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Mega Watt- Unscented Phero Blend for Women

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Best wishes, you guys!!


Just got my package, with a full-bottle Mega Watt spray, 60% alcohol, 40% oil. 3 sprays to chest and things got noticeably glittery and sharper, and I felt more focused.


Now I just need to shift my focus from screwing around to job applications.


More than an hour later, and things still look sharp, like when I get new contacts.


My preliminary conclusion would be: with a tiny bit of a push in the right direction, I bet this stuff is great.


Will report back.

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Guest cutie.pie

Trial Run #2, this time well rested (I'm the woman with adrenal fatigue).

I felt I wanted to dilute the strength a little so I poured my trial vial of Treasures: Rubies into the trail spray bottle. I picked that scent because I feel 'rubies' to be the most grounded, root-chakra based LP I have, and I've been fascinated with it for a few days now. This made it about 40 % scented oil and 60 % alcohol-based pheromones.


At 1 PM, I did one spritz to bare chest, one spritz to each wrist, let it dry before putting on clothes (in case it stains, as the 'rubies' is actually a bit red itself). After 5 minutes - able to breathe deeper. 15 minutes - a long purr session with my semi-feral cat. I figured she is so sensitive, that if something were amiss in this blend, she would run away. 30 minutes - making plans for several weeks out, feeling positive. Pulse has not changed. Feeling a nice trickle of energy running down my legs to the Earth ( something I usually only get after a long yoga session). 1 hour - can't wait to see my kids after school. Colors seem brighter, as well as an increase in visual acuity (I wear glasses). Music seems more alive. I am bopping to the music. 2.5 hours - I am cracking jokes, wrestling lightly with my kids, I feel at least 10 years younger. Kids seeking me out as a center of feel-good, happy vibes.


3 hours -I have chores to do but they seem like a bare bump in my day now, rather than a huge mountain I cannot even begin to climb. I feel just positive, happy, young. Kids are happy.


Update: Effect lasted until 7:30 PM, so 6.5 hours.

OMG, you're killing me with your reviews. And I haven't even gotten my shipping notice! Come my precious, come! :wub:

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OMG, you're killing me with your reviews. And I haven't even gotten my shipping notice! Come my precious, come! :wub:


SAME! And LP is on vacation from Monday, so I'm starting to wonder if mine will get into the (admittedly horrible Thanksgiving mire of) post before that.

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Thanks to everyone for the great reviews! I haven't been making progress on some long-term goals; I could see this one being helpful in getting unstuck and back on the right track. I'm really really looking forward to trying it myself. :chickendance:

Now, I am living vicariously through all of you while I impatiently wait for USPS to deliver my package, so keep those reviews coming, people. lol

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I am a tough nut to crack...bipolar, with the sometimes severe lack of motivation and focus that can entail, plus I have Crohn's, with fatigue as my main symptom, also going through all kinds of super-stressy life stuff, like divorce and job hunting. Oh, and I tend towards S.A.D. anyway, plus living in clammy grey (but beautiful) Seattle. Let's just say I don't exactly bounce out of bed and greet the day sometimes.


This is not a magic elixir, but, really, what woild be?? The sharper vision is noticeable, even hours later. The "white noise" in my head increases...my brain buzzes, like it does in meditation or when I'm really absorbed in doing something. I also noticed that when I DO get myself doing something useful, I see it in a different way. Like yesterday, instead of just applying for jobs, I also reorganized my resume a bit and wrote a cover letter with a different focus. When I was cleaning, I got out some storage boxes and put my summer things away so I had more space.


It's like I see how to do things differently? Or feel like doing more than the minimum?


I also thought I got more absorbed, so it seemed like time passed more quickly.


If I were naming this stuff, I'd call it "In The Zone".


I remember reading that there IS no phero that would give energy, plus there is apparently no anti-procrastination phero, so I'm out of luck on that. Darn.


But considering what could reasonably be expected, I think this works great. Way better than I would have thought. And as I said, I'm a tough nut to crack.


2 questions: Is there an LP scent that IS intended to build energy? The combo might be perfect for me.


And can I use this every day??

