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Wet, the boozy notes (bourbon, Sambuca?) were pretty obvious and out front but once it settled down it was this great vanilla, sugary amber and then whispers of smoke wafting about. The boozy notes never overpowered and I just smelled edible!


I don't know what it is that I SO love about Mara's smoke notes but they send me to the MOON and back...make my eyes roll every time and a smile forms without effort. This is a rich, chewy scent - completely slather worthy!

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OMG Eggers! Even though the scent didn't work for you your review has me running to test this one out right now. I want the "spooky dank-basement-and-ghost feeling", and I've always longed to hang out in a New Orleans cemetery!


Couple this with Nutrix's edibleness with smoky whispers and hopefully I'll smell like a deliciously eerily scented chewy, smoky graveyard spirit.


That's it- I'm off for some spookiness testing!

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:( My skin GOBBLED IT UP within 5 minutes, like a ravenous fox with a plump, juicy chicken! How is this possible? I don't have very thirsty skin, and this is a robust type of scent, with lots of strength and depth to it. I know lotions can help, but it disappeared into nothing more than a ghost-like smoky whisper of dough on my arm.


It starts out with a strong hit of bourbon and a heavy brown depth from the anise, brown sugar and pecan. Like a boozy sinful dessert (the kind you could light on fire). Then it quickly softens into a creamier, vanilla sweetness with hints of shadowy amber depth to it. I really enjoyed it at this stage- for the 3 minutes it lasted before my greedy, piggish epidermis decided to hog all the goodness for itself. :mad:


But I have devised a cunning plan. I shall outsmart my own skin by converting the oil to spray and misting my clothes. Take that, traitorous flesh!

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:o Oh No! D'oh! How terrible! Go spray! There's ALWAYS a work around! :)

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Wow weird. This lasts a long time on me. I do put on a good slather. I need to slather to get the full scent. But it lasts on me. It's actually one of my longer lasting LPs.

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Ah, thanks Halo. Yes this is still a very new scent, so I'll let it sit and soak in its own goodness for a bit.


Out of curiosity, do scents that are in alcohol spray form age the way oils do? For some reason I've always thought the alcohol sort of prevents them from being able to transform.

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Vlad, You always want to try them more than once. When I first tried this I got a lot of booze and brown sugar. I was wishing for more vanilla and other notes. A week later I tried it again, but I slathered quite a bit.. and bam got what I wanted. Lots of Boozy Vanilla, the spices came through but no amping (which made me happy) and a hint of the woodsmoke. I love it now but find I do need to slather a bit to get tbe complete experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love it now but find I do need to slather a bit to get tbe complete experience.


:( My skin GOBBLED IT UP within 5 minutes, like a ravenous fox with a plump, juicy chicken! How is this possible? I don't have very thirsty skin, and this is a robust type of scent, with lots of strength and depth to it. I know lotions can help, but it disappeared into nothing more than a ghost-like smoky whisper of dough on my arm.

When I read the description of this, I immediately thought to get the f/s in RB because of the richness... and if the skin is sucking it up (or turns it 'wonky') wouldn't a silicone base help that? But when I looked, it's not offered in that option... I'm dying to try it though!

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This one is buttery bourbon vanilla heaven on me. It reminds me a bit of Jubilee. It has that same thick delicious syrup feel. I am going to retest to make sure it does not turn into am hangover smell. If it stays like this forever them I can see a bottle boosted with BB in my future. BB and cops, because like when I drink alcohol I feel so good and fuzzy, but I do slutty things. Would that be weird BB and Cops? I love how calm I am when I wear BB but I also want to be a slut. Like a calm slut. I know my bf would love a less mouthy angry bitchy horny slut monster I can become when the rag is about to descend on us. at least a less angry hostile Lady V, I am sure he loves the whorey part.

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Nola starts off very soft and pleasantly warm with my chemistry. I didn't know what to expect of the smoke note and I'm not sure if I don't detect it or if it is contributing to the warm feeling. On me it's sweet and makes me think of honey swirled in tea. It was a lovely surprise.

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I think I will get a bottle boosted with Cops. Sounds like enough vanilla to handle it.

