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I was wearing OCCO SLF with Siren's Serenade and a store person asked her coworked what smelled like Nag Champa. She asked me if it was my perfume and was curious since she said she liked the smell. I smelled both my arm where the Siren's Serenade was (over sexology un, i forgot about that) and smelled the spot where I put the SLF and I think it was the SLF that was more incensy (at that moment) of the two.


It's still bright, zingy and fruity to me but Siren's Serenade I don't think, could be construed as nag champa (or me at least.)

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LOL! I don't think you are...I had that horrid thought cross my mind as well. I smell ZERO cops in any OCCO or any other cops boosted scent (Titillating Temptress, scented Cuddle Bunny, Balls!).


Funny you should bring this up! I've finally figured out what the cops smell is, but I don't smell it in any of the perfume blends. For the most part, when I *do* smell it, it doesn't bother me all that much. (Well, there was that one time I accidentally sprayed Sexology into my mouth. That. Was. Not. Pleasant). It's not a smell I'd like to have hanging around me by any means, 'cause it really is a bit rank, but I don't find it over-the-top offensive, either.


And... I've just ordered my very first bottle of EoW. Not for applying neat, but for blending into some of my perfumes. Mara has often said that it only takes 3 drops in a gallon of dilutant to elicit a response, so I figure that adding 3 drops to some of my perfumes will make them effective enough. I don't want to go cops-wild or anything, but it's nice to have the option to add them where I want them. Considering I intend to use that bottle very conservatively, I don't think I'll have to buy another for a long, long time! :)

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Just be careful , I have gotten a bit trigger happy at times spiking my regular perfumes with EoW and ruined quite a few good bottles ;)

3 drops won't harm anything , but its easy to go overboard by thinking just a few ( dozen ) more dropper fulls won't hurt since it doesn't really smell that much , and then WHOOPS , cheeeeze

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Considering I intend to use that bottle very conservatively, I don't think I'll have to buy another for a long, long time! :)

Oh yes! It will last forever...or will seem to, lol. I'm still trying to use up this tiny bottle I got through amazon from love scent...it's a very smaaaall bottle, and alcohol; based yet! Talk about SMELLY! LPs smells the same but the oil base contains the "aroma" a bit more :lol: If I ever use it all up and get to the LP EO that I have, I wonder that it may last to pass onto the next generation!!! 3 drops to a gallon gets a reaction? I may have gone overboard here and there then.... :huh::D Not as far over as fluffy, lol, (sorry fluff!) but my standard is 10 drops to 5mls...probably overkill? No wonder they're effective immediately....oops...sort of... :P
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Yeah, I think Mara said that 3 drops per gallon got a reaction (in clinical testing?). I asked a bazillion questions about boosting with cops, and she said that for the lighter fragrances 3 drops in a 1/3 oz bottle is probably okay and won't ruin the perfume, and that 30 drops is an "OCCO load", for use with only the heaviest perfumes. As far as I recall, she said that when she boosts stuff herself, she does it on kind of a sliding scale like that, so that the perfume won't be overtaken and ruined by cops stinkiness.


I'm kinda excited about getting my bottle. I have a few things in mind that I'd like to boost.


I've gotta get using my SLF! I got it a few months ago, and I've only worn it 3 or 4 times! :o

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I didn't know this thread existed! I thought everything for SLF was in the OCCO for all flavors thread! I'll have to remember this when my bottle comes.

Well yeah the LE variants each have their own thread.

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Eggers - :w00t: WOW! I wouldn't have thought you could GET 30 drops in a 1/3oz bottle, that's CRAZY cuz I don't smell them in the OCCOs at ALL!


:lol: I've taken to layering quite a bit lately because there are so many LPs I love but if I only wore one a day it would be MONTHS before I got back around to my favorites again...so I get how they can be lost in the shuffle!


Well yeah the LE variants each have their own thread.

So if it isn't listed on the site with the other OCCOs, but on it's own, then there will likely be a thread just for that one all by itself somewhere. Duly noted, thanks Luna :^^: ....still learning about this site, even after all this time!
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When ya'll wear OCCO SLF, do you wear it by itself typically? I tend to layer and just put a smidge on my wrist. But I'm thinking about doing an experiment and seeing what would happen (in a safe environment) if I wore it like a regular perfume all over mah bodaaayyy.


