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Pherobombing. Probably a good majority of everyone has done this at least once (or more) in her/his excitement. I've read quite a few threads that mention "ghosting" and if I understand correctly, that happens when you've OD'd to the point that its almost like you aren't even there... something that I think I made happen (in my over excitement). So, I did have a question about whether that effect wears off over the course of the day so that you end up with the correct amount diffusing later on that you should have applied in the beginning or, are you pretty much out of luck if you overdo it first thing in the morning? Has anyone noticed the effects after the phero has worn down for awhile? Can ghosting effects turn around over the course of the day?


Sorry if I missed an answer somewhere about this on the forum but hope someone has some experience on getting past the OD if you think (thought) that's what was happening.



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I'm not sure since I could tell I've made people cranky when I've overapplied but I don't think I've hit full ghosting before.


Two points to bring up:

1. Some people have written that some pheros last a long time on them and some get eaten up after a short period of time. but you probably haven't worn it enough to know.

2. Just as a precaution, if I felt that was occuring and didn't want it to, I would go wash off one part of my body. I think it would be pretty easy to neutralize with some alcohol sanitizer or some soap and a paper towel rubbing the area of skin.


How did you ghost, with what, and where/how much applied?

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Pherobombing. Probably a good majority of everyone has done this at least once (or more) in her/his excitement. I've read quite a few threads that mention "ghosting" and if I understand correctly, that happens when you've OD'd to the point that its almost like you aren't even there... something that I think I made happen (in my over excitement). So, I did have a question about whether that effect wears off over the course of the day so that you end up with the correct amount diffusing later on that you should have applied in the beginning or, are you pretty much out of luck if you overdo it first thing in the morning? Has anyone noticed the effects after the phero has worn down for awhile? Can ghosting effects turn around over the course of the day?





Oh I've always wondered this myself. I have only noticed o'd from the selfies though, not other people. Heck, I'm never sure anyway on other people whether it's the phero's or just the people, but maybe that because I'm so over eager that I'm in a constant state of "ghosting" anyway and NOBODY is affected. LOL. I'm interested to see what others have to say on this.

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I'm pretty sure I've ghosted before wearing too much BI. People completely ignored me in the morning but moved more towards normal in the afternoon, i'm guessing as the phero wore off (or down to non-OD levels).

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Yeah, I went a little crazy with the MRF (with SS4W) and LAM... and by little, I mean a lot. It was just one of those days that I was dragging and thought it would help but I swear, whereas before I had gotten great hits with a normal amount, this time it was really like I wasn't even there. If I said something, it was almost like they were surprised... strange. It could be for a lot of reasons but I just asked about pherobombing so that if that was the case, then I can have a back up plan. Now today, I wore a bit more slathered scented Cougar with a couple of sprays of Open Windows and it was like night and day. Everyone was so helpful for everything I needed, I hardly had to lift a finger for anything... which, since I've been up since 3 am for work, was much appreciated. Its a different scent combo so I know its not a fair comparison for effects but it was definitely a much nicer day than the total ignore. LOL


MissHazel, I like the idea of just wiping off if I really think I've done it. If I get that feeling again (hopefully not), I'll try doing that and see if it works. BB, that's a great example because that was exactly what I was wondering... if people would return to normal later on.


Raq On... that poses an even better thought... if you constantly OD, can others become acclimated? LOL


Then again, I'll have to keep the OD effect in queue for those days when it wouldn't be too terribly bad to be invisible at work!!!!

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Drinking lots of water is also a good idea to flush out what you may have absorbed when you apply too much, as well. I've OD'd with cops before. I was decanting some OCCO Red & I didn't want to waste any so I smeared the leftovers from the pipette & etc. on myself, before heading to Walmart. That was an interesting experience.

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Drinking lots of water is also a good idea to flush out what you may have absorbed when you apply too much, as well. I've OD'd with cops before. I was decanting some OCCO Red & I didn't want to waste any so I smeared the leftovers from the pipette & etc. on myself, before heading to Walmart. That was an interesting experience.

Apparently, there is much much more for me to learn because I wouldn't have thought of that!! Here in Arizona, especially right now, that is something that I can do! However, now that I've said that, it also makes me think... because I do need to drink so much more water because its a raging inferno outside, on the flip side, does that mean then that I might burn through more pheros? I don't think applying more necessarily worked if ghosting is what happened but maybe apply a spritz or a dab with the oil a little more often than someone who lives in a cooler clime?