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Guest cutie.pie

I am a tough nut to crack...bipolar, with the sometimes severe lack of motivation and focus that can entail, plus I have Crohn's, with fatigue as my main symptom, also going through all kinds of super-stressy life stuff, like divorce and job hunting. Oh, and I tend towards S.A.D. anyway, plus living in clammy grey (but beautiful) Seattle. Let's just say I don't exactly bounce out of bed and greet the day sometimes.


This is not a magic elixir, but, really, what woild be?? The sharper vision is noticeable, even hours later. The "white noise" in my head increases...my brain buzzes, like it does in meditation or when I'm really absorbed in doing something. I also noticed that when I DO get myself doing something useful, I see it in a different way. Like yesterday, instead of just applying for jobs, I also reorganized my resume a bit and wrote a cover letter with a different focus. When I was cleaning, I got out some storage boxes and put my summer things away so I had more space.


It's like I see how to do things differently? Or feel like doing more than the minimum?


I also thought I got more absorbed, so it seemed like time passed more quickly.


If I were naming this stuff, I'd call it "In The Zone".


I remember reading that there IS no phero that would give energy, plus there is apparently no anti-procrastination phero, so I'm out of luck on that. Darn.


But considering what could reasonably be expected, I think this works great. Way better than I would have thought. And as I said, I'm a tough nut to crack.


2 questions: Is there an LP scent that IS intended to build energy? The combo might be perfect for me.


And can I use this every day??

What a great review!


Don't know about the energy scent, but maybe Mara will make a spell for that with the next spell collection ;)

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Phew, that is a heavy load you're carrying. It is great news that you found Mega Watt helpful in giving you a boost. Your review is really comprehensive and helpful. I have limited selfies from pheros and am not always good at noticing the subtle effects so having reviews like the ones on this thread that are specific and focus on the vibe as well as concrete changes are really useful for me. I don't always experience something as drastic as, say, sharper vision but I will check in with myself and notice that feeling of being in the zone.


The energy scent is a good idea. I wonder if it's worth looking through the notes/associations on the LP website and suggesting a perfume or requesting a PE based on that with your stated intention of increased energy, maybe with some positivity, focus, and determination added. I say this as a depression/anxiety sufferer, so I know buzzing is not necessarily useful so much as having a direction and a feeling of being capable and positive about how to use that energy.


Re: procrastination -- it seems like someone is starting to understand what procrastination can really mean for those of us who do it, at least emotional intelligence folks.

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Sounds like jobs I've had that needed moving on from!!


To those who harp on productivity, I always think, "of course you're "productive"...you haven't got a bitchy, annoying co-worker to deal with".


Hang in there...but only until you ditch the place for something better!!


Got a whole slew of job applications done, yay, me!


Remember...you only need ONE job, if it's the right one.


I am thinking about a Private Edition scent intended to lend a little get-up-and-go...or if anyone has a recommendation?


Like cutie.pie said, a Spell Potion would be fab!

Edited by Goddessinjapan
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These are great reviews. The effects of being more focused, feeling as if a fog has lifted, sharper vision...All I can say is wow. Not to mention it seems to last all day. My box got held up a day but is out for delivery. I can only think this is one I will always need to have around. I have the sugared Grapefruit as well and in that thread it was mentioned to be a mood lifter so those may be perfect for each other.


New questions will be if it is as effective as an oil and if others will feel some of the effects. I will be getting more I am sure so will make sure to test oil and spray as well as try and find the maximum effectiveness dose.....as in if there are effects for a spray or two, I would also test 3 or 4 to see if that is a wasted amount or if the effect intensifies.I will also try and keep good records of which effect last longest. I also wonder since all blends seem to have an OD effect at some point, what the effect would be. Lots of testing to be done on this one. I am grateful we have a chance to help test this one out since different people respond differently.


I feel for you both. If you cannot change jobs or move, try and create a better home. Someplace where you can feel recharged, relaxed and not think about all the work stuff. You can explore Feng shui, aroma therapy, meditation, color therapy, or whatever else you want especially finding a hobby you love. I think for many it becomes a mix of many different things but all help.

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Like cutie.pie said, a Spell Potion would be fab!

I would think something like Whisker Wishes would be a perfect scent match. Ability to focus on intent and the scent was always an instant lift for me. a PE along those lines would work well.

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Sounds like jobs I've had that needed moving on from!!


To those who harp on productivity, I always think, "of course you're "productive"...you haven't got a bitchy, annoying co-worker to deal with".


