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OK - so what do we become at 300 posts - or is it safer to continue to hang out with Eggers?

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OK - so what do we become at 300 posts - or is it safer to continue to hang out with Eggers?


LOL @ Luna - who just posted while I was in the middle of writing this.


Wellll, it seems since I messed with your rank it took you out of the automated renaming system. I was wondering if that would happen! So, if it had gone as normal, you would now be Witch Hazel (the witch from Bugs Bunny, remember?) :witchhazel121:


But for you, a more wizardy name, methinks....(they're mostly magically inclined, you see...)

Oh, wait, John just came up with one for you..... (I was thinking of Professor Flitwick {Harry Potter reference}, but I am open to suggestions from all. heheheh.)

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Ravenwing, your current avi - we've used that model on two of our labels. She was the original Potion Bastet girl - I melded her face with a cat. And it's her body on Scandalous Intentions too.


Wow, I knew she lookd *familiar*! :)

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LOL @ Luna - who just posted while I was in the middle of writing this.


Wellll, it seems since I messed with your rank it took you out of the automated renaming system. I was wondering if that would happen! So, if it had gone as normal, you would now be Witch Hazel (the witch from Bugs Bunny, remember?) :witchhazel121:


But for you, a more wizardy name, methinks....(they're mostly magically inclined, you see...)

Oh, wait, John just came up with one for you..... (I was thinking of Professor Flitwick {Harry Potter reference}, but I am open to suggestions from all. heheheh.)

Gandalf, Saruman, Merlin...too easy...ummmm........Mata Nui, Makuta......

Of course, there's always the Wizard Name Generator at wizardnames.net. I am Ghostly Luna and Mr. Matt is Mysterious Rosamond. Hmmm. Maybe not. B)


Oooh quietguy is now a Witch Doctor!!!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Calii I love that song!!! Can't remember where it came from. Was that on the radio in our youth, or was it a cartoon...?

HAH...I inherited a collection,of sorts, from my Dad,45's,lots of silly songs,like Witch Dr,Pink Shoelaces,Green Door,Chewing Gum Ticky Tacky <?> etc,don't know where they got to but somethings just stick :rofl222:

Oh and Conga-rats to you and to Zev! :hearts09793:



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So I HAVE heard it on recording/s! Also, a synapse just fired: Alvin and the Chipmunks. THAT'S why I have it associated with cartoons!!! Do you remember who was singing it on the 45?


Did you ever get into Stan Freberg...? I've got some of his funny songs on 45s still. Don't have a player for them, but we do plan on getting another turntable at some point. I grew up listeneing to Stan Freberg Presents The United States of America, Part One: The Early Years. Best history lesson you could ever get. We always played his Green Christmas along with our other Christmas music, too.



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Dahlink,Calii vs Utubes=no :rofl222: hmmm,googled Stan Freburg,dang,Yellow Rose of Texas huh :) ...no I do not remember who sang the one I have/had,if I find it I will send it to you...ummm well,actually if it is out in one of the sheds I imagine after all these years it is melted/warped :(

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Dahlink,Calii vs Utubes=no :rofl222: hmmm,googled Stan Freburg,dang,Yellow Rose of Texas huh :) ...no I do not remember who sang the one I have/had,if I find it I will send it to you...ummm well,actually if it is out in one of the sheds I imagine after all these years it is melted/warped :(

ACK! Sorry! I keep forgetting you're not youtube-friendly at the moment. B) Have you heard his version of it? He's an outstanding comedian. I love his sendups of stuff! And the way he'd take running gags through...well, ALL his albums and singles and radio shows, is just SO COOL!!!


Oh P.S. Betchya the old 45 is like powdered by now if it's stored in a shed. I've seen some get really weird! they still LOOK cool, though. They turn into visual art instead of aural. Heh. But I'd take it and love it and hug it if you find it and don't want it! :w00t: BTW do you have a cd player?

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Your rank has been custom-tweaked so it won't change again...unless we decide it will. ;)


LOL @ Luna - who just posted while I was in the middle of writing this.


Wellll, it seems since I messed with your rank it took you out of the automated renaming system. I was wondering if that would happen! So, if it had gone as normal, you would now be Witch Hazel (the witch from Bugs Bunny, remember?)


But for you, a more wizardy name, methinks....(they're mostly magically inclined, you see...)

Oh, wait, John just came up with one for you..... (I was thinking of Professor Flitwick {Harry Potter reference}, but I am open to suggestions from all. heheheh.)


My apologies - I did not mean to create a perpetual mess. But thank you - Witch Doctor is good - in fact sometimes I feel like one playing with all my pheromones.

Edited by quietguy
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Abner? Abner? Where'd you go??? *sniff*


Agnes ... I'm still here. They just turned me into one of them ....


And they say you are next ... mwhahahahahaha


Now if I can just figure out the potion to grow my hair and "six pack" back ....

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Promise me Abner, if you find the potion for the six pack that you'll share. You *will* share, won't you Abnah?


Yes dear. Anything you say dear ... lol.

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BTW do you have a cd player?


Oopsie,missed this :D...yes I do actually have a small cd player,no mp3 ...oh and those sheds have been in 100 + temps for,oh lets see now,over 25 years...heh


OK,just how long has Mara carried the "Hostess With The Mostest" moniker,hmmmm :lol:

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I just want to try something here. Sorry for the thread interrupt. (Blame Mara's serving shark!!!)




It worked!!! I accidentally discovered the emoticon list! YAY!!!



Edited by Eggers
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Oopsie,missed this :D...yes I do actually have a small cd player,no mp3 ...oh and those sheds have been in 100 + temps for,oh lets see now,over 25 years...heh


OK,just how long has Mara carried the "Hostess With The Mostest" moniker,hmmmm :lol:

So if I emailed you an mp3 file could you get it out of your email and play it?



Since the cupcakes have taken over my brains!!!!!!!!!


:eating-pie: :shark825:

This needs to be said.

*knock knock knock*

Mrs. Mrrrrnenfrrrr...

*knock knock knock*

Room service....

*knock knock*

Mrs. Mrrrrnenfrrrr....

*knock knock knock*

Land Shark...






I just want to try something here. Sorry for the thread interrupt. (Blame Mara's serving shark!!!)




It worked!!! I accidentally discovered the emoticon list! YAY!!!

YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! :D:D:D You DID it, Eggers!!! (Hey--did Abner ever share...?) Edited by ElizabethOSP
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No, Abner didn't share any 'six-pack magick'. Pot-Belly City for me...


So far the only magic formula I have found for a "six pack" goes something like Eat Less, Exercise More. Can't tell you if that one works ... lol. The other six pack incantation that does work goes something like "I'll take a six pack of Guiness" but that one only seems to turn my "six pack" into a keg. This magick thing is not as easy as they make it look across the street, Mrs. Kravitz. Still searching ...


Nothing yet on the hair ...

Edited by quietguy
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Yippee Eggers! :) :)


So if I emailed you an mp3 file could you get it out of your email and play it?




This needs to be said.

*knock knock knock*

Mrs. Mrrrrnenfrrrr...

*knock knock knock*

Room service....

*knock knock*

Mrs. Mrrrrnenfrrrr....

*knock knock knock*

Land Shark...


...candygram :rofl222:


...do you mean like this,from my collection of sounds,BUT it is only 13 seconds and under 40K...I think I have some that play at 4-5 mins,long load,but do-able...hey just send one and will try it,can always unplug if I freeze,not the first time :lol:



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Woo Hoo conga-rats to you both :) ...and any I missed!


hmmmm,oopsie EofSP if you see this ,the forum board did something to my .com's url,can not play it now from here.

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