Sorry, don't mean to keep taking road trips off my main question... just brings up more thoughts that I need to research!!

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For starters I suggest not combining blends. They're complex, and extremely carefully and thoughtfully designed to stand alone. It's possible that the combo and/or ratios just made you give off a too-unfamiliar, bizarre or unsettling or even offputting vibe, as though you came in to work one day and the lower half of your body had turned into the lower half of a flamingo. And a combo working once doesn't guarantee the same results next time because there's no way you can be as precise in your application as the designers were when balancing the blends.

Secondly, I'll be a broken record of of many others here - it's so much more useful (and efficient) to start with SMALL test amounts and work your way up. That makes it much more obvious and easier to track.

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I completely agree with you Tyvey. I was doing really good for awhile and was getting pretty consistent good feelings with that but then the "more is better" moment hit and um, yeah, not good. I'll work on being more patient. Today was a great day for a lot of reasons so I think I got it out of my system. One thing I will say is that Cougar really brings me out of the ugly doldrums. The scent is almost clarifying and calming to me. That was what I needed today. I feel like I needed a time out like when my daughter was three. Lol

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I totes didn't answer your q though! :) the times I've ghosted (2 incidents i recall, one with Eow and the other ss4w), I don't remember noticing that it got better as time passed. If it were me I'd just scrub it all off...

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since we're on this subject, what is a "normal" amount to you guys? w/ a roll on I do the Mara swipe (across collarbone, down torso and back up and inner arms) IF spray, then about 3 sprays...chest, hair, down the front (no cops of course) I know there have been threads on this, too, but always good to update.


How do you know if it's ghosting or people just don't respond to the phero no matter how small the amt?

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It's safe to say that if you're using one of the phero enhanced perfumes (1/3rd strength), & using a normal amount of that scent, & not getting any reactions then the phero probably isn't working for you. If you go up to full strength & you get hits, you know you need more of it. My personal belief is that it's going to depend on your personal chemistry, on what is going to be overkill, but usually 1 or 2 sprays, or a couple inch stripe or two of something isn't OD territory.

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Agreed. Some I can use the Mara Maneuver. Some (Bang, PP, and SS4W) I can only use dabs. I forgot. I ghosted with SS4W, too. I was wearing it and wasn't getting any self effects or reactions, so i added more and more then got full on ghosting. And this was distinctly different from the non-reactions. So I started wearing much smaller amounts until i found my sweet spot. It's all you. You just have to test and find what works for you.


But to answer your qeustion, Raq, about the non-reactions vs the ghosting...with me, non-reactions were reactions that weren't any different than they typically behave with me. Ghosting for me was anything from like just pretending I wasn't even there, registering that I was there and ignoring me, and even backing away!

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How do you know if it's ghosting or people just don't respond to the phero no matter how small the amt?

Ultimately you have to consider it in a relational way and interpret all the data you collect during the encounter. That's why so much of pheromone experience is categorized as "anecdotal" because it's all about what the tester perceives as the effect on themselves and others. That's not to say I'm delivering a value judgement on using pheromones but objective guidelines in this respect are not that concrete.

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Drinking lots of water is also a good idea to flush out what you may have absorbed when you apply too much, as well. I've OD'd with cops before. I was decanting some OCCO Red & I didn't want to waste any so I smeared the leftovers from the pipette & etc. on myself, before heading to Walmart. That was an interesting experience.

LMAO!!! Wholly Crap! That had to be a carnival like, surreal experience.
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From my experience, it also depends on the phero-blend that I'm using. I never experienced any ghosting with A-nol heavy blends. But it happened several times with B-nol heavy blends or when I used lots of cops.Some of my phero sprays are very concentrated (x3) because at the beginning I thought 'more is better'. But over the time I learned that sometimes 'less is better'. Now I prefer phero sprays in alcohol x2 or x1 concentration. I found it's more effective when I use about 3 sprays of x1 concentration rather than 1 spray of x3. This makes it much easier to find out the right amount.


Drinking lots of water which might help flushing out the excess amount that the body might have absorbed, that's also an interesting point, Beccah. I never thought about this before, but it makes sense.

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Ultimately you have to consider it in a relational way and interpret all the data you collect during the encounter. That's why so much of pheromone experience is categorized as "anecdotal" because it's all about what the tester perceives as the effect on themselves and others. That's not to say I'm delivering a value judgement on using pheromones but objective guidelines in this respect are not that concrete.