Has anyone gotten this with Cops??? I know I got LP Red boosted and it was fine... so Nola sounds hefty enough to handle it.

Edited by LoveStruck55
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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone gotten this with Cops??? I know I got LP Red boosted and it was fine... so Nola sounds hefty enough to handle it.


I got it amped with cops and la femme mystere. It doesn't even need a dry down.

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I *almost* like this. I almost like it a whole, whole lot. I love the creaminess, and the vanilla. It feels really rich and thick, and I like that a whole lot. But I'm not a fan of the boozy notes. They seem to take over on me, and spoil scents that otherwise, smell great to me, (Peach Sparkle, Flambe). Additionally, there's one very mysterious note at the bottom of this that gives the whole thing a really intriguing feeling, almost a spooky dank-basement-and-ghost feeling, that I like in theory, but apparently not in practice. It's perfectly evocative of my idea of one of those beautiful old New Orleans cemetaries. If it weren't for the booze note I might be tempted to hang onto my sample for further testing. As it is, I've listed it on my Tr. pg.


I have just discovered that mysterious note on the bottom of this scent of which you speak. yes, it is a little like a dank basement, but for me it evokes something slightly different: moist primordal earthy soil. This note--and the booze of course--is what makes this not a "cupcake" vanilla.


I love this perfume. So complex. Always something new to discover.

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I have just discovered that mysterious note on the bottom of this scent of which you speak. yes, it is a little like a dank basement, but for me it evokes something slightly different: moist primordal earthy soil. This note--and the booze of course--is what makes this not a "cupcake" vanilla.


I love this perfume. So complex. Always something new to discover.


Really nicely worded xev...I ordered a sample of this last month & I'm glad I did. I just hope it gets here before it's sold out & I don't have the option of a FB. I love your idea of cops & LFM. If I love Nola, I definitely think I'll go that route as well. Thanks for your input.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I love the idea of this one, but after many times trying it out on my wrist, I am admitting defeat. in the bottle it smells so lovely and complex and mysterious, and on my skin it smells like bourbon and smoke -- like I was sitting around a campfire with friends, passing around a bottle of booze... good and expensive booze, sure, but booze nonetheless. No brown sugar, no vanilla, no pecan, just smoke and bourbon.



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:Emoticons04284: It's always a bit sad when something just doesn't quite work. But the good thing is that there are always other loves to discover!

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:Emoticons04284: It's always a bit sad when something just doesn't quite work. But the good thing is that there are always other loves to discover!

Yes you are so right NuTrix... same goes for when something sells out right before you discover you LOVE it. You move on... and then Mara reveals stuff like Love Potion Variants and you're like "Why was I so upset I missed out on that last one?" I have a FB of NOLA coming unsniffed, any day now. I 'm starting to tell I lean towards the foodies; this one sounds so good (and the inventory is dwindling) so I jumped on it. It's really hard to judge something until it's on your skin. I have a couple that I got as freebies from trades that I would have NEVER picked on my own... and I end up loving them (just bought a FB of Unbridled for that very reason). Solving the mystery of whether or not something will work on YOUR skin is part of the buzz I get from all this.

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It's really hard to judge something until it's on your skin. I have a couple that I got as freebies from trades that I would have NEVER picked on my own... and I end up loving them (just bought a FB of Unbridled for that very reason). Solving the mystery of whether or not something will work on YOUR skin is part of the buzz I get from all this.


So true! -- I rec'd Trianon-esque as a little sniffie in my first order and I fell in love with it, though I would never have thought it would be "me" based on the description. Also, before I discovered LP, I was never a foodie perfume kind of gal, but O.M.G. (!!) Now I love them -- Atomic Mandarin, Abby Normal's Dessicated Brains (which came as a freebie in one of my orders and now I LOVE it!) Moon Sugar Candy (when the lemon behaves and doesn't amp to high heaven!), Heart Strings, Petit Four Your Thoughts. All are wonderful! I love smelling delicious! haha!


