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Everything posted by starlitegirl

  1. THERE ARE DESCRIPTIONS?!?!?! *scrolls back to the beginning of the thread*
  2. I know this feeling all too well. I think the only thing that's going to save me is that it looks like there are a lot of floral based scents, which do strange such strange things with my chemistry that I don't even try them anymore. And I already know that cuddle bunny is likely one of them though I may get a vial just to try. And I'm pretty sure Belladonna is floral (lily I think). My ONLY saving grace is that I've learned what works with my chemistry and what doesn't work. Then again, there is the insane hoarding of ones I love that do work with my chemistry and my deep love for pheros. So... saved a little but not THAT much.
  3. Yeah, those fertility ingredients will keep me far, far, far away from egg. Even if it comes with chocolate and a marshmallow center. No babies for this lady. Nope. Not touching that with a ten foot pole... unless Mara and Danna can come up with an anti-fertility potion to dab on with it. And I told you it would be Cuddle Bunny. My psychic abilities are no longer on the fritz now that the cobwebs have been cleared out. KNJ, you can ask to put some bottles aside for you and then pay for them in the morning or whenever the link goes up. (I'd probably put a note in the note box on the paypal order page letting them know you had asked to set them aside for you so it keeps inventory straight for them.)
  4. Well, if you're going to get pregnant, there should be chocolate involved. And quite possibly honey and whipped cream.
  5. You mean all those sample vials I sent to you DIDN'T push you over the edge into official addict zone? That was a serious stash. Wow, you've got some major self-control. Egg... I was just looking this up under the sold out ones, and it sounds delicious, but as I was pondering getting it, I thought about all those magical fertility ingredients and it crossed my mind that I'd probably get pregnant without having sex with a bottle of that. And then there's be that whole virgin birth issue... excuse me while I have relive some catholic upbringing issues....
  6. That's got to make you feel like your head is going to explode. Well, now I'm starlitegirl on the forum and with my email and everything I use for LP. No more confusion from this customer. I just have to remember to switch to that email when I send things out. It's preset to my real name. Anyway, I hope my changes helped a little bit.
  7. Oh I can't wait for the descriptions!!! Will they be coming soon? I don't even think I could guess some of these.
  8. Is it possible that talking all night just left you with some things on your mind? For both of you? For some people, opening up or talking about things more than you normally might can leave you feeling a bit vulnerable. I know that in instances where that happens to me, there's a bit of an uneasiness. Were you relaxed? Or did you feel a bit tense and guarded? DYG can help you dyg but it can't completely erase feelings that come after you've dropped your guard. It's normal to fell a little bit vulnerable, but most of us are not comfortable with that feeling. We like to feel in control and in charge. Plus, if you're on psych meds, it could be that a little bit of what you're taking them for got churned up in the aftermath without you realizing it. As for your boy, could be he felt a bit the same way or could be your tossing and turning caused him to toss and turn. Or vice versa.
  9. I've been using alcohol for bottles and sometimes it works. Pipettes are next to impossible for me though. They really hold the scent. I'll have to try wome WH. But the plastic really holds the scent something fierce. I ended up just getting a bulk load of bottles and vials because it was so much easier since the vials, bottles and pipettes never seemed to totally wash of the scent. For pheros, I have ones I tend to use more, but it seems like I don't get anything for hits lately. I don't know if it's me or what. I think the problem is that I'm not around a lot of people enough to actually gauge the reactions of people. My simplified almost hermit like lifestyle has led me down a minimalist social life path. Now I have to change my routine up again and get out of this hermit like rut because it's really boring.
  10. I changed everything to match my forum ID and added it to my paypal, so that should be easy to follow I hope. Sorry for the confusion.
  11. This lilac stays kind of true to form on me where usually florals, lilac included go soapy. This one is a teeny bit soapy but still has some lilac. It's pretty, and if it weren't for my chemistry not agreeing with floral notes, I'd be getting this one for sure because minus the soap scent it would be divine.
  12. My chemistry really amps up the spice on this one. Actually most spices amp up on me. The vanilla and sandalwood hover beneath the spices. It reminds me of holiday season and egg nog with that wonderful spicey scent.
  13. Yay! I'm so excited for the racks. My LP collection is multiplying like tribbles!
  14. *big old happy dance* I got mine too! ETA: Actually 2 of them and the numbers were different. WOO!