This. My phero "research" is quite slow going b/c I never count reactions by strangers, unless they are really over the top and truthfully I can only think of about 2 or 3 times that it's been obvious. I base my judgements on phero reactions on how people I KNOW act. For example, my husband acts weird around me when I wear EST. I know it's the pheromone b/c he never acts that certain way ever toward me. Also, I think I've noticed reactions with female friends while wearing H and S.


I've never had the DIH moments with complete strangers that others have described here that I could absolutely say they were from Phero's.

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I'm so oblivious to attention normally that it takes something really noticeable for me to actually say "hey, that's different". Because everyone at work tends to be rather reserved, I did see a difference from their normal reactions when I wore a more conservative amount. Then, when I overdid it (again, I think I did), it was as if I had just disappeared. Normally, without pheros in my life, I've alway been rather front and center because of what I do so in that case, being completely ignored... yeah, something was awry. I think SS4W is awesome but now I know that it's one I probably should dab like BB.


Like Luna said, it really is so subjective and is obvious because the same ones don't work for every person and everyone tends to use a different amount to reach the same reaction. Dolphindoll uses a lot to get reactions because of chemistry and others can dab on dots and get it. Listening to everyone's experiences is great because then you can start to kind of figure out which way you tend to go and adjust accordingly. You ladies are awesome and having a site that focuses on women's experiences is wonderful because men don't get just wanting to feel "sexy" versus getting sex. LOL Although one day, no matter what it takes, I will persevere until I find something that actually has a reaction on my husband!!!

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Pretty much all been said :) ...I am in the less is more camp,pheromones should be an enhancement to your nature,or yes sometimes,well ok many times,for me,to play with your inner child and/or woman...heh. Yep,everyone is different,the only way is to experiment...you know,the fun part!! :lol:


Oh...nope never OD'ed in a ghosting sense,but did get a headache one time from too much A-nol,just once,lesson learned

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I have gone thru this thread and I have to say .. I'm firmly in the less is more as preached by Mara and co. among others :-)

I can say from my experiences that the strongest Hits Ive had personally were from smaller amounts and oil only .. no sprays. You can see my LFM review on amazon.. I was wearing GOBM so that's even less of a dose than a boosted LP. Same with kitten nip. ..and I have not even reviewed my LAM excursions .. one was a little unnerving. I should say I only have one trial LAM in BS just a few swipes each time. oh and Stealing heaven & VK. I generally get good vibes with my unLFM spray and my UnBang. But something about finding that right dose.. less is more...that's where the magic happens :-)

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Thanks Stacy for your experiences! Yes, I have decided to 1. try one at a time and 2. not let the "I need MORE" mood allow me to do so. I had really good vibes this weekend with Velvet Kisses and this week, I'm going to give LFM a test run by itself for awhile... except for Friday when I will be wearing my MRF just because I LOVE the smell of that one (especially on a Friday). I have UN LFM so I really want to test out some of my non-phero sniffies that I haven't yet. So far, I'm loving Amazonia Zee and one of the sniffies Mara sent with my order, Knot. I've got some things in the pipes regarding work and before I use anything, it's important that I have more experience so I don't shoot myself in the foot. I definitely learned my lesson and chalk it up to inexperience. Someday, I will be saying "ah, yes. I remember when...". LOL

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Thanks Stacy for your experiences! Yes, I have decided to 1. try one at a time and 2. not let the "I need MORE" mood allow me to do so. I had really good vibes this weekend with Velvet Kisses and this week, I'm going to give LFM a test run by itself for awhile... except for Friday when I will be wearing my MRF just because I LOVE the smell of that one (especially on a Friday). I have UN LFM so I really want to test out some of my non-phero sniffies that I haven't yet. So far, I'm loving Amazonia Zee and one of the sniffies Mara sent with my order, Knot. I've got some things in the pipes regarding work and before I use anything, it's important that I have more experience so I don't shoot myself in the foot. I definitely learned my lesson and chalk it up to inexperience. Someday, I will be saying "ah, yes. I remember when...". LOL

Yes you will, lol.

