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Mega Watt- Unscented Phero Blend for Women

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  • 2 months later...

I have to give Mega Watt a fresh review, as I was very much on the fence previously.


I have given it a go this morning when I am exhausted and bogged down with work, so I expected to have a great opportunity to see the difference it can make by comparing it to my stupor upon waking. I sprayed five trial sprays right in my face (I told you I was tired). Holy hell, I really could feel it! It's was a sort of brain whoosh, like my face was sticking out a fast-moving car window. You know that rush of air? Added to that was a sort of pinpoint focus right in front of my eyes, so it was like when a camera does a fast zoom and everything in the periphery just flew away behind me. Sorry, I can't think of a better way to describe it.


The only thing I still don't get is the determination, which (with my terrible procrastination) is something I was really hoping for. Of course I can't expect pheros to fix a defect of work style but it is a bit of a disappointment. I think if the work were something I'm not so absolutely pathological about hating to do I'd not have such an unbreachable barrier and the Mega Watt would indeed offer me more determination.


So, I'm glad I got a couple of bottles of Determination Potion but I might also want to get unscented Mega Watt in an FB. I can't believe I got selfies -- I almost never do!

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Sometimes even with Mega Watt I still struggle with the determination factor. But it's really just the motivation to get started. If I push myself to get started then I find that I keep on going much much longer and on many more projects than I normally would. So it does give me determination but I still have to push myself to get started. I'm a stubborn one though.


That sounds exactly like my experience of Mega Watt. It's that first step that I am so bad about taking. If I manage to push myself to take the first step then the Mega Watt can help carry my forward. I'm also stubborn!

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Yeah your intent still needs to be there. If I vaguely know I need to be productive but really want to just veg on the couch, Mega Watt will just ensure that I follow my real determination to be a couch potato.

Hmmm, maybe that's the reason I've had no success with Mega Watt so far...

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Sometimes even with Mega Watt I still struggle with the determination factor. But it's really just the motivation to get started. If I push myself to get started then I find that I keep on going much much longer and on many more projects than I normally would. So it does give me determination but I still have to push myself to get started. I'm a stubborn one though.

This is pretty much the same effect that I get with Megawatt. It takes some working with myself and just self discipline. Still, it's an edge!
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I don't really have much of a review of this yet so will post more later. I'm new to pheros and so far have only two unscented ones: LFM and SWS. I don't think either of them are supposed to be stinky, nevertheless, I can smell them. They smell kind of like sweat to me, though if I put them on my skin they blend in almost immediately (I did get some on clothes by accident a couple of times and I was irritated to be followed around by the subtle scent of BO all day.

Anyway, this one doesn't smell like anything to me. I might as well be putting on water. Curious. I like to think this is because I'm already such a determined and focused woman that this is my natural signature and that's why I can't smell it... but my tendency to procrastinate says otherwise! :)

Anyway, I put this on yesterday, which turned out to be the day before my period. I was grumpy and exhausted. This did not really get me up off the couch and doing anything, but I did manage slightly more than the bare minimum - which is pretty good considering the massive PMS and the fact that my house looked like a bomb went off. By the end of the day my house was tidy, the groceries had been bought, the laundry was almost done and two out of three beds had been changed. So, not bad, considering.

Today I feel better and I have a big list of work I need to get through and chores I need to do, so let's see how this works.

Edited by Equinox
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  • 1 month later...
Guest cutie.pie

Yesterday I woke up tired. Really, really tired! (Damn you thyroid and Hashimoto!) I haven't been drinking coffee for month and a half but I decided to have one yesterday morning. It didn't do anything. I also took a break from pheromones due to some health issues, but yesterday I knew only Mega Watt can help me, so I applied some Determination potion. It took it an hour to work but boy, once it started to work I got such an energy boost. I love Mega Watt!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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cutie.pie I'm sooo happy for you that it's working for you. LPMP has changed my life. That's not an exaggeration. I think we're only just beginning to understand how scent and pheromones and our own constantly changing biochemistry interact to help us. Love sharing this journey with you !