What do you guys do?

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Yeah, I think I've only done maybe three inches tops. It is pretty...vibrant :D

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I have a bottle, and I wear a swipe on my cleavage & one down my belly! :lol:

I do, however, layer it with other perfumes when I wear it. Otherwise, it's a little too much for me.

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I have every intention of wearing it the same as I do Jouir De! :lol: Ok, it depends on the civet, but I'm a serious slatherer...so I'll let you know :)

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I got my OCCO SLF today along with my dual bottles of LP Red and 3 of Pears and of course the first one I broke open was the SLF. After how it was described, I wasn't quite sure what I would think but HOLY COW I LOVE the smell of this stuff!!!! :Emoticons04235: I put it on about an hour and a half ago, trying a circle on my wrist and smudging with the other. To say it packs a whollop is no joke. Very strong and I could smell it with my arms in my lap but the scent was such a sweet incense - couldn't quit sniffing myself. :D Now an hour 1/2 later, it is still quite strong and I now know that just a dab will do ya but the scent has softened to a slightly less sweet but still intoxicating incense/spice. I know that many of you ladies layer it. Do you ever find that it tends to overpower the other? Also, do you layer right over the top or use the other in different locations?


*sniffing my arm again*

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I just got my "you have a package" email last night! :w00t: Maybe I'll have it Monday or Tues? Super excited! Dying from curiosity :lol:




Update: Oh! Oh! Oh! OK...OK...just got my package TODAY - YES! TODAY! How awesome is THAT!?! I know, right?! - and got into SLF. *Foot begins to stomp uncontrollably* Yes, this is good...very goooooood :666: It's way lighter than Jouir De. The honey doesn't seem as dripping sweet, thick and heavy. Be back to give this a proper review when I've given this the test run time it deserves!

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I STILL have EoW in alcohol, ack! (taking forEVER to find ways to use it up...and NOT doing it by wearing it NEAT!)


My little bottle of that took FOREVER to use...so long that it melted the rubber stopper! I had to mix it with an oil dupe of Pink Sugar and I'm still not sure that I'll ever use it up.



Yeah, I think Mara said that 3 drops per gallon got a reaction (in clinical testing?).


I know that the testosterone reaction test that Astrid Jutte did was 1 drop of cops in 1 gallon of water, is this what you're referring to?

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My little bottle of that took FOREVER to use...so long that it melted the rubber stopper! I had to mix it with an oil dupe of Pink Sugar and I'm still not sure that I'll ever use it up.


YIKES! *panics...goes runs and checks bottle!* Wheeew. Still good...for now at least! That's absolutely MAD...but now I have even MORE incentive to use It up! :wacko: But if it really only takes a smidge to get a reaction....maybe I should put a drop in EVERYTHING MUHAHAAAAA :w00t:

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It's kind of funny because I was considering buying a straight bottle of EoW but after listening to you gals, I'm thinking that I will do much better if I just stick with it as an add in. In Compromising Positions, smelled it a tiny bit wet but in SLF, I can honestly say I could not detect EoW at all. It just smells so good to me straight out of the bottle.

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Yes! But I thought it was 3 drops. I like your version better. More potency! LOL!

Ah, here is where Mara refers to it. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3159 Very potent!


YIKES! *panics...goes runs and checks bottle!* Wheeew. Still good...for now at least! That's absolutely MAD...but now I have even MORE incentive to use It up! :wacko: But if it really only takes a smidge to get a reaction....maybe I should put a drop in EVERYTHING MUHAHAAAAA :w00t:


I know! But then again I had it for two years I think before it destroyed the rubber part of the dropper. And I hardly used it. But I just used some today - mixed a drop in with some Pink Chiffon lotion from BBW and it smells great! Totally covered by all the pink sugary goodness. However I looove my OCCO SLF, especially when I want to have that 'dirty little secret' feeling, like when you wear totally scandalous underwear under your most modest clothes in a setting like school, or work :666:


It's kind of funny because I was considering buying a straight bottle of EoW but after listening to you gals, I'm thinking that I will do much better if I just stick with it as an add in. In Compromising Positions, smelled it a tiny bit wet but in SLF, I can honestly say I could not detect EoW at all. It just smells so good to me straight out of the bottle.

