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Is sexual mones really THAT "dangerous" to wear in public?

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I am single and I do want some attention from guys, and I do want to be noticed at work too, especially by a guy there.. I want the guys on my workplace to be nice to me and help me and to like me. But I don't want them to want me though. Exept for that one guy, I want him so freaking bad and that is the one I am wanting wear some sexual mones around. To make him want me.


From a guy's perspective:


1. The comment about pheromones affecting everyone and not just your target is very true. I only wear heavy sexual products or blends when I am out for the evening with my wife. And there have been times when even though Mrs. QG was standing right beside me, much younger women have been pretty aggressive physically with me. The second part is that not only will everyone react but most likely those with low social filters will react first. And chances are it will not be the person you want to react. Then you get into the melodrama of the guy you like seeing the office idiots hanging all over you and ...


A female user I know used to wear strong sexual mixes to the university to attract a certain guy. She had to ride a public bus to get there. She discovered three things. First, pheromones affect everyone, not just your target. Second, people with very low social filters will react and often react strongly. Third, you may not want to be overly friendly with people with low social filters who ride public transportation. Especially the ones whose eyes are kind of glassy.


2. As a guy - mixed signals do not help. For example: We work together. I think you are attractive and very nice but you have never demonstrated any interest in me so I do not try to move our relationship past work friendly. But now everytime you come by my office checking on something you come across as very interested. After several days of this I would start to think you are interested and then say something about going out. Which you will shut down quickly as you are not interested. So now I either think that I am either an idiot and my radar is way off or you are just a tease - trying to get reactions for your ego or using feigned interest to help yourself at work. Either way I am now uncomfortable working around you.


Eggers explanation of congruence is great. You can wear something that fits your personality, mood and objective - or - you can wear something that matches what you want to achieve and then alter your behavior accordingly.


I also think Halo's and BB's comments about wearing pheros is like having power steering is also a very good analogy.

Edited by quietguy
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I'm still looking for the right thread, but this seemed similar... We were discussing sexual pheros in public, and people mentioned some that they would ONLY wear at home. I remember B.I. and Sexpionage on that list, but was Sexology on there too? I ask because I have a concert I'm going to later this month, and I have a bottle of Constant Craving boosted with Sexology. I *really* want to wear this (I'm going to see kd lang!) but I don't want to stir up trouble for myself, either... It's just me & Meg going to the concert.


I give up :lol: I cannot find that thread either...fairly certain that Sexology <Est,B-nol,cops> was not on that "list" plus you will be with your daughter,at a KD Lang concert,having fun,wearing a scent you love...not projecting come attack me :rofl222:


* nice post QG,and I so agree with the lowest social filters,one must always be aware.

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Thanks Dude! :)


You're welcome. BTW - I have some candy back in the bat cave. Wanno go for a spin in the batmobile and get some ....? :lol:

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@Molls - have fun and be safe. I don't know what the concert scene like in the US. It's very tame here whereas people have a great and safe time back home. I take it as a bonding time with Meg?


Edited - I wore something which my daughter like when we went to a concert two months ago.

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A female user I know used to wear strong sexual mixes to the university to attract a certain guy. She had to ride a public bus to get there. She discovered three things. First, pheromones affect everyone, not just your target. Second, people with very low social filters will react and often react strongly. Third, you may not want to be overly friendly with people with low social filters who ride public transportation. Especially the ones whose eyes are kind of glassy.




LOL! I like "third" the best. I think it has a lot to do with the signals YOU put out-phero's or no

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I just wanted to add, since reading this thread I've been thinking about the incident that happened to me while wearing Extracurricular Proclivities, and looking at it in light of some of the things said here:


One much older guy at dancing – let’s call him Roger – just about went nuts. He’s normally pretty sleazy around younger girls, but it’s toned down to an acceptable level – I guess he has learnt to behave himself over the years. But this seemed to make him abandon all restraint and become completely blatant. Dancing with him was almost a little dangerous. This is NOT night club dancing, it’s a sultry style but not blatantly sexy – suitable for the retirement area I live in, and most of the dancers are 50+ years old, so we’re not talking anything Patrick Swayze here. So it was weird and very wrong when Roger started thrusting back and forth against me, not actually making contact, but in a very sexual way, taking deep huffs in of my scent each time, breaking out in a sweat even though the room was quite cool. And this was just after he commented that I smelled “wonderful”, and said he wanted to get closer to me to breathe in my scent. Worse, when we started to dance properly he almost immediately put me into a move where my arms were behind my back and neck, almost an arm lock, where I felt completely exposed and vulnerable. He then leaned it close to me, forehead against mine, and all but kissed me! I actually had to struggle away and politely excuse myself from the rest of the dance, I felt a little like I was being assaulted. He seemed to realise himself after that and backed off, but it was pretty awkward. I couldn’t get away from him fast enough!


