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Help- LFM is so strong that I ODed on 1 inch on my wrist. I felt sick and dizzy for 4 hours. What other Pheros should I avoid if I have this reaction. I have zero problems with cops, cougar , I go light on sneaky clean but great.

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the UN

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ot to be unsympathetic but I am probably the lightest-weight phero user here & don't think even I could OD on that little LFM -- esp if you are fine with cougar & ss4w - I would review every other possible factor (lack of sleep, something you ate, allergies, or even, did you sniff the spot (or anything else) really really hard (I've given myself a headache doing that)? I mention this because once I thought I had "OD'd" on CB from wearing it several nights in a row (& wearing more than usual on the last night) because I felt absolutely horrible the next day but then realized I had also gotten really hammered so what I was feeling was called a hangover. LOL so that was a very obvious example that I should have known but, it seems much more likely to me that it was something other than the LFM so worth thinking through what else it could have been.

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Thanks, will try again-no sniffing!! also will add 10% to a fragrance and check it out, I also ordered some samples phero enhanced fragrances

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Thanks, will try again-no sniffing!! also will add 10% to a fragrance and check it out, I also ordered some samples phero enhanced fragrances

If it were me, I wouldn't add it to a fragrance I adore. If LFM turns out not to agree with you, then you wouldn't be able to wear it!!!! I'd give it a few days and then try a smaller amount.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest cutie.pie

I was waiting in a line to get some papers for my girls' school. There were lots of other parents in front of me and the lady working there told everyone that the papers they want will be ready for them tomorrow. But, when I asked for the SAME papers she just got up and printed it out for me and gave me! Thank you LFM! :)

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So I don't have anything to report but have general questions as I can't seem to find my sweet spot. Of course that's bc I'm not doing testing right (i.e. wearing more than one day in row, writing down swipes, etc.) but anyhow - twice now I've noticed the selfies others have mentioned that I don't like. The gawky insecure vulnerable feeling. I don't know which phero element I'm reacting to, and could also be somewhat cycle related.


I've read entire thread (whew) and seems others have had similar experiences but wasn't sure if anyone selfies were more dose related or cycle related - or a combo. I've worn once and felt great, very positive selfies. And I know this one *can* work, just can't figure it out on myself. I don't know @ effects on others bc when I feel this self-conscious then I'm not trying to engage anyone in convo or anything, I found myself avoiding eye contact with others - weird. I did notice that people in general seemed more helpful today.


I'm going out tonight was going to test on others, but this anxiety feeling in my stomach (not my usual anxiety stress thing), I think is part LFM. Maybe LFM can enhance feelings of vunerability if you're already feeling a bit like that? I've been moody lately for sure. Any insight on relation to moods prior and post LFM also appreciated. I want to get that positive LFM selfie again!

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Guest cutie.pie

I know there are ladies here that will answer your question better than me, but let me just say it could be cycle related. I've noticed that if I wear Cougar while ovulating, I'm sooo weepy!

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I'm thinking it may be the EST and my cycle and/or just my mood. Not sure. Only reason I (think) it could be EST due to my very limited testing with Lumina (in Pherodise scent) - only tested once and made me weepy - granted I spilled most of sample on myself. So not blaming EST or that scent/ phero. I only meant to try a dab at the time and work up from there.


Cougar always seems to make me feel sparkly and beautiful. :D I have an app on my phone to track cycle stuff, going to start making notes in there. I could use excel or word, but too much work. (haha) But is free and easy access, I know LFM has good results, just not sure what I'm reacting to. I think it is a combo of dose amt and cycle though.


Thanks cutiepie!

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK... After trying LFM for the first time today, I see why the thread is so damn long!


So after a month of being in the hospital, my father finally came home yesterday evening. This morning I went to the hospital pharmacy to pick up his medications. I was wearing LFM, layered with Sweet Surrender. LFM around the wrists... lollipopped around the belly button and up the cleavage... and a little on the neck.