For me I find that I really probably don't need much cops since I'm still pretty young, and I think that the best reactions I've had have been from blends that don't have much in them like Lumina. But it's fun to play with cops-heavy blends around those you knoooow you want to hit hard :666:

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It's kind of funny because I was considering buying a straight bottle of EoW but after listening to you gals, I'm thinking that I will do much better if I just stick with it as an add in. In Compromising Positions, smelled it a tiny bit wet but in SLF, I can honestly say I could not detect EoW at all. It just smells so good to me straight out of the bottle.


isn't it only like $40 though for the bottle?

So long as you trust yourself to not add too much

(easy since Mara is great to share different load strengths)

I would buy one if you think you'll ever load more than eight bottles.

Actually maybe it's more like $60, I can't remember.


Better yet, find a friend or four on the board and split it.

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isn't it only like $40 though for the bottle?

So long as you trust yourself to not add too much

(easy since Mara is great to share different load strengths)

I would buy one if you think you'll ever load more than eight bottles.

Actually maybe it's more like $60, I can't remember.


Better yet, find a friend or four on the board and split it.



A bottle of straight Essence Oil is only $24.95.....

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Dolly is absolutely correct on the price. I had one in my cart and took it out but only because it seemed that might be a wee bit more EoW than I need but MissHazel, that's a great idea to share it. Of course, I will have to wait for awhile before I get that one. I've already got my cart loaded down with eight I want to try (and that's not even counting the order I hope to see in the mail soon which includes MRF and LAM - Spicy Brown Sugar!!).


An intervention may be required soon. :nope02716:


As an FYI, I'm waiting until June to make my new order so I don't abuse the free shipping too but OMG, how I want to press that checkout button.

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I think she only minds people ordering a bunch if they're only getting like one to two bottles an order, or, yaknow, like a sample :)

I remember a thread being up about that, and those that spend sixty to eighty a pop were in good shape and not abusing anything. Maybe mara or luna could jump in but even shipping forty dollars worth shouldn't be too bad--but then I'm not sure.


Definitely make friends! JulyGirl and I just split two bottles from a trade thread but one of you has to have the little rollerballs all ready to decant.


I don't use mine that often especially since I have Occo SLF and Provocative Paradise but I like having it*just in case*


Plus I notice some differences in male reaction between jouir de (stronger) to occo slf (seems less intense) so I'm curious about trying EOW with a cover and comparing it.

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I was really hoping to try the Jouir De but it seems that once someone gets a hold of it, you are out of luck. I'll keep looking though because I've heard some mighty powerful words spoken about that stuff and I really would like to compare it to SLF as well. If nothing else, another bottle of SLF will be purchased before they all run out. I've got a Sex & Violins in the cart too because it sounds like that one would fit right in with this.


What's strange about the SLF though, and I don't know if its just me, is that it hasn't necessarily been overly effective on my husband but - and I will admit I shouldn't have - I wore it to work and my female co-workers and friends were all over me. Women that are reserved and tend to never speak have been really super friendly, chatty, wanting to hang out. It's not the reaction, per se, that I thought it would have but I won't complain since its been nice to get to know a little bit about some female co-workers that have been a mystery for months. I guess I can try more and less with the husband and see if I get a reaction although I have to say that Compromising Positions didn't fare much better. I'm wondering if maybe I'm going the wrong direction with him.


And definitely yes, for sure, my next order will be over $80... well over!! lol It probably wouldn't hurt to calm down... at least for this week. I've got an event coming up this weekend for my daughter so once that is over, I'll have a better idea of how much money I can spend. If Mara doesn't mind another order this month, I might go ahead next week and let myself be trigger happy like I want to. If they don't chime in, I'll send a quick email to ask. I've loved LOVED what I've gotten so far and certainly don't want to be tagged a problem customer!!


By the way, is there a thread on here where I can find out how to decant and where to get the supplies? I'd love to get involved with that.

