strength that's why i bought a bottle of x2, but i haven't used it yet.

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Just another bit of "anecdata"...I get great results with any phero enhanced scent with Cougar but anything boosted or the UN...nada. I think even the 1X was too strong for me.

^^That's very true. LFM in my case.


I get good hits with Cougar (scented) though not the I gotta write this down now kind, but good social stuff. I've not tried the Un yet.. I think I'll probably do the 1x when I ever get around to it.

Everyone's different with pheros but more does not always or often, equal better.

Edited by StacyK
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This is probably my second favorite phero (only bested by the trusty LFM) in enhanced perfumes, so I definitely need to get on the UN spray bandwagon.


I know this is an old question but, if you're coming from the phero-enhanced scents, approximately 1/3 the strength of the UN's, with very good results, would it make sense to go straight for 2x in alcohol? Has anyone ever OD'ed on Mega Cougar and ghosted?

It's not a hard & fast rule that you'll OD at any strength. OD is going to depend on a number of factors. I've OD'd at the 1/3rd strength of formulas that I can normally do a ton of. The day was already stressful & I was feeling off, so I decided to add beer into the mix. Just one, mind you, & I ended up with the hangover from hell before I even went to bed. There really isn't any sense in immediately jumping from the enhanced scents to the 2x strength. I do have a Cougar in 2x, that I nabbed on sale, & I've yet to reach for it. Given that I normally do 3-5 sprays of the 1x, I'll probably be fine when I do reach for it though. YMMV

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Here's a question. I sent a note to Mara but wanted to ask the forum in case she is busy.


I have stone cougar in oil. Would adding say 4 ml of oil plus 2 mil perfumers alcohol give me the same thing as cougar spray in 2x? Or, does the oil have carrier oils to dilute that she doesn't use in the 2x spray?


I have a ton of atomizers and perfumers alcohol, so I thought I could make my own smaller spray of this instead of plunging ahead with the 1 oz 2x spray.



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Just another bit of "anecdata"...I get great results with any phero enhanced scent with Cougar but anything boosted or the UN...nada. I think even the 1X was too strong for me.


That's amazing, because that is happening to me as well with the UN stone cougar in oil. Nada. But the cougar scented formula is all hits, all the time.


Which is why I was thinking of going to the 2x spray.

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Here's a question. I sent a note to Mara but wanted to ask the forum in case she is busy.


I have stone cougar in oil. Would adding say 4 ml of oil plus 2 mil perfumers alcohol give me the same thing as cougar spray in 2x? Or, does the oil have carrier oils to dilute that she doesn't use in the 2x spray?


I have a ton of atomizers and perfumers alcohol, so I thought I could make my own smaller spray of this instead of plunging ahead with the 1 oz 2x spray.



No. the 2x refers to the actual amount of pheros.

1x is 1000, 2x is 2000. Adding perfumers Alcohol just converts your oil into a sprayable solution. That's just = to the difference between using an oil or spray form.

You're not increasing your phero strength.


You may want to make a little spray just to see what the difference would be like.

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Okay I got that the 2x spray has double the pheromones so I can't "duplicate" this at home by putting 2x the oil plus 1x the alcohol.


So let's say I was just wanting to do a 1x. In this example, isn't that just the equivalent of missing 40% of the regular UN oil that I buy with 60% perfumers alcohol. In other words, can I make a 1x spray using the UN oil I have? or, back to my original question, does the 1/3 oz oil have extra carrier oils that won't "translate" into making a spray.


Halo, got it about 2x being too strong for me. But a girl has to have goals, you know.

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I thought this was your original question..


.."I have stone cougar in oil. Would adding say 4 ml of oil plus 2 mil perfumers alcohol give me the same thing as cougar spray in 2x? Or, does the oil have carrier oils to dilute that she doesn't use in the 2x spray?"


Okay I got that the 2x spray has double the pheromones so I can't "duplicate" this at home by putting 2x the oil plus 1x the alcohol.


So let's say I was just wanting to do a 1x. In this example, isn't that just the equivalent of missing 40% of the regular UN oil that I buy with 60% perfumers alcohol. In other words, can I make a 1x spray using the UN oil I have? or, back to my original question, does the 1/3 oz oil have extra carrier oils that won't "translate" into making a spray.

Halo, got it about 2x being too strong for me. But a girl has to have goals, you know.

So yes if you were to use the 1/3 oil bottle you have to make a 1oz spray that would basically be the same as the 1x spray from LP.


When you get a DIY kit from LP, the 1oz spray bottle is 2/3 rd full with the perfumers alcohol then you'd pour in your 1/3 oil bottle at home. So I'd imagine you can do that with your smaller sprays just use the same ratio.