I think it's important to note that this kind of situation COULD very easily get out of hand, in a different setting or if I had been a different type of person. I am very strong, not easily pushed into doing something I don't want, and have the guts to fight or scream or struggle if I need to. But, if you are less sure of yourself, less prepared, even just younger and more trusting, put in the wrong environment, things can get out of hand. You do need to go into these situations with your eyes wide open and knowing how things could play out. Just use common sense.

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Can I drive?


Of course! I do not mind being driven as long as I am not taken for a ride.

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@Molls - have fun and be safe. I don't know what the concert scene like in the US. It's very tame here whereas people have a great and safe time back home. I take it as a bonding time with Meg?


Edited - I wore something which my daughter like when we went to a concert two months ago.

There are different types of concerts, I've been to some scary ones... lol. But this is at a very upscale theater downtown. Like a super-size, super-nice movie theater, kind of. I'm not worried about it getting rowdy.

And yes, bonding time! Meg and I travel to Oakland once a month for her psych appts, and we always listen to Terri Clark, kd lang, and Loretta Lynn on the way! We've seen Terri twice in concert (Meg's 1st crush) and we're so excited to see kd :)

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I'm still looking for the right thread, but this seemed similar... We were discussing sexual pheros in public, and people mentioned some that they would ONLY wear at home. I remember B.I. and Sexpionage on that list, but was Sexology on there too? I ask because I have a concert I'm going to later this month, and I have a bottle of Constant Craving boosted with Sexology. I *really* want to wear this (I'm going to see kd lang!) but I don't want to stir up trouble for myself, either... It's just me & Meg going to the concert.


I think don't think Sexology is one of the riskier blends. I don't think betanol and EST are pheros that would typically cause aggressive behavior -- just the opposite. Also, betanol is a little wasted in a crowd IMO. Its effects are best seen in intimate settings with just 2 or a few people involved. There are cops in sexology, but unless you really, really loaded on your boosted perfume, I don't think you'd have an "assload" of cops on.


Copulin products are tricky because you are adding them on to your natural levels, and that varies a great deal from person to person. Age, BC, and just your genes all affect how much copulins your body produces. One study found that only 1/3 of young women produced the most attractive levels of copulins. By extrapolation then, 2/3ds of us are effectively nonproducers even when we're young, healthy, and not on BC.


I think the riskiest products would be 1) copulins in large doses (keeping in mind that most of us don't know if we are already producing a large dose) and probably even more than cops 2) androstenone, which is known to have extremely variable effects on both males and females, and is known to promote aggressive moods/behavior in both genders. When I said earlier in this thread that I only wear Blatant Invitation for the husband, it is because it the only blend I use that I know has androstenone in it.

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Sexpionage is also quite heavy on the androstenone too isn't it? I guess that explains why these are wear only at home blends.


I've just had a terrible evening, so let this be a cautionary tale to all of you about the dangers of sexual pheros. I went dancing again tonight and Roger was there. I wore Popularity Potion, thinking it was surely a safe blend for dancing, but what I didn't factor in was I put on a heap of OCCO: Ambrosia the night before and hadn't showered since. I think either the cops were still effective from then, or Roger remembered how he felt about me from the Extracurricular Proclivities a couple of weeks before (see my earlier post). I thought I made myself pretty clear to him after his last inappropriate behaviour, and I've seen him and even danced with him since then a few times with no problem.


But tonight we were unfortunately paired together for the entire lesson, and before long he was back in that drooling, panting way again. He just seemed to get more and more worked up, and a few times he pulled me in, telling me to "come closer". Then, seemingly frustrated with my hesitance, he pulled me right in close to him, with his crotch up against my leg, and started grinding into me. He had a hard on and I could feel everything. I pulled away from him and walked off the dance floor, right in the middle of the class. I felt really sick.


Later I spoke with the dance instructors and said I wasn't comfortable with his behaviour, and asked them not to pair us up again. I feel pretty angry about the whole thing, with both myself and with him. I don't know if it was the OCCO from yesterday or his memory of how he felt when I wore EP, but I still think my behaviour, style of dress, and clear disinterest in him should have been enough to let him know it wasn't the right way to act. At the same time, I was the one sending out the signals with my pheromones. I should have been more careful.

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I think it's important to note that this kind of situation COULD very easily get out of hand, in a different setting or if I had been a different type of person. I am very strong, not easily pushed into doing something I don't want, and have the guts to fight or scream or struggle if I need to. But, if you are less sure of yourself, less prepared, even just younger and more trusting, put in the wrong environment, things can get out of hand. You do need to go into these situations with your eyes wide open and knowing how things could play out. Just use common sense.



Exactly.....things CAN get out of hand with certain individuals.