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Mara sells different sized bottles. I've been meaning to pick up like twenty 5mL. She also sells plastic pipettes but I have some glass pipettes from a beauty product where I can take the plastic rubber top off and clean it between uses. Also, I've seen small brown or blue glass bottles with a little glass and rubber pipette as a top. I've actually gotten one and mean to decant my Empress of Persica into it because I like using it as a deodorant and this way I can drop a small dime sized amount in my hand and rub it in.


The only complaint I have is that I got some 5mL spritzer bottles and the glass feels REALLY thin to me. I wouldn't feel comfortable having it in my purse or anywhere that doesn't have very thick carpet in case I drop it. But the little 5mL rollerball bottles look great.


I have some jouir de on my trade page if you want. I think I might get a sample size of it eventually (or decant a sample size before trade) but honestly, even if it does seem to get stronger reactions from guys around me, the orchid and the honey just smell wrong on my body. Can someone chime in if Jouir De has the same amount of coplins as OCCO SLF? (forgive me if I asked that before, I don't remember.) I know it has the synthetic civit, honey, and orchid and stuff for extra response but just wanted to clarify.


edit: oops, totally wrong-- unless musks covers civit as well, there's no civit in it.


I did notice though that OCCO SLF did have a very positive reaction from a sales-lady the other day. I was wearing it with Siren's Serenade and she came within 8 feet of me and started asking her coworker what smelled like Nag Champa. When I said it was probably me she said it smelled really good.


Edit: I sympathize with you trying to classify your husband pheromone-wise. Mine's such a pain in the ass. Doesn't like chocolate smells. Can smell most coplins (except when I'm especially ninja-sneaky), and hasn't responded to much.


The only thing I got a reaction out of him with was TMI, in which he was very cuddly standing next to me. Ridiculously cute. Well that's not quite true. I did get him to respond once to Jouir De after letting it calm down for several hours and then covering a bunch. I think Mara jumped into the discussion on coplins and pointed out some women had better results the next day after applying coplins, so that's something to chew on. And we did have a really nice conversation when I was wearing Drop Your Guard, but we like to talk to each other anyway so that might not have been a hit. DYG puts me to sleep after a half-hour, so that's the strongest "selfie" I've gotten.


I'm honestly thinking about branching into the men's blends because I haven't gotten much in the way of hits except a little here or there. Lumina seems the best so far (of what I have) but I guess I just want more obvious hits.

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We sound a lot alike!! Keep me updated if you find something that appeals to your man. I'd really like to find something that drives him crazy like I hear others mention. He's never really into any of my perfumes which is why i thought maybe id go the stealth route with pheros and see if that worked on him. Alas, i had him smell my 3 of Pear and he told me i smelled like Glade Meadow air freshener. :( For the moment, I will just try a dab of this and a dab of that. Glad I'm not the only one that had good female impressions with SLF though!!!


And yes, yes, yes!!! Please please please on the Jouir de!!! Let me know what I need to do and It will be done. Thanks for the info too about the bottles. I'm going to start looking so I can build my own little sharing station.

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Sure thing. I'll leave a note for you on the bottom of my trade page with instructions so as not to further derail this post.

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Indeed. Sorry to veer off course there for a few. :(


In the meantime, I feel better now about wearing SLF to work. I love the scent and don't worry about the cops needing cover. I'll just keep it in very light doses since its so strong. I'll have to figure out the civit smell though. I'm not sure what that smells like on its own.

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oh no! I was totally doing it! I just didn't want to seem like a trade-whore coming onto a review thread and hawking what I had available.

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It's really weird. I don't know why it does that! I got a sample from Mara early on and then got a bottle in trade so maybe the difference was aging? It's a very loud fragrance but not staby (to me.) just like a loud friend who you love to death but can only hang out with her in small doses?


It's been months since I tried it at first and it did smell like something (but then honeys on me seem to not be super pleasant.) That and I didn't understand letting it dry for a long time.


It just didn't leave.much of an impression on me. Fast forward to months later and I can compare to a bottle of Jouir De and EoW and a bottle with cops added and that's also probably why it has a zingy swinging cherry in it (but it's probably not-- Celrynn's Cherry Soup made my throat itch kind of bad, and the almond ones either don't stay cherry-ish, or they start to amp like crazy like banshees andalso hurt me a little when I breathe in, like Because the Night, which is a shame because when I wore it the first two times, the first 15 minutes was a blast. Now it's just headache central.)