  15. I love this one. It's really nice. I got it for its soothing qualities. It's just so naturally calming. I love it.
  16. *does a happy dance* I love when I know my LPMPs are on the way!
  17. I have a bunch of orders all pretty close together. I think between the move and that IIRC they only mail once or twice a week due to post office restrictions (too many packages?) and now that they are only working on shipping part of the time, they're probably just behind on shipping. I guess given it's only a few people, they have to have a system that works and have broken the system down to manageable segments. Certain days probably get dedicated to orders and shipping especially with the new location. I don't mind the wait with such amazing products. I once told either Mara or Danna (not sure who it was on the phone) that I loved their fragrances so much that I wouldn't care if I had to wait a month, which is the truth. The only down side is that I love the fragrances so much that I want them yesterday. Honestly, they're totally worth the wait. But being that I have no impulse control regarding LPMP, the wait is a special kind of torture.
  18. Favorites I'm wearing most of these days (not counting un-pheros): 1. C&J treacle trollop 2. Super for women 3. Fortune cookie sugared almonds 1/2&1/2 mix 4. Sugared Honeycomb/ any honey blend scent 5. LP Black Evening - LPWS08 and Sin City
  19. I think I'm going to have to get a bottle of it spiked with some of your magic, Ail. I'm in no place to be encouraging sex these days, but encouraging cuddles could be very healing. Rumor has it, that's exactly what I need to be doing right now. Thanks for the update! Looking forward to more of your magic!
  20. As I understand it, Dominance is more of an empowered and strong, confidant woman phero. Intellectual woman has more of a sexual component to it that helps foster better communication. If you're going for a more sexual vibe where you want to create better communication, IW would be the one to choose. I don't think Dominance gives off the sexual vibe.
  21. I have a bottle of it on the way. I'm curious to try it.
  22. I do remember reading that which was one of the things that made me wonder about this because I remembered the story. When I used androtics' instant sexiness/A which is kind of similar to dominance along the strong woman front, I got very notable self effects but I think it might have been also my own energy at the times I wore it. I've been aiming to soften up and be more relaxed and a tad more vulnerable in a way that comes across as a bit more easy going and approachable. It's part of an emotional healing process I've been doing. So maybe this lack of congruence with my own energy is part of what's missing the mark. When I was more walled off I went out of my way to put on a tough b*tch act to hide vulnerability, so I think it was much more congruent with me then. I haven't quite figured out where 'dominance' would fit in for this softening process I'm going through. That's what IS/A did for me which I think has a similar energy to it. Not the same, but similar with that alpha vibe. I suspect right now it's not congruent with my personality at this point in time and that might be why I'm not really noticing anything. Okay, this confirms it. It might be more about me because I get self effects from others, most especially DYG and TH. They definitely soften me up and relax me more. I suspect when I'm in a hard as nails state of mind or feel like I'm not going to take any crap, that's when dominance will really be appropriate and probably I'll get self effects then. Ail always says it's about congruence. And I think right now, at this point in time, Dominance is not congruent with where I am and how I'm feeling. And weird emoticons are always fun for a change! Thanks a bunch ladies for helping me think this through. As always, your input was priceless!
  23. I got a bottle of this a few weeks ago, and I've used it for two days and don't feel anything from it. Now I know we don't always have self effects from pheros but I don't see even the slightest bit of difference. Maybe this is because I do get self effects from ones I use more often like DYG and TH. For Dominance, do you find you feel any self effects or is it just more of the effects on others and even perhaps that might trigger some self effects because of how they respond to you?
  24. The first year for me was pure hell. So many special dates or special occasions felt like pure hell. The second year, they were more about sadness and missing him. He died in '97 quite suddenly in a car crash. I still talk to him and find comfort in knowing he is with me in a way. It does get easier, but there are always going to be moments you wish he was there and moments when you are sure he is (or at least for me that's how it is). I don't think anyone thought you were looking for sympathy. I think the wonderful thing about this forum is that when you mentioned it, people just understood it wouldn't be an easy day for you and wanted you to know that we're all thinking good thoughts for you and your family and your father. Sometimes, that's just enough to make the difference between a really sad day and a day where there is sadness but also some comfort offered by the thoughts and words of others.
  25. Ail, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. 6 months goes by so quickly in some ways, and in others, it's like time has stood still. I hope your day is comforting and filled with good memories of your dad.
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