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I apologize in advance if there was already a thread to review this but I did a search and didn't find it.


This is a very green, woodsy scent. Not something that I would normally pick out for myself (I'm an amber fanatic) but I do like the greenness (is that even a word?) of this scent. VERY masculine. I decided to just wear this around today and see if I would get any reactions. I interacted with quite a few people who knew me and some who didn't so I did get a variety of 'test subjects'. I can honestly see why this is the best selling mens 'potion' according to the website. Amazing what scent alone can do.


First, I noticed that it really stayed very green and forest smelling (in a good way) even after it dried. I swear it reminded me of walking through the forest in the spring, with a hint of a woodsy scent in amongst the greens. It also lasted at least 5 hours on me without really fading. It stayed on me until I got home and took a shower. I actually liked this scent a lot more than I thought I would right out of the bottle. I almost reapplied this after I showered.


I found it interesting today because I did not have anyone comment on my scent but I did notice that when I'd be talking to a woman, she would almost immediately start edging closer to me. If I was in a conversation with a man and woman together, within a minute or two she'd be standing beside me (closely). That seemed to be the keyword for how women were around me today- close. They would stand much more closely and be very attentive. Men seemed a bit more deferential. I really believe that a woman would catch a subtle whiff of my Excalibur and were drawn in for a closer smell of it.


If I didn't know better, I'd have sworn this was spiked with pheros. I've worked with pheromones for a while now and today reminded me of a subtle social/attraction phero mix. I wonder how this would be with something like Actor's Magic or Wanted Man in it. I already seemed to be the center of attention while wearing this. I also notice that with the other scents that I've tried from L-P. They seem to draw attention to the wearer more than 'regular' colognes do.


Definitely going to wear this one again very soon (even though I still have so many left to try) and ask for some opinions. I think they'll be favorable. Either way, I know I like Excalibur because it is such a very masculine scent that is different from what I'd normally wear.

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I also notice that with the other scents that I've tried from L-P. They seem to draw attention to the wearer more than 'regular' colognes do.


Well sure...because now you don't smell like everyone else. :)

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Well sure...because now you don't smell like everyone else. :)


And that is a VERY good thing!

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I apologize in advance if there was already a thread to review this but I did a search and didn't find it.


This is a very green, woodsy scent. Not something that I would normally pick out for myself (I'm an amber fanatic) but I do like the greenness (is that even a word?) of this scent. VERY masculine. I decided to just wear this around today and see if I would get any reactions. I interacted with quite a few people who knew me and some who didn't so I did get a variety of 'test subjects'. I can honestly see why this is the best selling mens 'potion' according to the website. Amazing what scent alone can do.


First, I noticed that it really stayed very green and forest smelling (in a good way) even after it dried. I swear it reminded me of walking through the forest in the spring, with a hint of a woodsy scent in amongst the greens. It also lasted at least 5 hours on me without really fading. It stayed on me until I got home and took a shower. I actually liked this scent a lot more than I thought I would right out of the bottle. I almost reapplied this after I showered.


I found it interesting today because I did not have anyone comment on my scent but I did notice that when I'd be talking to a woman, she would almost immediately start edging closer to me. If I was in a conversation with a man and woman together, within a minute or two she'd be standing beside me (closely). That seemed to be the keyword for how women were around me today- close. They would stand much more closely and be very attentive. Men seemed a bit more deferential. I really believe that a woman would catch a subtle whiff of my Excalibur and were drawn in for a closer smell of it.


If I didn't know better, I'd have sworn this was spiked with pheros. I've worked with pheromones for a while now and today reminded me of a subtle social/attraction phero mix. I wonder how this would be with something like Actor's Magic or Wanted Man in it. I already seemed to be the center of attention while wearing this. I also notice that with the other scents that I've tried from L-P. They seem to draw attention to the wearer more than 'regular' colognes do.


Definitely going to wear this one again very soon (even though I still have so many left to try) and ask for some opinions. I think they'll be favorable. Either way, I know I like Excalibur because it is such a very masculine scent that is different from what I'd normally wear.


..awesome review snoopyace!

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I apologize in advance if there was already a thread to review this but I did a search and didn't find it.