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I have to agree with Cutie.pie :) The people here are just fantastic! LP and the forum members are friends and family - absolutely fabulous smelling friends and family! :D

Mega Watt doesn't behave quite as I expected - though it isn't unpleasantly so. It's not anything to me like the focus potion was and while it does help me to focus it also seems to give me a creative bump. Like I think outside the box a little more,.I notice details I wouldn't normally, in people and when listening to music. With music too, I'm more effected by the mood of the music - if it's rockin' or sensual I get in tune to whatever is playing, pick out little riffs I didn't notice before.


Is this heavy on the DHEAS?

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Guest cutie.pie

This is a quote from the thread where everything started:


I will depend on you all to test it and give feedback so I can tweak the formula. No buying just yet, let's see how good we can get it first.


Halo, did you ever test epi-rone by itself? I'm wondering how heavy I can go with it in this mixture, because I think it's the key to what we are looking for, but right now the DHEAS is the main base of the blend.

ETA: here is that thread: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=9775&page=1

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Thanks Cutie!


It started with DHEAS being the main molecule, but there was some talk surrounding the epi-rone too. Sounded like DHEAS was still the main player though. How did I miss that thread! :D That explains a lot!

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Yeah your intent still needs to be there. If I vaguely know I need to be productive but really want to just veg on the couch, Mega Watt will just ensure that I follow my real determination to be a couch potato.


I bought straight Epi during Pheromas and I have yet to try it out. I'm wondering if I should try it solo or add it to another phero or blend?

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I bought it in November too. But even 1 spray gave me headaches :(


Here is something about it: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6987&page=1

Yes, Thanks. I've read that thread. I'm more intrested in Epi solo or any blends that may have been tried with it more recently. I'm looking for dosage recommendations. I posted a question there. :) Edited by StacyK
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Guest cutie.pie

Yeah your intent still needs to be there. If I vaguely know I need to be productive but really want to just veg on the couch, Mega Watt will just ensure that I follow my real determination to be a couch potato.

You see, I don't get that. If I apply MW and sit on a couch, there's a bitchy voice inside my head telling me 'Get up! There are stuff you need to do!' :lol:

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  • 1 month later...
Guest cutie.pie

I'm wondering...could you compare for me MW, LFN, DOM and Leather? Which one is the best for you, energy related?

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I have to agree with Cutie.pie :) The people here are just fantastic! LP and the forum members are friends and family - absolutely fabulous smelling friends and family! :D


Mega Watt doesn't behave quite as I expected - though it isn't unpleasantly so. It's not anything to me like the focus potion was and while it does help me to focus it also seems to give me a creative bump. Like I think outside the box a little more,.I notice details I wouldn't normally, in people and when listening to music. With music too, I'm more effected by the mood of the music - if it's rockin' or sensual I get in tune to whatever is playing, pick out little riffs I didn't notice before.


Is this heavy on the DHEAS?

I like Mega Watt but it also does not help me as Focus Potion did. I was hoping this would give me more energy but after half the bottle gone, I've yet to experience that boost in energy

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I have to admit that with all of the pheros and unscented LP s I have, I have yet to conduct a really fair trial with this one. I am really,really wiped out today and could use a pick me up. I will have to get to this one, but not going to happen this week. When I do, I will post back.

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I have to admit that with all of the pheros and unscented LP s I have, I have yet to conduct a really fair trial with this one. I am really,really wiped out today and could use a pick me up. I will have to get to this one, but not going to happen this week. When I do, I will post back.

I hope this works for you. Hands down, this is my fav phero! I wear it often. I usually carry a tiny bottle of it in my purse just in case I need a spritz in the afternoon when I get worn down at work. I spend a lot of time super multitasking at work and this helps me stay focused and easily move from one task to another and back again. I don't get overwhelmed and then become negative. Give it a whirl!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally got this long coveted phero in a blend, first time ordering anything in spray - which may be relevant as I've always only ordered oils.


First impressions ... Day one with maybe one spray (diluted in a scent) I was happier than usual but it may have just been having received my order. Serious happy dance the other day.


Day 2 and 3 ... weepy mess that can only focus on self pity and doom. I'm thinking I need to revisit next week when I get back hopefully good test results from the lab and I'm less ... hormonal.