I can definitely tell phero reactions in strangers & others. My first over the top reaction was with Tall, Dark & Handsome that used to come through my drive-thru window (when I was a trainer @ our local Hardee's). He was always flirty, but I was wearing Phero Girl: Wild Flower (w/pop.) & was all done up. He literally grabbed my face & planted a kiss on me, saying "Hey pretty girl." Then commented on how I smelled wonderful, like incense. This was all much to the irritation of my husband's friend witnessing this, lol. Of course I did not encourage him further, but that made a believer out of me as to the power of LPs & pheromones. I have had an OD experience w/ G2 (Bosom Bows). I had been wearing it all day, then we went out. I was extremely nervous, so I slathered a goodly amount more on, before we went out for the night. The next day I felt extremely hung over, even though I hadn't had a sip of alcohol. Other people were acting fine toward me & I was getting the reactions I expected, I had simply overdosed myself.

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But to answer your qeustion, Raq, about the non-reactions vs the ghosting...with me, non-reactions were reactions that weren't any different than they typically behave with me. Ghosting for me was anything from like just pretending I wasn't even there, registering that I was there and ignoring me, and even backing away!



OH NO! I can say I've never had anyone back away yet. LOL are you sure it wasn't the scent that was too heavy?

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OH NO! I can say I've never had anyone back away yet. LOL are you sure it wasn't the scent that was too heavy?


Nope!! Totally phero. It was my BFF, and it was a scent she enjoys.


I should also add that it was the expression on her face too as she backed away. Shock, for lack of a better term.


ETA: Just re-read your question Raq. No, not too much scent, either. I work in a hospital AND my officemate is fragrance sensitive, so I'm really very careful about the amount of fragrance I wear

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Fortunately, when I think I OD'd, no one seemed to back away from me... more they just didn't seem to "see" me. That wasn't very soothing but I might have wanted to cry if I noticed that!! LOL


I will say that I do like testing stuff at work ... probably shouldn't in some respects but it is the one place that I am around people all day long, many of which I've either never met before (big plant) or I don't normally see a lot during the day. I've tried using my husband for effects and almost all have no effect on him. CB seemed to be the one phero I think got to him but cops, either light or a buttload (sorry had to throw in the pun) don't get him. OCCO SLF... yeah, nope. SS4W, not a head turn. I haven't given up but I just don't think I can use him as a fair judge. I've had better luck with the guys (and few gals there are) at work so I can get a better idea of reactions, good and bad. And other than that one day, SS4W and Cougar have proven successes for me. I just need to show moderation.


It's always a great learning adventure to listen to you all give your good hits and bad ones... gives a good starting point for what to look out for. Raq, it's nice to hear you still have questions too, I always thought of you as being an experienced connoisseur of scents and pheros. :D

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Granted, your husband may be a non-responder but are you using them in the sexytimes context? And I don't necessarily mean as you're ready to pounce, but even just being an advertisement for Good Times and all that implies?

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Fortunately, when I think I OD'd, no one seemed to back away from me... more they just didn't seem to "see" me. That wasn't very soothing but I might have wanted to cry if I noticed that!! LOL


I will say that I do like testing stuff at work ... probably shouldn't in some respects but it is the one place that I am around people all day long, many of which I've either never met before (big plant) or I don't normally see a lot during the day. I've tried using my husband for effects and almost all have no effect on him. CB seemed to be the one phero I think got to him but cops, either light or a buttload (sorry had to throw in the pun) don't get him. OCCO SLF... yeah, nope. SS4W, not a head turn. I haven't given up but I just don't think I can use him as a fair judge. I've had better luck with the guys (and few gals there are) at work so I can get a better idea of reactions, good and bad. And other than that one day, SS4W and Cougar have proven successes for me. I just need to show moderation.


It's always a great learning adventure to listen to you all give your good hits and bad ones... gives a good starting point for what to look out for. Raq, it's nice to hear you still have questions too, I always thought of you as being an experienced connoisseur of scents and pheros. :D

I'M certainly not as experienced as some others here but your post brings up a constant nagging question I often want to ask. Here it is... perhaps ( barring a Phero that just doesn't work for you) these are the wrong pheromones in your work environment. Firstly, I have a working theory that different professional environments and those in them respond to specific scents and pheros. What's a hit with the folks in accounting may not be the same as what works in the staff at a hospital and so fourth.

