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BANG! Unscented Phero Blend for Women

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would just like to say that I most definitely have hit my sweet spot with Bang! :666: WOW.

really ? Do you remember the dosage? I haven't taken mine for a ride since July. I have it in a spray x2.

I think that it makes it harder for me to find the sweet spot.

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I have it as a roll-on. I made a one inch X on my wrist, a 2 inch line on my chest, and a 3 inch one on my tummy, added my cover scent & smooshed all over the place. I've been testing this amount over the last few months, since I seemed to finally get some hits while wearing this exact dosage. For me, it seems this is exactly the right amount. The results have been pretty consistent every time I've worn it. I'm SO EXCITED!!! Took me forEVER to find my sweet spot with Bang!

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YAY! BANG! is my favorite and yet I don't wear it as often as I would like...I would never wan to become immune! But I LOVE this one! I think Est and I must be VERY compatible. LAM! & BAM! atr great, but Lace and CB? BOOM! Dom actually worked better for me than I expected but then Leather? WHAMMO! SS4W? ROCKS - of course - BANG!? OHYEAHBABY!


Has anyone else noticed this with themselves and Est? I always figured I was LOUD and larry sooooo I figured great socials would be a hit for me - and they are - but apparently Est kicks up that perceived larry side of me and I feel like I've got SEX KITTEN stamped on my forehead! :666::ange:LOVE IT!

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Yep. EST definitely agrees with me, too. Not only do I get the best and most noticeable hits when I use EST-heavy blends, *I* feel sexier and much more feminine - which is saying a lot because despite my punk-rock tendencies to wearing decidedly unfeminine clothing, I'm already about as girly as you can get without having more than one vagina. :P

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as girly as you can get without having more than one vagina. :P




Now that is an interesting way to measure girly-ness! :D



I haven't tried Bang! yet (although I now have a sample of a scent that contains it, I think, so hopefully soon) but I do like me some Est!

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Wore this today because i have no idea what it does.

I think i should have a retest since today ive been feeling especially vulnerable.


I do notice that ive been getting lotta contact from my male friends when i was waiting on my man to get his ass out of bed.

Bunch of these guys are harmless so i didnt feel they were much of a threat, however this much contact is unusual.

So they were really touchy with me, lots of hugs and side-pinching---really friendly and invading my personal space. Nothing more than that, my poor man is all sick and grumpy so idk if it affected him or not.


Later i hung out with a younger chick that has a level-1 girl crush on me and she was all up in my space also, but not physically touchy like the males. She wanted to talk about deeper topics than the usual idle chatter n was in a 'dreamy' state most of the time.


I still have no idea what this is supposed to do. I went to the dentist shortly after application to get a teeth cleaning and they gave me the impression of "youll be back, they always come back, hahaha" complete with smiles and junk when i was leaving.

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^^Bang is sexed up Super Sexy For women. Take SS4W the addition of extra EST and plenty of cops.

Imagine adding the CB phero to SS4W in just the proportions.

Edited by StacyK
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YAY! We will soon have a new scent with BANG! in it! *swoons at the thought*

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  • 1 month later...

I've been wearing this at work and i get great responses , everyone- women as well as men are very friendly and I get a bit of a confidence lift. Not as much as from LFM , but in a more happy perky kind of way. It also seems to have a bit of a beautifying effect

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You ladies have got me feeling very curious about trying this one. I didn't feel like I got much in the way of results from SS4W (but I need to try experimenting more) so I was going to swerve BANG! for the time being. However, with the chance to have some in a trial vial of Raspberry Rose Confite and your excellent reviews I think this is on the try list for my next order. Thinking about trying a new phero blend is so exciting!

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You ladies have got me feeling very curious about trying this one. I didn't feel like I got much in the way of results from SS4W (but I need to try experimenting more) so I was going to swerve BANG! for the time being. However, with the chance to have some in a trial vial of Raspberry Rose Confite and your excellent reviews I think this is on the try list for my next order. Thinking about trying a new phero blend is so exciting!

I get nothing from SS4W. When I wear a scent with this phero I have to dab on some CB.

Bang I have in Un and I like it tho I'm still looking for my sweet spot.

