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Hee! Funny & interesting article! Seems like it'd be WAY more pertinent than speed dating! B)

Better living through body chemistry.!!! :love592:


P.S. The pic of the guy's armpit further down the page made me purr. Nothin' like good manpits. :666:

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Interesting! Too bad people aren't stepping forward and "claiming" their match more. I wonder if participants are instructed to forgo deodorant and perfume. Someone in the article mentioned not caring for the scents of baby powder and detergent...seems like they need to give better instructions so that people can really smell the person's scent.


Elizabeth, I noticed that cute manpit as well!!

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I don't think I'll go through the clothes to look for a scent I like but I won't mind bagging one of mine. Imagine what fun we will have if we were part of this!!

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Interesting topic! I wonder if some of those sweaty t-shirts got more admirers than others (because of different body chemistry). I mean, everybody has his/her own preferences but some kind of body odour(different chemicals or differnt ratio of the chemicals in their sweat) are more attractive than others. The next step would be: which are the most attractive sweat ingredients and which amount is most attractive. This leads to the science of pheromones: which pheromones are most attractive to the opposite sex resp. which ones attract more people? And which amount/ratio ist the best? I think those studies have been made already, but this 'sweaty t-shirt dating' is a useful part of those studies. I would certainly participate - for science purpose - and fun :D

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It all seems completely logical to me, but we're immersed in this kind of logic here. In the pictures of the event, most people seem very embarrassed to be doing something that's, maybe to them, borderline kinky or something.


I still have a t-shirt from my XBF. I told him to sleep in it for a week and send it to me in a plastic bag. I dunno, is that weird? I just thought it would be comforting when I was going through stressful lawsuit hell.


I think if guys are sleeping in the Ts, rather than wearing them to mow the lawn, what will be on them most heavily is Androstadienone, as that's the one produced by the relaxed alpha male that makes us feel safe and calm and protected.

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It all seems completely logical to me, but we're immersed in this kind of logic here. In the pictures of the event, most people seem very embarrassed to be doing something that's, maybe to them, borderline kinky or something.



Lol, I noticed that too, Mara. Very interesting article!

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Smelly T-shirts! I love how my Bf's t-shirts smell and I have always enjoyed the scent of his armpits, now that I know about pheros I just shamelessly bury my nose there, hehe....


I think this kind of dating is very interesting, I would totally do it! But I would wear no perfume, no pheros other than my own (or I could cheat and add some LPs blends,hehe) and the most unscented deodorant I could get...so guys could take a sniff at the real me...


I guess the ladies who smelled like baby powder and such were a bit embarrassed of showing their true 3 day body odor, because we all have been trained to think we should smell clean all the time and that natural body odor is undesirable...

Edited by Gabylicious
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It isn't a bad idea and also I think this opens the debate about whether or not you can fool true love, if true love really exists and is a genuine feeling or instead is based solely on body chemistry of each one of us.


You know that the reason why we tend to reject siblings as sexual partners is because they have immune systems similar to ours. Science has discovered that when women are under the influence of hormonal contraceptives seek sexual partners with immune systems similar to ours but when they are not using contraception such women seek men with different but compatible immune systems.- These is samothing nature does to prevent certain types of genetic diseases. But what happens when a woman is already in a relationship and stop taking contraceptives to get pregnant.

Statistics indicate that this couple were far more likely to have trouble conceiving and that this child will be more likely to have genetic diseases or genetic defects.



Edited by ZionMistyc
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It's about time! At the same time I would say this would be an interesting way to meet someone but there is a lot more to compatibility. You could love someone's scent but not be compatible in a lot of different ways.

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It's about time! At the same time I would say this would be an interesting way to meet someone but there is a lot more to compatibility. You could love someone's scent but not be compatible in a lot of different ways.


True but it'd be a good start, then weed out the ones you had nothing in common with.

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I think she's spot-on about pheros helping people relax. Building on what QG and CinMel said, you have to sniff around, no pun intended, for the ones truly compatible with you, but the only way to find that out is to get to know them somewhat. That can't be done unless they're relaxed enough to talk. Some people get very nervous in dating situations, and things like this phero party idea can be a great way to help them loosen up and be themselves.


Edit for typo fail.

Edited by Invidiana
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OK then. If I find myself single, I will send out a slept-in T-shirt to all the single ladies here and see what response I get ... lol. :D

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Interesting! I checked on their website since I'm verrryyy close to LA and saw this


"Strippers get more tips when ovulating. It is not proven whether this is because of pheromones or just actions, but worth considering for coordinating your odor print phase.

A women’s ability to smell pheromones is proven to be restricted when she is on oral contraception."



Thought that was pretty interesting too. Does the smell of copulins increase during ovulation?

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Interesting! I checked on their website since I'm verrryyy close to LA and saw this


"Strippers get more tips when ovulating. It is not proven whether this is because of pheromones or just actions, but worth considering for coordinating your odor print phase.

A women’s ability to smell pheromones is proven to be restricted when she is on oral contraception."



I don't know about giving off pheros, but ovulation tends to be the horniest time of the month for women, so they may be amping the sex factor without even realizing it.


Edit for typo fail.....again.

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All this matters only if you want to procreate, though. And many of us don't. Not to mention that the same preferences apply if you are gay or straight. Personally I have refused a second date with men if I didn't like their smell, and this WHILE on BCPs, so I'm not sure I buy that your sniffer is compromised when on them. And I dream in color too. That part sounds dubious, unless they're speaking of preferring the company of men that are closer to you genetically as I mentioned earlier, which makes sense. But just lowering your ability doesn't.

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