This is a very green, woodsy scent. Not something that I would normally pick out for myself (I'm an amber fanatic) but I do like the greenness (is that even a word?) of this scent. VERY masculine. I decided to just wear this around today and see if I would get any reactions. I interacted with quite a few people who knew me and some who didn't so I did get a variety of 'test subjects'. I can honestly see why this is the best selling mens 'potion' according to the website. Amazing what scent alone can do.


First, I noticed that it really stayed very green and forest smelling (in a good way) even after it dried. I swear it reminded me of walking through the forest in the spring, with a hint of a woodsy scent in amongst the greens. It also lasted at least 5 hours on me without really fading. It stayed on me until I got home and took a shower. I actually liked this scent a lot more than I thought I would right out of the bottle. I almost reapplied this after I showered.


I found it interesting today because I did not have anyone comment on my scent but I did notice that when I'd be talking to a woman, she would almost immediately start edging closer to me. If I was in a conversation with a man and woman together, within a minute or two she'd be standing beside me (closely). That seemed to be the keyword for how women were around me today- close. They would stand much more closely and be very attentive. Men seemed a bit more deferential. I really believe that a woman would catch a subtle whiff of my Excalibur and were drawn in for a closer smell of it.


If I didn't know better, I'd have sworn this was spiked with pheros. I've worked with pheromones for a while now and today reminded me of a subtle social/attraction phero mix. I wonder how this would be with something like Actor's Magic or Wanted Man in it. I already seemed to be the center of attention while wearing this. I also notice that with the other scents that I've tried from L-P. They seem to draw attention to the wearer more than 'regular' colognes do.


Definitely going to wear this one again very soon (even though I still have so many left to try) and ask for some opinions. I think they'll be favorable. Either way, I know I like Excalibur because it is such a very masculine scent that is different from what I'd normally wear.



Thank you so much for this review. I'm actually thinking I'm going to get this spiked w/ Actor's magic now. My husband loves green scents, he always responds really well to them on me :Polar-Kiss:

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Thank you so much for this review. I'm actually thinking I'm going to get this spiked w/ Actor's magic now. My husband loves green scents, he always responds really well to them on me :Polar-Kiss:



You are very welcome!


Ironically, I wore this again today and had very similar experiences. I was out Christmas shopping and I noticed that if a woman happened to catch a sniff of my Excalibur she would move in closer. I found it very interesting how many younger women (I'm 36) in their 20's really gravitated towards me. I have a teenage relative who noticed the attention I seemed to be getting and thought it was funny. She thought I smelled, 'Weird. But good.' I am also planning on getting this one with the Actor's Magic in it as well. I'm almost out of my sample vial but I have to say, this really does go a long way. On me, the oil based products seem to work better even if they don't diffuse as far. I am amazed at how this scent really does seem to work like the pheromes do to reduce personal space and make people interested. I can't wait to try this boosted up with pheromones.

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I think this is just about the only male LP that DH hasn't tried yet. I have been remiss, obviously. He LOVES green woodsy scents, so I'll have to get a sample very soon.


"Weird, but good". Gotta love teenagers.


It's always amazing to note just how much our sense of smell influences our social interactions. It's such a primal reaction. I think aroma"therapy" (although that is a silly term for it - aroma-influence? aroma-engineering?) is very real.


Glad your enjoying your aromaengineering! And thanks for the review of Excalibur - it's on DH's list now.

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  • 3 months later...

I got a little sample to try out, but I was hesitant because I'm not really into smelling like shrubbery, which is what I think of when I see words like "green" and "woodsy" being used to describe it. It doesn't make me smell like a shrub, but it does remind me of my dad getting groomed...like a Brylcreem/aftershave kinda smell. Not bad by any means...just kinda iffy about equating sexy with smelling like the Captain. :happybirthday:

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Heh, that reminds me of why Q doesn't like citrus in fragrance. His father wore Monsieur Balmain and so anything with citrus I try to put on him he says, "I don't want to smell like my dad!" He doesn't think of it as bad, just that he wants to associate certain things with his father, not himself.

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Heh, that reminds me of why Q doesn't like citrus in fragrance. His father wore Monsieur Balmain and so anything with citrus I try to put on him he says, "I don't want to smell like my dad!" He doesn't think of it as bad, just that he wants to associate certain things with his father, not himself.