Hang in there...but only until you ditch the place for something better!!


Got a whole slew of job applications done, yay, me!


Remember...you only need ONE job, if it's the right one.


I am thinking about a Private Edition scent intended to lend a little get-up-and-go...or if anyone has a recommendation?


Like cutie.pie said, a Spell Potion would be fab!


Goddess, I'm not sure how to quote several sections from your post, so pardon the formatting


"of course you're "productive"...you haven't got a bitchy, annoying co-worker to deal with".


Congrats on getting those applications in; yay for you!! It does feel wonderful, having that feeling of accomplishment, especially when it's something which doesn't come easily. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that something great will come up for you soon!


I found the Sugared Grapefruit to be a great match for me personally, and suspect that citrus in general would be refreshing and perk things up a bit. Or perhaps peppermint, or something with a prominant coffee note?


These are great reviews. The effects of being more focused, feeling as if a fog has lifted, sharper vision...All I can say is wow. Not to mention it seems to last all day. My box got held up a day but is out for delivery. I can only think this is one I will always need to have around. I have the sugared Grapefruit as well and in that thread it was mentioned to be a mood lifter so those may be perfect for each other.


New questions will be if it is as effective as an oil and if others will feel some of the effects. I will be getting more I am sure so will make sure to test oil and spray as well as try and find the maximum effectiveness dose.....as in if there are effects for a spray or two, I would also test 3 or 4 to see if that is a wasted amount or if the effect intensifies.I will also try and keep good records of which effect last longest. I also wonder since all blends seem to have an OD effect at some point, what the effect would be. Lots of testing to be done on this one. I am grateful we have a chance to help test this one out since different people respond differently.


I feel for you both. If you cannot change jobs or move, try and create a better home. Someplace where you can feel recharged, relaxed and not think about all the work stuff. You can explore Feng shui, aroma therapy, meditation, color therapy, or whatever else you want especially finding a hobby you love. I think for many it becomes a mix of many different things but all help.


irish eyes,


I definitely think the Sugared Grapefruit worked in concert with the phero. It'd be interesting to compare notes, so if you try the same pairing I'd love to hear how it turns out.


You raise a lot of good questions. I have perfumer's alcohol here at home, so for economic reasons I'll probably buy it in oil and convert part of it into a spray so I can make the same comparison. My gut instinct tells me this one will probably work best as a spray, but it will be interesting to find out.


I'm too tired to check, but I think this blend might have a-nol (I don't know my molecules so I could be mistaken). A couple times when I used too much phero, both blends had a-nol in them, and from reading other review/recommendation threads, think that might be the ingredient that has given me the "stabbing sensation"/brief headache.


I agree keeping track of the different variables could be very helpful in maximizing this one's effects. I hope you get your package today so the experiments can begin!


Thank you for kind words and suggestions. I do need to be mindful of creating a positive space at home. I used to be a lot better about doing that but let myself get sucked down the rabbit hole. It's been exhausting, an anchor dragging me down, so thank you for reminding me of some things I can start doing today.


I have to go to work now, but sometime tonight I'll go through and edit my post so it's less Dear Abby and more review! :D I think I just needed to unload, so hopefully folks will forgive my rambling in the meantime. lol

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Thank you for kind words and suggestions. I do need to be mindful of creating a positive space at home. I used to be a lot better about doing that but let myself get sucked down the rabbit hole. It's been exhausting, an anchor dragging me down, so thank you for reminding me of some things I can start doing today.



Don't worry about the "dear Abby" part. That is how we all connect and see how the blends help us in every day life. I always know when I need a boost by looking around my apartment....when I am feeling blah.....my apartment gets cluttered. When I feel I need to make that change, I clean it up, sprinkle sea salt, concentrate on bad energy being absorbed into it then vacuum it up and feel the lift. Then I try and figure out what took me to the blah so I can recognize it next time. Life is ever changing. We are never always up or down...each one of us just needs to learn how we can get back up on our feet to meet a new day. I know it isn't easy. I spent the better part of my 20 year marriage feeling like a walking dead person. While I never want to be that again, I know there are things that start to trigger feelings that lead to that and try and catch them before I head down that path.



I always seem to get a lift from the sparkly scents so with the sugared line available I can play with a few combinations to get something I like then maybe get a PE done.

