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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. At first this was all strong WALNUT on me. Too much. Thankfully it drifted away and lots of delicious apples finally rolled out and now it is apples, and buttery brown sugar...I think I even get the cream cheese frosting. Definitely a baked good. Mmm. light cinnamon, not too much. I actually like it better than CAC.
  2. Hi Merienda!! Welcome! Yeah...whenever I get worried when something runs out something even better comes out the next month! (although that Occo Ambrosia was quite a scare, of you like the description of that you may want to hurry and snag some of the rebrew! Talk about a cops miracle cover!!!!) I was a lurker for a really long time too. Much more fun to be involved isn't it?
  3. Cute, Phero M!! eta: for spelling Phero wrong. (!?)
  4. Yes I do smell that tangy thing at first but that part mellows out on me real quick! Also...I can see what LV means about the little soaps. I don't know what soaps she is talking about but sometimes Bridezilla reminds me of a very expensive soap. I am going to look for the Dragonfruit Vitawater Invi talks about because I am not familiar with dragonfruit I don't think. Then maybe I can tell what part of this it is. Seems quite berryish to me.
  5. Thank you Molls, Eggers and Gaby! Oh she did look like a Barbie! As you can imagine...Barbie was big in our house! She would sew the outfits too. I remember she made little 70's pantsuits for our dolls.. My sister had Barbie and Ken...not me! I had just single girl Barbie...imagine that! We both turned out just as our Barbies were!
  6. I keep hoping I'll get a sniffee of this one day! Love Mango but a little worried about it mixed with caramel on me like Halo.
  7. Oh yes this is decadent. It is a snuggly scent and does remind me a lot of Vicars and Tarts. I don't get too much coconut. I get the nutty thing and the deep vanilla. Mmmm. I love this kind of vanilla. I don't know the difference in any of these vanillas but I know I likey this one!! I would like to try it out and about as Elizabeth says to see how people react. I get that "Love Drawing" type of reaction when I wear LP Sunfire. Just makes everyone so cheerful, and want to be around me. Like a Popularity Potion without the phero.
  8. Ooooh! Glad to read the LP Homme review. Might get a sample of this next for Michael. Although apparently he is annoyingly a "one scent man" because he said he isn't too interested in anything but the Super. I said I would order him a few more samples and he was like "No thanks, I'll just take another Superman one." Uh...I wasn't really ASKING I was sort of TELLING you you would be getting more samples.
  9. Welcome here Teacozy!! Waiting for your reviews and to find out what your man thinks of everything too!!
  10. Absolutely lovely! Musk can go either way on me...Coconut Breeze goes the RIGHT way. The creamy coconut/musk combo brings back awesome childhood memories. Before my mother turned into the paranoid religious fanatic she is today, she was a HOTTIE. By anyones standards. She was Farrah Faucett in our town. Long bleached blonde hair, glowing tan skin, beautiful blues eyes, a body to die for and stacked! And she dressed for it back then! Wrath of God be damned!! The quintessential California girl. I grew up on the Central Coast of California so we LIVED at the beach. Pismo Beach was OUR stomping ground!!! My mother and her best friend would stretch out on their groovy recliners FIGHTING the men off while I ran amuck in the surf. I never even went to kindergarten! My mother said she didn't believe in it! Obviously what is probably closer to the truth is that she wanted another year of freedom before having to get back to town to get me from school. I didn't mind a bit! I didn't need to learn how to take a nap! I passed out from sheer exhaustion from battling waves every day!! LOL!! Everything we owned smelled of tanning lotion. The other scent I associate with my mother is the perfume she wore religiously...it was called SKIN. Little round glass bottle with green writing. It may have been called Skin Musk but I just remember the word Skin. I'm sure it was some kind of musk. This is what her sheets and closet smelled of. When she would be out on a date or something I would stick my head in her closet and just inhale this familiar comfort in. Or crawl into her HUGE bed because her sheets were covered in Skin perfume. I used to miss her so much when she was gone!! Well Coconut Breeze smells mostly of this musk to me but because I know it has coconut in it I think I have just blended these two luscious smells of my childhood together and this is what the result is. How amazing that because of Maras magickal perfumes I can emulate the version of my mother I always wanted to be!!!