The smell is mild compared to other pheromones I've encountered (non LPMP brands). Barely detectable even without a cover. Still, I slathered on my Sweet Surrender because it's heaven in a bottle.


Self effects? Hmmmm... I'm not sure that I could pinpoint anything distinctive. I will say that I'm in a better mind state today (confident, pleasant, not feeling so stressed) but I can't tell if that's because of my dad coming home or the LFM. More testing is required.


But let's talk about the effects on others. Wowza! Got to the hospital pharmacy and had to take a number. They were up to #388 when I got there and I had #424. I walked around for a bit (walked past other people waiting for their stuff) and then stood near a window close to the pick up area. A gentleman approaches me and gives me his number. It's #395. Low and behold, they were up to #394... so I was next! (Yup... it was one of the men I walked past.)


Discovered I need the paper prescriptions, so I needed to go back up to the nurses station to pick them up. "Come directly back to my window when you're done," the guy cashier tells me. (Tee hee hee, LFM... is that you???)


I pick everything up, complete the order and at the end of the transaction the cashier is super gushy and guy smiley with me. Then I get to the Dunkin Donuts and see the foxiest doctor ever in front of me. He pays for his stuff and leaves. When I left, I passed him again on the way to the parking lot. He looks at me with those soft brown eyes and says, "How are you?" I'm like, "Greaaaat... thank you." I was so giddy with school girl sweat, I couldn't even look back.


Now here's the thing... I've been going to this same hospital for a month straight -- every single day, on the weekdays I go twice a day -- and nobody ever noticed me in THAT way. All of sudden I add a little LFM to the mix and I become a man magnet.


I have LFM in oil, so now I'm curious to see what kind of trouble I can stir up with the spray. I'm so happy I tried it. It certainly gave me a smile when I needed it.

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BOO-YAH! The "lil' black dress" of pheromones strikes again! :D

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girlfriday: hey again :)

Just wanted to remark I don't find the scent mild at ALL, but then I have not tried the UN version, just the LP Rouge with LFM. I'd have to say it lasts on my clothes for weeks. To the point that I once applied maybe a one inch swipe to a teddybear and I can still smell it...2 months on. My car may smell like Espirituel, but my closet smells like LP Rouge, especially my poncho, jackets, etc where they rub up against my wrists. It makes me feel very balanced. This is the one I reach for when I do feel like wearing pheros but can't decide what would work best. And the scent....If I had to pick just one scent that embodies to me what LPMP is all about....it would be this one.

Edited by androstenol
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I agree that Un LFM has a very mild scent.


It's interesting that some get anxiety feelings when wearing this. It's the opposite for me. It calms me and makes me feel cool and confident. I wear it when I think I am going to be in a situation where I might feel anxiety and have to play it off. I have the idea that it projects a very confident Queen Bee type of image so that may be why it makes me feel that way. BUT I don't have the problem with EST that some have either.

I need another bottle of this, mine is super low. I have 60/40 and I may get 90/10 this time. All my pheros are low at the same time...my Gotcha, LFM and Topper are all about equally empty. Very scary. Especially since I only get UNs in spray. I have to come up with some hefty cashola to replace them all at once.

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BOO-YAH! The "lil' black dress" of pheromones strikes again! :D


Girlie... this is the lil black dress / favorite leggings of pheromones -- with sexy, yet comfortable shoes, might I add!


girlfriday: hey again :)

Just wanted to remark I don't find the scent mild at ALL, but then I have not tried the UN version, just the LP Rouge with LFM. I'd have to say it lasts on my clothes for weeks. To the point that I once applied maybe a one inch swipe to a teddybear and I can still smell it...2 months on. My car may smell like Espirituel, but my closet smells like LP Rouge, especially my poncho, jackets, etc where they rub up against my wrists. It makes me feel very balanced. This is the one I reach for when I do feel like wearing pheros but can't decide what would work best. And the scent....If I had to pick just one scent that embodies to me what LPMP is all about....it would be this one.