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Got mine this morning. I forgot I ordered it in oil so will make half into a spray. I applied a one inch dab on the inside of each wrist and a two inch stripe on my chest. I know this is more than two sprays worth but I do need to use more of an Un if it is in oil. The effect was not as fast ( to be expected since oils are different) Then about an hour later, I started to feel a tingle at the back of my knees and bottom of my feet. My fingertips were pulsing as well. I get this way when I sit by the river and meditate to clear any negative energy I accumulated. It really does feel like earth energy flowing through me. It has been five hours now and there has been no giddy, anxious, butterfly feelings. I have been able to focus and I did experience the vision effect. It is hard to explain I don't know about intensified colors,but things seemed sharp and I was very much more aware of things around me.


While I was at home today so I didn't test at work, I did seem to get things done in a way I usually don't. Starting something and getting through that before moving to the next thing. When I clean I can get sidetracked easy and found this was not the case today. I also sat down for lunch and grabbed a notebook and started to scribble out long term life plans...as in where I want to be in life in 10 years. I have done this at times in the past but this time started to fill in the blanks with how I can start t actually accomplish this. It seemed easy to figure out the steps I need to take in the order I need to take them. Like mentioned above, I was surprised at how much I accomplished and feel very capable. Not in a real kick ass take names way, but I am very centered right now and feel sure of myself. Only about 4pm here so I will have more time to see how this continues.


I work early in the morning so will test it gain then as well.

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Two sprays and I get that intensity of focus which I also experienced with Empathy Potion, but it has a smoother effect to it. It's not so much the LIEK WHOA of the other. The calm centering aura is there again, I get sort of the same effect from Intellectual Woman, but this lacks the emotional aspect of that one. I feel "dialed in" like someone has aligned my lenses and I'm in focus, that's the best way I can describe it. So I think if I decided to do something, I would give it my total attention.

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Using this one to try to motivate myself today.....so much to do, and was sick yesterday. Couple of sprays to the chest, one split between the backs of my hands.

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OK, so early review....this one made me feel good, like ready to roll with my work, but relaxed. Not so tense about having so much to do. But in a way, that is not a good thing, because I am like taking a little too much time with my work....not good when I am in a time crunch. I mean, yeah, I need to take my time, but was worrying about how an internal-use spreadsheet (for my eyes only, not the client) was formatted and how it looked....Hmmmm

Edited by Dolly
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The calm centering aura is there again, I get sort of the same effect from Intellectual Woman, but this lacks the emotional aspect of that one. I feel "dialed in" like someone has aligned my lenses and I'm in focus, that's the best way I can describe it.


The way you describe it reminds me of this book i've been reading called The Untethered Soul. For those who aren't familiar, my takeaway from it is we are not the voice in our heads, but the observer, and by learning to get out of our own way and simply experience life without filtering it through the endless mental chatter, we can find true happiness and inner peace. I've been trying for months to finish it, but the whole idea of being a dispassionate observer is a foreign concept for me, and I've struggled to wrap my head around exactly what that means.


I used this blend yesterday and at one point it just clicked. I felt completely in tune with my senses, but without the emotional commentary that usually goes along with it. In that moment I simply was the observer, no more, no less. It was pretty mindblowing.


Got mine this morning. I forgot I ordered it in oil so will make half into a spray. I applied a one inch dab on the inside of each wrist and a two inch stripe on my chest. I know this is more than two sprays worth but I do need to use more of an Un if it is in oil. The effect was not as fast ( to be expected since oils are different) Then about an hour later, I started to feel a tingle at the back of my knees and bottom of my feet. My fingertips were pulsing as well. I get this way when I sit by the river and meditate to clear any negative energy I accumulated. It really does feel like earth energy flowing through me. It has been five hours now and there has been no giddy, anxious, butterfly feelings. I have been able to focus and I did experience the vision effect. It is hard to explain I don't know about intensified colors,but things seemed sharp and I was very much more aware of things around me.