I've been squirreling a lot lately so I'm really hoping this phero becomes my new BFF at work when I try again next week.

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I tried this one again yesterday, I was taking a 3 hour exam. 4 spray, plus another an hour later. I could focus during the exam, but I also took some caffeine with theanine. 6 hours later, I could hardly focus on my job tasks. I can't tell if it works or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just FYI "theanine" makes some people fuzzy & sleepy, including me. I know it's in many concentration supplement blends. But, for some it has the opposite effect.


As for this phero, it doesn't work for me, except to make me extremely jittery. I can't focus in that state.

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Guest cutie.pie

I am in love with this phero :) My sweet spot is 3 sprays. What I hate with hypo/Hashimoto is that I am constantly tired, but MW helps a lot! I can feel when it stops working, I'm not sure if it's a crash or I just go back to my usual lazy self ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

No! I'm almost out of Mega Watt! This has moved to the very top of my list of things I must buy! I wear this one all the time. I would say at least 90% of my pheros wearing time is Mega Watt. I just love the energy and push this gives me.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...

So I have been wearing this phero to my choreography practices. I found it hard to tell whether it was working or not until I tried a practice without it and started making mistakes! :) So I can now definitively say that this helps me get through the practice, learn the moves, commit them to muscle memory, and have the staying power to go over things again and again.


I can't feel any obvious self-effects but I do notice that when I wear it and go out for coffee afterwards with one of the other dancers, we have very focused and intense conversations! :)


Now I'm just not sure whether to wear this to the actual performance. There's a social dance going on as well and Mega Watt doesn't really need to be my signature for the night. Maybe I'll just try a confidence boosting phero like LFM or Cougar and hope for the best. Or maybe I'll just wear Mega Watt until the performance and then wipe it off with some alcohol wipes and switch to something more social.

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  • 1 year later...

Everytime I wear this in a more one-on-one social scenario, I get stared at lol I feel like they're trying to figure out where I get all this energy to be peppy at that particular moment. I'm a light bulb going off the charts and that's what they're staring at. I love how spot on most of the labels at LPMP are. I feel as productive as our steampunk lady on the label art.


I can always count on this to make a good impression at work functions or interviews. It gives off the aura that I'm responsive, hard at work, and will come up with bright ideas - which I do because of all this DHEAS and touch of androstenone giving me an extra kick lol

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Everytime I wear this in a more one-on-one social scenario, I get stared at lol I feel like they're trying to figure out where I get all this energy to be peppy at that particular moment. I'm a light bulb going off the charts and that's what they're staring at.


Definitely my experience with this too.


I've been using this more frequently for when I need that boost. There are occasional special group meetings I have to have for work and I usually wear this for those.

Edited by Witty Kitty
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  • 3 months later...

Mara suggesting this for my acting. I remember my lines much better while studying, and preform with lots of energy. It makes my anxiety go to zero. And I have a lot of lines to




I have also been using this with a couple stripes of LFN, while on stage (thanks OceanJewel for the idea!),


since I'm out of my precious Cougar & LFM, that make me feel phenomenal, until my package arrives in a couple days.


I have to say the LFN really works well with the Mega Watt, for my confidence. I preformed my best show ever last night. Lots of laughs and applause from the audience.


I'm definitely going FB on Mega Watt for my next order.


I usually don't mix my pheros, but wow! This certainly worked.


I'm so grateful I found this forum and I feel my life is so much better with these products.

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  • 6 months later...

I think I might order some Mega Watt this week cause... I really think I have EFD and I don’t really know if I feel like going through trial and error with pills/medicine quite yet... Like I have all these ideas, and have the desire to complete tasks but I I’m severely lacking focus to complete it. (Like the article down further says, if there’s no consequence to me not completing shit there’s no motivation). An old example ever since high school when I had an essay due, I’d always do it the night before. I know I need to read the material, I know I need to write down an outline, I know I need to write a rough draft, I know I need to revise and edit, I know I need to make a final and read over it to make sure it’s complete without errors.... But I don’t. Why is that? I have plenty of time after other homework to do it why not do it then? I honestly can’t tell you why I’ve only been able to bang out an essay wheather it’s 2 pages or 8 in about 2-3 hours consistently. And I’d make As/Bs on those papers EVERY TIME. I think I specifically have executive dysfunction (EFD), which can commonly be found in those with ADHD/ADD but not one in the same. (https://www.additudemag.com/what-is-executive-function-disorder/)The only reason idk if I have ADD/EFD or not is because my therapist told me that unless I’m laymen’s terms it’s “life impending condition” my insurance won’t cover the testing... Anyways when it comes to PoC and mental health testing we don’t get properly diagnosed like our white counterparts. (Not tryna be racial just spitting facts) And girls get misdiagnosed in general overall. 