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I have a full spray bottle of this, and yet for some reason have not yet used it. SS4W is my most precious and beloved phero, but I keep reading how lots of people seem to have a hard time finding their sweet spot with this one. I guess I'm afraid of disappointment.

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OT but: I thought it was just me who didn't have luck with SS4W! I'll try your CB trick next time I wear it.

It helps me. Of course it's not going to be Bang. The pheros are all there but chemistry is also about measured proportions.

But IMO if your CB enhances your SS4W then you may eventually like Bang.

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It took me a while to figure SS4W because it doesn't give me noticeable selfies so I had to wear it quite a bit around others to figure it out. Bang! is just enough of "something" to suit me and give me selfies...I know I'm effected by cops and I like Est blends so maybe that bit of boost was all I needed - at least to give it that little something extra just for myself:)

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I have a full spray bottle of this, and yet for some reason have not yet used it. SS4W is my most precious and beloved phero, but I keep reading how lots of people seem to have a hard time finding their sweet spot with this one. I guess I'm afraid of disappointment.

I'm sure finding the sweet spot is my problem. I should have started keeping notes from my first application so I could approach application amounts systematically!


It helps me. Of course it's not going to be Bang. The pheros are all there but chemistry is also about measured proportions.

But IMO if your CB enhances your SS4W then you may eventually like Bang.

Okay, that's something to try out, although of course you are right to point out that the two aren't identical I'm still interested to see how a blend might work out.


It took me a while to figure SS4W because it doesn't give me noticeable selfies so I had to wear it quite a bit around others to figure it out. Bang! is just enough of "something" to suit me and give me selfies...I know I'm effected by cops and I like Est blends so maybe that bit of boost was all I needed - at least to give it that little something extra just for myself:)

I'm not so sure I get self-effects from most pheros/cops (except for something from Perfect Match) unless I accidentally OD! A lot of the people I spend time around aren't generally ones I want to phero (I work with mentally ill and vulnerable adults) so I'm a bit short of test subjects in the field! And I certainly don't want to try BANG! around them!

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Teeny tiny update/Bang! review:


I wrote about my experience with it in December at a party, which is the last time I had worn it. I'd simply forgotten about the phero and haven't worn it since. But I was at a friend's place watching a movie and his roommate came home, a guy I'd never met before. Or so I'd thought. He proceeded to remember exactly where he had seen me last (at the party in December), with whom I was standing, what I was wearing, saying, etc. I was caught offguard a bit, I'm usually very good with names and faces, and I apologized for not remembering him. It turned out, we had not spoken at all that evening. He'd simply noticed me because I was getting so much attention and there was something about me. Keep in mind, while saying all this, he was not hitting on me in the slightest. It was all very matter of fact. But I must say that it was due to the Bang! that I was wearing that I made this much of an impression at all. It was quite unusual. I really have to break it out more if it's making me so memorable!

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Teeny tiny update/Bang! review:


I wrote about my experience with it in December at a party, which is the last time I had worn it. I'd simply forgotten about the phero and haven't worn it since. But I was at a friend's place watching a movie and his roommate came home, a guy I'd never met before. Or so I'd thought. He proceeded to remember exactly where he had seen me last (at the party in December), with whom I was standing, what I was wearing, saying, etc. I was caught offguard a bit, I'm usually very good with names and faces, and I apologized for not remembering him. It turned out, we had not spoken at all that evening. He'd simply noticed me because I was getting so much attention and there was something about me. Keep in mind, while saying all this, he was not hitting on me in the slightest. It was all very matter of fact. But I must say that it was due to the Bang! that I was wearing that I made this much of an impression at all. It was quite unusual. I really have to break it out more if it's making me so memorable!

This is such an intriguing review. Thanks for sharing it!

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Teeny tiny update/Bang! review:


I wrote about my experience with it in December at a party, which is the last time I had worn it. I'd simply forgotten about the phero and haven't worn it since. But I was at a friend's place watching a movie and his roommate came home, a guy I'd never met before. Or so I'd thought. He proceeded to remember exactly where he had seen me last (at the party in December), with whom I was standing, what I was wearing, saying, etc. I was caught offguard a bit, I'm usually very good with names and faces, and I apologized for not remembering him. It turned out, we had not spoken at all that evening. He'd simply noticed me because I was getting so much attention and there was something about me. Keep in mind, while saying all this, he was not hitting on me in the slightest. It was all very matter of fact. But I must say that it was due to the Bang! that I was wearing that I made this much of an impression at all. It was quite unusual. I really have to break it out more if it's making me so memorable!

