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Ail's Voluptuous Vanilla and Sexpionage together are really a match made in heaven.... This is so so powerful. I wore this to a business meeting and it gave me the extra edge I was looking for

OOOOOOO! *Furiously scribbling notes*
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Yeah, I do! I've been wanting to wear these two together for ages. I like the idea of the "innocence" of vanilla paired with the naughtiness of Sexpionage. :666: Thanks DD! :D


It gave me a business edge with some incredible douche bag type of folks that normally jerks as we discuss month end numbers in their division... These boys were all very well behaved for this meeting and kept complementing me on the new reports I had generated to help their division get their data out more quickly.


This combo is very powerful in a work setting, I love it

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It gave me a business edge with some incredible douche bag type of folks that normally jerks as we discuss month end numbers in their division... These boys were all very well behaved for this meeting and kept complementing me on the new reports I had generated to help their division get their data out more quickly.


This combo is very powerful in a work setting, I love it




I wear this to work sometimes, but typically if I'm having an office day instead of being the actual operating room. Now I'm tempted to see what happens.......lol. You ladies are a bad influence!

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Darn deviants being bad influences.....oh...wait :huh: I was one of them wasn't I? Oh well! :lol: Hehheh...Muhahaaaa .DO IT! :666::ange:

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, so I'm either going to get UN Sexpionage, some bottles & pipettes & try mixing my own teeny blends, (which could turn out to be VERY expensive, given the new postage costs and potential for screwing up my perfumes), OR I'm going to order a split of Sexpionage boosted into two different fragrances. I've never had anything boosted before, so this is supposed to be a treat for myself, but I'm making my brain hurt, trying to decide which way to go.


If I go the split boost route, one of the two scents will definitely be LP Red. For the other half of that boost I'm considering Sugared Honeycomb, UNE, A Lick of Cream and, (this might be an alarming stretch :lol: ), Summer Belle. I know Bodacious Bomb was created specifically to cover Sexpionage, but it doesn't smell nice on me. At all. And I can't imagine that adding a stinky, stinky phero blend into the mix is going to make it smell any better. That's part of the reason Summer Belle is tacked on there, (I'd like something summery), the other reason being that BF ADORES that scent. And I'm pretty keen on it too. Do the melons in that baby have enough oomph to cover a half-boost of Sexpionage? And what about my other selections? Sugared Honeycomb, UNE & A Lick of Cream - are these hardy enough to cover The Queen of Stinky Phero Blends?


To boost via Mara's expertise, or to get a bunch of bottles and play alchemist all by myself? (I do already have Compromising Positions, which I LOVE, but I want a little more variety a la Sexpionage. And Balls smells like celery on me. So I'm desperate! :lol: ). Help please! I'm giving myself a headache trying to decide.


Also, do any of you have any particular Sexpionage boosts that are wildly successful and that you wouldn't mind sharing? (I mean, perfumes that you've had boosted by Mara. AKA ideas that I can steal).


Thank you! I'm off to pop some Advil. :wacko:

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I boost my own LP REd. I put around 10-15 drops in a full bottle (well after there's a teensy amount of room left after a few applications) and you can't smell it at all. I started a thread on mixing sexpionage today in fact so stay tuned to that and feel free to post on it with your questions.


In my LP red/sex mix I don't smell the phero at all. I've also mixed some in my LP passion and desire. But Eggs, if I remember you are not a spice and resin girl right? What about honey and amber scents? I think those would cover.

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Nope. I'm not much of a spice or resin chick - with the exception of things that smell like pie spices ;) I'm more of a fruit-and-pink stuff kind of girl. Honey I love. Amber too. I absolutely adore Sugared Honeycomb & UNE. If I could bathe in either of them, I totally would. I *think* they'll both cover it - I'm pretty sure I remember reading that somewhere, but I can't find the darned thread! LOL!