IMO, weather you're self-employed, a teacher, banker or bikini model...one should have a level of professionalism (tho there is a slight variance in what that exact image is job to job). Our jobs are our bread and butter and co- workers around us know that because it's theirs too. My quandary is this... Overtly sexual scents may get attention but could actually be offputting..at least in front of of witnesses. Can they then make us look unprofessional? This is a general observation not specific to anyone, but this post brought these old questions back to me.

As far as what I'd do..re; the above post..Try a different tact....

A small dab of cops should be ok , I enjoy feeling female, you could try it with LFM, how about Leather or Gotcha? I have had surprisingly great interactions with people ( M& F) just don't go big with it as it has cops. Of course Cougar is usually a win too.

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My personal opinion is that the phero is not going to make someone have a bad opinion of you or think of you as unprofessional unless you are doing something to further that impression. I do wear some sexier pheros to work, usually Bang, Cuddle Bunny and LFM. With my personal chemical signature, these have a social feel on me, but i can very easily swing it to sexy when the need arises. It's never been a problem for me; my colleagues and bosses aren't leering at me and treat me with respect. If you carry yourself like a lady, people will treat you like a lady, phero or no. You just have to be aware of the potential effects and adjust your behavior accordingly.

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Granted, your husband may be a non-responder but are you using them in the sexytimes context? And I don't necessarily mean as you're ready to pounce, but even just being an advertisement for Good Times and all that implies?


You bring up a good point... I've used them earlier in the day so that I could see if it would make him more interested. I know that the tone of the moment is supposed to be congruent with the implied intent of the phero and I do try. I've tried some around times when I literally am ready to pounce but not with any notable changes from what he might otherwise react to. Then again, what makes him so hard is because he is a very reserved guy. He shows very little emotion so it could be quite possible that he could want to throw me up against the washer and do me right there but alas, that is just not how he has ever been so the sexy and really sexual pheros I save for him might not ever really fully show their true potential because just like it's not going to make me a raging sex bomb on two legs, I don't think it will turn him into a raging horndog who can't control himself...


Can we say epiphany? LOL


And Stacy, you do make a valid point but what I will say is that the ones I've worn at work have not appeared for me to have an overt sexual, "do me now" effect even though the name may imply something contrary. Aside from putting on too much that one day, they generally have made everyone chatty and happier, more friendly and more relaxed. I never got the impression that suddenly anyone felt sexual towards me or considered me less respectable because of what I was wearing. In fact, the greatest compliment was from our department head (while I was wearing Cougar) who sat down and expressed how comfortable and secure he felt with me and my co-worker (who's male) and that he trusted us completely enough that he never worried about the department in our hands. He's a rather reserved gentleman too so to finally hear something so uplifting and honestly meant was a great experience. Women who have tended to be very reserved have become so much more friendly and open since I've worn them and for that, again, I appreciate the opportunity to know them better and understand their reservations more.


I don't want to smell like a skank and I certainly don't want to be treated like one either. If I ever got the impression that a phero was going to head me in that direction, it wouldn't be going back to work with me!!!! LOL


My personal opinion is that the phero is not going to make someone have a bad opinion of you or think of you as unprofessional unless you are doing something to further that impression. I do wear some sexier pheros to work, usually Bang, Cuddle Bunny and LFM. With my personal chemical signature, these have a social feel on me, but i can very easily swing it to sexy when the need arises. It's never been a problem for me; my colleagues and bosses aren't leering at me and treat me with respect. If you carry yourself like a lady, people will treat you like a lady, phero or no. You just have to be aware of the potential effects and adjust your behavior accordingly.


BB, I think this is exactly what I was trying to say. Thank you for saying it so eloquently.

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And Stacy, you do make a valid point but what I will say is that the ones I've worn at work have not appeared for me to have an overt sexual, "do me now" effect even though the name may imply something contrary. Aside from putting on too much that one day, they generally have made everyone chatty and happier, more friendly and more relaxed. I never got the impression that suddenly anyone felt sexual towards me or considered me less respectable because of what I was wearing. In fact, the greatest compliment was from our department head (while I was wearing Cougar) who sat down and expressed how comfortable and secure he felt with me and my co-worker (who's male) and that he trusted us completely enough that he never worried about the department in our hands. He's a rather reserved gentleman too so to finally hear something so uplifting and honestly meant was a great experience. Women who have tended to be very reserved have become so much more friendly and open since I've worn them and for that, again, I appreciate the opportunity to know them better and understand their reservations more.