As for selling out right before I discovered I loved it --- that would be the Pirate and the Maiden for me. I have my trial and when it's empty ... *sigh*

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This one is buttery bourbon vanilla heaven on me. It reminds me a bit of Jubilee. It has that same thick delicious syrup feel. I am going to retest to make sure it does not turn into am hangover smell. If it stays like this forever them I can see a bottle boosted with BB in my future. BB and cops, because like when I drink alcohol I feel so good and fuzzy, but I do slutty things. Would that be weird BB and Cops? I love how calm I am when I wear BB but I also want to be a slut. Like a calm slut. I know my bf would love a less mouthy angry bitchy horny slut monster I can become when the rag is about to descend on us. at least a less angry hostile Lady V, I am sure he loves the whorey part.


Did you try the BB and cops? Curious about the combo ;) Edited by hearts
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Did you try the BB and cops? Curious about the combo ;)

Me TOO! I've ordered both NOLA and BB separately... I wondered about this combo after you posted it LV.


HEARTS! You changed your MM avi! Love this one too for different reasons... it kinda reminds me of the "joy to come" Love Potion®: Tropique. Where did you find/Why did you pick your new one??


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Me TOO! I've ordered both NOLA and BB separately... I wondered about this combo after you posted it LV.


HEARTS! You changed your MM avi! Love this one too for different reasons... it kinda reminds me of the "joy to come" Love Potion®: Tropique. Where did you find/Why did you pick your new one??


I loved my Mm one especially with the peke! But I was feeling summery, AND the LP Tropique inspired me lol! Oh and I just watched the Little Mermaid so that influenced it too haha!

I thought about combining Balm Bomb with cops the other day, but didn't do it... I also need to find my Nola sample, still haven't tried it!

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I love how rich and chewy Nola is on me. I feel like I have on something decadent when I'm wearing it! It's heady and vanilla and not very boozy at all :heart:


BB & cops. Hehe. Well. BB is a great social to me. One 2 separate occasions with 2 very different guys I was told I was distracting and that when they were near me they seemed to become confused (tongue tied, unfocused). Now I find BB to be a bit "giddy" on it's own, but throw cops into the mix and it can be downright distracting apparently :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: Got my FB of Nola. It does smell remarkably like the description, however I was hoping the foody side of it would be the most pronounced. Sadly, the boozy/smoky seems to really amp on my skin as it dries! Maybe if I find something that is exclusively foody/nutty I can layer it over Nola and accentuate the notes I want. It's lovely overall, just a little too edgy for me - at least the way my skin plays it. Maybe I'll let this one age awhile and revisit...

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I do suggest you let it sit and give it another try. I love this but at first it was a ? for me too.

I tried it later by giving it a good shake then a slather. I got a lot more creamy vanilla, more like layers of vanillas, yes one is boozy for sure, with the other spice/sugar & smoke notes floating mildly around the edges.

It is a bit of an edgy scent, but I also find it deliciously festive. :)

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Maybe if I find something that is exclusively foody/nutty I can layer it over Nola and accentuate the notes I want.


Hmm. Like Sugared Moon Dust or Wink at the Moon?

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:lol: Uh-oh! What's wrong? WATM is foodie and nutty - on me - if she layers them I'd be curious about the outcome.


I love Nola all on its own though! I get all rich gourmand, thick, dripping vanilla goodness!

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HAHAHA! Maybe.... And YES, drag it out and then report back! ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love the bourbon/vanilla in Nola! I was a bit worried in reading the reviews and not knowing if the brown sugar/pecan would amp on me but instead they just blended in with the amber (most prominent of those three) and the boozyness came out. It's definitely a complex perfume, sultry yet not over-powering with any one scent to knock you over. The smoke stayed true to wood smoke too, which I love mixed with the vanilla. I hadn't tried my sample of it until yesterday and am so glad I did!