The one I'm concerned most about is Summer Belle. I'd like to boost it, even if I have to do it on my own, so I can add just a little bit at a time. I let BF smell it last night, and he SWOONED. I mean, his eyes rolled back in his head and he mumbled all kinds of gibberish which I take to mean that he loves that perfume. :o:lol:


I think I'm kind of leaning toward getting the UN Sexpionage. It's the messing around with my precious perfumes that I'm not keen on - especially given what a klutz I am. Plus, I don't want to ruin anything. Go on, say it - I'm a Nervous Nellie! :rolleyes: I know it! :lol:



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It wasn't the cops I was worried about covering, it was the -enone. Isn't it supposed to be uber-stinkalicious?

Okay then, it's settled. If I get Mara to boost, I'll do LP Red & Sugared Honeycomb. I can never have enough Sugared Honeycomb.... Hmm... maybe I'll have to do a coin toss to decide between SH & UNE. <_<

Damn! I sure am stressing myself out over something that's supposed to be a treat!

Thank you both!

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Hmmmm... I don't know about a half split,sounds pretty strong,but I just don't really know :o

...I like RAQ's 10-15 drops better,to start,get the small roller balls,the UN in oil and CAREFULLY boost,being sure to let it sit a few days at least,it will bloom ...or boost with something not so cop heavy :) I agree with Halo,definitely should cover :)

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A dose of Sexpionage split between the two perfumes is too strong? Oh dear... :(

Maybe I should be looking for some roller bottles around here... There are some of those ugly brown ones at the health food store, but ugh... they're *brown*. Ew. Do I want to put my pretty, sexy perfumes into *brown* bottles? (Am I prissy or what?). Ick. Brown. But they're only about sixty nine cents or something. But still... *brown* Like medicine bottles.

All right ladies... Lots to think about and stew over. I'll let you know what I decide! I'm making a just-for-fun order this week, just for the heck of it. :) I'm sure in the end, whatever I order will wind up being a surprise, even to me! :lol:



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Get the pretty blue ones with the stainless steel rollers,they sell them here...or maybe moved to Artfire? LP Red is supposed to cover anything LOL,I just don't want to say,yeah sure,and be wrong :lol: ...one womans meat/poison :P

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Ha! I keep eyeballing those little blue ones. It's the shipping costs I'm trying to be wary of now. Since my orders tend to be fairly large, my shipping costs can really add up. But honestly, unless I were to order a ton of them in bulk somewhere, I'm more likely to order the pretty little blue ones. I'm too lazy to go looking very far. :lol: Plus, I like the metal roller ball. And I *really*, *REALLY* don't want to use those hideous brown bottles. It would just be so sad.

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I keep forgetting you are UP There, LOL,yeah shipping has gotten so expensive these days :(


...I have a blue bottled Baskery boosted with Gotcha,iz vury vury nice :P

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Damn! I sure am stressing myself out over something that's supposed to be a treat!


I know the feeling too well...been stressing out over boosting Hungry Heart..to get a full boost or split the boost is also what I have been fighting with myself over. Or just cop it and add the damn phero later...it is just so stressful because we want to make the perfect choice! Summer Belle was one that I also wanted to boost and was waiting to find out if it would cover cops. I was thinking of Lace/cops or Gotcha/cops though.

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I know its so stressful figuring out what to boost and what amount and how it will work. I get nervous just thinking about it now....


Ha! Well don't let it stress you out on your Mexico vacation!!! Maybe when your mind is relaxed on the beach the most alluring combo will float into your mind...

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Ha! Well don't let it stress you out on your Mexico vacation!!! Maybe when your mind is relaxed on the beach the most alluring combo will float into your mind...



Now, I'm stressed just getting all of the things done on my list and packing prior to departure....LOL thanks thou...

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LP Red completely covers bang! Which I find pretty stinky. Sugared honeycomb should be fine. Pink most-anything covers pretty well- do you like LP Pink?


OMG. I LOVE LP Pink! I would be in heaven if that baby covered! :lol:


I find none to stink but honestly I think it's the cops in Sexpionage that stink worse. The amount of none is much smaller than that of cops so I would speculate if it will cover the cops, it will cover the none.