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Plus I notice some differences in male reaction between jouir de (stronger) to occo slf (seems less intense)

With the scent, you mean? Because I believe the OCCO has a larger cops concentration than the Jouir de.


There's no cherry note in this one whatsoever, strictly honey + amber + musk and it does what it says on the tin, hence the name.

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yeah, I know there's no cherry in it which is why that's kind of weird. I think it's the honey even though other honey smells haven't smelled anything like that on me. I think I've tested Jouir De 8-12 times, and Occo SLF maybe 4-5 times so maybe the difference is just where I've been testing SLF. And it certainly didn't smell like that when I first tried it. The only explanation I can come up with is that my nose is just so thankful not to be wearing Jouir De that it's throwing as much "pick this one" support behind Occo SLF as it can :)

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Really? Cause I had more of a carrot and stick mob feeling, like "you better start wearing Occo SLF if you know what's good for you and forget you ever knew Jouir De...."

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:^^: Ok. :^^: Have this on. Just a circle on each wrist that I put on about an hour ago. It doesn't have the same throw as JD but I DO love that honey/civet/musk/amber combo. SLF seems to sit closer to the skin and I really DO like it very much, but then I did something....


I just put JD on the back of one hand about 15 minutes ago and now I can't smell the SLF when I try! I know it's still on my wrist because I get "something" but I think it's just that they're so similar that when I smell both so close together that I'm just picking out the extra orchid note in JD. That's SO bizarre! I was hoping to do what MissHazel did but I've lost track of SLF! Next time I'll have to wear it on it's own and NO JD! :D Even if I'm tempted! SLF is much lighter, but I believe it's safe to say that I like both of them :) WIN!


EDIT...I'm gonna go to bed smellin' SOOOOO scrummy! :^^:

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My skin just LOVES honey based scents.... And, I love the way honey smells, so I couldn't be happier about that aspect of my skin chemistry (kind of a consolation prize of sorts which makes up for the fact that the softer/lighter/"spring time" scents just don't last on me at all!). OCCO SLF smells absolutely delicious on me.... In fact, almost a bit subtle; it's just a nice beautiful amber rich honey blend. Truly, it is certainly nothing like the ass/vagina juice smell, even wet, that I have read about in this thread. Based upon the responses of others, even if I were to slather this, it is a luscious powedered slightly darkened honey, almost slightly floral. And, I CAN wear it in public without getting the stink-eye from others (not that I make it a habit of doing so because of the cops). In fact, on the few times I have had to dash out of the house while wearing it, I have received wonderful compliments from both males and females alike about the scent. In addition, because the way it plays so beautifully on my skin, SLF really provides wonderful blending opportunities. I think this is one of my all time favorite OCCOs.....

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With the scent, you mean? Because I believe the OCCO has a larger cops concentration than the Jouir de.


REALLY??? My sniffer's broke. That's it. That's what it's got to be. I don't smell the cops in either. Nada. Apparently my husband smells something, because he teased me about the OCCO Pink smelling like feet before it had proper dry down time :o But he could have been messing with me BECAUSE he KNEW it had cops in it because he hasn't mentioned either of these smelling like feet :lol: But really, I only get the notes intended...no cops at all...


My skin just LOVES honey based scents. OCCO SLF smells absolutely delicious on me.... In fact, almost a bit subtle; it's just a nice beautiful amber rich honey blend. Truly, it is certainly nothing like the ass/vagina juice smell, even wet, that I have read about in this thread. Based upon the responses of others, even if I were to slather this, it is a luscious powedered slightly darkened honey, almost slightly floral. And, I CAN wear it in public without getting the stink-eye from others


THANK GOODNESS FOR YOUR LOVELY REVIEW! Please see above ^ What she said! What she said! :love:


I HAD to put it on again tonight...yes, all by itself this time, lol. It's almost sheer...not as sheer as last months scents but it's whisper light on me and NOMMY sweet. It has to be because it doesn't have the orchid in it that it's seems so extra sugary? Not sure I care WHY or HOW :D:P it's just GREAT.

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