Hey androstenol... I've been reluctant to try the LP Rouge because the cinnamon has me a little nervous. Though I'm finding that even scents I don't think I'll like, I end up really loving here. So I may have to snag a sample just to be safe.


I agree that Un LFM has a very mild scent.


It's interesting that some get anxiety feelings when wearing this. It's the opposite for me. It calms me and makes me feel cool and confident. I wear it when I think I am going to be in a situation where I might feel anxiety and have to play it off. I have the idea that it projects a very confident Queen Bee type of image so that may be why it makes me feel that way. BUT I don't have the problem with EST that some have either.

I need another bottle of this, mine is super low. I have 60/40 and I may get 90/10 this time. All my pheros are low at the same time...my Gotcha, LFM and Topper are all about equally empty. Very scary. Especially since I only get UNs in spray. I have to come up with some hefty cashola to replace them all at once.


My next purchase will be the UN 60/40. And you're right missdarlyncherie -- this is cool and confident. I was worried that it would be an "Outta-my-way-bitches!" kind of blend, or that it would make me appear too mushy, but it's very, very smooth. I don't even feel the self effects bonking me over the head, but I know it's happening. Matches perfectly with my chemistry.


This morning I did one swipe to the inner part of each arm and smooshed them together. My aunt came over to help with my dad. Normally I feel like my dad's sisters are talking down to me. But this morning I looked my aunt right in the eyes... explained what I was going to do, and proceeded to do it. I didn't feel cocky. Like you said, it's cool and confident.


I never thought EST would do this to me. (And I've been wearing it during my cycle.) But so far it's one of my favorite blends EVER. :hearts0425:

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Guest cutie.pie



I've been reluctant to try the LP Rouge because the cinnamon has me a little nervous. Though I'm finding that even scents I don't think I'll like, I end up really loving here. So I may have to snag a sample just to be safe.



Go for it! You should really try LP Rouge. I don't get cinnamon much in it, but I do get honey.

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Starting to find my sweet spot with LFM, less is more for me with this one (but haven't been tracking my reactions w/ dosing and my cycles). But I wore it to get hair done the other day, and somehow I was the most fascinating client.


One of the younger male (gotta be in his younger 20s, maybe mid) front desk peeps chatted me up @ yoga (we both like Bikram) and he went into detail @ how he was using that for an upcoming physique photo shoot. That he's been working out so much lately, the yoga keeps him from bulking up too much. :Emoticons0424: He is so cute, there's a little flirt there but not sure.


Anyhow, the only other male employee (hairstylist) jumps into the convo - wants to know what yoga we're talking @ and as he can't do Bikram bc heat, wanted to know @ other places. I told him @ Lululemon's UM app (yoga finder) - apparently I am GENIUS woman!! I know @ an APP that is years old!! I know that I am GENIUS woman bc he told me how awesome I was. :)


Younger front desk guy seemed upset @ interrupted convo. He really IS a cutie, but have no clue if he's just being friendly to be friendly and probably like that with everyone. But telling me about his workout and upcoming shoot - well did feel like he was doing some verbal peacocking. :kiss43:


Good times. Full disclosure - I did wear with a couple small dabs of scented Cougar - but I've worn Cougar solo prior at same place and level of attention (wearing LFM that day) from ALL was definitely more and all positive.


ETA: I was not all dressed up - workout clothes due to timing and only makeup was some CC cream - and due to lack of sleep I wasn't exactly looking my best. So it was the pheros ... also to add, went outside a couple of times with my hair half-foiled the other half soaking wet (foils had been rinsed already) and 2 much older men stopped in their tracks to smile at me and I could tell wanted to start convo, but I was on my phone.

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Starting to find my sweet spot with LFM, less is more for me with this one (but haven't been tracking my reactions w/ dosing and my cycles).


Hi Beach Goddess.... I also discovered that less is more with LFM. Yesterday I did a few swipes in the morning, then I did a few more before going grocery shopping in the afternoon. It was almost like my body could tell that I'd gone overboard. As odd as this sounds, I could feel that I was wearing too much.