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Nearly 2 weeks in... went back to Ms. Nola to see if she saw me in her crystal ball yet. I guess she's actually in cahoots with Ms. Sex & Violins because I've had to earn the respect of both these ladies before they'd allow me to bask in their auras. I gave the bottle a gentle shake, uncapped and rolled inside my wrists. "Hmm. Not so boozy smoky this time..." Rolled on my torso... still good. Proceeded to slather & everything was WONDERFUL. I'm so relieved as I wanted to love this based on my favs and the reviews! I think I may pair it with LFN and get my own turban, crystal ball and bad-ass jewelry. My HB said I smell like a bourbon-soaked praline. Mind you, he has not seen the label on this; and my LP stuff is still my little surreptitious affair. But considering he's from Louisiana and BIG on any creole fare I'd say Mara hit the nail on the head with this elixir.


Once again, it bears repeating... a resting period oftentimes pays off for these babies.

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  • 1 month later...

All these posts have me drooling - I am such an addict now - am feeling shame I think.


Anyhow - this one is def on my MUST try list. I am worried about the pecan/ praline effect, but seems only a few are having this. And given my new obsession with deep red fruit smells (cherry, currants, etc.) - am already thinking if I sampled this, how it would layer with one of those blends. Not that it needs any layering.


Hence, my shame for thinking of sampling 2 things I don't have and already thinking how I'd layer them (even though they probably don't need it all based on reviews). But it all sounds so gorgeous... sniff.

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No shame here BG, in LP speak, we call that "Prudent Planning" :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was hesitant as didn't want to amp certain notes but all notes and the description drew me in- had to try, got 2 samples in last order. WANT FB NOW!


Ok review - the basement musty smell, noticed that too immediately - when wet and 5-7 min into dry down. I was nervous this would not play well. But then it goes away and this is a magical wonderful mysterious scent. I smell the sambuca, wood smoke, hints of vanilla, amber swirl about - very well blended yet I can still huff these out. Oh and the brown sugar in this is wonderful, doesn't go maple on me (I don't wear maple well).


I actually bought bc of the 'uber vanilla' description but on me this isn't my "usual vanilla'. It's gorgeous lush deep dark vanilla, but vanilla is not the main player here. All notes have equal billing, perfectly balanced. I feel exotic, like I'm in New Orleans at night, walking through the streets, peering into lovely botanicas where curios abound. My superstitions come out a bit, but I'm all ok - bc of notes that offer appeasement to the Gods, cleansing, protection, calming. Yup. LOVE this. And so far great staying power - 4 hours in, even more beautiful than it was before.


Not my usual scent genre, but I am loving the heck out of this. I need to post when I can give a better review - it's just so hard to describe well and to give it proper review but I couldn't wait. I was so excited to try but equally worried this wouldn't work, but it does.


Although loving it on it's own, wondering how this would work with LP Black (which I don't have, yet... ) but based on other's reviews - both are wonderful scents and seems they would play well together. Well done on this!! When I get LFN (one day...?) going to layer with this as would be congruent for sure. For now, will be wearing this solo and feeling mysterious, seductive, and bewitching. :)


Guess the sugars are also going to have to wait - must have this FB.

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You've outdone yourself on the review, Beach Goddess. My nose and I are still learning to discern what something is and what parts of it I love and which parts not. It's very interesting. I suppose it's like taking a newbie to a wine tasting event. I have to learn my nose and the vocabulary, and then ultimately let it all go and just feel it.

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Mmm! Thanks for the delicious review - and reminding me to pull this one out again! I was in love at first snuffle and know the burning desire to be sure to get a FB :D This is so decadent and alluring. I get the syrupy vanilla in it and though it may not be the leading player it surely is standing to the front of the stage - just absolutely gorgeous all around :heart: I totally love that bourbony goodness - completely swoon worthy!

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Mmm! Thanks for the delicious review - and reminding me to pull this one out again! I was in love at first snuffle and know the burning desire to be sure to get a FB :D This is so decadent and alluring. I get the syrupy vanilla in it and though it may not be the leading player it surely is standing to the front of the stage - just absolutely gorgeous all around :heart: I totally love that bourbony goodness - completely swoon worthy!

Thanks NuTrix - and you are so right about the vanilla - all of a sudden it pops back out in it's fully bodied delicousness. I swear it gets better the more I wear it can't wait to see how it ages, if my FB (on the way soon) holds up that long. Heehee. Yes the boozy notes are perfect too. Maybe no one else will like it as much as we do so we can plot hoarding now. heehee

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