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Looking For A Blend To Appear Youthful And Sexy???

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I love LFM and wear it to work all the time because it helps people to understand there can only be one Queen- me and thus there is no confusion as to whom to adore.


OMG.. That's great Lady V. I guess when I wear it I'm to busy feeling good, chatting and hugging that did not occur to me. Lol

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OMG.. That's great Lady V. I guess when I wear it I'm to busy feeling good, chatting and hugging that did not occur to me. Lol


It's def the Queen in Command and bitches better back down vibe for me. It actually makes both sexes respect me.

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Word. Do it. That way there is no confusion. Bitches be warned you know?


Lady V : Lol.. I love that.


So Heather this sounds like your winner. Sexy and you'll make those young bitches back down. Ha ha sorta..

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Could I wear a tiny bit of my OCCO White in oil under the scented cougar spray

or would the vanilla and grapefruit scents clash?

I really dont like the smell of grapefruit that much.

I think they would go together. If you don't like grapefruit, maybe try a sample of Levitation w/Open Windows. It has added DHEAS, which is has youth boosting & beautifying aspects to it. From the phero-wiki: "DHEAS is produced in both sexes up until the age of 24, when production tapers off..." Honestly, anything that makes you feel good, is going to make you shine, & anything that makes you shine is going to be sexy. Men find self confidence to be the sexiest thing about a woman, truly. So maybe the results are going to come from whatever scents make you feel confidant. As you can't truly get good results from pheromones without the basic building block of self confidence.

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Eh, LFM turns interactions with my MIL into a pissing match. Might not be so great to use with the wrong bitch in a bar atmosphere.

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..too bad there's no Phero version if Xanax. If there was you could by you MIL a bucket full..ha ha

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..too bad there's no Phero version if Xanax. If there was you could by you MIL a bucket full..ha ha

LMFAO! Right!!!! Well, Balm Bomb is pretty close.....

Has anyone tried the DHES spray?

Can it be scented with NOCO White?

How would it be different from the LFM?

Yes, I found myself reaching for Topper more than DHEAS, though. You could have it scented with NOCO White, or anything really. It does make it better for layering if you leave it non-fragranced though. It's different from LFM (or any of the blends) because it's a single molecule spray, DHEAS also play well with most other pheromone molecules making it great to use for layering & experimenting. LFM is a few different pheromone molecules blended for an intended result, though your mileage may vary.
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Heather, I don't want to sound ugly, but let me offer a little advice.....you seem awfully focused on sexy pheros. This may not be totally good for work.


How about if you try making yourself feel good about YOU. Be confident in who you are instead of worrying about all of the "young girls". Carry yourself as a goddess and that is how you will be regarded.....before you know it, those young girls will be aspiring to be just like you. A majority of men find confidence very sexy.....


Also note that trying to force a "sexy vibe" when you are not feeling it will leave people feeling confused about you because your phero signature will not be congruent with your actions. Remember, how you behave is half of the battle!



Add something like Cougar for sparkle or Open Windows for a happy upbeat vibe, maybe top with Topper or DHEAS and away you go! Play up the happy, social side of things and add YOUR OWN sexiness to the mix.....you don't need a phero for that!

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Would using LFM scented with noco white in a spray on my chest

and using DHES or Topper in my hair ,and

maybe a few dots of my occo white on my cleavage be too much??



I have not used LFM. Many of the ladies here swear by it. However, given what Beccah said about her MIL's reaction AND my man's reaction to blends with too much Est (he goes from easy going sweetheart to very mean and ugly), I wouldn't necessarily recommend that blend. Like I said, my go to for sparkly and sexy is scented cougar with no extra cops (it has some in it already, and I use it when I am looking for sexY, not sexUAL....there is a difference)......if you are not happy with cougar, try a social blend.....very few people have had a negative reaction to something like Open Windows. It is great. Happy and fun. Many ladies who are in the service industry have had great results from it at work.



