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Raspberry Rose Confite w/BANG!

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I am curious about this. Since Aja is in it, does that make it like Bang on steroids? Meaning this is like Bang with cops added?

Hmm, BANG! already has cops, and I've only ever noticed an extreme interest in the uniqueness of the SCENT of Aja, not quite a pheromone response like cops but REALLY interesting none the less! It really draws people in. So...I'm thinking possibly so! I'll be wearing it tomorrow to give it a whirl!


I've only gotten to snuffle this in the vial so far and WOW. How interesting! It's bright on top with that raspberry but a few more swafts of the wand and I get the rose and there's something else creamy(?) and also something "bright"? I think I snuffled too much, I'm feeling a bit BANG!ed - probably because I haven't worn it in a while :D I've got to run this tomorrow! I'm dying to find out how the rose blooms and wanes...:)

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Thanks NuTrix! I appreciate you sharing. I may chance the fruit just to see the effects of Bang!




Hmm, BANG! already has cops, and I've only ever noticed an extreme interest in the uniqueness of the SCENT of Aja, not quite a pheromone response like cops but REALLY interesting none the less! It really draws people in. So...I'm thinking possibly so! I'll be wearing it tomorrow to give it a whirl!


I've only gotten to snuffle this in the vial so far and WOW. How interesting! It's bright on top with that raspberry but a few more swafts of the wand and I get the rose and there's something else creamy(?) and also something "bright"? I think I snuffled too much, I'm feeling a bit BANG!ed - probably because I haven't worn it in a while :D I've got to run this tomorrow! I'm dying to find out how the rose blooms and wanes... :)

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I am already going through LP withdrawls...this is making it worse! LOL! :)




Wet I get roses and just a touch of raspberry. Just adds a tartness really. As it dries down the rose threatens to get a bit shrill. After twenty minutes or so the Aja shows up and adds a sweetness and richness. I don't wear rose very often but I do like this. I would wear it every so often just for the Bang.



Wow after about 40 minutes it becomes an entirely new thing. The rose calms way down and the Aja gets more intense, but still soft. This is yummy. I might wear this more often now that I have smelled this stage. This is a perfect Valentine's scent. An edible flower. I think I might try adding extra Aja even. Another surprise win for me!

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I'm going to have to get on board with halo...


It started with a burst of raspberry that flew quickly away within 10-15 minutes or so. I had a moment early on within the first half hour where I thought the rose might amp on me, but it never did. It wound up being very soft and pretty. I think I noticed it was different after an hour - it may have been sooner but that's when I first realized I could pick up that "something" else that Aja has consistently lent whenever I've layered it. At first I wasn't sure what I thought about the combo - I believe I was overthinking it because I was trying too hard to pin down the Aja :lol: The rose stayed soft but true and I think the Aja and buttercream added just enough sweetness without taking away from the rose being the star. I think it is VERY well blended and it's another rose scent I can wear - so YAY!




I put this on ar 4:30 am and it's8pm and I can STILL smell it's sugary honey...Aja I'd wager. NICE!

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wet: OM NOM RASPBERRY JOLLY RANGER *CARNIVOROUS DINOSAUR CANDY CRUNCHING SOUNDS* *COPIOUS DROOL*. Also a rose that is pointy but pleasantly so - like a love bite rather than being stabbed. Will update further as it develops.

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Yes love bite ! That's what this has. It's seriously such a pretty, sweetened rose. It's so fem. I'm wearing it today and I feel like I smell like a "lady" but BANG makes me all sexy, girly and feisty! I love roses! Especially when candied with raspberry! The Aja makes the drydown slightly powdery. Aja alone, smells sweet and powdery on me- so I think skin chemistry plays a big roll in this.

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That reminds me...I'm almost 2 hours in and not really any recognizable Aja for me - it's playing VERY nice indeed in this sandbox.


The rose has backed off- it and the raspberry were fighting for dominance before but now it is a jolly rancher raspberry, flavored only secondarily with rose.


If I sniff really hard I get a warm vague sensual something which I guess is the Aja - doesn't smell in any way the way Aja does alone.


The bang! made the CCLD blurt out of nowhere in this weirdly almost defensive way, "I just noticed your eyes last week" (what he said before & after that was totally unrelated) and deferential / coddly to point of seeming sort of insecure - apologizing for imaginary offenses and such - not (what I perceive as) his normal self at all (taciturn, cocky). So in that sense I see that BANG! can work like a Dominance for me.