While I was at home today so I didn't test at work, I did seem to get things done in a way I usually don't. Starting something and getting through that before moving to the next thing. When I clean I can get sidetracked easy and found this was not the case today. I also sat down for lunch and grabbed a notebook and started to scribble out long term life plans...as in where I want to be in life in 10 years. I have done this at times in the past but this time started to fill in the blanks with how I can start t actually accomplish this. It seemed easy to figure out the steps I need to take in the order I need to take them. Like mentioned above, I was surprised at how much I accomplished and feel very capable. Not in a real kick ass take names way, but I am very centered right now and feel sure of myself. Only about 4pm here so I will have more time to see how this continues.


I work early in the morning so will test it gain then as well.


Michael Singer, the author of The Untethered Soul, talks about feeling energy/lifeforce flowing through us. That's pretty amazing you can experience the physical manifestations of it. When I used it yesterday I felt a bit of that vibrational sensation people have been describing. It only lasted a moment, but the sensation originated on the right side of my brain above my forehead. It was kind of weird, but in a good way.


I too get distracted easily when I'm cleaning, so I'm excited to hear this helped you stay on track. And visualizing the steps leading toward long-term goals so clearly to put it down on paper? Hee! This stuff is like a zen potion as much as an energy one. I'd talked myself into buying this as a 100% alcohol spray, but after reading your review I'm wondering if I should just go with my original idea of getting it in oil and making part of it into a spray. Or maybe getting the 60/40 (40/60?) spray for the best of both worlds in one? Regardless, this blend is at the very top of my must-buy list. I actually don't know if I want Mara to tinker with one any more. As is it's pretty much a slam dunk for me. :hi5:

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.this one made me feel good, like ready to roll with my work, but relaxed. Not so tense about having so much to do.

Yes I think at this point it has more of a mood-changing aspect than a focus aspect. The focus is there but the mood behind it seems to create the bigger impact, if that makes sense. That's not a bad thing, necessarily, but it could go either way.

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Yes I think at this point it has more of a mood-changing aspect than a focus aspect. The focus is there but the mood behind it seems to create the bigger impact, if that makes sense. That's not a bad thing, necessarily, but it could go either way.

Yes. I get more of a lift or mood elevation, I have yet to experience the focus or get it done effect I receive from FP or Dom, LFN ect.
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Yep, after testing for several hours, it is mood lifter for me. I am ok with working but I get the overly perfectionist attitude.....almost like, Hey I have time to do this at my leisure......

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Wore it to work today and the mood lifter was there for sure. Not the giddy that Lev can give me but that even keel...roll with it, no stress attitude. It does make me able to focus on tasks and the heightened awareness of things around me was present again. Even when the day was not going well, when my co workers and I were trying to sort through it all I found myself saying out loud " we can do this" and even the normally bitchy co-workers buckled down and we handled a rough day without listening to griping.


I think it went well and even at the end of the day they were saying things like " we rocked that". It was actually a very good day for teamwork instead of the normal day of the week I dread because of those that work it ( even when things go well) So maybe there is some spill over effects. Either way this is a great work blend. Maybe they all felt "in the zone" as well.




ETA: I had very vivid dreams last night. Nothing crazy but again I seemed very aware of everything around me. There were several light beings in at least three of the dreams and the fact I can remember those dreams in detail is very different for me.

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What Patchjulie said...that's what I meant when I said that the white noise went up, like when I meditate (I am the world's worst meditator, because I've got mental chatter commenting on the mental chatter...). The feeling of being more directly plugged into an energy field without so much being filtered through all the commentary and self-talk.


Which is a good thing. Relaxed focus, more open to possibilities.


That zen thing.

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Yep, after testing for several hours, it is mood lifter for me. I am ok with working but I get the overly perfectionist attitude.....almost like, Hey I have time to do this at my leisure......

Yes. It's a little invigorating and uplifts my mood. I was hoping for more of a focus/ambition energy thing.

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Yep, after testing for several hours, it is mood lifter for me. I am ok with working but I get the overly perfectionist attitude.....almost like, Hey I have time to do this at my leisure......


I don't get the perfectionistic thing with this, but I can see how you could. I have to give the initial push, but once I'm going, I fall into a groove and I'm processing things faster, more alert. It was very helpful for me at work. At the same time, later on when I took a break, I had the same "I have time to do this at my leisure" effect. And I was totally okay with it. Maybe a little too okay. ;)


will be trying this tomorrow for work

details soon

Good luck! Looking forward to reading your review. I'm being such a nerd. I just realized this blend has given me my first big phero hit (apart from cops which work very well in ways I had hoped ;))! And the fragrances themselves, and the two together! I just can't help myself! LOL! Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?