I don't want to smell like a skank and I certainly don't want to be treated like one either. If I ever got the impression that a phero was going to head me in that direction, it wouldn't be going back to work with me!!!! LOL


I get what your saying and I've said it before in other threads, I find Cougar and LFM to be great socials. CB works for me as both, DAMN I wish I could find my post on that. I'm was commenting in general because your post brought to mind this pheromone idea I have. You mentioned you got nothing on few occasions...I don't know why...but there are some people that react negatively to different pheromones, how they respond depends on their own social filter and where they are. For instance if your on a date with a new guy you really like, do you want to e dripping in cops and honey, wouldn't that give a specific signal? It's no surprise you have good experiences with cougar. But,,, when you wore OCCo SLF, maybe tat guy felt confused or even vaguely intimidated but did not know why. Just a thought.




My personal opinion is that the phero is not going to make someone have a bad opinion of you or think of you as unprofessional unless you are doing something to further that impression. I do wear some sexier pheros to work, usually Bang, Cuddle Bunny and LFM. With my personal chemical signature, these have a social feel on me, but i can very easily swing it to sexy when the need arises. It's never been a problem for me; my colleagues and bosses aren't leering at me and treat me with respect. If you carry yourself like a lady, people will treat you like a lady, phero or no. You just have to be aware of the potential effects and adjust your behavior accordingly.

In general I agree but sometimes, w/o added pheromones mind you, you come across someone, you don't know what, but u get a vibe..he or she could be the most prim and proper looking/ acting CEO, CO, HE whatever and you still get a vibe because maybe there natural bod chemistry runs a certain way. If you in an office and you wear BI and drip with cops won't people pick-up on that? a least subconsciously?


It's late here and I really hate typing on my Kindle as you can see from the typos. I love to check your replys tomorrow. :Emoticons04235:

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In general I agree but sometimes, w/o added pheromones mind you, you come across someone, you don't know what, but u get a vibe..he or she could be the most prim and proper looking/ acting CEO, CO, HE whatever and you still get a vibe because maybe there natural bod chemistry runs a certain way. If you in an office and you wear BI and drip with cops won't people pick-up on that? a least subconsciously?


If I was wearing BI at work , i wouldn't be dripping with it. Just a little bit, enough to do what I need to do, obviously much less than I'd wear for a romantic evening. But no, I don't think so. It's what we've been saying in other threads, you have to be congruent with your blend, or they will just assume it's coming from elsewhere. If anything, they will be confused. But I actually have worn BI to work before. It's an assertive blend on me but doesn't steer me towards bitchy like Leather and DOM do, so I prefer it. I wear it when I need to work with people who have been a bit recalcitrant in the past. I go into my meetings and I do what needs to be done, no questions. They (both men and women) are more than accommodating. And yeah, there might be a low, sexual undercurrent with the men, but it's probably so subconscious, they don't even recognize it as that because I'm not fluttering my eyelashes, I'm not twitching my hips, and I don't have my boobs out. I'm just getting in there and doing my job like a professional, but with a little bit of oomph from the none. Like I said, my bosses and coworkers aren't being lecherous. They're treating me with respect, and I've done quite well for myself for my age and how long I've been there so it clearly doesn't seem to be having any negative impact.


We say it all the time: pheros are wonderful, but they're not magical. They are a tool to work with you. They aren't going to change someone's opinion of you unless it was already leaning that way to start with. They grease the skids, not change the direction. So no, I'm not concerned. But you know, what you said can go for all pheros, not just sexual ones. I could encounter someone that doesn't agree with Popularity Potion and they get a vibe from me they don't like. It's just a risk of using pheros. Heck, you could even say the same with the pheros we naturally produce. So be it. It's the way the cookie crumbles. Can't win 'em all!

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My personal opinion is that the phero is not going to make someone have a bad opinion of you or think of you as unprofessional unless you are doing something to further that impression.

I agree with this but it reminded me of the woman (forget who she was) who said her work persona was "sexy professional" and I wanted to say, "You do realize men cannot parse the two qualities concurrently, right? They're taking orders from your boobs, not you." But see this is why I personally don't go this way because I work too hard just to be thought of as a person without the gender baggage (which I can't offload completely, of course) which would only get in the way of my being perceived as master of my (work) domain.

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For instance if your on a date with a new guy you really like, do you want to e dripping in cops and honey, wouldn't that give a specific signal? It's no surprise you have good experiences with cougar. But,,, when you wore OCCo SLF, maybe tat guy felt confused or even vaguely intimidated but did not know why. Just a thought.