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Mmm...I couldn't resist and wore this again today. So many potions to review and yet I 've worn this twice to the exclusion of the others. While yesterday the rose stayed true and prominent, today it's softer and melding with my skin and seems different and yet still the same. The raspberry stayed around longer today than yesterday as well...standing on equal ground with the rose for almost 2 hours! It's almost 12 hours later now since I applied and I KNOW that's Aja I smell but it's so soft and blended so nicely with the rose that it's just delicious - if a floral can be delicious? And of course the BANG! performed as expected too :D I'll be showering soon and have been dying to try Moon Sugar Candy...but it's a hour between now and the final decision of what to slather next and I have all these wonder choices...

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I like the way this started out: it was somewhat creamy and tangy and sweet and the rose was a bit pointy like tyvey mentioned; there was almost a fizzy quality to it for me. But then in the drydown it turned into the sort of tart rose like in Passion In Pink or Pizzazz and it's a bit too sharp on me for now. Hopefully with aging the opening might hang on longer.

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Hmm, I just don't know what to make of this. Initially, it's been a disappointment: the raspberry does not like my skin and smells a bit plasticky, and to the extent that I get the rose, it is for me (as Luna mentions above) very reminiscent of the rose in Pizzazz, which makes the whole vibe much more alcoholic beverage than foodie floral. I get an almost citrus-y scent. In the description, I was really drawn to the buttercream factor -- I've suddenly fallen in love with the Buttercream Rose Hydrating Water and was looking for that kind of thick creamy sweetness. Instead, I get the pointy.


And yet, just sitting here typing, I just got a whiff of something different. It's gotten much quieter and softer, and I might reconsider. Maybe it will be like Petit Four Your Thoughts, which always goes on super pointy and softens to creamy incredibleness?! I will report back later.

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That's why I usually make a comment about aging in my reviews because sometimes when a scent is brand-new it doesn't always work on me,

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When I first tried this it was all Hawaiian Punch and I didn't get any rose. I am trying it again today and it is still Hawaiian Punch, but I can pick up a faint rose in the background. It is really pretty and reminds me of the rose in Dark Seductions. As it's drying down, the fruit is burning off and I'm left with a soft rose scent. It is very subtle and I can barely smell it. Last time, the scent lasted a really long time I was left with a faint Hawaiian Punch with a little bit of Aja in the background. Weird how it is totally different today!

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I got a comment while wearing this to work yesterday. I had smooshed it on my stomach with my wrists, so my clients ended up in my phero cloud pretty good. I wasn't thinking.... BANG to work, where I put makeup on ladies all day? Whatevs- I wore it for the scent.

This lady said "mmmm you smell really good" I didn't want to give away my LP secret (sorry Mara) so I said that I was wearing all sorts of lotion/body spray, so I didn't remember. She said "it smells spicy... Its good"

Well... Spicy? Idk about that!

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Hmm. I'll have to ask them to specify when they compliment/inquire about it next time. I haven't, myself, registered spicy but I have had people admire the scent. Interesting.

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Could it be the Aja,contributing to the phero response?



That reminds me...I'm almost 2 hours in and not really any recognizable Aja for me - it's playing VERY nice indeed in this sandbox.


The rose has backed off- it and the raspberry were fighting for dominance before but now it is a jolly rancher raspberry, flavored only secondarily with rose.


If I sniff really hard I get a warm vague sensual something which I guess is the Aja - doesn't smell in any way the way Aja does alone.


The bang! made the CCLD blurt out of nowhere in this weirdly almost defensive way, "I just noticed your eyes last week" (what he said before & after that was totally unrelated) and deferential / coddly to point of seeming sort of insecure - apologizing for imaginary offenses and such - not (what I perceive as) his normal self at all (taciturn, cocky). So in that sense I see that BANG! can work like a Dominance for me.

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Just tried this today and really loved it (this is both a review ~ and a question at the end

for the more experienced).

The raspberry sweetly tinged the rose, upon application, so it was almost an "effervescent"-

type rose ...very sweet and very pretty. After about 1/2 hour ~ it sent wafts of the most sheer,

soft tea-rose type scent. Young and romantic-rose scent comes to mind to describe this, and

again, this is so pretty and really loved this one.