ETA......When I said "I wouldn't necessarily recommend this blend", I meant in this certain situation. When you are coming into contact with a large number of different types of people, it s best to wear something that won't offend any of them....especially if they are paying you, and you want them to like you!!!

Edited by Dolly
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I have not used LFM. Many of the ladies here swear by it. However, given what Beccah said about her MIL's reaction AND my man's reaction to blends with too much Est (he goes from easy going sweetheart to very mean and ugly), I wouldn't necessarily recommend that blend. Like I said, my go to for sparkly and sexy is scented cougar with no extra cops (it has some in it already, and I use it when I am looking for sexY, not sexUAL....there is a difference)......if you are not happy with cougar, try a social blend.....very few people have had a negative reaction to something like Open Windows. It is great. Happy and fun. Many ladies who are in the service industry have had great results from it at work.



ETA......When I said "I wouldn't necessarily recommend this blend", I meant in this certain situation. When you are coming into contact with a large number of different types of people, it s best to wear something that won't offend any of them....especially if they are paying you, and you want them to like you!!!


Yes, this exactly. Some of the higher cops blends can make women standoffish or even bitchy, especially if there are men around. I've personally experienced this and knew without a doubt that it was the phero, because I specifically tested this phenomenon after noticing it. I think Eggers said it above, you definitely don't want to turn off the women, especially if they are holding the purse strings. I'd suggest a lower cops blend. Cougar, in my opinion, has the perfect level of cops for your situation.


I'm a lover of LFM, but if it were me in the service industry, I can't see it helping me get tips, not with the behaviors i've noticed. DHEAS, yes. That one is good, even on it's own. That's how I usually wear it. Try it with Open Windows. I can see that being a killer blend.


ETA: All of the advice we offer is based on our own experiences, but ultimately, it depends on your own personal chemistry and how you carry yourself. You never know until you try it. A great way to sample the pheros you are interested in is to order a sample that is enhanced with it. That way you know before you invest in a whole bottle. Mara has a list right here of what has what in it. Check it out and order up some samples. And who knows? You might find another scent that doesn't affect your asthma. I have asthma too, and while there some that affect me, there are literally a crap ton here that don't.



Edited by BlueBear
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..too bad there's no Phero version if Xanax. If there was you could by you MIL a bucket full..ha ha


Balm Bomb, Open Windows and Mother's Little Helper

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I really want to get something I can have scented with noco white

What about the stone cougar in the alcohol spray?

Would the cops it be a problem in a spray?

Would it work like the cougar potion?

I have occo white enhanced with stone cougar in oil and I dont use it at work because of all the cops in it.

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I have OCCO white boosted with Stone Cougar in oil and I havent had any luck with that.

Tried it a few times over the past month.

I think the diffusion is not strong.

The weather here has been on the cool side.

Don you recommend any sprays so I can get the sent out?


How much of the cops did you use ? I'm not a spring chicken either ;) ,and for a whole year i didn't think cops worked for me until I ordered Occo Gold in oil and used Mara's lollipop technique - a swipe from the breasts down and around the belly button , and one under each breast . Huge success !I just never used enough for my body chemistry . In all the other sprays I've used , my sweet spot is approx double the recommended amount.

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I honestly get more out of the scented Cougar potion. It is definitely a "scent with intent." and i'm a phero light weight the UN is too strong for me. And as others have said several times, cops in a spray can be tricky.

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I really want to get something I can have scented with noco white

What about the stone cougar in the alcohol spray?

Would the cops it be a problem in a spray?

Would it work like the cougar potion?

I have occo white enhanced with stone cougar in oil and I dont use it at work because of all the cops in it.



I think a cougar spray scented with noco would be ok.....the amount of cops in Cougar is slight and I have never had problems from women when I wear it......leave the OCCO at home, and use it for special dates.....have Mara make you up a Cougar spray scented with the Noco for general use at work.....