I always thought enone was the reason Sexpionage was so stinky. But I guess that's a good rule of thumb then: if it'll cover the cops, it'll cover the enone? Good to know! Thanks, Halo! :)

I know the feeling too well...been stressing out over boosting Hungry Heart..to get a full boost or split the boost is also what I have been fighting with myself over. Or just cop it and add the damn phero later...it is just so stressful because we want to make the perfect choice! Summer Belle was one that I also wanted to boost and was waiting to find out if it would cover cops. I was thinking of Lace/cops or Gotcha/cops though.


I kinda think it just might cover cops. Isn't melon usually the "fallback" scent of other companies who make roll-on copulins? I really hope it covers, 'cause I want to boost Summer Belle with something super-sexy. If not Sexpionage, then maybe LFN. :666:


Now, I'm stressed just getting all of the things done on my list and packing prior to departure....LOL thanks thou...


:o Don't stress! And say 'Hola' to all those handsome mexicanos for me! :D God, I love Mexican men...


ETA, I've decided. I'm getting a bottle of UN, bottles & pipettes. Thanks for all the help & input! It's much appreciated! :)

Edited by Eggers
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Oh! I think you made a great choice! Don't forget to post how it turns out!!! :D

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I started a thread on mixing sexpionage today in fact so stay tuned to that and feel free to post on it with your questions.


Where!? Where!? :hubbahubba:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ummm...so I don't normally give TMI, but I've been holding this one in for awhile, and I'm sure someone out there might like to hear my results with Sexpionage. So don't read any further if sex TMI creeps you out.



When I wear this wondrous phero while having sex, I have the longest most drawn out orgasms!! I didn't even know what was happening the first time, I thought it was a fluke. A wonderful fluke, but still just a one time deal. I've tried it without Sexpionage and cannot achieve the same results. I've tried it so far eleven times with Sexpionage and about the same without. Out of the eleven with the phero, it worked nine times!! I'm pretty sure the other two were failures due to my hormones/cycle time.


Has anyone had results like this? Maybe even with another sexy phero?


YES!!! Yes I have! That's why I've been on such a single-minded hunt for scents other than Compromising Positions to wear this with! LOL! Holy Moly! It's fantastic! :D

I have very long ones with Sexpionage.

With LFN they're not as long, but they're more intense.

And thank goodness, both of them are sure-hitters, both for BF and for me. :D

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  • 3 months later...

Can't wait to become agent XXX with this.


This is raw sex in a bottle. Super for frisky fun with someone you trust. .. a little something to bring down those walls.


I love this because I can just let go and step outside my usual barriers. My SO and I also feel the physical boost from this.

I believe this phero could help a lot of people with minimal side effects.


Edited by StacyK
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I use this blend a lot. It certainly adds a sort of bitey vibe LOL. Hope the new blend is a scent I can wear

I love that "bitey vibe". So who's doing the biting ?

I feel like biting sometimes with this. It's just the super-sex potion secret.


I'm thinking XXX might be the dark, resinous one of the bunch.. we'll see. :purr:

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Hi everyone!

I ordered and received Sexpionage a couple of months ago. When it arrived, i couldn't wait to put a bit on before my guy came home just to see what reaction it might get. So.. I rolled some from my navel up to my cleavage. PHEW!!! WHOA!!! YES! it was VERY "cheesy"! it smelled quite a lot like Valerian root , which as many of you know, is NASTY smelling stuff. What I did was wait about a half hour and put on a bit of Phero Girl over it. Honey does well on me for hiding the yuck factor. On my skin, it *did* die down within about a half hour or so. Then I spritzed on some of my regular perfume. I think that it was all good by then.

So, the exhausted guy comes home and begins telling me about his day, yada, yada, etc. No comments, but he did seem incapable of walking away from me and kept glancing at me oddly from time to time (LOL). Nothing happened THAT night, but given the shape he was in and the fact that he has very little sense of smell ( a GOOD thing with how some of these smell maybe!), but did get a VERY good reaction a few nights later when I used it.