Today I did a swipe on the outer wrist of each arm and a 2 inch swipe on each side of my chest. That was perfect for achieving the (now) tell-tale LFM confident vibe. Seriously loving this one.

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Hi Beach Goddess.... I also discovered that less is more with LFM. Yesterday I did a few swipes in the morning, then I did a few more before going grocery shopping in the afternoon. It was almost like my body could tell that I'd gone overboard. As odd as this sounds, I could feel that I was wearing too much.


Today I did a swipe on the outer wrist of each arm and a 2 inch swipe on each side of my chest. That was perfect for achieving the (now) tell-tale LFM confident vibe. Seriously loving this one.

That's awesome girlfriday! Isn't LFM a wonder phero? I've also def gotten unexpected hits, small ones I think but also I haven't done a lot of testing around others. Ppl def seem to want to 'please' me and make me happy when I'm wearing this. And I seem to want to do smaller nice things for myself too. :)


I do love this when I hit the sweet spot, I'm thinking for me, it's the EST that I only need a small dose of. I tested LFN (LFM's sister - more mysterious, and for me more self-confidence in that I feel more comfortable in my own skin and I feel like the woman I want to be) and applied more than I would for LFM, got instant positive selfies. I still always want to have both as they are really magickal.


Will post review on LFN when I've done more testing including testing around others. If you haven't tried LFN yet, def recommend!


FYI - Hearts has a thread @ sweet spots where she and some others have posted their's. I posted some of mine to date. I really like that thread as it gives some ideas on sweet spots when you're new (like I am) to phero-world.

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Guest cutie.pie

My sister started working in a new firm and is in office with some weird girl that doesn't look at you when you speak ti her and is rude. So, as I am her big sister it was my duty to help her with that bitchy bitch. On day one we applied (I mean I applied on her) some SWS. It didn't work as well as my sister wanted, so on day two I told her to try LP Rouge w/LFM. Oh my, what a change it was. My sister said that girl was super nice to her, acting like they were BFFs, and was even looking at her while speaking! She even noticed my sister dyed her hair! And she dyed it 2 weeks ago! :)

My sis doesn't want to try any other pheros :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been wearing this off and on for a few weeks and it has become one of my favorites. I am more interested in the selfies and this gives it to me in spades. I get a cool vibe, feeling great not really a sexy thing just a confidence with a little swing vibe :Emoticons04235: . People pay attention to me more and there is more eye contact. I must be getting use to this because I can use more without a problem.

Funny thing this morning, a few hours after application, a client was waiting for us to open the office and small talk for a few seconds. When it came time for our assistant to get me or my husband , the client said he wanted to see me! ( he is not my client) he has been my husbands for 4 years and I have never seen him, but he insisted, everything I said, he wanted and I sold a big case with no effort at all, he just agreed to everything I said. Need to wear this more

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Guest cutie.pie

Funny thing this morning, a few hours after application, a client was waiting for us to open the office and small talk for a few seconds. When it came time for our assistant to get me or my husband , the client said he wanted to see me! ( he is not my client) he has been my husbands for 4 years and I have never seen him, but he insisted, everything I said, he wanted and I sold a big case with no effort at all, he just agreed to everything I said. Need to wear this more


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I'm going to keep working at this one. While LFN gives me selfies out the wahzoo and is just a delectable "Why yes, I am that sultry and glamorous woman you're smelling," I feel like LFM is just "Yup, I'm cool." Still more of a reaction overall than SS4W, but it's maybe not congruent with my personality.


Gonna keep trying. My bottle had a bit of a oil leak in my purse so the label is ruined, so I'm really looking for more positive reactions like you ladies are having before ordering another. Perhaps I should try the spray instead...

