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Sneaky Clean with Super Sexy for Women

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Soooo... Ima revive this thread because I was lurkin through the UNscented LFM thread and a member mentioned this bad boy, along with using MRF ?. But I’m only like 6 pages in (on this thread) and I have caramel musk, LP red & Black all saved in my cart as well as this gem as trial vials that I will indeed buy and use first, seems more predictable. A few skewed comments in the LFM thread made me weary about buying the UNscented LFM bottle. But maybe I’ll get it next go round ?

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  • 1 month later...

Showered, Sneaky Clean .... stood in front of a fan to help speed dry and hope the scent reached DH upstairs who was just waking up, and well, I am unable to tell you ... just how freaking fantastic of a morning I had before work. He practically leaped off the couch and well, that's as much as I will share on a public'ish forum. 


I can't believe I have gone all of these years with out trying this one. One more hit like this even at half speed ... I'm going full bottle. 


edited ... now I am curious as to how everyone at work will react ... because yeah, I opted to wear it to work, too. 

Edited by livinlavidacabo
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Livinlavidacabo...excellent!!!! ??? I LOOOOVE Sneaky Clean too. Did you get the original version with the standard pheros or add a different pheromone? I am going to grab a bottle of Sneaky Clean today (it’s my birthday tomorrow. ?) and want to know exactly which version has that effect. ? Thanks! And let us know how it goes at work!! 

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Original?  SSFW ... the DH and I have been not connecting for a looooong time (stress).  The week has been favorable and stress levels down so I took a chance to seduce him bwahahahahahahaaaa

and I'll spill a little, I darn near had to cover markings (he has NEVER done that) so yeah ... to feel that ... lustful need to mark after AFTER (I don't even think he knew he was doing it)?  Just wow.  



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Day-um! ?? Just bought a full bottle (oil). I remember loving my sample, but after your post today I re-read the entire thread and couldn’t hold back. Happy Birthday to me, lol! I’m so glad you had a great, um, effect with it! Woo hoo! When the “relations” with the SO are back on track after a bit of a slump, that feels sooo darn good, right? ? I am feeling a bit dense though...markings? Don’t know what that means! ??  I’m a little (okay, a lot) out of practice myself due to a really rough divorce I’m still grieving, and haven’t had any you-know-what for over two years now ?, so excuse my density! Lol. Looking forward to getting my bottle! Thanks for your post! 

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Oh I’m so sorry for the heartache you’ve gone through. Um .... hickey (hickie ... love bite) ... it’s never been his style.  It’s so hard to go from feeling like roommates while still planning forever. It’s how I came across pheromones to begin with. Desperate. They’ve helped tremendously because the feelings have always been there ... but intimacy has still been a struggle. Life’s stress can dona number on a person ... and a couple, it can cripple. 


Happy birthday! FYI ... self effects are fantastic! I’d wear it for a solo session hahaha (serious)

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  • 2 months later...

It's been awhile since I've browsed the love potion website and I find it a bit confusing in terms of search.  Couldn't find what I thought were part of the  permanent collection.  Can't seem to find Sneaky clean anywhere....even when doing a search on Google.  Can someone help me out?


It's one of my favorite low key fragrances that is suitable for work 

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On 1/3/2019 at 10:50 PM, MeriendaTime said:

It's been awhile since I've browsed the love potion website and I find it a bit confusing in terms of search.  Couldn't find what I thought were part of the  permanent collection.  Can't seem to find Sneaky clean anywhere....even when doing a search on Google.  Can someone help me out?


It's one of my favorite low key fragrances that is suitable for work 

Yes, the temporary site is sometimes hard to navigate. The new one will be up soon!

I couldn't find Sneaky Clean either... one Google page took me to a Sold Out listing. Maybe it's out of stock? You can email to check: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com 

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/6/2019 at 1:58 PM, halo0073 said:

So we are sold out of Sneaky Clean in the form that we have always had. SS4W is no more as well as a few other Phero blends from that same formulator. We will be bringing Sneaky Clean back with a different Phero blend eventually but for right now we are out of some of the components of it so it will be a bit before it returns.


Oh that makes me sad. Okay ... off to get over it. I’ll not be seducing this morning but I’ve got Leilani w/Lumina. I’ll see how he does with that because I really also like the scent of Sneaky Clean. 😊

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8 hours ago, livinlavidacabo said:


Oh that makes me sad. Okay ... off to get over it. I’ll not be seducing this morning but I’ve got Leilani w/Lumina. I’ll see how he does with that because I really also like the scent of Sneaky Clean. 😊

Here's the link to the new Sneaky Clean with Lumina.:) https://luvpotionperfume.com/listing/531949773/sneaky-clean-w-lumina-for-women

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  • 4 months later...
On 1/7/2019 at 4:58 AM, halo0073 said:

So we are sold out of Sneaky Clean in the form that we have always had. SS4W is no more as well as a few other Phero blends from that same formulator. We will be bringing Sneaky Clean back with a different Phero blend eventually but for right now we are out of some of the components of it so it will be a bit before it returns.