ETA....BUT, I agree with BB.....I have a Cougar spray with a different scent, and I never get as many hits as I do with the original scented version.....the scent creates a very youthful vibe in and of itself.....

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AND , I have no problem wearing cops with clients , at the gym , shopping ....I have not had any negative reactions . Those of us a little bit older can get away with a lot more cops than the 20 year olds !!

I also would not recommend any cops / cops mix in a spray anything that doesn't get on your skin exclusively turns to cheeze ( hair / clothes etc )


I absolutely adore LFM , I could wear it ever day with or without cops . Its a bit more elegant without cops , but works just as well adding a bit of sexy ;)

Stone Cougar did not work very well for me , no self effects , and no noticeable hits other than people getting more chatty.

If you haven't tried Gotcha , I would give that one a try , it seems to attract people like honey attracts flies , but in a very nice and adoring way .

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Heather, I'm going to be the bazillionth person to suggest Open Windows, and here's why: Of every blend I've tried (and I think I have tried almost all of them) this is my GO-TO for the best self-effects AND the best overall response from others. When I wear it I'm energized, vivacious, dare I say, a VIXEN!! Even though it's not a sexual blend per se, it makes me feel so fun and attractive that I give off a sexier vibe! And, at the same time, it's not sexually threatening to men or women.


You've not said a lot about your work place, but since most of your clients are men, and your co-workers are women, I think it would serve you to create a vibe that takes advantage of your EXPERIENCE (read, age) in a positive way, rather than feeling less-than and/or jealous of your younger co workers. Clients can pick up on that! If you sashay through your day, tossing your hair with confidence, all eyes will be on YOU!


I would suggest that you get a 1x spray with 1/2 strength NOCO, so you can re-apply during your shift w/out worry of over doing the scent. OW is not a "stinky" phero, so you don't need to worry about a bad odor.


At the same time, I REALLY think you need to try the scented Cougar. Just get a sample, the scent is definitely part of it's effect!!


Wishing you all the best!

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Heather, I'm going to be the bazillionth person to suggest Open Windows, and here's why: Of every blend I've tried (and I think I have tried almost all of them) this is my GO-TO for the best self-effects AND the best overall response from others. When I wear it I'm energized, vivacious, dare I say, a VIXEN!! Even though it's not a sexual blend per se, it makes me feel so fun and attractive that I give off a sexier vibe! And, at the same time, it's not sexually threatening to men or women.


You've not said a lot about your work place, but since most of your clients are men, and your co-workers are women, I think it would serve you to create a vibe that takes advantage of your EXPERIENCE (read, age) in a positive way, rather than feeling less-than and/or jealous of your younger co workers. Clients can pick up on that! If you sashay through your day, tossing your hair with confidence, all eyes will be on YOU!


I would suggest that you get a 1x spray with 1/2 strength NOCO, so you can re-apply during your shift w/out worry of over doing the scent. OW is not a "stinky" phero, so you don't need to worry about a bad odor.


At the same time, I REALLY think you need to try the scented Cougar. Just get a sample, the scent is definitely part of it's effect!!


Wishing you all the best!



YAY LYNNE! Totally agree!

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You know, I'm so stupid, this just occurred to me Heather!!! If you like vanilla, a GREAT potion for you to try would be this one: http://www.lovepotio...rie/potion/LP1/ Love Potion perfume, the original that started it all. I swear this one works like a love magnet for me, everyone likes it & men do find it sexy. I don't even need pheromones with this one. It has a powerful aromatherapy effect on people. I've found it to be as effective as the pheromone blends that work great for me, without any risk of incongruity with some people. It also even works on my dreaded MIL ;)

Sorry just saw this!

I am torn between the DHEAS spray

or Open Windows spray.

are they similar?

