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Titillating Temptress w/ EOW

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Your right, this is a good cover for cops...

okay it's the chocolate am getting to be honest I was busy with goddess of the blue moon to pay attention to this one ha ha. but I will use rihhan perfume in black it will go every well to give this exotic smell. like the smell but it need a boost I will give a feed back when I try it
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This is a delicious, sophisticated foody scent based on coffee, with the added bonus of copulins. Makes me feel very sexy. Consistenly gives me sexy dreams, too.

Edited by perfumesniffer
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This one worn with Odalisque is spectacular. The scents are very complimentary.

OOOooooo! May give that one a run today! Thanks Pursestan!


Yup. This combo is exactly as you said! Surprisingly complimentary...I mean it sounded right reading it, but experiencing it is dreamalicious! :love:

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Of course I loved this. It's plunging your head into a strong coffee-with-everything. Strangely it reminded me a lot of a coffee version of SMOKING BUN.

About an hour in, there was a brief threatening-to-be-waxy-plasticky period, like distant storm clouds. It passed.


ETA I usually don't like vetiver but in my very-late-drydown snoofling, it is giving a deep, smoky, growling, unisex-ish vibe that is totally floating my boat.

Edited by tyvey
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This smells delicious! I wasn't sure I'd like it. Wearing coffee as a fragrance immediately brought to mind the smell of coffee on the breath of a nun who used to teach at my high school - the way it used to hang around her, sort of stale and bitter at the same time.


BUT... This smells sweet & creamy and dreamy and a little bit like I want to roll around in it for a good, long while! LOL! It smells like cafe glace - black coffee with a scoop of vanilla ice cream melting in it. One of my favourite simple desserts. The only bummer is that it fades rather quickly. I'm a bit torn about ordering a full bottle... but I'm leaning toward "yes".

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I'm sad. I really, really wanted to love this one! It has coffee, chocolate, amber, caramel, cream....some of my most favorite scents! Smells awesome in the vial and I couldn't wait to try it.


BUT. Once on, its a super dooper strong coffee, overwhelming at first, with even a bit of the bitter that coffee has. It almost made me nauseous :( I thought the cream would help balance out the coffee a bit, but all I got was screaming COFFEE! And then after an hour or so, I got some kind of funky musty smell mixed in...maybe that's the vetivier? Or maybe the cops, although after an hour, I wouldn't think it would be that. So confused!


I've tried it twice now, with the same thing each time. I'll wait a bit and give it another try....


This one worn with Odalisque is spectacular. The scents are very complimentary.


Maybe I need to layer it with something? I'll try this!! :)

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Maybe I need to layer it with something? I'll try this!! :)


Yes Yes! Try this! Pursestan is a genius! This is HUGELY YUM together...I'm considering a 2nd bottle of TT JUST because of this combo...seriously! :D

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I would love a man to walk into my living room naked and carrying a dessert that smells like this scent. Then we can play.


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This one smells like strong coffee with dark chocolate (from the vial). On my skin it's this yummie coffee-chocolate scent on a base of amber. There is no cops-smell at all. A perfect cover! I imagine this perfume in a body lotion. :wub:

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Julygirl, that's a shame. I love this, I'm just wary Of how much/where i wear this after a very large labradoodle showed me the other day how much he loved it too. I nearly died of embarrassment. I still love the scent though.


edit: so this actually makes sense, oops

Edited by cinnamonmel
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I love this, I'm just wary Of how much/where i wear other after a very large labradoodle showed me how much he loved it too. I nearly died of embarrassment. I still love the scent though.



Ladies,try this with Baskery,mmmmm,just a dab or two is all it takes !! I have an extra Baskery boosted with cops,but this just gives it that extra coffee kick :D

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Oooo, Calii! Will def give them a try together! Thanks for the tip :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Slathered this on left wrist for its Debut out the sampler bottle. Lushousness - rich smokey coffee with chocolatey undertones and a hint of caramel. Reminiscent of expensive dark chocolate, Green & Blacks maybe. Not over powering and actually quite subtle for wearing out and about.

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Though I loved it I thought I wouldn't wear this a ton because, you know, coffee is so literal and specific and I thought I'd have to be in the mood. Well, just like the real thing, this shizz is addictive. My sample must be magic cuz I've used it a LOT And haven't run out. I like this better with every wearing and I floved it the first time. The overwhelming initial coffeeness is like being spanked (in the good way :666:) intense and bracing and I think it might be my favorite perfume coffee note of all time -- on me it's obviously VERY true but without the bitterness- the ideal coffee. I think I might be a little high on it right now, feeling hyper and giddy :)

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Thanks for this Tyvey! :) ...ya know I have debated getting a bottle,I have Baskery boosted with cops and your awesome-ly nommy Coffee Cake boosted with cops,so did not think I needed this...think I am wrong :D

Just added a dab of this,and it is just different, in such a good way!

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