I'm not alone in that regard, eh? :happybirthday:

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Heh, no sweetie-pie. ;)


In one of my stories I had a passage about the protagonists (a couple) trying to find a signature scent for the guy and one of his objections was "that makes me smell like my dad," (paraphrasing); so it's likely something many guys would rather be reminded of rather than a literal personification.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got around to getting a big bottle of this (and Pendragon) and I am so glad that I did. I love the smell of this (especially after it dries down) and can't wait to wear it when I go out in the evenings. I'd flipped a coin to see which one I'd wear first and Excalibur won out.


Very green, very clean scent that somehow still manages to smell dirty (in the best possible way). It starts out VERY green but then dries down very nicely. Every once in a while as I'd go about my day I'd catch a whiff of the Excalibur I had on and think, 'What smells so good?' This actually happens a lot for me when I'm wearing LP's. I love how I can walk past a women while wearing this and the scent catches her attention and she is compelled to follow and catch a closer sniff.


This projects well but not in the sense of someone who is swimming in cologne. Just an occasional olfactory caress to bring people closer. Very nice! :Sweet-Turkey:

Edited by Snoopyace
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I have to get a sample of this for the DH. He is all over Green Scents..


If he likes green scents, he'll like this. I have strange women follow me around when I wear this. Great for the ego!

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  • 1 month later...
If he likes green scents, he'll like this. I have strange women follow me around when I wear this. Great for the ego!



I've had so many other scents I've been playing with that I haven't worn this one in a while. Yowsa! Now I remember why I sprung for a big bottle. Not only do I think I smell great, I get a lot of compliments on this. There is nothing better than an attractive woman you've never met leaning in, giving you a sniff and saying, 'What are you wearing?'




'Very nice.' :Hug_emoticon:

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  • 2 months later...

A few people have recommended this to me when I asked for a nature type smell.


Excalibur is really green, really outdoors, really foresty... is that a word? Anyways, I found it initially pretty strong, maybe too strong, but it settles quickly and stays pretty close to the skin. It took a few applications before I started to really like the smell. It kind of makes me stand tall, feel a bit adventurous and puts a grin on my face. It's like you were dropped in the middle of a forest that's been untouched and unpolluted. Of all the... like 3 "forest/nature" scents I've tried, I think I like this scent the best. Then again, I tend to like most of the scents from LP so far.

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A few people have recommended this to me when I asked for a nature type smell.


Excalibur is really green, really outdoors, really foresty... is that a word? Anyways, I found it initially pretty strong, maybe too strong, but it settles quickly and stays pretty close to the skin. It took a few applications before I started to really like the smell. It kind of makes me stand tall, feel a bit adventurous and puts a grin on my face. It's like you were dropped in the middle of a forest that's been untouched and unpolluted. Of all the... like 3 "forest/nature" scents I've tried, I think I like this scent the best. Then again, I tend to like most of the scents from LP so far.


I can totally relate to what you are talking about with this scent. I have to let it dry down before I can really appreciate it but I do still like it quite a bit.

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  • 2 months later...

It's too bad. I REALLY like Excalibur but the problem for me (I've only tried DPG) is that my skin devours it. Ate the whole samle vile. I don't get it. UN can last forever. Excalibur 10 minutes tops.


I can totally relate to what you are talking about with this scent. I have to let it dry down before I can really appreciate it but I do still like it quite a bit.
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Anyone tried the new Excalibur Limited Edition with Super Sexy For Men in it? Results?



My husband really likes it in the vial. We've been doing the unisex scents out of this months releases, so he hasn't worn it yet.

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  • 2 months later...

I got some Excalibur as a sniffie in one of my past orders, and I don't believe it has the phero in it. This smells NOOOOOOMMMMMM on my ManThing!!! :) Sheesh! It dries down sweet and somewhat green, and the woods come out on him perfectly. Smells way better on him than it does on me, and it smells pretty darned good on me! I now have Excalibur on the tip of my nose, because I keep snoofing his arm. WOOF!!!!!!

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  • 5 months later...

Quince has decided that he needs this one for when he has to be "scented properly" after he finally runs out of Delicious Wood (oh what a sad day that will be) because when I told him it was the most popular men's fragrance at LPMP he said, "Well of course it is, this is what men are supposed to smell like!"

Edited by luna65
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  • 2 months later...

