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How Do You Do?

The Baroness

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Hello Everyone, :bye:
I found my way to LPMP through exploring perfumes on Etsy a few months ago, and was promptly hooked. Since then I've been buying samples, experimenting, and lurking on the forums gathering tips, tactics and information like a frenzied squirrel amassing nuts. I hope you'll be patient with me, though, as I still have many questions, especially about phero use.
Initially the artisan perfumes themselves were what drew me to LPMP, but every order I've made has included some samples with pheros as well. I attribute this to the fledgling scientist in me that keeps whispering: "What would happen if you tried...?" I'm still just experimenting (very, very carefully) but I have gotten a couple modest "hits", which have encouraged me to experiment still more.
Keeping my orders adapted to my budget has been my biggest challenge so far.
From all that I've seen and read, this seems like a wonderful forum composed of marvelous, warm and supportive people, and I'm so excited to now be a part of it!


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*curtsies* lovely to meet you, Baroness.. glad you're joining us!


I came for the perfumes, too.. but the pheros sucked me in, lol. What are your favorites so far?


*curtsies* Charmed, I'm sure. ;) So far my favorite perfume is Love Potion: White. I also like Sneaky Clean, Vampire Bait, Young Rose, and Spider Silk. My favorite phero so far is Cuddle Bunny, because it netted my first bona fide "hit".


Welcome aboard! :D

I love the frenzied squirrel comparison, too funny!


Thanks! Honestly, there were days when that's what it felt like. :)

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Hi there! I too found these addictive lovelies-scentses and folkses-through Etsy lol Like you I lurked and now I am working my way through samples :Emoticons0086:

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Doing great, thanks, & I hope you are too! Welcome to the forum!

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Welcome!! I am the opposite of you...I was looking for pheros, but fell in love with Mara's potions! Before LPMP I had never heard of artisan perfumes so LPMP's were the first I ever tried... I have really enjoyed learning about pheromones and even more about the different notes and how they come together to form a perfume.. the people on here are wonderful folks...always willing to answer questions and provide input...:)

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It's a wonderful and fragrant adventure ahead for you :heart:

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Since then I've been buying samples, experimenting, and lurking on the forums gathering tips, tactics and information like a frenzied squirrel amassing nuts.

Keeping my orders adapted to my budget has been my biggest challenge so far.



Hi, The Baroness! That name sounds so classy. :) I was a squirrel for 6 months before I joined the forum!!! Now I am still a squirrel, building a perfume wardrobe. I know, we must maintain our spending control. :moneyfairy13: I am starting to hide the spending from the husband. Does that make me a LPMP addict? :swoon:

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Welcome Baroness!!


Great analogy - squirrels in a frenzy. I have been that way since joining LP. Samples helped me soo much (still do) for budget and also to try more things. And of course the sample packs (or whatever the real name is) is also a huge help in trying lots of different notes and pheros.


It is an addiction, but as I've said in many other posts, personal opinion is we are supporting healthy lifestyles for all the joy LPs bring. Joy reduces stress, which is a bad thing. Also, aromatherapy in the LPs, also a health benefit.


Welcome to the forum and looking forward to your reviews!!

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