So after reading these comments with women with physical and mental aliments I definitely would love to try this potion out! I'm crossing my fingers in hopes that it works for me! And giving me a little creative boost/edge wouldn't hurt either. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I got my lovely order today and this bad boy came in with it! Omfg where have you been all my life Mega Watt?? :love-you: I swear if I had this in high school I know I would have made straight A's instead of A's and B's... Like, I'm currently in school for a degree I don't passionately desire but my grandmother want's me to go and get a trade of some sort. So this is going on my Sophomore year and freshman year was kind of rough juggling school and work. And one class I've had to take twice is Anatomy, It's now going on my third time. First time I had a teacher who couldn't teach the way I could comprehend, second time I found a teacher that could teach but had 3 other labor intensive classes, and now I just don't have any desire at all even with the right teacher and only taking this class but I digress... So I haven't been studying at all for this class when it comes to the lecture portion, because It's just sensory overload for me and I just get overwhelmed. And of course tutoring Is during the hours and days I work during the week, and a small study session thats held after my 4 hour class is definitely out of the question with my burnt out attention span. 


So I was thinking to myself.... "How am I ever going to study shit I don't want to in the big bad real world if I 'have' (forced) to? Or even with simple things I really want to do but just can't get over my restlessness?" So I stumbled upon this thread and had read all of the reviews and my brain screamed "GOTTA HAVE IT." So I wait the next week or two on edge waiting to hear about the arrival of my package. I knew it'd come today thats why I skipped class - don't worry she has the same class tomorrow. So I leave the house with my laptop and backpack with my anatomy books and head to the library. They ran out of study rooms but the lady was kind enough to offer me the group meeting room. So I sit down and tell myself, "You will be on your computer with the intention of doing Anatomy only, anatomy only." And sprayed my wrist, face, and space in front of me and went to work. I started at 5:11 PM and before you know it, it was hitting 6PM... I didn't really set a goal/expectation because I didn't want to set myself up for failure. But if I had a goal an hour of solid studying, with minimal mind chatter was it. I (I = my self control) CAN NOT For the life of me sit down for one FULL SOLID hour and study boring shit. I would have taken ten 5 minuet breaks, scrolled on the forums, been on facebook... My ass would have been restless - literally my ass starts hurting - even though I can sit on my ass all day on facebook or anything else. I'm so happy this worked out for me... I'm just shook. I'm so glad Mega Watt was an investment well spent. I started teetering off around 7:30 I think reality crept in that I will not know everything on this damn lecture I need to. Even though I studied today I haven't studied all week so me studying tonight won't amount to what I need to know for my lecture exam. But the best thing I can do is to use this every damn day going forward. :lol:

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  • 3 months later...

I’m still finding my sweet spot with this one. My first time I used a little and noticed a very small shift.


I tried it today, and I just love the scent so much I put a lot more on than the first time. 


I felt very compelled to do something, but I just kept going in circles with my thoughts. 

I felt a bit like how if you have had to much coffee or similar. Sort of how I feel sometimes when my brain wakes up in the middle of the night and decides to be all focused, zero sleep happens usually until the next day.

Feels like overthinking. Help I’m a Virgo ha jk :) 

Felt like time went by so fast. 

Lots of thinking, but the get up and do things part I think went wonky. I think just used to much is all :) 


 I could also be being affected by another phero I put on earlier, but did my best to wash off. It soaked into my skin Legend/Charisma.


Next time will try an amount in the middle. 

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  • 1 year later...

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