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Nommy-Smelling Butterstuff

Potion Master

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Can I have 1 of each please? Btw...is the flavoured one scented as well or does it not have any scent?


ETA; I meant 1 Rocket Fuel & 1 Cake Batter flavoured ^_^

Edited by Rosebud
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I'm slowly caving, was waiting for a *gingery* lippy but....Mara, if these sell well, will you be making more ? different flavors/scents ? saw you were offering pineapple !!! was thinking maybe a gingery-pineapple, scented AND flavored the same, hmmmm???? *twirling hair around finger, just wondering* la-la, la-la, la, la

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K, I just need 2 bottles Detective & Dame added & I'm done. I think total is $143.40. Double check my math & I'll just PP gift you with specifics in the note :lol:


Must retract this request, due to the money fairy moving quite slowly as of late, ^_^ I'll have to ask for invoice on melts only...$54.00

Edited by Beccah1
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The flavored one (Cake Batter) DOES have a scent.


I chose Rocket Fuel for those that wanted a Brown Sugar/Vanilla type of smell. There is only a tiny touch of cinnamon in this version to make sure it does not irritate the skin.


The Mango/Pineapple/Chocolate one is heavy on the Mango, and lighter on the other ingredients. The Chocolate mostly just accentuates the smell of the Cocoa Butter in the mix.


ALL of these smell absolutely incredible!


I am going to finish up the first round of making these today and invoice everyone for their orders thus far.


Thanks everybody!

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I can add anything you want at this point, and until one actually pays, an invoice can be altered.


Would you email me a full list of what you would like me to invoice you for? (Unless it's obvious for me already!) Thank you!

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I will wait on butterstuff for now...can invoice me for reserved melts,and a bottle of SS4W 1x spray plz,and thank you :) ... should come to $73.45


1 set Rose Cookies/B2

1 set Iced Gingerbread/A-nol

1 set Zippity Do Dah/A-nol

SS4W 1x alcohol spray


...if you should have a sample of the lip stuf,I would like to try it.

*I can pay the invoice late tomorrow.

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I can add anything you want at this point, and until one actually pays, an invoice can be altered.


Would you email me a full list of what you would like me to invoice you for? (Unless it's obvious for me already!) Thank you!


Done! :) emailed it to you yesterday -- should've so noted here in case it became teh spam

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Ok, well, drat.


The FLAVORED Butterstuff is not an entirely successful experiment.

I burrowed to the bottom of my container today, and found a little pool of flavoring at the bottom.

I was hoping that the melted butters would absorb all the flavoring, but apparently it only absorbed a bit of it and separated when it cooled.


I realize now, that no matter the heating and blending, that water soluble flavors and oil soluble butters will ultimately separate when cooled again. Unless I can find oil soluble flavorings, this isn't going to work.


Anyway, there's nothing wrong with using what you have, it's not dangerous or anything, but I am going to issue a $5 credit to anyone who wants to keep their flavored butterstuff, or, you may return it and I will send you a scented one instead.


Please let me know, ok?

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I'll keep it babe, no worries. Will it still be okay for moisturizing?


It's perfectly fine for moisturizing. I coated my body from head to toe with it this morning.

I tipped the extra flavoring out into the sink, but John suggested that we might try just mixing the stuff up in the tin, and that's not a bad idea either. It's pooled at the very bottom of the tin. Prob take you a while to get down there anyway.


I did notice a little granulation too, but if warmed in your hands for a moment as instructed, it melts and applies perfectly.

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*points and snickers*

I like smoothing the little grains into my skin, like buttering bread or something. I let it soften in my hand but I HAZ TEH IMPATIENCE and so it never quite reaches total liquification.

Edited by luna65
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I like the little grains, too--they're fun! Couldn't we call the butter...oh gosh I'm thinking waaaaaay back clutching at a description..."Knobbed for Pleasure" or something? :lol: Heeeeee!


And Mara, I'll keep mine! I'll play in the wee puddle at the bottom. :wub:

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Potion master do you still have a flavoured nommy smelling butterstuff??? I would like to try it :wub::):lol: It sounds very delicious!!!! :lol:

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Using the wider range of butters this time, they are creamier, softer, smoother. (Pumpkin Seed butter is so cool!)


Yes I can definitely feel the added creaminess in the Mango Madness one, it iz teh awesome!

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I just put on some of the flavored one, it looks like some of the flavoring pooled on the top layer, there's like a dark spot in the middle. There's a little bit of sweetness but I don't get a strong flavoring from it. The mixture is really firm but there's less grainyness to it and it melts really fast, like within seconds. Smells totally NOM of course, so I have yummy hands right now.


Edited by luna65
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Got the sample of the lip stuff today and I am really loving the way this feels,ummm I have to try harder not to lick it off,it is very tasty :party:


...oh and I sooo adore the little blue container it is in :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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Okay so I dug beneath the top layer of my flavored one, and it looks like at least some of the flavoring rose to the top, underneath it is the "normal" color of the Butterstuff, so those of you who ordered the flavored, you may see this as well. I will warn you though that it's not sweet! Maybe the Stevia ended up at the bottom!

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In my continuing adventures with TEH BUTTAH, I wanted to note a couple things:

-some of the granules will not dissolve in my palms (of course that might have to do with me having hyperhidrosis) and I find the only way they will is if I rub them into my skin; so if anyone else is having this issue, then that's what you should do.

-This stuff is faboo for your hair, I'm telling you! Unless you have some kind of high-maintenance strict regimen you have to follow (I don't), use it when your hair isn't styled, like, run your palms over your hair after you've moisturized and all that good stuff keeps your hair happy too!

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I noticed that the Grapeseed butter has tiny stubborn grains - I have to warm it in my hands for longer - so I think I will leave out the grapeseed butter in the next batch.


One trick I tried...putting it on in the shower after the cleanse, I ran the tin under the hot water for a moment to soften/liquify it a bit, then slathered. :)

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I bet it tames teh flyaways????


Absolutely! I have one stubborn spot which always gets snarled and so I concentrate my efforts on that but it definitely smooths wonderfully.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mara will you be making this again? I'd love to get my hot little hands on some in sort of vanilla/Rocket Fuel/cakey sort of scent.

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I have been meaning to report that I have the cake batter edible nom butterstuff and I put it on nightly and it makes me so happy. I put it on my lips as well, and this has noticeably changed their health and appearance within days.

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