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Right then! I'll be needing the Bat Key... :lol:


"Baby you can drive my car"

"Shut up and Drive"


Any others?

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Haha, nice ...


Drive - REM & Alan Jackson (talk about different ends of a musical spectrum!)

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My answer to the OP is YES!


QG makes the point i think is most relevant, albeit it nicely PC way.

Cause some guys would just equate a heavy sexual mone sig as being a s****y attention whore.

Its sending out a CFM signal, which some people will pickup by just one look, and will be amplified with anything else.

Close environments even more so. Dancing....

For plenty women this can be standard MO but many guys would right them off.


Its the same for guys, but it actually can work to their favor cause its socially more accepted that men are initiators and eliminates the friend zone.


The reality is that you dont know who around you will be affected and how.

Small doses will generally be accepted, just as a little flirting is seen as fun.

But if you pherobomb your environment be prepared to have respondents to your perceived "heat".





As a guy - mixed signals do not help. For example: We work together. I think you are attractive and very nice but you have never demonstrated any interest in me so I do not try to move our relationship past work friendly. But now everytime you come by my office checking on something you come across as very interested. After several days of this I would start to think you are interested and then say something about going out. Which you will shut down quickly as you are not interested. So now I either think that I am either an idiot and my radar is way off or you are just a tease - trying to get reactions for your ego or using feigned interest to help yourself at work. Either way I am now uncomfortable working around you.

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The real question is: when are you going to "Drive South"?

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Hi. I am very new to pheros too. I just tried Lumina yesterday, and I was amazed--it made ME happy! I spontaneously said, "great" when asked how I am, despite being decidedly not great. I said it repeatedly throughout the day when asked how I am. I actually do work very focusedly with my mood (also have depression/anxiety from neuropsychiatric Lyme Disease), and this was......utterly effortless. I usually get incredibly stressed talking to my family, and I had a call with my parents that I felt exactly as I always want to: caring and loving with no sense of agitation and recoil.


I got ice cream and the clerk actually beamed at me and said, "is that enough hot fudge and walnuts for you? just want to make sure!". ummm.....the dish was overflowing and she could not have crammed anything else in there had I asked her to. That part may have been a coincidence as I am just using an oil sample perfume w/Lumina, and it is not hot enough in Seattle, i don't think, for the pheros to have wafted over to her. but.....perhaps?


I tried OCCO Ambrosia for the first time today and noticed nothing on myself (of course, I was still a bit sugar-high from yesterday's cheat ;) or anyone in close proximity to me, which REALLY disappointed! (I am on a mission to save my relationship). I was so surprised to not have reactions given the reputation of the cops. I felt like I was congruent too. Same thing happened when I tried La Femme Mystere--nothing. argh-I so love the concept of that concoction!

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Welcome Shehoss!


I get great self affects from Lumina too and just decided yesterday it will be my next Un Phero to buy.


As far as getting no reactions...it takes awhile with some of the pheros to find your "sweet spot" as far as the amount your system needs.

Also, when you are new to pheros sometimes it takes a bit to know what to notice as "hits" for some reason. It did for me too. They'll come though, and you'll know it when you see it that's for sure!


And, some pheros will just work on you or those that you are trying to affect and others will not. Takes a lot of experimenting which at first is frustrating because I know you want results NOW!!! But it just becomes a lot of fun when you relax and just let the pheros unfold naturally to do their job. It will become a fun passion to try them out in different circumstances. At this point I know which ones are almost foolproof with certain people and which ones are just "eh" for me and my lifestyle.


Keep trying them out...and remember just because you don't see them affecting those around you they probably are, most of us hide a lot of our reactions to things. I don't know your situation. Did you write a welcome post? If not, do so and let us know more about you and your situation as far as what you are reaching for in scent and phero results!!!

(I'll go look now in case you wrote one and I missed it.)

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Why thank you, Mz DC!


No, I have not yet written my introduction post. It will be a bit bookish.


My stakes are quite high, I must say. At their most dramatic and extreme, it could be life or death. ;) and I am only half-winking there.


At the same time, on a very relaxed note, I am so so so ecstatic to have discovered the world of pheremones, Mara, and the microcosm of LP in particular. If only I had the funds to match that ecstasy, I would be thigh-high in a phero treasures chest already.

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Works for me - as long as you are not "Drivin' With Your Eyes Closed" ... man am I dating myself with that one ...


Very,very well said Mz DC


Yes indeed!

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Works for me - as long as you are not "Drivin' With Your Eyes Closed" ... man am I dating myself with that one ...


Heh... won't be drivin' with my eyes closed, but I may go into "Maximum Over-drive".

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You're killing me Eggers .... :P ... because I really think "Baby Can't Drive" .... :lol:

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Don't you mean to say, "You Drive Me Nervous"? :D


Yes - that's why "I Drive your Truck". :lol2:

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