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That's amazing, because that is happening to me as well with the UN stone cougar in oil. Nada. But the cougar scented formula is all hits, all the time.


Which is why I was thinking of going to the 2x spray.

A lot of us have this experience. Getting hits from pre-blended, pheromone enhanced scents, while not getting the same reactions from the full strength unscented blend. Part of this is because the enhanced scents are orchestrated for congruence. The reaction that you're getting isn't isolated to the pheromone in the blend; it's also married to the way that people are known to respond to those scent notes as well. If you're not getting the reaction you like from an unscented phero blend, try pairing it with perfume that's in the same scent family as the enhanced brew that you love. Example Cougar Potion. I would pair Un Cougar w/ Sugared Grapefruit, Bridezilla, LP Gold, or something like Clinique Happy (if I were wearing commercial scents.).

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I have a Cougar 2X lightly scented with Nasty Habits.......it works quite well.......HOWEVER, I find that more often, I reach for the scented Cougar

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Excellent feedback, ladies. Thank you so much for clearing that up! As tempting as the crazy good hits Shelly and others have gotten from 2x Cougar in alcohol, I will stick with the 1/3 or 333 mcg strength. It's really a fabulous phero for me at that amount, so I'm not even crushed.


On that note, it makes me wonder if the pheros currently falling utterly flat for me may be too strong at just the 1x strength, but perfect at the 1/3 enhanced amount. I'll look into more of the phero-enhanced blends for additional experimentation.

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Thanks so much Beccah and Halo--that makes SO much sense!


I really, really, really wanted this effect from the first note in the thread "This ladies - is YOU being stupid Horny - in a bottle." But before I go spend $80 on a 2x spray that may be too much. . I wonder if I just add more UN to the scented cougar that I've already put in a spray. Like an additional ml in a 3 ml oil to 4.5 mil perfumers alcohol blend I have.


Then, if I still don't get my stupid horny on. . I'm going 2x and heaven help us all.


Thanks again!

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I have a Cougar 2X lightly scented with Nasty Habits.......it works quite well.......HOWEVER, I find that more often, I reach for the scented Cougar


OK, my old brain is getting senile.....I was just picking my scent for this evening, and the spray that I scented myself is 1X......didn't want to be lying here! I still seem to reach for the pre-scented one more often though......the scent is TOTALLY congruent with the phero!

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OK, my old brain is getting senile.....I was just picking my scent for this evening, and the spray that I scented myself is 1X......didn't want to be lying here! I still seem to reach for the pre-scented one more often though......the scent is TOTALLY congruent with the phero!


You're absolutely right, Dolly. The label is also the best representation of any scents on LP, in my opinion. Scented Cougar reminds me of evening gloves, silk, and elegance all rolled into one. When I'm wearing Cougar Potion, I feel like I'm the woman on the label, even if my hair isn't combed and I've got holey sweats on. XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent feedback, ladies. Thank you so much for clearing that up! As tempting as the crazy good hits Shelly and others have gotten from 2x Cougar in alcohol, I will stick with the 1/3 or 333 mcg strength. It's really a fabulous phero for me at that amount, so I'm not even crushed.


On that note, it makes me wonder if the pheros currently falling utterly flat for me may be too strong at just the 1x strength, but perfect at the 1/3 enhanced amount. I'll look into more of the phero-enhanced blends for additional experimentation.

Glad to see you posted this thought. I have been wondering if I might need to lower the strength of 333mcg in SS4W. It was one of the first ones I tried when my order of Squeaky Clean arrived. On me, SC got very pointy, but I was determined to wear it and kept diluting it until the edges were soft enough for my chemistry. When it did finally work for me, it was so diluted that I doubted it would have any effect. It seems my doubts were unfounded. I have since tested it in the full UN and appear to be ghosting on it even when diluted to the 1/3 strength. It still needs more road testing to confirm, but that's been my experience with that one so far. Still testing the others including Cougar.


edited for clarity

Edited by WnG
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  • 4 months later...

I hadn't worn this much lately around that man I'm dating. For the last week though i decided to use it on two of our dates ... instant success! I love Cougar, I have it in spray double strength. My man just couldn't stop telling me how beautiful i look, how he loves my eyes, my hair ... you name it. Everything about me was oh so beautiful. Seriously, we would be talking about politics for example, then he'd stop and comment on how beautiful I looked.

I don't consider my myself as beautiful maybe sweet but not beautiful. Cougar makes me look like a million bucks, or so he thinks! i love it ;)

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