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This is what you wear to the doctor! I had an eye emergency today and arrived at 9 am zero makeup and hemorrhaging eye but I was smart and put alittle LFM between the girls. Wow, I got the VIP treatment , he spent so much time with me and the waiting room was so full I felt bad when i was leaving.He was borderline flirting, and I dont have a clue why I could have starred in an upcoming Horror flick, you know you look real bad when people wince when they look at you :smiley-signs135:

They forgot to give me an excuse, and the assistant went all the way outside to the curb from the 3rd floor to give it to me after searching all over for me. That is service!!

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Dang, that's awesome! Hope your eye is better soon..


I'll try this next time I go to the Dr.. ;)

Its doing better today, but I needed a diagnosis form from the doc, I am flying out of the country tomorrow and I could see myself getting stopped because this looks just like Ebola eye. Guess I am wearing alot of LFM tomorrow!

Again I know it is the pheromone talking when reactions are just over the top.

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@livin10 Sorry about your eye, but at least you got lots of TLC.


And funny you should mention your experience with the eye doctor. My aunt was in town for my dads funeral (I talked about him a few posts up when he was still alive). Somewhere between New York and the shuttle to my place, she caught pink eye and I had to take her to an urgent care facility. Since I had been wearing the hell out of LFM, I told her to put a couple of sprays on.


Ironically she also got some major VIP coddling from the staff and the doctor. She told me she couldn't believe how nice they were. When she went to fill her prescription, same type of attitude from the pharmacist. He actually came from behind the counter 3x to tell her that her eye drops were being brought in from another store, and then to tell her that they were almost there. And it was crowded in there!


The funny thing is, she didn't have her top dentures in! I've been around this aunt enough to know that LFM was definitely at work here.


LFM... good for work environments, doctors appointments and days when you feel like ditching your dentures. :say19:

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  • 2 months later...
Guest cutie.pie

This is what you wear to the doctor! I had an eye emergency today and arrived at 9 am zero makeup and hemorrhaging eye but I was smart and put alittle LFM between the girls. Wow, I got the VIP treatment , he spent so much time with me and the waiting room was so full I felt bad when i was leaving.He was borderline flirting, and I dont have a clue why I could have starred in an upcoming Horror flick, you know you look real bad when people wince when they look at you :smiley-signs135:

They forgot to give me an excuse, and the assistant went all the way outside to the curb from the 3rd floor to give it to me after searching all over for me. That is service!!

Well, ain't this the answer to my question? ;) The worst part is I remember reading your review... I should really start writing things down :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Am I the only one who can't get anything from LFM?


I have a decant, in oil. It was in a 5 ml roller ball bottle. I tried it a few times and never got any obvious hits or selfies. I put it in a different roller ball, to try and get it to apply easier. I get more out now, but still nothing. I'm swiping on my wrists, and along my collarbone. I've tried it at work (both jobs), with Mr Perfect, at home with my kids.. I'm ready to give up..

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Am I the only one who can't get anything from LFM?


I have a decant, in oil. It was in a 5 ml roller ball bottle. I tried it a few times and never got any obvious hits or selfies. I put it in a different roller ball, to try and get it to apply easier. I get more out now, but still nothing. I'm swiping on my wrists, and along my collarbone. I've tried it at work (both jobs), with Mr Perfect, at home with my kids.. I'm ready to give up..


I have had some results but they have been really rather inconsistent. Sad stuff because the description/intention of this one is right up my street. I might try it in spray because I've varied the application amount from 2-6 drops (I have it in a Pheromas trial size) so don't know what more I can do on that front and I know some folks have found with certain pheros the change from oil to spray can make something work that hasn't so much before.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry all, this isn't a sexy success story - but still an LFM success story!!


Based on this thread, amongst LFM's many mysterious and wonderful powers - it is *the* go to if you have to go to the doctor.


I had root canal today, ugh - anyhow it's not a typical thing so maybe they are always normally nice. But from the minute I walked thru the door they were sooo helpful. One of the ladies complimented my purse 1st thing (it's a cute bag, so ok, but it's not that spectactular, she went on about it a bit too), and then after initial numbing she kept asking me if I wanted a blanket in case I got cold. (huh?) I was wearing a sweater, leggings, boots and we were inside... but ok. And no, I was fine without it. :)


During actual procedure, obviously not a lot of chatting, but the dr. had to drill through a crown, and I wasn't sure if they were going to put a temp or perm filling on top. We hadn't fully discussed or agreed but temp had been suggested, which would have meant going back to regular dentist for another appointment and another fee etc.