Wore it to work today and the mood lifter was there for sure. Not the giddy that Lev can give me but that even keel...roll with it, no stress attitude. It does make me able to focus on tasks and the heightened awareness of things around me was present again. Even when the day was not going well, when my co workers and I were trying to sort through it all I found myself saying out loud " we can do this" and even the normally bitchy co-workers buckled down and we handled a rough day without listening to griping.


I think it went well and even at the end of the day they were saying things like " we rocked that". It was actually a very good day for teamwork instead of the normal day of the week I dread because of those that work it ( even when things go well) So maybe there is some spill over effects. Either way this is a great work blend. Maybe they all felt "in the zone" as well.




ETA: I had very vivid dreams last night. Nothing crazy but again I seemed very aware of everything around me. There were several light beings in at least three of the dreams and the fact I can remember those dreams in detail is very different for me.


That's very similar to the way it was for me. It was a kind of detachment, but not in a unplugging emotionally way. I feel the emotion, but it passes through me and I keep going along contentedly. But since my brain is processing things faster, I can easily pick up speed, but it's always my choice. It's that "observer" effect.


I could see how it could make people get along at work. It's like being fully in tune with your capabilities. And if other people are gettng a similar vibe, with a little encouragement, everybody else jumped on board with you. That is so awesome.


RE: dreaming, that's so cool the observer effect continues on into your dreams. Was your interaction with the light beings positive?


What Patchjulie said...that's what I meant when I said that the white noise went up, like when I meditate (I am the world's worst meditator, because I've got mental chatter commenting on the mental chatter...). The feeling of being more directly plugged into an energy field without so much being filtered through all the commentary and self-talk.


Which is a good thing. Relaxed focus, more open to possibilities.


That zen thing.


Yes. Capable and focused, but relaxed. One with the wave. ~~~


Yes. It's a little invigorating and uplifts my mood. I was hoping for more of a focus/ambition energy thing.

Yeah, it would be really nice for it to provide the actual motivation. As I mentioned before, I have to provide the initial push, but once I get going, easy as pie.


When I used it yesterday I'd only had maybe 4-1/2 hours sleep, but I decided not to have any caffeine as part of the experiment. I would have needed it normally. But I stayed completely alert and focused, but not jittery like caffeine. There's almost a psychedelic component to it for me. Not functionally; my mind is completely clear and am in complete control of my body. It's the seeing the whole tapestry before you and being able to manipulate it kind of effect. Even though it provides energy it's not a "loud" pheromone. It's kind of a paradox. I dig it.


This is going to be such a great tool for me. You truly have a gift, Mara. Thank you. :nice04271:

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Wore it to work again today and everything seemed to roll so smooth.We all worked so well....it did not turn us into a giggly bunch. I think it just evens out my mood enough so I can be alert and effective but in touch. I like this blend for the effects without the giddy, loopy type of high. I don't find myself rambling on about things...I find it really controlled. More like something I can tap into and use vs carrying me away if that makes any sense.

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Oh no xev! Aww, I'm sorry. :( Were you able to get a bit on you to experiment with?


No, I dropped the bottle and it broke on my wood floors. I was scrambling to keep the pets away from the broken glass, and by the time I got that cleaned that up it was all evaporated. I guess I inhaled a dose but I didn't note any self effects.

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No, I dropped the bottle and it broke on my wood floors. I was scrambling to keep the pets away from the broken glass, and by the time I got that cleaned that up it was all evaporated. I guess I inhaled a dose but I didn't note any self effects.


Xev, next time you order, send us a note via email and we will send you another one. Sorry for the breakage!

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Guest cutie.pie


Xev, next time you order, send us a note via email and we will send you another one. Sorry for the breakage!

Isn't Mara the best?!? :in-love:

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Xev, next time you order, send us a note via email and we will send you another one. Sorry for the breakage!


Oh you are sweet. But it was my own clumsiness! And bad luck. There was probably only one angle at which that bottle could strike the floor to break.