How cool is that? Awesome review!

BF's got a few gigs coming up in the next couple of weeks. You're making me want to wear Bang! out to them! :)

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Ok! You win!

I think I will have to wear BANG! today. I have been so run down by all the hours I've been having to work that this should be the perfect "pick me up" - for me and the rest of my crew too! We all kick ass to get things done but we're all beginning to feel the long hours and consecutive days. This could be just the ticket to harness some sunshine ;)

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I don't have bang at the moment but I do have SS4W in Rocket Fuel. I usually add some cops to that and get good results but will add Bang to my growing collection next month. Trying to get enough of a variety I don't have to keep going to the same ones. Also since SS4W works for me I would think Bang would.

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I went to the post office last night to pick up my package with Bang oil in it.

I am going to try it Saturday night.

What is a good starting dose to apply?

I tried SS4W years ago in small amounts and saw and felt nothing.

I'd also be interested to know how much folks here use. Although it's individual as to a sweet spot if a general range emerges that would be notable.

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Everyone is so different that it's really hard to say what would be good for YOU.


I go a bit heavy myself...I think?

2 3" stripes up my wrists, 2 3" stripes from the backs of my hands up my fore arm. Then a big horse shoe shape, from one side of my neck down to my collarbone and back up the other side of my neck. Then I smoosh it all with my wrists and backs of hands. Once it dries down I toss on a cover scent :)

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I apply two one inch long Xs on each of my wrists, a 2 inch strip on my chest, just below my collarbone, and a 3 inch strip on my tummy, above my navel. I apply my cover scent by scribbling over all of my phero application points and smoosh everything together using my wrists, to help it all dry down more quickly, 'cause I have the patience of a hungry cat.

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Everyone is so different that it's really hard to say what would be good for YOU.


I go a bit heavy myself...I think?

2 3" stripes up my wrists, 2 3" stripes from the backs of my hands up my fore arm. Then a big horse shoe shape, from one side of my neck down to my collarbone and back up the other side of my neck. Then I smoosh it all with my wrists and backs of hands. Once it dries down I toss on a cover scent :)



I apply two one inch long Xs on each of my wrists, a 2 inch strip on my chest, just below my collarbone, and a 3 inch strip on my tummy, above my navel. I apply my cover scent by scribbling over all of my phero application points and smoosh everything together using my wrists, to help it all dry down more quickly, 'cause I have the patience of a hungry cat.



Thank you. I know everyone's different but I think this feedback is telling me I need to try wearing WAY more of the BANG!/SS4W family than I would expect, especially if it's in a fragrance.

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I couldnt wait for Saturday night to try Bang so I wore some today.

I used the amount Eggers uses,

I didnt notice any self effects for me,nothing at all but I did notice alot of attention while I was out.

I went for a hair consultation at a Salon and the man seemed so drawn to me.

He is gay so I dont know what he was feeling but he acted like he didnt want me to leave!

We must have talked for close to an hour.I even felt drawn to him I must say!

It was strange because it seemed like everyone in the salon gathered around me and him for a while.

Do any of you notice younger men seen drawn to you while you wear Bang?

Even at the food store where I stopped on my way home it was crazy.

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:D Great review! Hmm. Never thought about the age range. Seems to effect everyone positively. I wear it to work on occasion and we have a wide age range of men and women and the ethnic diversity is stellar. I will try to take note next time, but for the most part everyone seems to love a bit-o-BANG! :lol:

Edited by NuTrix
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I actually wore it for a business lunch this week , and I got everything out of the meeting I requested. It made everyone feel very friendly and comfortable , turning this into an amicable win-win meeting. I have never had an issue with wearing anything containing cops in a work environment , and not a single negative , just positive experiences. Bang turns it up a notch into friendly sparkly territory.

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  • 1 month later...

Wanted to share a cute hit on this one. A guy passed me on the street and then spun around on his heel to check me out, so hard that he stumbled and fell down. :smiley-laughing024: I will say my hair did look good today but otherwise I credit el bango.

Edited by tyvey
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