He put in a perm filling -*no charge*. I was only charged for root canal. And while these specialists are needed and great - they itemize *everything*. Then the assistant was almost overly helpful in my getting my purse, etc.


I'm pretty sure LFM had a lot to do with how nice everyone was - and the freebie. I wore scented LFM (so not even full strenth) , dabbed from vial near my ears (bc I knew they'd be leaning in that close), hair, on my sweater, etc.


Also though I was nervous about it all, I think LFM chilled me out some and helped me go with the flow. I think I've found my sweet spot with LFM, and to get something from any dentist/ endodontist for free??? WOW. Amazed, and my pocketbook is much happier than it could have been. :D

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Guest cutie.pie

Sorry all, this isn't a sexy success story - but still an LFM success story!!


Based on this thread, amongst LFM's many mysterious and wonderful powers - it is *the* go to if you have to go to the doctor.


I had root canal today, ugh - anyhow it's not a typical thing so maybe they are always normally nice. But from the minute I walked thru the door they were sooo helpful. One of the ladies complimented my purse 1st thing (it's a cute bag, so ok, but it's not that spectactular, she went on about it a bit too), and then after initial numbing she kept asking me if I wanted a blanket in case I got cold. (huh?) I was wearing a sweater, leggings, boots and we were inside... but ok. And no, I was fine without it. :)


During actual procedure, obviously not a lot of chatting, but the dr. had to drill through a crown, and I wasn't sure if they were going to put a temp or perm filling on top. We hadn't fully discussed or agreed but temp had been suggested, which would have meant going back to regular dentist for another appointment and another fee etc.


He put in a perm filling -*no charge*. I was only charged for root canal. And while these specialists are needed and great - they itemize *everything*. Then the assistant was almost overly helpful in my getting my purse, etc.


I'm pretty sure LFM had a lot to do with how nice everyone was - and the freebie. I wore scented LFM (so not even full strenth) , dabbed from vial near my ears (bc I knew they'd be leaning in that close), hair, on my sweater, etc.


Also though I was nervous about it all, I think LFM chilled me out some and helped me go with the flow. I think I've found my sweet spot with LFM, and to get something from any dentist/ endodontist for free??? WOW. Amazed, and my pocketbook is much happier than it could have been. :D


I have to go to my dentist this month too, so I'll def wear some LFM... and probably some Courage and Bravery spell potion (because I'm such a wuss!)

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I rarely wear this and fail to get some sort of discount foisted on me, usually drastic. The est I guess? I had an expensive thing done for me today and forgot to wear it and was charged nearly full estimated price :'(

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I rarely wear this and fail to get some sort of discount foisted on me, usually drastic. The est I guess? I had an expensive thing done for me today and forgot to wear it and was charged nearly full estimated price :'(

Ack Tvyey! Note to self - will take a long a small vial of this in my 'to go' phero kit. I think it must be EST, the assistant almost ran into me while getting my purse and coat for me. Overhelping.... but I'll definitely take the discount(s)!! :D


(runs off to make list of places I should wear this to get adoration and freebies )

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I wore this to the doctor's yesterday. She's a very personable doctor anyway, but was so extra attentive and complimentary, and even when I'd already dealt with the things I wanted to get done she asked me twice more, "What else can I do for you today?" Like she really wanted to be of more help. Perfect phero for this type of thing, as others have already pointed out before.


As for the concept of the Est being responsible for making people want to do more for you, I'll add that I've taken a liking to wearing TH with a spritz or 2 of Est, and have always found that it makes people extra indulgent and affectionate towards me. That combo has made French waiters flirt and give extra good service to me, and has had people at work really behaving very affectionately towards me. Est is magic.

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