BUT like everything else in my life, things always seem to have to go a bit strange for me, or it's just not my life. ;) I had put this on one day thinking that when he got home, we might get busy. Well we did, only it was because he sprung it on me that we would have to go grocery shopping that night!! REALLY??? So, out we go.. did a MAJOR shop- enough for almost a month. In my haste, I forgot our reusable shopping bags, so I ask this sweet young teenage bagger if I can please have paper bags. the girl acting as cashier got really snotty and insisted first to me, then to him, that they were all OUT of paper bags..

"How do you know", he asked her. She glared and him and said, "Because Tony told me!!!" Unphased, the young bagger goes off LOOKING for paper bags while the line is getting longer behind us! Now I feel awkward .. VERY awkward. I can see people are now glaring. A few minutes later he returned triumphantly with PAPER BAGS!!! The cashier said, "I don't know how YOU found them when no one else could!". he was positively glowing and replied, "Because they're not as good as me!" I thanked him profusely. LMAO!!! ( Shelley, it kinda reminded me of your story), which brings me to my next odd one...

My guy and I were going down to Ct to run an errand. I had just showered but when I went to get the top I wanted, it was in the laundry bag. I *did* however have the top that I had only worn once that was fine and put that on. True, I HAD been wearing a Sexpionage Cocktail when I wore it before, but doubted it mattered. OK, let me just say that I was mistaken. Again, I am reminded a bit of Shelly's story.

We found the restaurant we were meeting our friend at and there was a wait. I decided to freshen up in the ladie's room while there. I had washed my hands and was brushing my hair when this very tall and lovely young blonde woman walked toward a stall behind me and hesitated. I thought I must really look a mess w/ my half done make-up job, lack of sleep and what not and just shrugged it off.

We were just leaving and walking to our car in the parking lot when I see the tall young blonde woman just standing in the middle of the lot. <?> When we were just about where she was, she came over to me and said I LOVE your top!!! ( I was wearing an old Indian beach caftan over the black tank top that had the leftover Sexpionage on it. I said, "Thank you" to her, and thought that was the end of it, but she started asking where I got it, was it from India, etc. etc. and I could understand all of this except that she was dressed in a completely different style than me, wearing neon pink tank w/ lime green shorts compared to my thrown together bohemian look.

This was just odd and frankly i was starting to get a but paranoid, like was she going to try to stall us, then her BF comes out and robs us?! I could see my partner looked confused. i couldn't blame him, and every time we started to walk off, she would say something else. LOL! It was so very strange. Truly, a WTF moment. At that point, I could see that even the young woman herself was confused!! OMG! ) Shelly, are you reading this? lol!)

I can't claim any mind blowing sexual experiences w/ it, but my guy has been really over tired and honestly, things in our relationship are a bit off anyway right now, so when anything happens at all these days, that's impressive in itself! I have NOT tried this one again lately, but I will say that it definitely works and wow.. does it ever work in mysterious ways!!! I can see that for me at least, it is going to be an '"Expect the Unexpected" sort of thing. Really not a bad thing and I do nOT regret buying it. It's kinda ... fun. ;)


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Just wait until he is up to snuff.......


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I rarely use Sexpionage... Hoping the new blend is scent I can wear too so I can test. I want bite-y fun!

You won't regret it...


I love that "bitey vibe". So who's doing the biting ?



Same one that's doing the hair pulling..... :sleazy:

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Sexpionage is some potent stuff. I'll have to try DD's suggestion with AVV. I've got Unscented and in Compromising Positions. CANNOT WAIT to try in Agent XXX. I'm hoping to cause my husband's glasses to fall off his face like it did with Jouir De !! Its been awhile since I pulled out my bottle of this stuff; I'm thinking that I need to revisit... LOL

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  • 4 weeks later...

I did. I used one of the little blue roller bottles & put 10 drops of Sexpionage in it, then topped up with Summer Belle. I let it sit for a few days before I tried it, (as per Dolly's instructions). It covered like a champ. And effective? Whoo boy! :666: It was okay. ;)


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