Aww, really? I'm running out of this and thought of stocking up plus some SS4W .... Any major change to the scent? 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/10/2019 at 6:27 PM, halo0073 said:

As far as I know the scent will be the same. It’s only changing phero because we no longer work with that particular supplier. Don’t worry it will be wonderful still!


Thanks, Halo!

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On 7/10/2019 at 5:27 AM, halo0073 said:

As far as I know the scent will be the same. It’s only changing phero because we no longer work with that particular supplier. Don’t worry it will be wonderful still!

I got a sniffie of Sneaky Clean w/Phero with my last order (about 2 weeks ago). Is this the new version with Lumina?  So I know which review thread to read. :)

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  • 2 years later...

No idea why I’ve never reviewed this!  

Here’s the thing, when I first found LPMP  the description for Sneaky Clean didn’t really grab me.  I’d muse over the individual notes when shopping, and knew they were ones I could like, but never actually ordered it for a very long time. 

Sneaky Clean smells very much like my all time favorite laundry detergent. I’ve used it for more years than I can remember.  It’s made by The Laundress, and it is specifically the “Baby” scent in their line.  (The classic scent I like in the all purpose household cleaner, but it’s too overpowering in the laundry detergent version.) This detergent cleans SO well!  It smells terrific too.  Occasionally I’ll add the Baby fabric conditioner, but don’t usually use fabric softener.   The Baby hand soap is great too, not drying, and smells the most like Sneaky  Clean. 

All of this to say, don’t let this one “sneak” past without at least getting a trial vial. 


I prefer it in spray.  The roller bottle oil is nice for travel, but, as this is one that can be applied to hair, clothing, etc, spraying give the best diffusion. 

It lasts and lasts too. I’m so glad this is part of the permanent collection. 

Edited by Eve
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  • 1 year later...

I was a previous major lover of Sneaky Clean w/SS4W, but have not yet tried the new version with Lumina. I have not had any experience with that phero, but love the original scent of Sneaky Clean and am thinking of purchasing a bottle of the new version (oil). For those of you who knew and loved the scent AND the effects of the PREVIOUS version, how does this NEW version compare? Is the fragrance the same? How does the new phero Lumina compare to the former version with SS4W? TIA! :) 

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  • 10 months later...

Okay, I've fallen off the review wagon for the past several weeks but I'm sort of getting back to it now. I think I got my sample back on September 30 last year, so there was a lot of time to rest. I did travel with it some around Autumn time and I've tested it here and there. 


This is really potent. A little dab goes a long way. I was surprised because I expected this to be a sheer, clean scent. I keep making the mistake of swiping a lot and getting so overwhelmed that I usually wash it off. I found it pretty hard to appreciate because of that so I kept letting it rest. 


Sometime last year though, I decided to swipe this (along with other scents) on little pieces of paper towel. I just left them alone and sniffed them throughout the day. I really liked this on the paper towel after a day went by. It was such a big contrast to being on my skin. 


In terms of scent, Sneaky Clean reminds me of the following, some of which were already mentioned by previous reviewers:

  • 🧼 Dove Original Beauty Bar - We travelled last year and this was a soap in one of the places we stayed at. I didn't sniff them side by side, but the soap's smell is very similar to this on wet application. 
  • 💮 Body Fantasies: Fresh White Musk - Just for the dry down part. I think I need to hunt this fragrance down because I'm just relying on memory.
  • 🧺 Freshly-laundered towels - Certain laundry soaps smell like this. I cannot give a brand name or specific scent, but towels seem to capture this scent very well.
  • 🪟 Certain fragrances along the lines of fresh linen, fresh laundry, etc. - It's been years but I think Clean has something that smells similar. It might be Warm Cotton or Fresh Laundry. It could even be The Original scent.
  • 🪞 My grandmother's vanity - I'm not sure why. She's a Chanel N°5 lady. From what I recall, she used lotion and oils too. Perhaps it's the overall scent of everything that smells similar to this. Although, since Mara identified that this has the same musk as Amanda's Beach Sol, and that one also gave me nostalgic vibes from my grandmother's vanity, I think it might be the musk that I'm getting. 

Overall, I'm not really into its scent when wet, but I really, really like the dry down. Because of that, I tried this yesterday night on my chest instead of on my arm. That worked out very well because my shirt captured the scent especially the sweet musk that I really like. It's actually still on my shirt right now and it's been around 24 hours, which means I should probably shower now lol! 


I also asked Mr. Onyx to sniff this from my chest. He said, "It smells like public bathroom soap." I almost rolled my eyes because he's said that for other scents too and also because I thought he might just be picking up the seaweed again because I just washed my hands with Mermaid Soup. He said, "But the bougie kind of public bathroom soap."  I still think it's the scrub he was smelling since for him, the scent of Mermaid Soup upgrades from "public bathroom soap" to "hotel soap" on my skin. I might just need to try this again with him. 😆







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