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Cataluna LPMP Has Sent You A Package


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An updated post from USPS shows delivery potential for either today or tomorrow. Thank you, everyone for allowing get me to complain/wimper/whine/express frustration with the USPS tracking system.I've had this problem with them on multiple occasions with multiple vendors. In some instances, I don't mind, but when someone messes with a delivery from LPMP, who work so hard to please everyone, I get a bit miffed.


By the way, I may need bail monies for disturbing the peace when the parcel arrives.


Eggers, crossing fingers, toes and eyes your parcel arrives sooner rather than later.

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Saints..or sombody..be praised! Bang the drums and fire the canons! I've been sent to the jailhouse for disturbing the snooty neighbours' peace..but I smell fantastic and the glitter is quite nice!

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YAY! You got your package!

I'm still waiting... stupid Canada Post. My package is somewhere within approximately 100km of my house - prolly closer to 45km - and I can't get to it! :lol:

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Tracking movement! Turns out, it took a day and a half to get from Toronto to Mississauga, which is about a 20 minute drive. <_ so i not holding my breath for tomorrow. but by friday sure woot src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png" alt=":D">

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Package is out for delivery AND since I am working from home, I can stalk the postman instead of getting the peach slip and having to wait an extra day to pick it up!


ETA: OMG YOU GUYS IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cat690:

Edited by Blackcat
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I am surprised they even send me packages. You would think that after the last few years I could make a simple order without mistakes but I always manage to do something such that Le Wiz is contacting me saying "QG, whaaaaaaat ...?". I can only thank the LPMP team for their patience and sense of humor and that Mara does not have a policy of blacklisting you after x numbers of errors on your orders because I can guarantee you I passed that number long ago haha!

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I resemble that statement, QG.


It is so embarrassing sometimes lol.

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Hooray! I just got my shipping notification! Whoo hoo! :Emoticons10311:

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My bottle of Moist is on the way! I wanted to wait until the sale, but I couldn't risk it selling out before I got my grubby little paws on a bottle.

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Oh my heavens, MARA! Parcel arrived today and everything is spectacular! The jewelry is just slightly fab and the postcards: SQUEAL!!!!!


Going to let the Sweet and Spicy rest. Couldn't wait to sniff the Sugared Bayberry..HOLY CRAP! I love this. You really are magick, aren't you?

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Notification of package sent w this months sampler included. I should've done overnight service for this one lol, not sure if lpmp offers that as an option but I would've done it for this all stars, dream team Aug sampler.

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Awesome!!! I got my notification!

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Guest cutie.pie

Oh Halo, good for you! :)


I can't wait to get my notice too!!! But I know Mara has yet to finish PEs... ❤️

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My first order in over a year is winging its way to meeee! Hooray!!

Oh, yay, I'm so happy for you!!!


And I can't believe it but mine has shipped!!! I am SO excited -- I'm not sure if it's all three orders but I'll be over the moon to get any or all of it. Just to state the flamingly obvious. But Mara and Co, when does anyone sleep?!

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Guest cutie.pie

I'm so pleased that my order is on its way. I hope the international post gets it here quickly!

Did you get it? My package arrive, hopefully yours did too :)



And another shipping notice came! Can't wait to try Lina's Mama Lion!!! :)

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it says its delivered... going to check now but sometimes it's just out for delivery... anyhow... SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


ETA: it is here... my precious!!


And my beautiful rose quartz heart, it's perfect. I can't wait to try the body butter.

Edited by Beach Goddess
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  • 1 month later...

Stamps.com has not updated any data for 3 days. Package is in nowhere land. I sent a note to John. . I hope he can track it.


Bummed out. I hope the post office didn't lose my lovely perfume! PO takes 3 days to respond. Wish I could do that.

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