  11. Welcome L!! Glad you are jumping in to the best place on earth!!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to your opinions on everything!!
  12. Oh my! All this chicken business is making me giggle!!
  13. I don't think it is really working on me either BB. Don't be sad. I love the Marshmallow part but the Lav part not sure about. But the Lav in Tyveys Purple Cupcake is beautiful on me so....who knows? I'll defintely keep working with it...often it takes me awhile to fall in love. LAM is one of my phero staples so if I don't end up flipping for this Puff I'll get my first LAM love Pink Amber in a spray...
  14. Ha! Yeah I think I can hide that label on the sample. Michael also loves Super because he won a big poker tournament wearing it so he thinks it's luck! I sure am jealous of the sandalwood you guys are getting from this...but I think it may still reveal itself. I love sandalwood too. Have you tried Trianon-esque, Gaby? I suspect you would like that one as much as I do...you should try a sample!
  15. Hmmm. On me this is ALL BANANA. Which is fine, I like banana. I once spilled The World on my sheets and it was the best week crawling into a banana peel to go to sleep. Banana is very comforting to me. Actually I'd like to find that empty vial (I know I kept it to keep sniffing) to kind of compare it to this. BUT I LOVE sandlewood and I am not getting much at all. Well I am going to let this potion age and stew in it's own juices for awhile and see what happens. If that sandalwood and hay comes out a bit more I think I will love this one! eta: I would like to try this one on Michael but I know he won't like the label. I think he only wears Super because of the Superman label. I may sneak it one him somehow.
  16. I know I sooo love this one too! I love the Earth, Fig and Egyptian Musk smells! I am waiting for Fall to get it though. I think it will be even better when the weather cools down a bit. Mmmm... sexy tight sweater and jeans scent. It does remind me a bit of another fig scent I wore a looooong time ago before my LP life called Philosykos by Diptyque. That one was pretty expensive and didn't last nearly as long as these oils on my skin. Also this one is deeper and sexier than I remember that one being. Probably the Egyptian Musk in this. This will be a Full Bottle for me for sure.
  17. OMG. I don't even need one... Just happy for everyone else who did!!!!!!!
  18. Welcome Zion! What a pretty picture you took! Have fun with all your new potions!!
  19. I LOVE THIS!!! I can't believe I am going to own a perfume called BRIDEZILLA!!!!!! Ok at first, she does have a BITE! This must be the 'zilla part. It's that strong TANG. Then she slowly mellows out into one of the most beautiful soft fruity florals....this must be the blushing bride coming out. The fruity floral part is very different though, unusual. I am unfamiliar with most of the notes here so I can't give any of them specific credit. Just a precious combination. At the moment this is one of my favorite perfumes. A beautiful summer scent to top off any sundress. I don't know that Blatant Invitation is all that congruent to this pretty perfume, but this is what I am wearing tonight for HG's birthday night out! eta: the longer I am wearing it...the more berryish it gets. Better and better every minute!!!
  20. LOL! I so often wonder about this. How men are attracted to young girls these days. They stuff themselves into these short shorts seemingly completely unaware of their weight issues. When I was their age I went to great lengths to appear trim and "sophisticated", even more so then now! I can't believe they can't see how they really look. But I am sooooo old now,I try not to judge too harshly...I have no idea what's going on out there.
  21. Naw...I think it's the more dominant blends you want to stay away from. With the high EST and B-nol in this I do believe you will get the "come talk to me sophistication" effect you want.
  22. Best Friends Forever? I get FB's mixed up. Never know if people are talking about their Fuck Buddies or FaceBook or Full Bottle.
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