Isn't Mara the best?!? :in-love:


Yes she is! :-)

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I tested Mega Watt first of all the lp's that arrived today, didn't want any other scent interference for Mega's testing feedback, so after a quick sniff of half a dozen much anticipated desirables Mega was the only one I applied for trial. I was really dragging when I did this, prob due to lack of protein the past couple days opting instead to getting a jump start on holiday comfort food including the buttered croissant and cookies I had and was crashing on when I decided to test this.


I spray twice along the neck as I'm resting in bed and tho it doesn't get me up and out after 5 min it does get my mind focused on chores I want to tackle, thoughts come into focus, a heightened visual awareness, upbeat but I need more to get me moving. Two more sprays to chest (wanted only 1 more but accidently hit it twice) now four sprays in and a few minutes later I'm out of bed more energized but in an enlightened way as opposed to rushed or hurried.


Very upbeat and at this point I would go straight into work mode tackling chores and conquering to do list except the one thing that could get in the way of this highly effective phero.. a entire monthly sampler of untested pheros. After the initial testing phase of Mega I still had in the back of my mind the other samplers I had a sniff of Dom Noire in particular. I held out for 20 min with mega before I went hog on and slathered myself w 5 generous swipes of Dom Noire thus completely derailing me from further testing of Mega til a second test run 9 hours later.


On the second trial run, again I was ready to crash from fatigue so decided to see if Mega would have an effect and it did! Similar reaction as earlier, 3 sprays this time the perfect amount, feeling very good, highly aware, this time wanted to listen to music videos but kept the volume lower than normal, a lil sensitive to the loud audio, motivated me to write a review get chores done that I didn't earlier. Got an additional 5 hours of productivity and inspires creativity.

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Even when the day was not going well, when my co workers and I were trying to sort through it all I found myself saying out loud " we can do this" and even the normally bitchy co-workers buckled down and we handled a rough day without listening to griping.


I think it went well and even at the end of the day they were saying things like " we rocked that". It was actually a very good day for teamwork instead of the normal day of the week I dread


Wore it to work again today and everything seemed to roll so smooth.We all worked so well....it did not turn us into a giggly bunch.


I will be testing at work and was hoping someone would mention effects on others :) Thanks Irish eyes!


So, I'm a molecule junkie and also took note of PM's honorable mentions. Looking at it; DHEAS, Alpha Androstenol, Epi-Androsterone and AndrostEnone and reading reviews is probably kind of not fair :lol: because early on I formed a hypothesis about how it may behave and what I'm reading is only confirming it. I wear pheros all the time so I don't think it will skew my testing, it will just make things more interesting when they pop up...


I'm excited to test it today. I will be wearing 4 sprays, 2 to chest & 1 each split between backs of hands and also to wrists, so that I will hit myself and my co-workers. This looks very DHEAS forward and strong according to reviews, which is awesome! (visual acuity, sound sensitivity...) I'm not seeing anything specific (to me) to promote focus outside of the androstenone. Outside of sexually specific blends, androstenone has always behaved, (again, for me) as either a confidence builder or a focus enhancer. In my use, androstenone is great for that and if there is just a smidge, then no worries about flipping the B*tch switch.


Quick note on androstenone: imo, I don't think anyone needs to fear this molecule. I DO believe you should know your molecules and know how YOU wear them (or, if you like, how they wear you). These things take time and trial, but pheromones have incredible social potential and I believe we should take advantage of that and spread our phero fairy glamour liberally, albeit, responsibly :magicstick:


Be back later with the days findings! :kiss43:

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Great review Cherise! Every time I've used this I was already up and about, so it was really interesting hearing how it worked in getting you up out of bed and moving. I could see this being useful on those "I don't want to get out from under the covers so I'll just keep hitting the snooze button even though I've got stuff to do" days.

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So true Patchjulie I was impressed that it helped me rebound both times when I was in crash mode. I will add I did have more mental acuity than physical the second time but I did get some chores done but more writing, phone calls as well. But I'm looking forward to fully utilizing this at it's full potential with big projects I gotta tackle in a more strategic way. For example I've been putting of going to my storage unit to get winter items and I know it's gonna be a bitch and boring going through boxes so I plan on having my list ready the night before, and wake up have a high protein breakfast, 3 sprays of Mega then hit the road straight to storage and bang out this chore out of the way first thing in the morning. In fact that's probably gonna be a stradegy I wanna test with future pia projects cause ya know they just never end do they ;).

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