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Love Potion: Exotica w/Gotcha!

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VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
FIG ~ Wisdom, fertility, love, luck, protection, aids restful sleep, divination. Feminine sexuality.
APRICOT ~ Love, love, love! Romance, passion, femininity.
RED MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
BLACK AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. Meditative and transforming.
WOODSMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration. It is also the foremost mode of communication from this world to the realm of spirits and the gods.

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My heart quickened at the sight of this label! Well done. The name, Exotica. The ingredients -in perfect concert. Gotcha -'nuff said. Admittedly I've shied away from anything described as incense-like. There was a thread I read early on...wish I could remember where I saw it to link. Anyhow, one of the dolls had a co-worker say a mean thing to her because she was wearing something of that nature, incense-like. Prior to reading that I would not have thought twice about this type of blend. Sure did turn chicken after reading her post tho. I realize there are lots of variables to consider but what can I say, I'm impressionable. Doesn't matter anymore because it's looking like Exotica has broken my 'scurred' streak. I'm giving this one a go. Fearlessly at that -_-

Edited by ComingUpRoses
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Hope there's a btl left, couldn't swing it this time :(

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Hope there's a btl left, couldn't swing it this time :(


:Emoticons04284: don't despair. You're sure to meet Exotica at a later date if not now. Being new, I've missed out on a lot of the great potions from pastimes. But -- the trade pages give me hope...

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:Emoticons04284: don't despair. You're sure to meet Exotica at a later date if not now. Being new, I've missed out on a lot of the great potions from pastimes. But -- the trade pages give me hope...

hee...Thx ComingUpRoses

and I figure if I DO miss out, it prob wasn't meant for me cause something better will come along :)

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I ordered LP Exotica right away FB, along with a FB of LPBlue and samples of Flutterby and Incandescence.


So excited to hear you ordered Cougar x3 RoseB! Can't imagine how wonderful/sparkly that's gonna be....I've only got it in x1, but can't wait to hear your experiences with it.

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Just out of the mail! In the vial, earthy comes to mind. Not like dirt or anything, I suppose it's the incense quality it's supposed to have that I'm getting? I think i's the red musk, black amber and patch all coming together. Will have to test more once it chills from it's journey :)

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Wanted to LOVE this one but it just isn't going to be a me scent. It starts out fruity, actually, and then chills to a fragrance that I would love for the house but wouldn't necessarily want to smell like. It's definitely not head shop incense, but it is on the resin side for me. I actually like it more after the sweet notes back off and the resins are at the fore.

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Wanted to LOVE this one but it just isn't going to be a me scent. It starts out fruity, actually, and then chills to a fragrance that I would love for the house but wouldn't necessarily want to smell like. It's definitely not head shop incense, but it is on the resin side for me. I actually like it more after the sweet notes back off and the resins are at the fore.

UH OHHHHHH....you and I like similar scents much of the time....a little worried!!!

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UH OHHHHHH....you and I like similar scents much of the time....a little worried!!!


It's not a heavy resin, but I think it is the combo of the red musk, black amber and patch that are more dominant after dry down. Not in the thick resin sense of S&V or OCCO Black :lol: Much lighter and more serine. Light and perfect for the season :)

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This reminds me of a fruity Allumette. The smoke, musk and vanilla are similar. Damn I might need a bottle if this too!

Wholly ???? Seriously ?

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This reminds me of a fruity Allumette. The smoke, musk and vanilla are similar. Damn I might need a bottle if this too!


I did not get that :huh: *scurries off to go compare....*


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This reminds me of a fruity Allumette. The smoke, musk and vanilla are similar. Damn I might need a bottle if this too!

Not that I wasn't already kicking myself for holding off on full bottle unsniffed! Oh, sampler, speed your way here!

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OK. Sniffing them side by side I see it - er - smell it. Like the Allumette is on top with the undercurrent of LP - but I would have NEVER gotten that on my own...Halo has a sleuth's nose! ^_^

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Loving this one. A tad incensy at first, but It smoothed out so nicely on dry down to a figgy, musky amber. And now I can smell the similarity to Allumette of which I only had a sampler of, but could definitely appreciate. This, paired with Gotcha is wonderful. Glad I got a FB.

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Halo's got it on the nose! :D

Once this dries down on me it is pretty much identical to Allumette. The fig comes out in the beginning and is very round, it sort of reminds me of the one used in Ishtar's Star.

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This is definitely fruity first on. It actually smelled like bananas. i was surprised to look at the notes and find that there were none. After the fruitiness died down, it began to remind me of a scent from my childhood. Then i read that this is an LP/Allumette variant, and it totally made sense. Allumette also reminded me of an unidentifiable scent from my childhood! Would have never figured it out but for this thread though. It's lovely, but the red musk is a little loud on me through much of the dry down. although, after awhile, the fig came out in this rich, beautiful fruitness that made my eyes roll back in my head. Not sure if this is a scent for me though, but I will enjoy my vial!