I would say, eh, DHEAS is nice, but isn't complex. I you have to choose, go with Open Windows. I think it works for EVERYBODY. Edited by Beccah
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You know, I'm so stupid, this just occurred to me Heather!!! If you like vanilla, a GREAT potion for you to try would be this one: http://www.lovepotio...rie/potion/LP1/ Love Potion perfume, the original that started it all. I swear this one works like a love magnet for me, everyone likes it & men do find it sexy. I don't even need pheromones with this one. It has a powerful aromatherapy effect on people. I've found it to be as effective as the pheromone blends that work great for me, without any risk of incongruity with some people. It also even works on my dreaded MIL ;)

Sorry just saw this! I would say, eh, DHEAS is nice, but isn't complex. I you have to choose, go with Open Windows. I think it works for EVERYBODY.


LP Original is definitely FAB!!!!


And Open Windows is indispensible.......get it in spray definitely......

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I want to thank you all for help!!

I will work on ordering some samples this weekend.


I going to get samples of Cougar and LP Original


Do they have an Open Windows blend in any samples ?

Also any more phero blends that have a vanilla smell?

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Go to the main site, to the perfumerie link, and choose vanilla-based scent as the scent type.....lots of choices!!!!

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Heather, I don't want to sound ugly, but let me offer a little advice.....you seem awfully focused on sexy pheros. This may not be totally good for work.


How about if you try making yourself feel good about YOU. Be confident in who you are instead of worrying about all of the "young girls". Carry yourself as a goddess and that is how you will be regarded.....before you know it, those young girls will be aspiring to be just like you. A majority of men find confidence very sexy.....


Also note that trying to force a "sexy vibe" when you are not feeling it will leave people feeling confused about you because your phero signature will not be congruent with your actions. Remember, how you behave is half of the battle!



Add something like Cougar for sparkle or Open Windows for a happy upbeat vibe, maybe top with Topper or DHEAS and away you go! Play up the happy, social side of things and add YOUR OWN sexiness to the mix.....you don't need a phero for that!


Dolly, I love the idea of using... Cougar for sparkle or Open Windows for a happy upbeat vibe, maybe top with Topper or DHEAS and away you go!... I'm going to give this a try, you alwasy have the best advice.

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Heather, I would suggest: get some Popularity Potion in alcohol spray and combine 2 or 3 sprays with some dabs of your OCCO White (or NOCO White). I had my best results with Pop. Potion, and a smidge of OCCO makes it even better.

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Lady Victoria, I totally agree that is exactly what happens when I wear it !

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I think I want to order the DHEAS spray and a Cougar sample.

Will the DHEAS have a bad smell to it?

Do I have to get it scented?

Where are the best places to apply?

I dont see any samples with Open Windows in it.

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I think I want to order the DHEAS spray and a Cougar sample.

Will the DHEAS have a bad smell to it?

Do I have to get it scented?

Where are the best places to apply?

I dont see any samples with Open Windows in it.


I have DHEAS and I spray it in my hair/clothes. There is no smell that I can detect. If you can swing both, I'd order Open Windows too. It's a very versitile blend. I wear it all the time.

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What is the difference between Topper and DHEAS?

Would you get the same reactions from people?

Topper is a combo of alpha-nol and DHEAS. Alpha-nol gives a funloving, carefree, flirty vibe. It pairs extremely well with the DHEAS like in Topper. I never tried DHEAS alone, but I'm sure the responses are different. This one is great in UN spray-- it doesn't smell much to me at all.

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Can Topper be used over Blatant Invitation for alone time with a special man?

Or is that not a good combo?

Topper is meant to be used over anything you can think of. It's called Topper because it was designed to be an easy phero layering spray for people that want to experiment &, you know, since it goes over the top of everything else ;)

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I think I will try Cougar with Topper on top for work.

Does the spray Cougar work better than it in oil?


If it is in spray, it will diffuse faster and farther, but you may also need to re-apply during the day (or night). That is why someone mentioned that if you get Cougar and have it scented with a Noco, have it LIGHTLY scented, so that your scent won't be overpowering anyone if you need to re-apply.


I will still suggest to try the original scented Cougar though.....it is really fab!

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