Wore the last of my sniffee of Excalibur today and got complimented 3 times while I was out. Not to mention the fact that the scent alone makes me very strong and masculine feeling. Ready to rescue the nearest damsel in distress. It seems to project well with my chemistry because all three compliments were from random strangers who were a few feet away.


Love the greenness of this and how it dries down (on me at least) to smell almost like a sweet parchment. And the scent lasts and lasts. The phero boosted SS4M version must have been incredible since I get almost pheromone like reactions while wearing this unboosted.

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My guy wears this twice a month (that is HUGE since he never wore scents at all before me) and so far this is his favorite.


Never got a full bottle and im very mad at myself.


Man-smell heaven.

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My guy wears this twice a month (that is HUGE since he never wore scents at all before me) and so far this is his favorite.


Never got a full bottle and im very mad at myself.


Man-smell heaven.



As far as I know, full bottles are still available. Thinking about getting one again very soon.

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As far as I know, full bottles are still available. Thinking about getting one again very soon.



I had only 12 bottles I wanted this month (great- now 13. thanks! :666: )

but I have to wait till after the 15th to anyyyy ordering.


Lets hope there isnt a sudden run on Excaliber !!!



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  • 3 months later...

Wow, I've never had a reaction like that from Excalibur. Closest thing to negative I've ever heard came from a younger relative who told me it, 'smells like you. It smells like you should swagger.'

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Wow, I've never had a reaction like that from Excalibur. Closest thing to negative I've ever heard came from a younger relative who told me it, 'smells like you. It smells like you should swagger.'

There is something about Excalibur I just like. It's so simple. But it makes me feel good. It smells "green" without making me feel like a fern.


When it comes to a daily "wear-it-to-the-office" sort of blend... I like Excalibur and Pendragon. Though for me, Excalibur has the edge, simply because it's got a stronger, more "defined" scent.


Yep, a swagger does go with it.

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Well, considering that I was told that by a 17 year old relative, it is probably as close to a compliment as I will get from her. Not really a bad thing, just a sarcastic tone to it.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, now I am going to have to buy a bottle of this for my man. He tried his sample of this way back when, and couldn't remember why he didn't go back to it and try it again....


Anyway, he ran out of aftershave, and rather than have him go buy some commercial crap, I mixed him up a small 2 oz bottle with some witch hazel and perfumer's alcohol, and added his sample of Excalibur for scent. He has now fallen in love with the scent and asked me if I would buy him a bottle.....so I said...."SURE!"


About the scent....very fresh, very green, very manly. If you are a man who likes more "conventional" manly scents, this is for you!

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I love the scent of Excalibur and the women I know also really seem to dig it. I have a bottle of this, Merlin's blend and Aries all coming my way right now. Going old school masculine.

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So, I bought a full bottle for my man as he has asked me about it again. He really likes the aftershave I made for him, and said he wants the matching oil so he can have a stronger scent. He is an addict now, too.....LOL

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Alriiiight! My GF hasn't complained about the scent which is a good thing. She is extra snuggly when I'm wearing it, though. Always a good thing.

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  • 1 month later...

I mixed him up a small 2 oz bottle with some witch hazel and perfumer's alcohol, and added his sample of Excalibur for scent.

Hey Dolly, can you (or someone) please explain exactly how you make aftershave from scented oil?

Edited by Pheroman
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  • 1 year later...

FERNS, GREENS ~ Strong sexual attraction, passion, adoration, confidence building.
WOODS ~ Enhances perception of beauty, love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking.
RESINS ~ Sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money.

This is a very interesting scent - nothing I have smelled before even comes close to this. The ferns and the greens are predominant on my skin at first but it is not an overly sweet or strong green/fern like Eye of the Storm or Northshore. At the same time it is not the quieter green like in Lion Heart as you definitely know it is there. Once the cologne started to dry down the woods and the resins started coming out more. Once that happens the different notes come into balance. And then you can see why this scent is is one of the permanent scents here.

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I really wanted this fragrance to work for me but I'm on the fence.


I like the smell of this in vial


I got Excalibur and it was an unyielding strong green scent. If I used a small amount of a product and it still smells that strong and unyielding the only thing that comes to mind for a comparison is an air freshner. I've heard a lot of guys report something similar on some of these green scents.


However I feel that if this was in spray form it would behave differently because I think the alcohol would tone it down quite a bit

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you tried this out off the bottle? It evolves quite a bit from in the bottle to on the skin.

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