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...quick as a wink the sly cat stole Monroe's cheese sandwich...oh,nevermind



I have not heard or seen Kliban in forever. I must have 4-6 of his cartoon books from when I was a teenager. There was a whole group of us who loved that stuff.

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The best part is Revelations where the beast heads make a debut and the calender explodes.

@ LadyV - Revelations is in the new part those other people added later.

Ohhh I see....10 plus years of catholic school taught me nuthin , except how to accessorize boring uniform with red lipstick and black combat boots


How did that Billy Joel song go ...? "Come on Victoria don't make me wait ..."


(Virginia, Victoria ...)

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Ohhh I see....10 plus years of catholic school taught me nuthin , except how to accessorize boring uniform with red lipstick and black combat boots

LOLITA GOTH!!!! YAY-yuhh! Now THAT's what Catholic School uniforms are FOR!!!



P.S. I'm a Kliban addict from waaaaay back, too. Any of y'all ever have the pillowcases with the kitty in red hi-tops? My auntie and my Mom and I all had those... I still have my MomCat shirt. Haven't seen Matt's DadCat shirt for a while, though. My kitty Joe (may he frolic forever in Elysian Fields of catnip) looked exactly like Kliban's kitties. I LOVE that cartoon you posted, Mara!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Mostly modern although I do have one regimental.

Edited by quietguy
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PICTURES, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Of shirts and ties ??? Really .... lol.

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Tooooo funny :lol:...conga-rats to all who have ranked up,including me :rofl222:


*ummm,the iceberg pic was actually for Invi's,Ceiling cat,with an inside religous joke about the cheese sandwich...sometimes my mind wanders,and sometimes it leaves completely...heh

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Oh, Blue Bear....so young, so innocent....it's a Star Trek ref, from the 60's series.


Capt Kirk is probably old enough to be your great grandfather, but here is a pic of him UNsuccessfully wrangling Tribbles. :)




I didn't know what is was either so I googled it and it said something about fan fiction....so I thought it had something to do with that!

Okay, now I am dying laughing. When I was little, we adopted a dog from a family, and his name was Tribble. Tribble's brothers were Spock and Kirk! Makes a ton of sense now!

LOL! Better late than never!

Tooooo funny :lol:...conga-rats to all who have ranked up,including me :rofl222:


*ummm,the iceberg pic was actually for Invi's,Ceiling cat,with an inside religous joke about the cheese sandwich...sometimes my mind wanders,and sometimes it leaves completely...heh


:rofl222::rofl222::rofl222:OMG!!! Y'all just made my morning!!! :rofl222::rofl222::rofl222:

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I didn't know what is was either so I googled it and it said something about fan fiction....so I thought it had something to do with that!

Star Trek and fan fiction...like peanut butter and jelly! :lol:

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Oh, Blue Bear....so young, so innocent....it's a Star Trek ref, from the 60's series.


Capt Kirk is probably old enough to be your great grandfather


Mr. Shatner will turn 81 this year.

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