I was talking about my husband but made me think that I probably could use more/less on him and see if maybe he just needs mega doses or a small dab. I've been going the middle ground and maybe its not enough either direction. But intimidation... that is a possibility. There have been a few occasions when he had to visit the chiropractor afterwards. LOL


And I think Luna makes a good point that can be applied differently for everyone. We all have our different reasons for wearing or not wearing and as BB stated earlier, something that should be very sexual can end up being social in different environments and on different people. In your job, Luna, you prefer to release the gender baggage so that you can do your best work. When I was working at the court, I think I would have found pheros helpful, not necessarily to exaggerate femininity, but because emotions are quite high and to have a calming, more friendly atmosphere could soothe some raw nerves. Being considered sexy in some careers is not going to work to your advantage and could possibly hurt what you are trying to accomplish but depending on the context, and maybe just how we perceive ourselves while wearing them, using them could help others create the confidence needed to succeed. That's why as much as I've learned from being on the forum, I've come to think it like getting awesome recipes from cooks that use a pinch of this and a smattering of that... you can do the same but you won't necessarily get the same result. You just need to work it in a way that is tasty to you. :D

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something that should be very sexual can end up being social in different environments and on different people.



Precisely! In fact, Cuddle Bunny is one of my favorite socials to use around women! It's incredible!


I agree with this but it reminded me of the woman (forget who she was) who said her work persona was "sexy professional" and I wanted to say, "You do realize men cannot parse the two qualities concurrently, right? They're taking orders from your boobs, not you." But see this is why I personally don't go this way because I work too hard just to be thought of as a person without the gender baggage (which I can't offload completely, of course) which would only get in the way of my being perceived as master of my (work) domain.


I'm the opposite. I play up my femininity at work because I feel like it sets me apart because on the admin side of where I work, outside of nursing admin, there aren't a ton of women. I want to show them that yeah, I'm a woman, but I'm in there handling my business just the same as you men are. They'd probably sooner call me a bitch than sexy. But so be it. At least then they know I'm not enteraining any of their foolishness! :lol:

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My personal opinion is that the phero is not going to make someone have a bad opinion of you or think of you as unprofessional unless you are doing something to further that impression. I do wear some sexier pheros to work, usually Bang, Cuddle Bunny and LFM. With my personal chemical signature, these have a social feel on me, but i can very easily swing it to sexy when the need arises. It's never been a problem for me; my colleagues and bosses aren't leering at me and treat me with respect. If you carry yourself like a lady, people will treat you like a lady, phero or no. You just have to be aware of the potential effects and adjust your behavior accordingly.

Yeah this, would you call a young, fertile woman "unprofessional," simply because she sends off that signal? If acting professionally, a smidge of cops could even be helpful to your career, considering that we are a youth obsessed culture.

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I'm the opposite. I play up my femininity at work because I feel like it sets me apart because on the admin side of where I work, outside of nursing admin, there aren't a ton of women. I want to show them that yeah, I'm a woman, but I'm in there handling my business just the same as you men are. They'd probably sooner call me a bitch than sexy. But so be it. At least then they know I'm not enteraining any of their foolishness! :lol:

I'm glad you can make that work for you; I've never been any good at it myself.

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That's why as much as I've learned from being on the forum, I've come to think it like getting awesome recipes from cooks that use a pinch of this and a smattering of that... you can do the same but you won't necessarily get the same result. You just need to work it in a way that is tasty to you. :D

I love that analogy!


Yeah this, would you call a young, fertile woman "unprofessional," simply because she sends off that signal? If acting professionally, a smidge of cops could even be helpful to your career, considering that we are a youth obsessed culture.

yes, this is very true. That's why I have no problems putting a bit of cops on for work..

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Uhg, I totally OD'd on UN Cougar today, felt jittery and a little lightheaded, and a bit of a headache, too. I haven't been wearing Cougar lately, I've been having fun with other blends like SS4W and Heart & Soul. And the funny thing about it was it was the same amount I used before, two sprays from my trial spray, and a little dab of scented Cougar Potion on my cleavage. I wonder, can your personal tolerance for pheros fluctuate with your monthly hormones? Or is it because I haven't worn this blend in a while? I didn't experience "ghosting" with anyone else today, I just felt like crud. Anybody else have this happen?

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