After applying, just went about my day ~ went to a gift-shop and as a guy was passing by

me, turned quickly in my direction (I thought he may have thought he knew me) ... later went

to a drugstore, where the male cashier was handing out a promotional sale-flyer when I was

cashing out, and he dropped the flyer and it went sailing onto the floor ... I later went to a

supermarket, where they were giving out samples ~ and the (male) demonstrator forgot

his sales-pitch and had to start over after giving me the sample product. MY QUESTION

for the more experienced phero users ...I originally thought someone just thought they

knew me, and someone was just clumbsy and dropped a phamplet, and someone just

got tongue-tied when making a sales pitch. This scent was just so lovely, I totally

forgot it had "Bang" in it....does anyone think, these could actually be considered

small "hits"?

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I love this. The combination of rose and fruity stuff always gets me, but the raspberry & rose in this is just awesome! It's bright, sweet and tart and smells 100% edible. I even like the Aja in it. Definitely full bottle. :D

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Absolutely!! Don't you just love it?!


Thanks, Molls, for your feedback! Not being that experienced, wearing Pheros yet .. I wasn't quite sure if

those situations would be considered "hits" (as they were subtle)...so good to know! ..and thanks again :)

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This one is so bright going on and yet it wears so softly on me. FB was a good choice for me. I'm just tickled to have a scented BANG! and also to enjoy it so much!!! :Emoticons0424:

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RASPBERRY ~ Love inducing, protection, stamina, vigor.

ROSE ~ Self confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection & love, fertility, divination/clairvoyance.

BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy.

HONEY (AJA) ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.

STORAX ~ Healing, mental acuity, relaxation, sensual, love drawing, deflection of negativity.

I really want a bottle of this. This reminds me of Lick of Pink, but a bit tangier. The Bang! is perfectly disguised in this though, so I would be worried that I would be wearing this one out n about, sexy pheros be damned. Lol.

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When I first put this on, it was all candy/kool-aid. Now that it's had a chance to dry down, it's more of a soft, sweet rose jam or something. I do get just a hint of powdery Aja, but it's not a big player on me, at least.

Bang! is more of a social phero for me, but then I'm a regular wearer of cops ;)

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Yep! Total hits! :)



Just tried this today and really loved it (this is both a review ~ and a question at the end

for the more experienced).

The raspberry sweetly tinged the rose, upon application, so it was almost an "effervescent"-

type rose ...very sweet and very pretty. After about 1/2 hour ~ it sent wafts of the most sheer,

soft tea-rose type scent. Young and romantic-rose scent comes to mind to describe this, and

again, this is so pretty and really loved this one.

After applying, just went about my day ~ went to a gift-shop and as a guy was passing by

me, turned quickly in my direction (I thought he may have thought he knew me) ... later went

to a drugstore, where the male cashier was handing out a promotional sale-flyer when I was

cashing out, and he dropped the flyer and it went sailing onto the floor ... I later went to a

supermarket, where they were giving out samples ~ and the (male) demonstrator forgot

his sales-pitch and had to start over after giving me the sample product. MY QUESTION

for the more experienced phero users ...I originally thought someone just thought they

knew me, and someone was just clumbsy and dropped a phamplet, and someone just

got tongue-tied when making a sales pitch. This scent was just so lovely, I totally

forgot it had "Bang" in it....does anyone think, these could actually be considered

small "hits"?

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I have a singles movie screening this Friday (not only is it Valentine's, it is also the full moon... Should be some powerful mojo in the air!), we're all supposed to be sitting next to someone who might be a match.


Drinks and (if you want - not sure if I do) speeddating afterwards.


I wonder if I could wear Raspberry Rose Confite for it....

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You guys make me want to try this one SO much! I don't usually like rose, but I just really want to! Plus it has Aja, and the guy at work has consistently reacted poorly to Aja - and "poorly" may be an understatement. Even though he's not a potential romantic match for me anymore, I do still spend 90% of my workday with him. I couldn't wear it to work, and it seems like I'm at work ALL the time now:( I guess I'm just going to have to give this one a pass.

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I wonder if I could wear Raspberry Rose Confite for it....