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I hope this gets better, LOL. Put it on 4 or 5 days after it arrived and it smelled like pure Vicks Vap-O-Rub. Washed that off and shook the heck out of it and put it on again and it smells like Vicks Vap-O-Rub. Dammit, I must have weird skin chemistry or a bad nose, because I'm getting no fruit at all, definitely not banana or fig, and no vanilla. It's been 2 hours, I'm gonna leave it on and see in a few more...then wipe it off and try again. Luckily my husband's out of town, because I can just imagine his reaction.


I liked this one when it first arrived and I smelled it in the bottle. Why??

Edited by Goddessinjapan
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I hope this gets better, LOL. Put it on 4 or 5 days after it arrived and it smelled like pure Vicks Vap-O-Rub. Washed that off and shook the heck out of it and put it on again and it smells like Vicks Vap-O-Rub. Dammit, I must have weird skin chemistry or a bad nose, because I'm getting no fruit at all, definitely not banana or fig, and no vanilla. It's been 2 hours, I'm gonna leave it on and see in a few more...then wipe it off and try again. Luckily my husband's out of town, because I can just imagine his reaction.


I liked this one when it first arrived and I smelled it in the bottle. Why??

There's no actual banana in it that's just the way it smelled with her chemistry.

The one thing with LP, that can be a bit of a SUPRISE is that the scents will smell slightly or sometimes dramatically different person to person.

ETA that's largely why many Perfume companies (it originally started with the less expensive types) began adding fixatives (not sure if that's the right word) to their mix. A one smell fits all approach if you will.

I used to be say maybe 1970's and earlier that a quality fragrance varied in smell person to person.

But that perception of what is quality changed as many of the big designers or maybe it was a trend first IDK, wanted their SCENT label on you so to speak.

I'm not an expert fragrance historian but I still say the main motivation was marketing IMO.

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Fixatives serve more than one purpose in the construction of a fragrance; and that is one of the uses, but not the only one. It's just that the use of wholly chemical fixatives arose to serve that particular agenda. The use of naturally-sourced fixatives has been in practice for probably as long as perfume has been created.

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Exactly, my use of the word was in reference to the more modern chem substances used to insure the scent remained unchanged in the "one size fits all" model so to speak. As in it smells the same on everyone all the time.

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Yes I've been commenting for years that the primary difference between artisan and commercial fragrance has to do with the method of decay: artisan fragrance is like wine: the bottle of wine unopened is different from the bottle opened, different from the first glass drunk, different from the last glass in the bottle. Commercial fragrance is created to provide the same experience every time for every person. So evolutionary/impressionist versus literal/linear.

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.."So evolutionary/impressionist versus literal/linear..."


I like that. :)


I think the later was mainly adapted by the "designers" to make more $$.

Tho the evolutional process works against them as the literal staple can make them seem dated or specifically associated to a group or place in time in a masses way. The most obvious of course is poor Patchouli, oh the social stigma that can arouse!

Or by brand as in when I smell the horrible Drakkar Noir (sp?) I want to go out to eat because I think busboy! :lol:

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Well, like you, I LIKE that they change...and my commercial perfumes smell thin and tinny by comparison now.


It is entirely possible that part of the problem was I put way too much on...it's now 10 hours later, and I smell good. And I can smell a bit of vanilla. So maybe I just overdid it and need to calm the heck down with the roller bottle.


I did that once before, getting overenthusiastic with my new Cougar Potion sample...and people moved away on the bus. But when I applied a reasonable amount, it wasn't overwhelming at all.


It was just interesting that other people were describing light, fruity scents, and that's not what I was getting.


So I'll try to remember that more doesn't mean better!

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Sorry that strayed OT :lol:

They really do vary person to person.

I will say one thing I have learned here is to definitely try a scent more than once, a couple of days or weeks can sometimes make a huge difference. I've let some really great scents go before their time :)


and of course if it's not meant to be there's lots of other great stuff past and yet to come. :)

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Sampler is here and this was the first to go on! This is GORGEOUS -- not fruity to my nose; I am not picking out the apricot or the fig. I am getting something very earthy and incensey, but not piercing or overpowering on me. It's complexly dark and subtle and wonderful, and I must possess several bottles of it. I think this will be a spectacular cold weather scent, but it also feels like a dark resin-y one that could work in summer. I am definitely getting the Allumette connection, but it also reminds me a bit of Totem: Bat -- a more grounded, warmer full-bodied vibe, but similarly dark and ethereal and sexy powerful queen-like.


And having read the description I can't wait to experience this over the long drydown. This is already exotic beyond my wildest dreams!

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