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Double O


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Double O

A diabolically cute recipe for ruling the day, it's the most scrumptiously sweet pink cake…in the world! Adorable as our beautiful cover girl Seven the Kitten and her fairy floss pink nose - slather our angel food cake with cotton candy frosting fragrance and see how many minions you collect!




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:

VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
Attracts love
, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. Meditative and transforming.

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I went full bottle on this. Pink cake? That cute little face on the label? No brainer!

Ditto BB !!

Can't wait to try this one, I went FB :) !!

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This is one of my FBs and the first I'm going to try. I just like everything about it. The scent, the label and Luna's brilliant story. :D

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Of course this is pure speculation.. but I think it's not a lot of Patch. I'm imagining just enough to give it a dash of velvety smoothness. Pink velvet cake, like that soft pink little nose. ( my little girl cat has that too).

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I never know what patch is going to smell like. I always think it's going to smell like Venice beach or pot.. but then I am always surprised. I doubt it would smell icense-y though.. This is supposed to be a pink fluffy cake pretty kitty smell... but she does drink with Mara so you never know, she could be sneaking off to church or a Snoop Dog concert. Maybe that's why Mara put patch in there.

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The amber and patchouli is the base, to make sure it "sticks." It doesn't really come through in the scent itself, is my understanding.

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Im on the mondo excited bandwagon with this one too !

I got the sampler, but I reallllly want a full bottle of this! Preferably a spray,so I can display the label better!

I already know pink kitty cake will smell fantastic!

Also really geeked for Sandy,Marsha & Agent XXX!:)


ETA: real overkill on my exclamation points. I'm leaving it that way though. I'm freakin geeeeeked!

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My tracking info says my package should arrive tomorrow, crossed fingers. This will be my first as well.

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Well here's the first one I tried. Wet it's a creamy pink sweet cake. As it dries down I get the deeper, slightly velvety notes. Those combine with the top notes and play a sweet cakey trick on my nose. I get almost a ylang whiff (it's good), very sensual. Berry, ylang'ish cake now. Very nice. :purr:

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I got my stuff! Yeeeeeeah!!! :cat690:

Double O is the first scent I went for and it is AWESOME!!

Wet, it has a very similar note as LP Pink to me, in that it reminds me of new toys. I mean that in the very best way possible too, like strawberry shortcake dolls,or charmkins(anyone remember Charmkins?), but yeah like that.

As it dries down some, it does become a delicious,sweet and dense pink cake with a sort of floral aspect to it. I assume its the patch that's doing that and I adore it. This wouldn't be right without it. I think that even people who think they can't pull off patchouli will definitely be able to HERE.

Even though it doesn't SMELL like Fleur Cremmuse, it has that lovely bakery-meets-candied-floral vibe to it. Just delicious! I must get my mitts on a bottle of this in spray form now! LOVE! :stars188:

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Ive only had a sample of LP pink.. this feels more cakey... maybe if LP Pink and Darling Cat had a baby ... on dry down, though the overall notes are different, that cake scent, stays on my skin.. I get that same thing from DC. It's nice actually wearing Double O on arms and CUCHI on chest is a nice combo.

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I've never smelled Darling Catalina, but I'd love to!

And your right, this is way more bakery cake than LP Pink, but its got that same new toy note,to me. I love that note. I've

actually been eyeing an oil on Etsy called "New Doll" for awhile now....

Anyways, I also wanted to add that OO is very tenacious! It has great presence and it really sticks around! :wub:

Sigh....so happy. So glad I'm back to getting new LPs and talking with y'all again!

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Looks like this is the one we're all reaching for first!!


This is absolutely yummy. As Darling Catalina is to orange cake, Double O is to pink cake. I'm even going to wear it with liberal spritzes of Popularity Potion to make the comparison complete.


Sniffing this puts a big smile on my face!


Cheeseburger, it is great to have you back! You've been missed.

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Looks like this is the one we're all reaching for first!!


This is absolutely yummy. As Darling Catalina is to orange cake, Double O is to pink cake.

^^ yes.. it's so soft.. not as long lasting as CUCHI but very nice. :heart:


Double Os dominating our trials today.. hee, hee..

Evil Kitteh :purr:

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See, on me this lasted way longer than Cuchi, and was strong, in a good way.

But there's the difference in skin chemistry.for ya!

Lol that's so strange. I love this but found it faded away quickly compared to CUCHI ... chemistry rules our lives !!


Halo... I got some Patch wet but found it mellowed pretty much away..My skin tends to amp whatever that cake note is, that's why my brain took me to DC.

sorry I hate it when the patch in a scent amps. :(

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First on, this started doing that thing that the berries in That Kind of Girl do on me, and I was scared, but then the patch came out and smacked it down. I agree with whoever above said this is like the pink version of Darling Clementine. That's how it smells on me, pink berries in the place of the citrus, that same delicate vanilla pound cake scent. I actually amp the patchouli for a period during the dry down, but it mellows after awhile and I'm left with delicious, sweet cake. Glad i went full bottle. I love the pink bakery scents!

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^^ ooh.. I've been thinking of that Phero. How awesome would it go with Double O... Really? Concept wise I think it would, but Ive never tried that phero blend.. I really want too.

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I adore this phero for work! It goes really well with pink, girly scents, I've been wearing it with Lick of Pink. Double O sounds like a perfect partner for H&S. :J005:

Humm and I have LOP too. :) Very good to know, thanks.

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After wearing this all day, working in the bakery where it fits in perfect, I think its safe for me to say that this is my absolute FAVORITE of the July scents, with Sandy Bottoms at a close second.

Though I've smelled things similar, the composite of notes is like NOTHING I've ever smelled and again,, the strength and throw are Immense. And the patch MAKES this for me. Without it I'd probably be "meh". I think its genius here and I'm sorry it doesn't rock for you Halo! Grr!!!

I love this. I will cry if it sells out by Tuesday. I really REALLY cherish this one. I think it should be permanent!

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Some people may indeed amplify it, but it's only meant to help the pink cake quality keep from fading too fast.

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I wanted this to work for me so badly!! It was my first time in trying something with Patch in it and unfortunately, my body hates the Patch. I'm not sure what it did but it started smelling like rotting garbage on me. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! My coworker even scrunched up her nose at me and said, "Go wash it off! You stink!" I'm so jealous of those that are able to wear it.

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