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Hey...I've a different name now! Apparently I've been Scandalously Intentioned for some time. But we knew that already, now, didn't we.

:BananaRow: :BananaRow:

Congrats to Us All!!!


:BananaRow: :BananaRow:


Thank you for the new rank!! I already know my next Avi when I am ready ....



That one took a little pondering...


All right, you two. WHO is KAL-EL? I mean, I see a Superman costume...but...?



Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Congrats everyone!


@ESOP: Kal-El is Superman's name back on his home planet Krypton.

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This is important information!


LOL - I thought they taught that around Kindergarden ... haha.

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This is important information!

Lol! Hmm, I learned that it's pixie dust, last night watching Once. Had to tweak my rank title.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Congrats on your rank QG!! Nice pic too. Marriage does a number on even the mightiest of men, doesn't it? ;)

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As one daughter's boyfriend once commented, "Better pussy-whipped than pussy-less".

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As one daughter's boyfriend once commented, "Better pussy-whipped than pussy-less".


I trust the "once" was because you never let him back in the house after that??

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I trust the "once" was because you never let him back in the house after that??


Haha - he did not say it to me! He actually said it to my daughter when she told him he was whipped. It was his crass way of stating better whipped than without my daughter as a girlfriend. That particular daughter keeps those boys tightly wrapped around one finger and on a very short leash. She says jump and they say "How high?". She is extremely bright, very pretty and does not take shit off of anyone. I did give her the arched dad eye and she assured me that they were not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay dude, you're going to have to tell me what you want now because I have no friggin idea what should go with that image; is it Frank Frazetta?

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Hmmm - let me think - the art is by FF - John Carter of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs (of Tarzan fame). The lizard is a calot. The girl is Dejah Thoris, Princess of Barsoom (Mars).

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Ah okay; heh, do I know my high fantasy art or what?!


Good job - I had to think about it for a bit! Make my new rank John Carter of Virgina. If people do not know the movie or books, they might think that is my name haha!

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Good job - I had to think about it for a bit! Make my new rank John Carter of Virgina. If people do not know the movie or books, they might think that is my name haha!


Does that mean it's ok to call you JC from now on? Or maybe JCfV? Or QGJC? LOL

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I'm all over it JCfV!! Just give me a couple of months and I can work that... uh... outfit?... of hers. I've got the hair.

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@SW: Haha - OK - in that picture she is only wearing bottoms (maybe) with a hand bra. I will get a komodo dragon and set up the photo shoot ... :lol:

Edited by quietguy
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Woop, woop, first proper rank. Sorcerer's Apprentice sounds pretty good. :witch02738:


You'll be up in the hundreds before you even realize it!

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