I wonder how you could resist wearing this! :D

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You guys make me want to try this one SO much! I don't usually like rose, but I just really want to! Plus it has Aja, and the guy at work has consistently reacted poorly to Aja - and "poorly" may be an understatement. Even though he's not a potential romantic match for me anymore, I do still spend 90% of my workday with him. I couldn't wear it to work, and it seems like I'm at work ALL the time now:( I guess I'm just going to have to give this one a pass.


Maybe if you get it, the occasions to wear it outside of work will show up?

I have found myself seeking out social occasions that I normally wouldn't because it would give me a chance to use a certain perfume...


I wonder how you could resist wearing this! :D


Ha, good point! :D

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I agree with the others...this is a fun event and Bang is supposed to be a good social and you have the prospect of speeddating afterwards...do it!




I have a singles movie screening this Friday (not only is it Valentine's, it is also the full moon... Should be some powerful mojo in the air!), we're all supposed to be sitting next to someone who might be a match.


Drinks and (if you want - not sure if I do) speeddating afterwards.


I wonder if I could wear Raspberry Rose Confite for it....

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Ok, I'll give it a whirl then!


I haven't really tried the scent yet (just a tiny dab on the back of my hand one evening, which I did like) and I haven't tried Bang! - but I love SS4W and est and cops, so it's all good I guess. :)


Getting a teensie bit nervous about it if I'm honest....

I'll report back tomorrow - or probably the day after, since it's bound to get late either way. ;)

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Ok, I'll give it a whirl then!


I haven't really tried the scent yet (just a tiny dab on the back of my hand one evening, which I did like) and I haven't tried Bang! - but I love SS4W and est and cops, so it's all good I guess. :)


Getting a teensie bit nervous about it if I'm honest....

I'll report back tomorrow - or probably the day after, since it's bound to get late either way. ;)

I can't wait to hear about this! Good luck!!


Edited because every freaking time I forget to quote, I invariably start a new page... *sigh*

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I can't wait to hear about this! Good luck!!



Thank you!


I'm going there with practically zero expectations; mainly because I'm curious about the movie ('Her') which I'm getting to see for free, plus at least one free drink....

And the idea that everyone around me will be single (or supposed to be) is kind of funny in a way!


But I'm still sort of hung up on a guy I dated briefly end of 2012 / beginning of 2013, so I'm not really looking.


Unfortunately, Raspberry Rose Confite goes a tiny bit shrill / dusty dried rose on me.

I think I might layer it with some Phero Girl or LP Black, to make it a bit richer.

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I think that sounds awesome SSupytalp...you are going to have so much fun.


I really liked this scent too, but not enough for a full bottle I don't think. I am not sure if it was the raspberry or the rose or what, but I didn't end up loving it after dry down. Not like I love Pizzazz, so I will just be satisfied with that one.

What about wearing Cherry Divinity? That one seems like the perfect valentine fall in love scent to me!


eta: oh, I just reread that you are gong to layer this with something else, yeah because Bang seems like a perfect phero for this.

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I think that sounds awesome SSupytalp...you are going to have so much fun.


I really liked this scent too, but not enough for a full bottle I don't think. I am not sure if it was the raspberry or the rose or what, but I didn't end up loving it after dry down. Not like I love Pizzazz, so I will just be satisfied with that one.

What about wearing Cherry Divinity? That one seems like the perfect valentine fall in love scent to me!


eta: oh, I just reread that you are gong to layer this with something else, yeah because Bang seems like a perfect phero for this.


Unfortunately, Cherry Divinity did not like me: I think it smells great in the vial, but on my skin it's very... I don't know, it just falls flat.


Yes, I think I'll layer it with some LP Black or Gold - something to make it slightly warmer.

Also to have part of my scent feel familiar to me; I haven't worn RRC often enough to feel it's completely my own yet (that usually happens when I wear a scent several times, in several different settings).


I got a bottle of this one unsniffed, because I love SS4W and I really wanted to try out Bang!

I think the scent works well for the most part (after the first half hour where it is lemonade that is a bit on the sharp side) but it needs an extra touch of warmth for me.

I have a feeling it will smell more rounded after a bit of aging, though!


Actually, after it's mellowed a bit, there is something about it that reminds me of Mexico; part of that is that I bought rose-scented candles there, but there is something dry and sweet in the basenote that makes me think of the landscape there.

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